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Postby cheesecakery » Tue Oct 14, 2003 10:23 am

supersub wrote:name the player because it's news to me

So now the FA has to decide what to do with Ferdinand, mindful of the need to send a message to players and clubs that they remain in charge of the game. But United will argue the key figure in their defence should not be banned, and they will point to the precedent set by the FA's handling of the Manchester City midfielder Christian Negouai last season when he got away with a £2,000 fine and a warning after failing to take a test. His excuse was forgetting because he had to catch a plane, and then getting stuck in traffic as he tried to get back in time.
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Postby greenred » Tue Oct 14, 2003 12:30 pm

maybe im wrong but the fa by its very nature can literally make up the rules as they go along.thats theyre job.they do it all the time.If they want to change the rules for the ferdinand case,they can.who is in charge if not them?
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Postby cheesecakery » Tue Oct 14, 2003 2:14 pm

Christian Negouai, the Manchester City midfielder, was handed a fine of £2,000 by the Football Association at a secret hearing for missing a recent drugs test. The Frenchman's case will now be used by Rio Ferdinand's advisors to seek leniency for the England defender in the wake of his own missed test on 23 September.

The revelation about Negouai emerged yesterday after UK Sport, which oversees drugs testing in Britain, confirmed it was still waiting for official notification from the FA of the outcome of a case involving a player who was recorded as refusing a drugs test during UK Sport's accounting season of 2002-03. Neither the FA nor UK Sport would provide any specific comment on Negouai, but sources close to the case confirmed the details.

Negouai, 28, a £1.5m signing from the Belgian club Charleroi, was due to take a pre-arranged drugs test at City's training ground shortly after the end of last season. At the appointed time he went missing, later explaining that he had had to collect his mother from the airport. That was recorded as a refusal in UK Sport's record.

He said he was delayed in traffic on his return and missed the test. At the FA hearing, where it was decided that the case should be kept secret, his reason for not taking the test was considered and he was handed a £2,000 fine.

He was also told he would be subjected to "target testing" - at random and frequent intervals - until the end of this year. The Professional Footballers' Association advised Negouai throughout his case. City were relieved at the outcome, fearing a ban.

Ferdinand's advisors are preparing to claim that double standards have been used by the FA in dealing with the two cases. It seems unlikely that Ferdinand will receive a two-year ban for missing his test - the theoretical maximum for the offence - but feels he is being dealt with more harshly because of his profile. He was dropped yesterday from England's squad to face Turkey this weekend.

A source close to Ferdinand said last night: "We are looking at possible legal action against the FA. We know what happened with the Manchester City player and cannot understand why Rio's case is being handled in this way."
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Postby Gazz » Tue Oct 14, 2003 3:19 pm

Hey cheese

If spitting helps us win the league we would win but it doesnt so we dont
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Postby Gazz » Tue Oct 14, 2003 3:23 pm

Oh and sorry he was also a new player from playing in france WHAT DID u EXPECT

lol anyway rio will get fined and no suspension and that will be that now i am just worried about our boxing HESKEY
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Postby cheesecakery » Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:51 pm

ahh normal in france is it ?
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Postby cheesecakery » Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:52 pm

the answer is probably yes ,,, look at viera
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Postby supersub » Tue Oct 14, 2003 7:57 pm

Rio Ferdinand was told twice that he had to give the drugs test samplethat would of kept him out of the dock.The reminders came from Manchester United club doctor Mike Stone,both at the end of his training session on September 23 and when he failed to show for his appointment an hour later.His decision to ignore the warnings from the club doctor stengthened the case against Ferdinand.
         A three-man team from UK Sport turned up unannounced at United's Carrington training ground on September 23.After being kept waiting for over 20 minutes,they eventually entered to meet Alex Ferguson and Doctor Mike Stone.
         All the players training were assigned numbers and four balls were drawn at random.Ferdinand's number came out,along with Ryan Giggs,Nicky Butt and a junior player.
         At other clubs the testers have the chance to "man-mark" the players chosen but United are extremely security conscious and the trio of testers had to wait for the players to come to them.
         All four players were told at the end of the session that they were required to comply with the testing team and given an hour to report to the control room.
         The three other players arrived but Ferdinand did not.Stone then passed a message back to the changing rooms via another player.The response from the player came back:"Yeah,no problem".
         Ferdinand,though,still failed to show,and the three UK Sport officials were left kicking their heels.
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Postby supersub » Tue Oct 14, 2003 8:02 pm

Does Rio have a cocaine problem that the club know about,and the 3 week absence due to a mysterious kidney infection was a cover up?
When you've paid £30 million you probably would do a few under-handed things to save your investment.
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Postby oldredeyes » Tue Oct 14, 2003 8:53 pm

What if Rio had been told  during training that there was a sponsor from a big clothing manufacturer waiting for him in the Boardroom ready to pay him five million quid a year for wearing their clothes. Do you think he would have forgotten about it - and just went home instead?
I think not!
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Postby cheesecakery » Wed Oct 15, 2003 10:29 am

