Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Dundreamin is back » Sat Apr 04, 2015 11:37 pm

I expect to get the wrath of plenty posters on here over this, but frankly I don't care.I am 54 and have been a Red for ever since I can remember. My first visit to Anfield I think I was about 6. Now this is not about just this season it goes back about 25 years but looking back I think our demise began after King Kenny resigned after that 4-4 v the Blues***e. There's no way i am blaming Kenny for this as we all know why he left. But over the last quarter of a century we have seen too many false dawns I care to remember. Then last season about this this time I was convinced we would after all the up,s and down,s at last we were going to get the Monkey off our backs. Especially after I almost lost my life in May 2013 and even then after emerging from a two week Coma, and I cannot remember this but one of the first things I asked was how are Liverpool getting on!! Now apparently my family were told to make my funeral arrangements as I was given at the time a 10% chance of survival. And after recovering I will never work again and have had to come to terms with a lot of health issues I have to live with including Brain damage which affects my short term memory. So last season was surreal to me and when people asked me how I survived I would point to the League table and say that. So it didn't happen but I wasn't too upset as I thought we will kick on from that and be even stronger this season even with Suarez gone and also CL football to look forward to.

How wrong could I be especially being embarrassed in the CL with really got to me. Then we had the unbeaten run but I said to a few mates I think this is just papering over the cracks. I had to take a lot of stick over that and the wind up,s like "Take no notice of him he's Brain damaged" but it was done in jest. So fast forward to today and when Markovich bottled it today when we in a position to take advantage next thing we are 3-0 down which reminded me of the Mange game away in December. At half time I done something I have never done in my life before and I turned the TV off and never even looked for the result after the game had finished. So now I feel like I am losing the faith big time. I need to find some hope but I look forward to the next game and I really won't be surprised if Blackburn knock us out on Wednesday.

If they don't then Villa might and even then if we reach the Final and meet more than likely Arsenal I still cannot see a positive. I need some advice or how to change my mindset as this really isn't me. I can now understand when a Priest,for example starts to question there faith or there belief in God. So now I am thinking I need a reborn Christian when they see "The light"
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Postby parchpea » Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:01 am

As an older fan I am with you 100% and we have been lulled into expecting nothing by an American propaganda machine.

Expect nothing you get nothing but the clubs still afloat, Liverpool is so much more than FSG can manage.
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Postby eds » Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:26 am

Thank f**k the tide is finally starting to turn on mediocrity once again.

You lads, are very brave posting this and it's encouraging to see that despite the clueless idiots that post on this forum there is some semblance of logic and reasoning in all this despondency. The same fans that are too stupid to realise how f**ked we are at the moment under a clueless inexperienced manager, a farcical player transfer system of adding complicated algorithms and mumbo jumbo resulting in rubbish signings, an army of incompetent executives led by Ian Ayre and yank owners who have swindled us so badly that they have made the previous pair of idiots look like absolute amateurs.

Despite my small number of posts I have been reading and writing on here for well over a decade and been supporting this club for double that time (as I am a young fella in my 30s) and couldn't agree with you more.

Reading the posts after the Arsenal game just makes me chuckle but at the same time feel truly and utterly sorry at the way some of our fans vent their frustrations.

You have a very special group of deluded cultists that for some reason think this season has nothing to do with Rodgers and will blame everyone else, the transfer committee (that Rodgers works with), the players (which Rodgers has brought in) and the owners (who of course Rodgers accepted THEIR TERMS to work under). These same individuals write rubbish like Rodgers being a "gifted young manager" that will go on and achieve greatness at another club. You know because he almost won us the title last season, never mind that we had one of the greatest players this club has ever had smashing records left, right and center. Never mind outside of Man City he has struggled to beat the other top 3 sides in the league. Never mind the utter mind f**k that was the start of this season including the debacle that was the CL. Never mind that before Rodgers came to this club he had an average career with nothing really to note, never mind that he has been at the helm of one of the most disastrous transfer periods in the club's history and that takes some doing with the utter dross that we signed at the end of the 90s and start of the 00s under Houllier and the legion of s**t at the end of Twiddle Dum and Twiddle Dee's ownership tenure. It's almost like we are so use to mediocrity that we truly can't see the mountain of turds that we have been buried under for such a long time. Just look at the money we have wasted over the last 3 years and go through the list of muppets we have brought in. Sorry I don't subscribe to the school of cherry picking Sturridge and Coutinho and FORGETTING EVERY OTHER PLAYER that we have brought in. Rodgers has to take accountability for that and for that alone he should be shown the door at the end of this season.

