The race for FOURTH

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby devaney » Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:09 pm

Benny the Noon

I'm glad you found my choice of words interesting !! Totally accurate description in my opinion.

Look don't get all high and mighty with me. I think it was only yesterday that you referred to Kewell as a fkg clown because you disagreed with his opinion. Your hypocrytical double standards are legendary.

You need to look closer to home if you want to find out exactly who is responsible for the sad demise of this forum. YOU WRITE NOTHING BUT UTTERLY DEPRESSING SHIGHT !! We all know your views. Why do you feel it necessary to regurgitate them at every opportunity. It's tedious in the extreme
Last edited by devaney on Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby The Raven » Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:34 pm

4th isnt on, it never was to be fair.

We have to improve on last season. If we continue in this form we will.
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Postby woof woof ! » Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:35 pm

Benny The Noon » Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:54 pm wrote: try and understand that not everyone has the same opinion as you and people are fully entitled to voice their opinion without the need for them to be attacked for it.

Whilst you may be proven right in your assertions as to where we'll finish this season maybe you should try and understand that given the exciting football we've been displaying in recent times many of us are optimistic about the teams future and are desperately hoping that with a massive slice of luck a top four finish is still a possibility, albeit an extremely remote one.

You on the other hand prefer to just be negative about the whole issue, that's your prerogative but you shouldn't be surprised when the optimistic amongst us get more than p'issed of with your repeated downbeat assessments of the teams chances, we already know they're the wrong side of slim but forgive us for "hoping".

As far as your comments regarding
the main reason why this place is dead
are concerned.

I know of several long serving members who left the forum due to the shi't storm constantly being created by posters like yourself .

For the three months that you were suspended nobody was banned and to my knowledge nobody even received a warning from any of the moderators. Discussion continued, not everybody agreed but everybody was more or less civil to each other.

Now you're back and yet again bleating about being insulted, whilst everyone that had the misfortune to interact with you will be thinking about a "pot calling the kettle black".

Maybe it's posters like you that's the problem .

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Postby Eagle » Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:13 pm

Hear, hear Woof.

One of the reasons “this place is dead” is because no matter what thread you go into, Benny The Noon’s condescending ways are causing a war words with someone. He always seems to be the common denominator when threads are derailed. It would be for the greater good if he was banned permanently.
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Postby Benny The Noon » Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:17 pm

And in the three months the place was dead and is now and was before and I speak to most of those long standing members on other forums Woof as I told you in the PM you banned me for.

No one was going to be suspended or banned because hardly anyone was posting. Unless you are going to start warning people because they don't post Woof - that actually wouldn't surprise me with the amount of people you have banned over the years.

All I have done is post my opinion Woof and posters like Devaney call me a "Fukwit" for that opinion.

There is your problem - so what if its a glass half empty opinion and not massively positive - its certainly a valid opinion based on recent seasons in the Prem - but if people can't post that opinion without being called a "Fukwit" or any of the other multitude of insults handed out by people then your going to struggle to get people posted if that's what the reaction is going to be.

You can choose to ignore that problem if you wish and continue to blame me - but it won't change the state of what used to be an outstanding forum with posters like Leon , Manhatten , Bigmick , Saint , Nanny and Ciggy regulary posting great stuff - now they post elsewhere. Big shame don't you think - it could be my fault but yet they all still speak to me. So I guess it's not me. What could the reason be I wonder.
Benny The Noon

Postby woof woof ! » Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:28 pm

Benny The Noon » Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:17 pm wrote:And in the three months the place was dead and is now and was before and I speak to most of those long standing members on other forums Woof as I told you in the PM you banned me for.

No one was going to be suspended or banned because hardly anyone was posting. Unless you are going to start warning people because they don't post Woof - that actually wouldn't surprise me with the amount of people you have banned over the years.

All I have done is post my opinion Woof and posters like Devaney call me a "Fukwit" for that opinion.

There is your problem - so what if its a glass half empty opinion and not massively positive - its certainly a valid opinion based on recent seasons in the Prem - but if people can't post that opinion without being called a "Fukwit" or any of the other multitude of insults handed out by people then your going to struggle to get people posted if that's what the reaction is going to be.

You can choose to ignore that problem if you wish and continue to blame me - but it won't change the state of what used to be an outstanding forum with posters like Leon , Manhatten , Bigmick , Saint , Nanny and Ciggy regulary posting great stuff - now they post elsewhere. Big shame don't you think - it could be my fault but yet they all still speak to me. So I guess it's not me. What could the reason be I wonder.

Benny, I know for a fact that half the people you've mentioned there can't stand you.

But let's try and get this thread back on track i.e the race for 4th  instead of it becoming once again all about you.

Move on.

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Postby LFC1990 » Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:51 pm

I fancy Swansea to take a point from Arsenal on the weekend meaning if we beat Southampton we will be above them Albeit them having a game in hand

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Postby devaney » Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:52 pm

Benny The Noon » Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:17 pm wrote:And in the three months the place was dead and is now and was before and I speak to most of those long standing members on other forums Woof as I told you in the PM you banned me for.

No one was going to be suspended or banned because hardly anyone was posting. Unless you are going to start warning people because they don't post Woof - that actually wouldn't surprise me with the amount of people you have banned over the years.

All I have done is post my opinion Woof and posters like Devaney call me a "Fukwit" for that opinion.

There is your problem - so what if its a glass half empty opinion and not massively positive - its certainly a valid opinion based on recent seasons in the Prem - but if people can't post that opinion without being called a "Fukwit" or any of the other multitude of insults handed out by people then your going to struggle to get people posted if that's what the reaction is going to be.

