Interview with: - Mark gonzalez

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby red37 » Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:44 pm

I know a lot of you appreciate this series of interviews from the clubs archive:  :)  here is yet another, from Mark Gonzalez (much-maligned/hyped) yet, i feel potentially a 'star' in the making in a couple of seasoms time.  Lets 'eavesdrop' on the article.....(btw  i cant be ar5ed highlighting the 'q's)

Jimmy Rice 07 December 2006 

Mark Gonzalez has revealed how a phone call from Rafa Benitez put him back on track during one of the darkest moments of his career. 
In's latest Big Interview, the Chilean winger admits he lost all motivation after sustaining a serious cruciate knee ligament injury while at Albacete.
However, Gonzalez claims a single phone call from the Liverpool manager was enough to hasten his recovery and convince him he'd soon be plying his trade in England.
The 22-year-old also explains why the Premiership is better than La Liga and reveals Jamie Carragher is jealous of his hair!


Firstly, how’s your hamstring?
It’s better now and I hope to be back playing at the weekend.
How frustrating was it to pick up an injury just as you were getting a run of games?
Very. I said before that the best way to get used to the pace is to play several games in a row. I think I was playing well in the PSV game, so I was very sad to have to go off.
Just before your injury you asked the Liverpool fans to be patient with you, saying you needed time to settle into a new culture. Have you felt under a lot of pressure since you arrived at Anfield?
Not really pressure. You are aware when people start talking about things but that shouldn’t put you under pressure. It’s the first time I’ve been in England and English football is totally different. I know I have to get used to it and settle very quickly. When I asked people for more time it wasn’t because I felt pressure, it’s just that I feel it is normal to need time to settle in.
Is the pressure at Liverpool bigger than what you were used to?
Yes, of course. It’s a big club. But I know as soon as I get fit and settled into English football I will be a very important piece in the team.
So when are we going to see the best of Mark Gonzalez?
Hopefully soon but I can’t say tomorrow or in a few months. You never know. It takes time to settle into things.
You’ve been here a few months now. Which players have helped you settle in?
It’s not a case of anyone helping me. It’s like a big family here. All the staff and even the fans make you feel like you are at home. The first time I came here I felt part of the team straight away. I have very good friends here but I think the main way to settle is to play well on the pitch. I have asked some of the players where to live because it’s important to be in a quiet place. I’m not the kind of player who likes to go out much. I like to stay at home and sleep in my bed.
Which Liverpool players' numbers do you have in your mobile phone?
I think Luis, Pepe, Bolo and Fabio. I have a few good mates. Bolo is one – he’s a nice guy. Luis as well, but I’m the kind of guy who mixes with everyone. I’ve been getting to know Stephen Warnock while we’ve both been injured. We were having a laugh doing rehab together. I’ve also roomed a lot with John Arne Riise. He’s a good roommate. They are all good lads, though. Oh, I’ve got Jermaine’s number too because I give him a lift to training. We’re living in the same apartment block at the minute.

Who controls the car stereo?
Me. I said he could make a CD but he hasn't. I listen to dance, but not anything too hard. I don’t know if he likes it. It’s tough if he doesn’t because it’s my car! He listens to R’n’B, that kind of thing.
Does he give you petrol money?
[Laughs] No!
In any squad you are going to have loud players and quieter ones. Where do you fit in?
I’m not a quiet person. I like to joke and have a laugh. Obviously when you are at work you have to work, but off the pitch I like to joke. Maybe at the moment I’m only loud with the lads I know well. Perhaps I haven’t got to know some quite as well, so I may be a bit shy with them because I haven’t got the confidence.
Does it help having other South Americans here?
It’s not like that. The South Americans don’t just hang around with each other, or the Spanish don’t just stick together. Settling into a new club is all about the person. I’m okay because I have my English.
I’ve got some bad news, I’m afraid. Jamie Carragher has just recorded his 2006 awards which will be shown on the website before Christmas. Unfortunately he gave you the award for worst haircut. How do you feel about that?
I respect his thinking but I think he might be quite jealous! I don’t really care too much what people say. I like to change my style every few months.
What’s next after the Mohican?
I’m thinking!
Do you ever get homesick?
In the beginning, maybe. But when I was 13 I left home to go play in the capital of Chile, so I got used to it from an early age. I went to Spain when I was maybe 19. That was a bit more complicated but you have to think that you’re doing what you really like. I’m a grown up now so I shouldn’t miss home too much.
Have your parents been over yet?
My mum and brother have been here. They are coming back at Christmas with my dad and other brothers and grandma, which will be great. This will be the first Christmas I’ve not been in Chile because in every other country you get 10 days off.
Do you eat turkey in England?
My mum will see what she can do!
Your dad was a footballer, wasn’t he?
Yes but I never watched him play. He retired in 1983 and I was born in 1984. He played for some teams in Chile and in South Africa, and also for the national team. He was a right full-back.
Are you better than him?
I couldn’t say that, but maybe I could say I have achieved more things.

