Job too big for Rodgers?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Is the job too big for Rodgers and last season was a flash in the pan down to Suarez carrying us?

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Postby Boocity » Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:37 pm

ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:10 am wrote:Red ant - How can you say he doesn't give many young players a go mate? Having 19/20/21 year old players in his teams is commonplace, you wouldn't see that in Kenny or Rafa team, they'd opt for experience any day of the week.
And I said his default position is to attack, obviously ATM with strikers that can't hit a barn door and defenders that can't defend he's having to batten down the hatches and eek out results until Sturridge returns.

Apart from Sterling who has made it from the academy? Our team is looking like something Redknap would put together all 30 something's past their best with a sprinkling of youth. I also don't agree with the batten down the hatches as it has shown that if you lose a goal you struggle to get back in the game, if your defence is an issue then the best form of defence is attack as per last season.
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Postby only me » Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:52 pm

ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:39 pm wrote:We've already had 4 managers in less than 5 years (Benitez, Hodgson, Kenny and Brendan) do people seriously want to make that 5 in 5? I mean honestly, It's getting beyond a joke now, as soon as we hit any sort of bad patch everyone starts calling for the managers head again.
Every one of those managers I've mentioned had fans screaming for them to be sacked, Benitez won us our first European cup in two decades and took us to another final, he was pipped at the post to the title by a United side with a front line of Ronaldo, Rooney and Tevez (a United side we beat home and away btw including a 4-1 drubbing at Old Trafford), he even alerted the fans that the club had been taken over by a pair of carpetbaggers and in doing so probably saved the very existence of the club but what was the response from the fans? - sack the ****!
Kenny Dalglish is half a step behind Shanks as the greatest figure in this clubs history, after winning everything as a player he took over the managers job in the wake of Heysel when no one else would touch the managers job here with a barge pole, we were the pariahs of not just football but international sport. He got us accepted back into the sporting fold by producing a team that even our rivals admired and when Hillsborough happened that man was like a rock, as Liverpool manager he felt it was his duty to go to everyone of those 96 funerals. After Hodgson is sacked he returns as an interim manager, gets us to 2 cup finals, wins our first trophy in 6 years and what do the fans say? - sack the ****!
Brendan Rodgers takes us over and after an initial sticky spell he puts together one of the most entertaining sides in our history, we miss out on our first title in a quarter of a century by a hairs breath but we qualify for the CL for the first time in half a decade. The following season he hits a rough patch and what say our fans? - sack the ****
I don't know what's happened to our fan base I really don't, we used to be famous the world over for our loyalty but we've somehow morphed en masse into those two moaning c**ts from the muppets that just sit on the sidelines and bitch and moan.

I think you are missing the big Picture ,it's not a rough patch it's a total disaster with extreme potential implications for our future ,i think you ignore the pivotal moment this club is currently at ,we are on a verge of sliding into anonymity after clawing our way back (yes with BR i admit). His errors aren't minor nor accidental nor relate to luck as you raised in previous post. This is a manager that had an epic failure with huge amount of money at his disposal ,has not shown any glimpse of willing to change tactics ,this is something else this is a chronic behavior issue which can't be tolerated. Loyalty doesn't mean we are a bunch of fools gobbling all the horse manure thrown at us from BR and saying may i have some more ,Fans understand what they are being served day after day and they know we can do better ,hell we can TRY and do better with BR repetitive mistakes it's just unacceptable any longer.
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Postby Avi Cohen » Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:28 pm

I was one of those who called for Rafa's head (everyone now remembers the wonderful CL nights and that 2009 title bid but people tend to forget the negative football and the 0-0 draws that he seemed to love) but I'm urging patience with Brendan Rodgers.