You can choose to ignore that problem if you wish and continue to blame me - but it won't change the state of what used to be an outstanding forum with posters like Leon , Manhatten , Bigmick , Saint , Nanny and Ciggy regulary posting great stuff - now they post elsewhere. Big shame don't you think - it could be my fault but yet they all still speak to me. So I guess it's not me. What could the reason be I wonder.

I wouldn't mind if your glass was half empty but it isn't! IT IS ROCK BOTTOM EMPTY !!!!

If you refer to other posters as fkg clowns then you can hardly go crying to teacher when you receive some very well deserved but highly constructive abuse.

If you go back to before you were banned you will recall that I blamed you on several occasions for assisting greatly in the demise of this forum. The other posters that you refer to gave you more abuse than anybody and had disappeared long before you were banned. Basically they were fed up with people like you constantly moaning and whinging. Don't wait to be banned this time just take the hint and do one !!
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Postby Benny The Noon » Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:06 pm

Please stick to the subject instead of continuing the abuse and demanding people leave the forum.

Yes my glass is pretty empty - that's what 4 years of Sh*t football and poor results does.

At the end of this season it's more than likely going to be 4 seasons in a row without CL - that upsets and annoys me and with people from Qatar talking of forming Dream Comps for the top 24 clubs in Europe it's not going to be good as we watch other clubs compete in it and the gap between us and the top 4 just increases.
Benny The Noon

Postby woof woof ! » Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:54 pm

Benny The Noon » Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:06 pm wrote:
At the end of this season it's more than likely going to be 4 seasons in a row without CL - that upsets and annoys me and with people from Qatar talking of forming Dream Comps for the top 24 clubs in Europe it's not going to be good as we watch other clubs compete in it and the gap between us and the top 4 just increases.

I heard some talk about this on the radio today. Many were saying it's a hoax prompted by a spoof report by some French journo and subsequently picked up by a prominent English journo who is adament that his sources are for real.

Personally I think that if the "reports" are indeed true I can't see uefa/fifa allowing it to happen as it would significantly damage the reputation of club football in Europe and South America (?). I would assume that the governing authorities would threaten to ban any club or player from all sanctioned competitions if they agreed to subscribe to the supposed competition.

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Postby Benny The Noon » Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:01 pm

If it anywhere near truth then it will force UEFA to act.

A European super league will be the next logical step - UEFA will start it to ensure they keep control and we will need to be a part of it. Any club that isn't will just fall further behind the top clubs.

The deals that UEFA have with clubs and telly deals run out I think in 2016 ? UEFA will need to find cherries to keep the clubs in their favour.

More money will start to appear and bigger deals will happen for clubs in CL.
Benny The Noon

Postby devaney » Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:11 pm

How much more of this shight are we going to be subjected to from BTG. This sanctimonious doom munger could in no way be described as a supporter. His constant whinging, moaning and depressing outlook simply spoils virtually every thread he contributes to. He is like a skid mark on a hotel towel - something you never want to see !!!

He even has the audacity to criticise others for the exact same misdemeanors he commits on a far more regular basis than almost another poster. I make no excuses for wanting to see the back of him. I just hope the ban is permanent next time. He clearly hasn't learnt anything from his enforced sabbatical. Get shut now. Opinion is good if it from true supporters and I am afraid this attendee does not fall into that category.
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Postby woof woof ! » Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:12 pm

Benny The Noon » Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:01 pm wrote:If it anywhere near truth then it will force UEFA to act.

A European super league will be the next logical step - UEFA will start it to ensure they keep control and we will need to be a part of it. Any club that isn't will just fall further behind the top clubs.

The deals that UEFA have with clubs and telly deals run out I think in 2016 ? UEFA will need to find cherries to keep the clubs in their favour.

More money will start to appear and bigger deals will happen for clubs in CL.

Perhaps this discussion deserves a thread of it's own  :;):

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Postby Benny The Noon » Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:13 pm

devaney » Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:11 pm wrote:How much more of this shight are we going to be subjected to from BTG. This sanctimonious doom munger could in no way be described as a supporter. His constant whinging, moaning and depressing outlook simply spoils virtually every thread he contributes to. He is like a skid mark on a hotel towel - something you never want to see !!!

He even has the audacity to criticise others for the exact same misdemeanors he commits on a far more regular basis than almost another poster. I make no excuses for wanting to see the back of him. I just hope the ban is permanent next time. He clearly hasn't learnt anything from his enforced sabbatical. Get shut now. Opinion is good if it from true supporters and I am afraid this attendee does not fall into that category.

We have moved on now and currently talking about UEFA and future actions

Can you please stop now - thank you.
Benny The Noon

Postby Benny The Noon » Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:17 pm

woof woof ! » Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:12 pm wrote:
Benny The Noon » Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:01 pm wrote:If it anywhere near truth then it will force UEFA to act.

A European super league will be the next logical step - UEFA will start it to ensure they keep control and we will need to be a part of it. Any club that isn't will just fall further behind the top clubs.

The deals that UEFA have with clubs and telly deals run out I think in 2016 ? UEFA will need to find cherries to keep the clubs in their favour.

More money will start to appear and bigger deals will happen for clubs in CL.

Perhaps this discussion deserves a thread of it's own  :;):

Yes possibly - just highlights how important I think 4th is going to be.

Next season we will need to be right in the middle of the mix - we have made a small amount of progress this season and we need to ensure we make steps forward this summer.

4th is "mathmatically" possible but not likely - but the remaining games we need to use to look towards next years push towards 4th
Benny The Noon


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