You have stopped playing for Chile – will you ever go back to the national side?
Yes. Right now I haven’t said I want to play. I have to sort things out with the coach and some people from the national team. It’s very complicated. I quit my country because of a personal problem with the coach. If I go back it will be for my family and for myself, no one else.
Why did you chose to come to Europe instead of one of the big South American clubs?
Because there is no future if you are at a South American club. Maybe there is Boca Juniors or River Plate, or some Brazilian clubs, but that’s it. In Europe you have more chances of playing in big tournaments and you have more people watching you.
We like to think the Premiership is the best league in the world. You’ve played both here and La Liga, which is best?
They are two very different leagues but I’d choose England, not because I’m here, but because it’s physical and much quicker. I like quick football. There are good players in Spain but the rhythm is very slow.
Gonzalez on coming to Europe

There is no future if you are at a South American club. Maybe there is Boca Juniors or River Plate, or some Brazilian clubs, but that’s it. In Europe you have more chances of playing in big tournaments and you have more people watching you.
How do the fans compare?
The people here live much more for football than anywhere else. They are louder here and you will never see an empty stadium, even if the team is not winning. Sometimes in Spain if you don’t win a couple of games the supporters don’t come out for you. In Chile it is even worse. What I’m living now is a dream.
Were you angry at the work permit problems which delayed your transfer to Liverpool?
Yes. We never thought there would be a problem with the permit. Then they refused it because Chile were not in the top 70. It was a very long year of waiting but I always saw Rafa very interested and that made me happy. I always was thinking that eventually I’d be at Liverpool, and finally I’m here.
Was Rafa in contact with you during that year?
Yes. He rang me after I had an operation. He asked how I was, how my motivation was. To be honest I was not too motivated at the time because I was injured, and he helped change that.
Moving on to life off the pitch, have you bought your own place yet?
Yes. I’ve found somewhere and I’ll be moving in sometime in the next 10 days. It’s next to Luis, Bolo and Pepe.

Do you live alone?
No, I’m with my older cousin.
Does he look after you, cook you food and all that?
Yes! He’s a very good cook.
What’s he cook you?
Chilean food. It’s similar to Spanish food. I don’t really like English food, you know.
What kind of things do you do in your spare time?
I have my PSP. I’m going to buy Medal of Honour – it’s a war game. Some of the lads already have it, so we’re going to all get together to play. I don’t really like football games too much - I prefer adventure stuff. I like games where you need to think.
Do you play any other sports?
Yes, I play tennis. I’m not that good. I played Victor Salinas, the physio, in pre-season but I’m not telling you the score. I also like fishing but I don’t know where to go in Liverpool. I don’t think any of the lads like to fish – very strange. I’ve always been into fishing, with my dad and brothers.
We always ask players to pick their LFC five-a-side team. What’s yours?
I’ll pick Pepe, Carra, Stevie. Can I include myself?
It’s your team, Mark.
Okay, me. Then a striker – either Robbie or Crouchy. I’ll go for Robbie.
You say you’re the fastest member of the Liverpool senior squad, but have you gone head-to-head with Paul Anderson yet? He’s pretty fast.
He is fast but I think I could beat him. We’ll have to maybe have a race to prove either way.
Is there anyone at Liverpool who you don’t like going into tackles with during training?
I would say maybe Xabi, maybe Carra as well.
Do you have any superstitions?
Not superstitions. But I always say ‘Vamostata’ at kick-off in the first and second half. That means ‘Come on grandfather’. He is up there now but he is like my angel.
Finally, what is your ultimate ambition in football?
[Long pause] I don’t really have ambitions. I suppose after watching the Champions League win in 2005 it would be a dream come true to win that again.


Too right!!   seems like a nice fella though...lets hope he pushes Kewell all the way, and we end up with effective options down the left flank for a change..

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Postby crouchaldinho » Thu Dec 07, 2006 5:20 pm

totally agree with you there red37, i still think although we've only seen a couple of flashes of what he's capable of, he will definately be a star in the years to come. I like how he comes across as well, seems to have the right attitude and im glad he seems to be fitting in with the whole squad. i wouldnt like to think the liverpool dressing room was 'clicky' with separate groups there.
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Postby eds » Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:06 pm

MARK my words Gonzalez will come good. He has still not shown what he is fully capeable of............
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Postby azriahmad » Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:33 am

i hope so, so far he is obviously a speed demon but ufortunately not much else, like Cisse was. However, he had only been here a few months and had already had injury problems, if not surely he would be more adept. Even Schevchenko, such a great marksman, is having adjustment problems.
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Postby The Specialist » Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:44 am

Thanks for posting that.