The big issue that no one seems to address was last season was a blip. A fluke. Utd were having a dog, Chelsea were only finding their feet. We had a tiny squad but were blessed with injuries. No one expected us to come in second and run it so close. No one. Last season, I'd wager, Rodgers and FSG found themselves three, four years ahead of scheducle. I would imagine the plan was get back to the CL inside three years. But we almost won the league. Expectations were raised. This season wouldn't look so bad (what are we, seven points off fourth in the middle Christmas? Not terrible!) if we had finished were FSG and Rodgers came in at the expected position last season - sixth or fifth.

There's a lot of talk about No Plan B. Newsflash: you're watching Plan B. Rodgers has been robbed of 80% of last season's goals. His gameplan was to ping it fast to two quick-moving strikers that would cause havoc. They're gone now and that would kill any team. What he's left with is two strikers who like to sit and allow the ball to be played into feet. Total different gameplan.
Plus, most, if not all, of his signings have not preformed for him. He was told to shore up the defence, he buys three defenders and none of performed. The buck might stop with Rodgers but where is the personal responsibilities of players to, damn it, play better?

Also doing the rounds is the Why doesn't he change it around? Can't he see it's not working? Why is he so bullheaded? Well, he did. He has put Lucas back in and Allen alongside him. It gives us nothing going forward but it has stopped the rot (to some extent) at the back. We haven't lost in five now.
Rodgers sent out a team last night that attempted to stop the goals leaking and hope to grab one or two ourselves. He was lambasted for it. He radically and unpredictably changed it at half time... and was lambasted for it. You say he has his favourites, that we should sack him, but if he plays kids and still loses, we should sack him.

The man can't win.

Get someone else in now and the whole process starts again. The new guy will want his own players and will need time to instil his own philosophy.

Personally, while i think we've been poor I also think we've been desperately unlucky.
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Postby The_Rock » Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:58 pm

ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:39 pm wrote:We've already had 4 managers in less than 5 years (Benitez, Hodgson, Kenny and Brendan) do people seriously want to make that 5 in 5? I mean honestly, It's getting beyond a joke now, as soon as we hit any sort of bad patch everyone starts calling for the managers head again.
Every one of those managers I've mentioned had fans screaming for them to be sacked, Benitez won us our first European cup in two decades and took us to another final, he was pipped at the post to the title by a United side with a front line of Ronaldo, Rooney and Tevez (a United side we beat home and away btw including a 4-1 drubbing at Old Trafford), he even alerted the fans that the club had been taken over by a pair of carpetbaggers and in doing so probably saved the very existence of the club but what was the response from the fans? - sack the ****!
Kenny Dalglish is half a step behind Shanks as the greatest figure in this clubs history, after winning everything as a player he took over the managers job in the wake of Heysel when no one else would touch the managers job here with a barge pole, we were the pariahs of not just football but international sport. He got us accepted back into the sporting fold by producing a team that even our rivals admired and when Hillsborough happened that man was like a rock, as Liverpool manager he felt it was his duty to go to everyone of those 96 funerals. After Hodgson is sacked he returns as an interim manager, gets us to 2 cup finals, wins our first trophy in 6 years and what do the fans say? - sack the ****!
Brendan Rodgers takes us over and after an initial sticky spell he puts together one of the most entertaining sides in our history, we miss out on our first title in a quarter of a century by a hairs breath but we qualify for the CL for the first time in half a decade. The following season he hits a rough patch and what say our fans? - sack the ****
I don't know what's happened to our fan base I really don't, we used to be famous the world over for our loyalty but we've somehow morphed en masse into those two moaning c**ts from the muppets that just sit on the sidelines and bitch and moan.

Yakka...are you really gonna mortage your house on Rodgers being the right coach for us ? Yes he had a good season last year. But lets look at the circumstances.

Manure were going through $hit with moyes in charge. Chelsea were not so ideal for mourinho (and he has solved virtually all the problems they had last year for this campaign). Man City had a new manager (transition.... new playing style....etc). Arsenal again did not buy any DM or a backup for Giroud...and they suffered for it.

As for us....we had the most stable squad (compared to our top 4 rivals). We dropped out of the cup matches fairly early. Suarez has been here for around 3 years and he was becoming more comfortable in this league. And you know what....everything clicked. Everything. And Rodgers just went with the flow. Its really a no brainer.