Others have been distracted by the recent nonsense with Sterling. Blaming him for wanting too much money and INSULTING him beyond just his performance on the field forgetting that he STILL IS ONE OF OUR F**KING OWN AND WEARS OUR SHIRT.  :no Guess what? We aren't living in the 70s and 80s any more, these kids don't play by the same rules we so strictly hold them to account to. They want everything and they want it NOW. I don't blame him for that, he obviously has grown up in the wrong environment and has a very long list of parasites feeding him the wrong advice. It's the clubs job to get his tiny little mind out of the f**king clouds and it's Rodgers job to you know..... "manage him", isn't that we he is being paid an extraordinary amount of money to do?  And my word has he and the club done a fantastic job this week with everything that has been going on  :laugh: I hate having to refer to other individuals but something like this would have never have happened under Mourinho or Whiskey nose's watch, Rodgers has a lot to learn when managing little clueless divas, and if some of you lot think that he will succeed at another richer club full of these egos I can't wait for your excuses when he fails miserably.

But those two things are just a side note to other war that is brewing on the horizon at our club. The long term damage has been done and the more years under FSG the longer we will sink further and further into mediocrity. We had the chance to sign Sanchez last season, that would have gone a LONG way to softening the blow that we felt when Suarez left. We had Barcelona by the ba.ll.s and somehow we let one of our direct rivals vying for a CL spot take him under our very noses. This epitomises this entire regime, one that says everything we want to hear but delivers NOTHING when it comes to holding them to account. Excuse after excuse has now become the mantra to explaining why we didn't do this or why we choose to do that. The worst thing out of all this is all the years it will take to reverse the damage of having brought in so many awful players and "young potentials" that is has created a direction-less and soul-less club that it makes my blood boil every time these inevitable results bring us back to earth. Mark my words, irrespective of whether Rodgers is at this club next season we will still have a regime crushing this club by continuing this madness of buying more young players and selling our better players at a premium.  :no
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Postby Homebooby » Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:23 am

Something fell over in me yesterday which I was dreading would happen. I do everything I can to be optimistic in my general day to day and have applied that with a lot of creativity to Liverpool over the past 10 (heck 20 odd) years. This should have been the season we kicked on to realise that magic 5 yr plan that we've been chasing since the Souness years and up until 2 weeks ago, I was wishing and hoping that we'd perform a miracle, but we've more than shot ourselves in the foot, we're out in the paddock with a shotgun between our hooves. It is truly amazing how we've managed to collapse that way we have and the senior players to be the ones to do it. My only explanation for that is the Stevie, Skrtel and even Can saw how desperate things were and overstretched big time. I would not be surprised to see us finish back in 8th at this point and quite where that will leave us, who knows.

I still remain positive about BR purely because he's restored a footballing style that I enjoy watching us play and I'm concerned for what comes after him. I do believe he loves the club and honours the traditions most of us hold dear on this board and I still think there's value in that. Something has to change and I would hope that there's a modification to our transfer policy as I would like to truly judge him on the basis of being able to sign top class players. I really also hope that we see an injection into the club of ex-players who can reinstill some sense of identity into the club as we are floundering at this point and the outlook is bleak. It can all change in a heartbeat and moves now need to be decisive and it's time for the owners to put up, or push off.

Faith can be easily restored but I share my huge disappointment (and that's the key word here) with the outcome of the season even an FA Cup final will struggle to plaster over. I am dreading the replay as I don't want to see the aftermath of us going out, so I might just retire from the internet for a while. It ain't going to be pretty.
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Postby The_Rock » Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:37 am

We need a shakeup of our backroom coaching staff. I have no issue with moneyball signings (provided we sign the right ones). But FSG has to stop getting cheap with our coaching setup. We got rid of all our experienced coaches for 30s yr olds.... And it is showing now. There is no leadership around the club. As for Ian Ayers...the less said about him the better.

They have to get in a right manager. Rodgers is just too passive to defeats and failure in general. He wants to players to relax after a defeat and move on to the next game with a fresh start. That works for a midtable team. But for one of the 10 biggest club in the world...that is just scandalous.

If mourinho was in charge of us...he would have whipped into the squad for our European performance. But for Rodgers he decided to take it easy (even going as far as to tell the fans to enjoy the European nights as this was what we were waiting for....  :Oo: ) and do a Tan in the international break...  :no

I hope kash is right in that the management is looking to overhaul the whole coaching network. Maybe Rodgers might have gotten some word of what is gonna happen. He seems too laid back during our losses to manure & arsenal.
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Postby Doeboy » Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:46 am

As a club on the whole, we live in the past far too much. The 70s and 80s are becoming a very long time ago now and although those times will never be forgotten, they are history.