To be honest, I don't really check out the official site for news and what not much (newsnow mainly for me). So, I would have missed it.
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Postby eds » Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:23 am

azriahmad wrote:i hope so, so far he is obviously a speed demon but ufortunately not much else, like Cisse was. However, he had only been here a few months and had already had injury problems, if not surely he would be more adept. Even Schevchenko, such a great marksman, is having adjustment problems.

Gonzalez is a much better player than Cisse will ever be. He is much more than a "speedy" player and unlike Sheva, Morientes and other "seasoned" quality players that have come to the EPL he has time on his hands. Once he starts scoring regulaly (from far\kin LEFT midfield!) he will prove all the doubters wrong. As I said we have only been shown glimpses of what he can do, give him a few games in a row and we will see what his made of.
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Postby RedBlood » Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:52 am

Gonzalez has had alot of little injuries that have disrupted his progress, once he gets into it he will be a major player for us because theres no doubt he has huge talent and a great attitude. To compare him with cisse is laughable.

Great freekick today by the way
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Postby Leonidas08 » Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:19 am

great read.

hehe they play medal of honor
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Postby peterc1992 » Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:26 am

eds wrote:
azriahmad wrote:i hope so, so far he is obviously a speed demon but ufortunately not much else, like Cisse was. However, he had only been here a few months and had already had injury problems, if not surely he would be more adept. Even Schevchenko, such a great marksman, is having adjustment problems.

Gonzalez is a much better player than Cisse will ever be. He is much more than a "speedy" player and unlike Sheva, Morientes and other "seasoned" quality players that have come to the EPL he has time on his hands. Once he starts scoring regulaly (from far\kin LEFT midfield!) he will prove all the doubters wrong. As I said we have only been shown glimpses of what he can do, give him a few games in a row and we will see what his made of.

dont think so,ciise is better than him now,but not in a few years,gonzalez is quicker though
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Postby red37 » Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:29 am

MG although only on for a short period (and despite his well taken free-kick) today. Has started to adopt the 'look' he had about him, when he went on that confidence inspiring run late on for RS. At least he appears to have come to terms with his 'lot' a little better.  Despite not exactly setting any fires recently, both his general demeanor and his overall efficacy would appear to have had a much needed boost from somewhere. This can only bode well for the future and im certain he is about to enjoy a similar 'purple' patch in the upcoming weeks. Not by a long chalk is he yet firing at more than 60-70% capacity of his potential....but at least he seems to have the reconciliation of a man intent on seeing his mission through, of which im in no doubt as to the eventuality of which, finding its successful conclusion before the seasons end. Perhaps the uncertainty surrounding Kewell's future at the club has helped his 'settling' in process coming to fruition (almost) by way of the undoubted opportunity the lad would be a fool to fail to capitalise on during the blighted Aussie's abscence...'out of sight-out of mind.....' and all.  It certainly presents itself as a real chance to gain a foothold of concrete proportions. A decent 'muscle strengthening' programme, down at the gym, along with a continuous path clear of injury. Even allowing for a fit Harry Kewell's return, id suspect, provided things go to plan. is all thats required i feel for Mark gonzalez to finally 'arrive' at Liverpool, almost 2 years after his announced capture. Lets hope so.

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Postby martygogo » Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:53 am

peterc1992 wrote:
eds wrote:
azriahmad wrote:i hope so, so far he is obviously a speed demon but ufortunately not much else, like Cisse was. However, he had only been here a few months and had already had injury problems, if not surely he would be more adept. Even Schevchenko, such a great marksman, is having adjustment problems.

Gonzalez is a much better player than Cisse will ever be. He is much more than a "speedy" player and unlike Sheva, Morientes and other "seasoned" quality players that have come to the EPL he has time on his hands. Once he starts scoring regulaly (from far\kin LEFT midfield!) he will prove all the doubters wrong. As I said we have only been shown glimpses of what he can do, give him a few games in a row and we will see what his made of.

dont think so,ciise is better than him now,but not in a few years,gonzalez is quicker though

peterc1992,i completly disagree with you i think that gonzalez is one of the worst liverpool players tht we had over the past 9 years,now im no though nut myself but i would try and boot him off the team,hes rubbish
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Postby 83-1165214211 » Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:55 am