If he had found a way to incrementally strength our defence in the training ground while keeping our attack peaking throughout the 2nd half of the season, I would be the 1st one to give him props. But what did he do...... pretty much nothing. He left the defence to fend for themselves and continued playing his kamikaze football (which was really about giving suarez a free role while the other footballers played off him). This football is unsustainable. As soon as Suarez suffered a slight blimp in his form in the later parts of the season.....our football standard went down a notch or 2. Sterling and Coutinho were literally saving our a$$es a few times....but eventually things caught up with us.... after that slip.

Barcelona don't play kamikaze football. They have 2 DM in their teams (mascherano and Busquets). Real Madrid don't play kamikaze football. Neither do the other top European teams. And these teams have better forwards than us.

Coming back to this season, all our rivals for top 4 have strengthen. If Chelsea had gotten costa last season, if arsenal had gotten sanchez last season, if LVG was managing manure last season....I don't think we would have had that run we had last season.

Rodger's philosophy is something which sounds good in a theoretical class but I don't think it would work in actual football pitch. He talks about "if you don't lose possession of the ball, you never lose a match". Well does this really work in top level football ? Even when we play against a non-league team.....we are gonna lose possession to them at some point in the game. It almost seems whenever he opens his mouth he thinks the rest of the people who listen to him are a bunch of idiots. And he is quick to take the credits for making our attack potent (I think it has to do a lot to do with suarez moving up a notch to world class level). But when our defence makes a is always an individual's fault....  :no  No wonder....the players seem to play as if Rodger's has lost the dressing room.

FWIW, I don't think Rodger's is a good manager. I consider him a good coach but an average manager. I just can't see us winning European trophies under his regime (In Europe a good defence is imperative). And that is important to me. Liverpool has to be challenging in Europe. ''

BTW Swansea has moved up a level ever since Rodgers left (they won a trophy immediately after he left). And Gary monk seems to be doing a better job than Rodgers.

The players seems to have already made their mind. They are not playing for him.
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Postby only me » Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:40 pm

Avi Cohen » Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:28 pm wrote:I was one of those who called for Rafa's head (everyone now remembers the wonderful CL nights and that 2009 title bid but people tend to forget the negative football and the 0-0 draws that he seemed to love) but I'm urging patience with Brendan Rodgers.

The big issue that no one seems to address was last season was a blip. A fluke. Utd were having a dog, Chelsea were only finding their feet. We had a tiny squad but were blessed with injuries. No one expected us to come in second and run it so close. No one. Last season, I'd wager, Rodgers and FSG found themselves three, four years ahead of scheducle. I would imagine the plan was get back to the CL inside three years. But we almost won the league. Expectations were raised. This season wouldn't look so bad (what are we, seven points off fourth in the middle Christmas? Not terrible!) if we had finished were FSG and Rodgers came in at the expected position last season - sixth or fifth.

There's a lot of talk about No Plan B. Newsflash: you're watching Plan B. Rodgers has been robbed of 80% of last season's goals. His gameplan was to ping it fast to two quick-moving strikers that would cause havoc. They're gone now and that would kill any team. What he's left with is two strikers who like to sit and allow the ball to be played into feet. Total different gameplan.
Plus, most, if not all, of his signings have not preformed for him. He was told to shore up the defence, he buys three defenders and none of performed. The buck might stop with Rodgers but where is the personal responsibilities of players to, damn it, play better?

Also doing the rounds is the Why doesn't he change it around? Can't he see it's not working? Why is he so bullheaded? Well, he did. He has put Lucas back in and Allen alongside him. It gives us nothing going forward but it has stopped the rot (to some extent) at the back. We haven't lost in five now.
Rodgers sent out a team last night that attempted to stop the goals leaking and hope to grab one or two ourselves. He was lambasted for it. He radically and unpredictably changed it at half time... and was lambasted for it. You say he has his favourites, that we should sack him, but if he plays kids and still loses, we should sack him.