Manchester United's Gary Neville has attacked The Football Association for the way they handled the Rio Ferdinand affair.
Neville was part of the England squad which reacted angrily after Ferdinand was omitted from the party to face Turkey after his missed a random drugs test.
"Let's take the issues one by one. There is no doubt in my mind that Rio Ferdinand was prejudged by The Football Association.
"Yes, he missed a drugs test, but he deserved a hearing before people started passing sentence.
"Other players have missed drug tests and not been banned, but Rio was punished even before he had the chance to explain himself. How is that not a prejudgment?
"On the issue of confidentiality, the players felt extremely strongly. The FA denied leaking Rio's name, but did they really believe that it would remain a secret when the press knew that the squad announcement had been delayed by 48 hours because of something serious? Whether first-hand from the FA or not, the information was always going to seep out with a whisper here or a quiet word there and so it proved with front-page headlines. And what headlines they were. "The rise and fall of Rio Ferdinand" sticks in my mind, but there were dozens of them absolutely slaughtering him.
"Rio made a mistake, but you would have guessed from the outrage that he had been caught taking drugs. People were actually speculating that it could be the end of his career. Every other player in his position has been protected by anonymity.
"As friends and team-mates, is it any wonder that we felt that we had to come out and support him? Rio and his family were sitting at home going through hell and all for what was a moment of forgetfulness.
"The United players in the England squad knew we had to do something and we were pleased that, when we turned up at the team hotel, we were not the only ones who felt strongly.
"We stood up for what we believed. I have been lucky enough to play for 12 years for a club where, if you are in a tight spot, people will look after you as they would their own family. If that can happen at Manchester United, I would also like to believe it can be the same with England. The players believed Rio had been hung out to dry and we had to show we meant business.
"When we sat down with members of the FA, they admitted straight away there were flaws in the system.
"They accepted that a player should be man-marked by a tester as in other sports, to stop him leaving the training ground by accident. And Rio was not given any allowance for the fact that he had volunteered to come back that afternoon.
"Maybe the worst thing of all was that no one except the FA seemed to think it necessary to ban Rio. Not the players, the manager, Uefa or even the Turks, who came out and said that they would have had no objections to him playing. We were told that it was a "policy decision" by the FA. In other words, they were worried about image.
"Fine, let the FA be whiter than white, but if they are going to be consistent we need to look at the whole make-up of the organisation. It cannot be right that senior councillors with allegiances to Blackburn Rovers, Liverpool, Arsenal, Aston Villa and other clubs are in a position to influence the fate of a Manchester United player. And that is not the moan of a United player.
"Forget the Rio incident. In no disciplinary matter should club representatives be advising an independent FA chief executive.
"I am not accusing anyone of prejudice, but we need to make sure that the accusation can never be levelled at the sport's governing body. Add all that up and throw in your loyalty to a team-mate who has been vilified and banned before he has been charged and I would hope you can understand why we took a stand. How often do footballers get accused of being overpaid, spoilt brats?
"Even if people still don't agree with our arguments, please believe that we were fighting for our principles. It is rare for people in privileged positions to put principles before image in this day and age.
"To say we brought disgrace on the England team staggers me. We showed what we thought about wearing the England jersey when we locked arms for the national anthem and played our hearts out on Saturday.
"In one of the most hostile football atmospheres in the world and against one of the best teams in Europe, we had to play under massive pressure because of the stand we took. We had the balls to see it through.
"It felt as if the team had come of age and the confidence we will take forward is massive. We have never had it better with England in my time with the national team. We have one of the world's best coaches, some incredible young talent, a great disciplinary record and a team spirit like you would not believe.
"We should have won two or three-nil and we kept our nerve despite the provocation. You have to give huge respect to Pierluigi Collina, who showed how to referee a volatile match. When there was trouble in the tunnel he stood there, watched and then dealt with it man to man with the captains. That is strong refereeing, not showering cards around.
"I am proud of how we played and proud to be part of an England team who care passionately about doing well for the country. Last week we did what we believed was right for a team-mate who had been badly let down. None of us condones drugs, none of us believes that drugs tests should be taken lightly, but we also believe that Rio deserved our loyalty when he was hung out to dry before a trial."
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Postby supersub » Wed Oct 15, 2003 5:54 pm

what a load of pro-manc hogwash from the mouth of a complete and utter turd-bu***ar.The drug-cheat has to be punished or else the game of football and the honesty of the good and decent player is dirtied for a long time.cheesey u manc t#s#er,open your eyes and behold the corrupt club of manu,yet alex ferguson has kept very quiet in all this.
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Postby big al » Wed Oct 15, 2003 7:10 pm

Supersub why do you humour this cheesecake guy with his stupid stories abouts idiotic Man U players who get themselves in trouble.  Please mate try not to engage with this guy in meaningful discussions, its obvious someones writing his script. He could well be the PR Guy for Man U after all talks like Fergie Ie Meaningless tripe that no one either understands or really cares about.  Liverpool fans care about Liverpool.  Now those that Know me Know I have this thing abot Biscan. Well the stupid prat has messed up of the pitch this time an GH is standing by him.  I nearly flipped when I read he was bought for £6 million and not the £3 million I believed we paid. Who Am I? Who's Biscan the six million dollar man I want to see his Bionic boot clear the ball abit more, Stick in a few more tackles and for six million score afew goals.  Supersub your spot on football is going crazy but can we concentrate on the madness of GH and Liverpool Instead of that dozy prat Rio.
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Postby greenred » Wed Oct 15, 2003 10:05 pm

"a moment of forgetfullness",so no prejudgement there of a player who is up on serious charges.
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Postby cheesecakery » Wed Oct 15, 2003 11:00 pm

:D  hahahahahahahahahahahahaha :D
you idiots read it all too !!  :D

april fool  :D
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