The players of today were most likely not even born then,  and truth be told probably don't give a Sh*t about what we did then unless they are local lads (one reason I think it's so important to get some local lads in them).

We are in a difficult position and personally last summer told me a lot. We were in the CL and had a pocket full of cash but still could not attract even one what I'd call stand out signing. Instead mix of potential and decent/good premier league players.

We are just not the draw we once we're and unfortunately we spent too much time basking in our own glory rather than aggressively looking to push on when we were successful and are now paying the price.
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Postby Dundreamin is back » Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:25 am

I'm amazed at the response of my original post ok only 3 replies so far but they are all in unison and it's a relief to me that people think the same. Or are we 4 out of step and all the corporate hospitality,the so called fans who jump from club to club depending on who's doing well on the pitch ( Honestly I have met a few) affectionately known as"Glory Hunters" but there's been no real glory around Anfield for quite a few years although 10 years ago these "fans" arrived in there droves and the ones who think football is a entertainment business, maybe these days it is to name just a few. But when I was brought up to support LFC these "fans" didn't exist. Now talking about a Manager who could possibly take us forward, and people say that you shouldn't go back bollox to them this is my opinion,as we live in a free society I am entitled to free speech ( for how long Mr protect the rich and powerful Cameron) I would be looking in the direction of Phil Thompson. The man eptepomises all what is great about our club. Remember when he was catapulted into the caretaker Managers role when Houllier took seriously ill with his heart condition. This man would take no sh**e off the player's and their Agents Raheem Sterling take note. For those uneducated I suggest that you read his book "Stand up Pinocchio" this man still eats, breathes and is Liverpool Football Club. Also when he was in the caretakers role he got some cracking results I always remember in the CL away in Russia I think it was Kiev where no British club had ever won, well we did. This is just IMHO but who would you rather have, a LVG. AVB. or maybe for comical effect ABC. I have even heard it suggested by some numpty Harry Redknapp and why? This is 100% genuine "Because his Son played for us" FFS section that man. The only other person I would consider is, of course Rafa but I very much doubt FSG would entertain him because we might start winning things with him! And if I am not wrong I think he has won something or other at every Club he has managed. And since he was shoved out the door by the 2 American criminals (Are they not dead yet?  So much for Karma then) They are my thoughts
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Postby maguskwt » Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:43 am

Good thread this... For all the doomers and gloomers to post so that they won't spread their gloom elsewhere..

Suffice to say I didn't read any of the posts above... :laugh:
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Postby metalhead » Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:56 am

I don't see why fans blame the owners, I don't get it ???

How can anyone blame them? They are not the ones who squandered millions on poor signings, nor they are the ones choosing the tactics and choosing the players during match days.

Under FSG we are out of a financial mess, our revenues grew each year and we have recorded a profit since god knows when (2007 I think). In addition to all of this we are underway in expanding our stadium.

So how y'all can blame FSG?
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Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:16 pm

metalhead » Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:56 am wrote:I don't see why fans blame the owners, I don't get it ???

How can anyone blame them? They are not the ones who squandered millions on poor signings, nor they are the ones choosing the tactics and choosing the players during match days.

Under FSG we are out of a financial mess, our revenues grew each year and we have recorded a profit since god knows when (2007 I think). In addition to all of this we are underway in expanding our stadium.

So how y'all can blame FSG?

Your right, in general FSG have done quite well, they even brought in Brendan who despite what the whiners say has done a good job. To go within an ace of winning the title took some doing especially when you consider we'd spent the previous five years finishing mid table.
In this day and age when a club goes from five years of mid table mediocrity to all of a sudden just missing out on the title the first thing that crosses your mind is oil money but we didn't even have that.
I think a lot of fans know though deep down that if the game over here wasn't awash with money FSG wouldn't be here, the bottom line is that they saw us as a business opportunity or in other words they are here to make money.
Mind you they are not alone in that respect, everyone involved in the game these days bar the fans seems to be on a mission to make as much money as they can.
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Postby metalhead » Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:20 pm

ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:16 am wrote:
metalhead » Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:56 am wrote:I don't see why fans blame the owners, I don't get it ???

How can anyone blame them? They are not the ones who squandered millions on poor signings, nor they are the ones choosing the tactics and choosing the players during match days.

Under FSG we are out of a financial mess, our revenues grew each year and we have recorded a profit since god knows when (2007 I think). In addition to all of this we are underway in expanding our stadium.

So how y'all can blame FSG?