The man can't win.

Get someone else in now and the whole process starts again. The new guy will want his own players and will need time to instil his own philosophy.

Personally, while i think we've been poor I also think we've been desperately unlucky.

Interesting points which just don't hold water mate ,he wasn't robbed of anything he had the full summer and more to sign two world class strikers because a. Suarez leaving wasn't a surprise b. Daniel health isn't a shocker as well ,what does he do a. Sign Ricky b. Sign Mario nutcase Balloteli.
As to your other argument really playing Lucas is the big turn around? Yes we haven't lost still looked like krap playing bottom league teams...where is LAllana ,Chan ,Coutinho ,Marco where is the process in getting them into the team and not the same boring failure with Allen Hendo gerrard...really he has done almost nothing to turn it around...yes he brought Toure and Enrique back from the archive cabinet..brilliant
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Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:59 pm

Avi Cohen.

Good post mate.
Even if we did bring a new manager in it wouldn't take long for the fans to start getting on his back. He'd be our 5th manager in 5 years - a total joke.
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Postby mart » Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:28 pm

Avi Cohen » Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:28 pm wrote:There's a lot of talk about No Plan B. Newsflash: you're watching Plan B. Rodgers has been robbed of 80% of last season's goals. His gameplan was to ping it fast to two quick-moving strikers that would cause havoc. They're gone now and that would kill any team. What he's left with is two strikers who like to sit and allow the ball to be played into feet. Total different gameplan.

What he was left with was a shitload of cash and a long transferwindow to replace Suarez, and build upon last season. What he did was spend it all on players that hardly ever play, or players that havent really improved the first team at all.
Kenny got canned for spending 40 mill on Carroll and Adam while Rogers have tossed around 200 mill out the window.

He has bought two new strikers to replace Suarez and he cant seem to figure out how to play to get the best out of them. Something you would think he had a plan for when he bought them.

Now I dont think we should sack BR yet, as i'm not a fan of sacking managers midseason and replacing them with caretaker managers. Imo we should wait until the end of the season and see how it turns out before we consider getting rid of Rodgers. That way we give him a real chance to turn it around, and if we do get rid of him its easier to get a good replacement once the season is over. Thats said I doubt Rodgers will be our manager next season.
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Postby Avi Cohen » Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:51 pm

You're assuming of course that BIG NAMES want to come here. They don't. Alexis Sanchez being a case in point. We cannot compete with the wages of the star players.
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Postby RedAnt » Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:38 pm

Avi Cohen » Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:51 pm wrote:You're assuming of course that BIG NAMES want to come here. They don't. Alexis Sanchez being a case in point. We cannot compete with the wages of the star players.

Even less so without CL football next season.
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Postby mart » Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:28 pm

Avi Cohen » Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:51 pm wrote:You're assuming of course that BIG NAMES want to come here. They don't. Alexis Sanchez being a case in point. We cannot compete with the wages of the star players.

No i'm assuming its possible to get someone that will improve the team when we have 100+ mill to spend and just finished 2'nd in one of the biggest leagues in the world.
There isnt a lot of clubs around the world that can offer higher wages than we can either.
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Postby parchpea » Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:15 am

Trouble with us is we need one of the best 5 managers in the world to work with a Europa League budget or find one
and that's not easy or everyone would be doing it.

We can pay decent money up front for players but salary wise its not Champs League wages in Premiership terms.

If FSG where operating in the Bundesliga they would probably do alright but ours is a cash dominated league not only
in terms of the top but second and third.

FSG don't run their business on buying the very best today but look for tomorrows stars for profit and we see that not
only in terms of player but management recruitment and they will not change that model.