red37 wrote:MG although only on for a short period (and despite his well taken free-kick) today. Has started to adopt the 'look' he had about him, when he went on that confidence inspiring run late on for RS. At least he appears to have come to terms with his 'lot' a little better.  Despite not exactly setting any fires recently, both his general demeanor and his overall efficacy would appear to have had a much needed boost from somewhere. This can only bode well for the future and im certain he is about to enjoy a similar 'purple' patch in the upcoming weeks. Not by a long chalk is he yet firing at more than 60-70% capacity of his potential....but at least he seems to have the reconciliation of a man intent on seeing his mission through, of which im in no doubt as to the eventuality of which, finding its successful conclusion before the seasons end. Perhaps the uncertainty surrounding Kewell's future at the club has helped his 'settling' in process coming to fruition (almost) by way of the undoubted opportunity the lad would be a fool to fail to capitalise on during the blighted Aussie's abscence...'out of sight-out of mind.....' and all.  It certainly presents itself as a real chance to gain a foothold of concrete proportions. A decent 'muscle strengthening' programme, down at the gym, along with a continuous path clear of injury. Even allowing for a fit Harry Kewell's return, id suspect, provided things go to plan. is all thats required i feel for Mark gonzalez to finally 'arrive' at Liverpool, almost 2 years after his announced capture. Lets hope so.

Yes what a wonderfull idea, lets bulk him up and make him stronger and he'll lose pace, agility and balance.

Brilliant thinking. So clever. I mean his pace isn't that much of an asset is it really...


Postby RedBlood » Sun Dec 10, 2006 3:35 am

mattygogo   ur a bell-end if u really beleive that
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Postby red37 » Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:07 am

STR_18 wrote:
red37 wrote:MG although only on for a short period (and despite his well taken free-kick) today. Has started to adopt the 'look' he had about him, when he went on that confidence inspiring run late on for RS. At least he appears to have come to terms with his 'lot' a little better.  Despite not exactly setting any fires recently, both his general demeanor and his overall efficacy would appear to have had a much needed boost from somewhere. This can only bode well for the future and im certain he is about to enjoy a similar 'purple' patch in the upcoming weeks. Not by a long chalk is he yet firing at more than 60-70% capacity of his potential....but at least he seems to have the reconciliation of a man intent on seeing his mission through, of which im in no doubt as to the eventuality of which, finding its successful conclusion before the seasons end. Perhaps the uncertainty surrounding Kewell's future at the club has helped his 'settling' in process coming to fruition (almost) by way of the undoubted opportunity the lad would be a fool to fail to capitalise on during the blighted Aussie's abscence...'out of sight-out of mind.....' and all.  It certainly presents itself as a real chance to gain a foothold of concrete proportions. A decent 'muscle strengthening' programme, down at the gym, along with a continuous path clear of injury. Even allowing for a fit Harry Kewell's return, id suspect, provided things go to plan. is all thats required i feel for Mark gonzalez to finally 'arrive' at Liverpool, almost 2 years after his announced capture. Lets hope so.

Yes what a wonderfull idea, lets bulk him up and make him stronger and he'll lose pace, agility and balance.

Brilliant thinking. So clever. I mean his pace isn't that much of an asset is it really...


Im almost certain you can distinguish a difference between 'Strengthening power' as opposed to where 'gaining mass' is concerned.   Iam not discussing the merits of skeleto/muscular hypertrophy through progressive overload here. What i did suggest was a 'strengthening' regimen designed to maximise the existing structures already in place.  Stronger muscles improve posture, provide better support and vitally reduce the risk of injury which is quite apart from the field of Bodybuilding and its perceived theories, which is where you appear to have been misled Stu. There is a significant difference, when discussing the benefits to a sports athlete who relies on acceleration/pace etc..(look at your average runner- they arent the size of a house- all of them will do some form of this exercise)  OK thats an ambiguous analogy, though in any case im sure the club already employs such programmes in training.  The same requirements were levelled at the likes of Garcia/Agger etc... it seems to have done little to affect them detrimentally, they certainly havn't suddenly developed extremes.  Look how often Bellamy 'shields' himself from defenders and is usually able to retain possession, he isnt a man-mountain either. Yet has kept all his full attributes intact.  Besides, im sure you knew exactly what i meant, you're being a bit pedantic if you ask me.

Gonzalez acquiring increased 'strength' has more to do with the ease with which he either fails to hold onto, or is knocked off - the ball. It has nothing to do with bulking him up...there is a difference up to a point where, clearly 'overdoing' it will add to the overall weight of his muscles.  Im on about him 'toning' them further - ie upping their O2 recycling capabilities rather than any protein/carbohydrate retention, or the increased weight of them at least. Then again, there are cases of players built like an ox, still retaining their full compliment of  both 'pace and balance'... to say nothing of stamina and anaerobic fitness as a result. All factors equally as requisite in making a successful player in the Premier league. In the fever pitch rough and tumble of the English game, you need to be both stronger and resilient. This is a key area for improvement in MG's game. Not so much of an asset, more of a requisite id suggest.

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Postby red37 » Sun Dec 10, 2006 11:26 am

not coming back at me Stu?     :D

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