In answer to the original question posed in the thread yes the job was too big for him but only because we as fans have
a greater expectation than the reality of where the club is today and not because of Rodgers.
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:15 am

ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:39 pm wrote:We've already had 4 managers in less than 5 years (Benitez, Hodgson, Kenny and Brendan) do people seriously want to make that 5 in 5? I mean honestly, It's getting beyond a joke now, as soon as we hit any sort of bad patch everyone starts calling for the managers head again.
Every one of those managers I've mentioned had fans screaming for them to be sacked, Benitez won us our first European cup in two decades and took us to another final, he was pipped at the post to the title by a United side with a front line of Ronaldo, Rooney and Tevez (a United side we beat home and away btw including a 4-1 drubbing at Old Trafford), he even alerted the fans that the club had been taken over by a pair of carpetbaggers and in doing so probably saved the very existence of the club but what was the response from the fans? - sack the ****!
Kenny Dalglish is half a step behind Shanks as the greatest figure in this clubs history, after winning everything as a player he took over the managers job in the wake of Heysel when no one else would touch the managers job here with a barge pole, we were the pariahs of not just football but international sport. He got us accepted back into the sporting fold by producing a team that even our rivals admired and when Hillsborough happened that man was like a rock, as Liverpool manager he felt it was his duty to go to everyone of those 96 funerals. After Hodgson is sacked he returns as an interim manager, gets us to 2 cup finals, wins our first trophy in 6 years and what do the fans say? - sack the ****!
Brendan Rodgers takes us over and after an initial sticky spell he puts together one of the most entertaining sides in our history, we miss out on our first title in a quarter of a century by a hairs breath but we qualify for the CL for the first time in half a decade. The following season he hits a rough patch and what say our fans? - sack the ****
I don't know what's happened to our fan base I really don't, we used to be famous the world over for our loyalty but we've somehow morphed en masse into those two moaning c**ts from the muppets that just sit on the sidelines and bitch and moan.

Usually when a manager hits a bad patch ,there is a degree of empathy from the fans because you can visibly see the changes on the pitch even when results don't go
your way ....Even if its only new players being introduced you acknowledge the managers bravery in affording them the time to find their respective feet ,and the
belief inside Anfield becomes tangible ,even when being pilloried and scoffed at by the media.

Only in Rodgers case he's abandoned ,arguably jettisoned most if not all of the philosophies he preached so dedicatedly about when he first arrived ,I mean ffs our
football is stagnant fare ,surely he can hear the Kop crying out for football as we remember it  ???

I've had it with him Yakka ,and those feeling haven't  just evolved on a whim, the sense of despondency in the Kop  is starting to resonate to the extent even the old
hard core Kopites have had their fill of promises unfulfilled .....Give us something to earn our loyalty ,give us a morsel of hope for the future ,for the love of God
play football the way its supposed to be played.
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Postby Santa » Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:41 am

RedAnt » Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:38 pm wrote:
Avi Cohen » Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:51 pm wrote:You're assuming of course that BIG NAMES want to come here. They don't. Alexis Sanchez being a case in point. We cannot compete with the wages of the star players.

Even less so without CL football next season.

Forget about signing any marquee players...we will do well if some of our key players don't start lobbying for a move elsewhere. What's the situation with Raheem's contract? Why are the likes of Suso, Texiera etc not being given a chance to show their worth with the many that don't seems to have a clue about football? Skills seems to be something BR is willing to sacrifice (Lallana, Coutinho etc left out and replaced with Allen & Lucas) and he is happy to just grind out ugly results. Its not about fans not being patient and calling for his head...this is about a manager totally losing his plots and blowing some of the largest stash of transfer budget we had, ever and brought us back 3 years behind our rivals. The reality of today's football is one mediocre season will cost us at 3 years of expensive rebuilding work unless you're willing to stomach the hard medicine like ManU. Bottom line is BR has mismanaged, lost the dressing room and being totally clueless. No time for being sentimental, cut the losses and move on. Stop living the good old days when we always promote from within so any manager taking charge will be well versed with the club's is all about results and success on the field!
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Postby ConnO'var » Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:24 am

RED BEERGOGGLES » Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:15 am wrote:
ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:39 pm wrote:We've already had 4 managers in less than 5 years (Benitez, Hodgson, Kenny and Brendan) do people seriously want to make that 5 in 5? I mean honestly, It's getting beyond a joke now, as soon as we hit any sort of bad patch everyone starts calling for the managers head again.
Every one of those managers I've mentioned had fans screaming for them to be sacked, Benitez won us our first European cup in two decades and took us to another final, he was pipped at the post to the title by a United side with a front line of Ronaldo, Rooney and Tevez (a United side we beat home and away btw including a 4-1 drubbing at Old Trafford), he even alerted the fans that the club had been taken over by a pair of carpetbaggers and in doing so probably saved the very existence of the club but what was the response from the fans? - sack the ****!
Kenny Dalglish is half a step behind Shanks as the greatest figure in this clubs history, after winning everything as a player he took over the managers job in the wake of Heysel when no one else would touch the managers job here with a barge pole, we were the pariahs of not just football but international sport. He got us accepted back into the sporting fold by producing a team that even our rivals admired and when Hillsborough happened that man was like a rock, as Liverpool manager he felt it was his duty to go to everyone of those 96 funerals. After Hodgson is sacked he returns as an interim manager, gets us to 2 cup finals, wins our first trophy in 6 years and what do the fans say? - sack the ****!
Brendan Rodgers takes us over and after an initial sticky spell he puts together one of the most entertaining sides in our history, we miss out on our first title in a quarter of a century by a hairs breath but we qualify for the CL for the first time in half a decade. The following season he hits a rough patch and what say our fans? - sack the ****
I don't know what's happened to our fan base I really don't, we used to be famous the world over for our loyalty but we've somehow morphed en masse into those two moaning c**ts from the muppets that just sit on the sidelines and bitch and moan.

Usually when a manager hits a bad patch ,there is a degree of empathy from the fans because you can visibly see the changes on the pitch even when results don't go
your way ....Even if its only new players being introduced you acknowledge the managers bravery in affording them the time to find their respective feet ,and the
belief inside Anfield becomes tangible ,even when being pilloried and scoffed at by the media.

Only in Rodgers case he's abandoned ,arguably jettisoned most if not all of the philosophies he preached so dedicatedly about when he first arrived ,I mean ffs our
football is stagnant fare ,surely he can hear the Kop crying out for football as we remember it  ???

I've had it with him Yakka ,and those feeling haven't  just evolved on a whim, the sense of despondency in the Kop  is starting to resonate to the extent even the old
hard core Kopites have had their fill of promises unfulfilled .....Give us something to earn our loyalty ,give us a morsel of hope for the future ,for the love of God
play football the way its supposed to be played.

I agree. While its been awhile since I've been back at Anfield but the Liverpool fans among the British Expats here are feeling the same way.
He seems to have lost his way. I was unsure about him when he was first hired but was willing to give him his fair share of time. He did well last year and I was slowly won over. I also give him credit where credit is due and I don't put down our performances last year purely down to luck even though we did have our fair share. But this year, I believe he has been found out. There have also been points raised that we can't attract superstars. Whilst this is true to some extent, you don't really need a team of superstars to be successful. What you need is a leader who can gel the team together into a cohesive unit who can give anyone a run for their money. That cohesiveness is the foundation on which we can lay a springboard to bigger and better things. After 200 million spent, our foundations appear to be shakier than its been before and does not pass inspection.

That , to me, is quite simply, not on.
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Postby Boocity » Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:59 am

Even though it's a couple of days since our CL exit I am still really angry about it, even though the club didn't address key areas in the transfer window I still reckon the squad is more than capable of beating the likes of Ludograts and Basle, yes we are without DS but I firmly believe our elimination is down to the manager and he should take responsibility for this, I have been reading many articles with former players and managers all saying BR should take the rap for team selection and tactics, if he could swallow his pride and admit he got it wrong I could sympathise with him but no, he is now saying the whole clubs to blame. It seems he wants to take credit when we are doing well but is in denial when he gets it wrong.  :no
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