Your right, in general FSG have done quite well, they even brought in Brendan who despite what the whiners say has done a good job. To go within an ace of winning the title took some doing especially when you consider we'd spent the previous five years finishing mid table.
In this day and age when a club goes from five years of mid table mediocrity to all of a sudden just missing out on the title the first thing that crosses your mind is oil money but we didn't even have that.
I think a lot of fans know though deep down that if the game over here wasn't awash with money FSG wouldn't be here, the bottom line is that they saw us as a business opportunity or in other words they are here to make money.
Mind you they are not alone in that respect, everyone involved in the game these days bar the fans seems to be on a mission to make as much money as they can.

Didn't previous owners even wanted to make money too? owners even during the Shankly era? in the end it's sport business, owners will have to make money for themselves and for the club, it's how it works. It's naive to think otherwise.

The owners are not stupid too, they also know that the value comes from Liverpool supporters, without the supporters the club would not exist.
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:51 pm

ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:16 am wrote:
metalhead » Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:56 am wrote:I don't see why fans blame the owners, I don't get it ???

How can anyone blame them? They are not the ones who squandered millions on poor signings, nor they are the ones choosing the tactics and choosing the players during match days.

Under FSG we are out of a financial mess, our revenues grew each year and we have recorded a profit since god knows when (2007 I think). In addition to all of this we are underway in expanding our stadium.

So how y'all can blame FSG?

Your right, in general FSG have done quite well, they even brought in Brendan who despite what the whiners say has done a good job. To go within an ace of winning the title took some doing especially when you consider we'd spent the previous five years finishing mid table.
In this day and age when a club goes from five years of mid table mediocrity to all of a sudden just missing out on the title the first thing that crosses your mind is oil money but we didn't even have that.
I think a lot of fans know though deep down that if the game over here wasn't awash with money FSG wouldn't be here, the bottom line is that they saw us as a business opportunity or in other words they are here to make money.
Mind you they are not alone in that respect, everyone involved in the game these days bar the fans seems to be on a mission to make as much money as they can.

You seem to be getting positively frivolous with this description of Rodger's dissenters as 'whiners mate ,maybe we should detail how tedious the apologist's viewpoint
is now sounding to this particular camp 

The fact it reverberates around this forum after every defeat with the same monotone platitudes for a manager that is so clearly out of his depth ,is like fingernails
being dragged across a blackboard to some  ... Maybe you should take this into consideration the next time you deem us whiners  ???  Just saying like.

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Postby Thommo's perm » Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:24 pm

eds » Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:26 am wrote:Thank f**k the tide is finally starting to turn on mediocrity once again.

You lads, are very brave posting this and it's encouraging to see that despite the clueless idiots that post on this forum there is some semblance of logic and reasoning in all this despondency. The same fans that are too stupid to realise how f**ked we are at the moment under a clueless inexperienced manager, a farcical player transfer system of adding complicated algorithms and mumbo jumbo resulting in rubbish signings, an army of incompetent executives led by Ian Ayre and yank owners who have swindled us so badly that they have made the previous pair of idiots look like absolute amateurs.

Despite my small number of posts I have been reading and writing on here for well over a decade and been supporting this club for double that time (as I am a young fella in my 30s) and couldn't agree with you more.

Reading the posts after the Arsenal game just makes me chuckle but at the same time feel truly and utterly sorry at the way some of our fans vent their frustrations.

You have a very special group of deluded cultists that for some reason think this season has nothing to do with Rodgers and will blame everyone else, the transfer committee (that Rodgers works with), the players (which Rodgers has brought in) and the owners (who of course Rodgers accepted THEIR TERMS to work under). These same individuals write rubbish like Rodgers being a "gifted young manager" that will go on and achieve greatness at another club. You know because he almost won us the title last season, never mind that we had one of the greatest players this club has ever had smashing records left, right and center. Never mind outside of Man City he has struggled to beat the other top 3 sides in the league. Never mind the utter mind f**k that was the start of this season including the debacle that was the CL. Never mind that before Rodgers came to this club he had an average career with nothing really to note, never mind that he has been at the helm of one of the most disastrous transfer periods in the club's history and that takes some doing with the utter dross that we signed at the end of the 90s and start of the 00s under Houllier and the legion of s**t at the end of Twiddle Dum and Twiddle Dee's ownership tenure. It's almost like we are so use to mediocrity that we truly can't see the mountain of turds that we have been buried under for such a long time. Just look at the money we have wasted over the last 3 years and go through the list of muppets we have brought in. Sorry I don't subscribe to the school of cherry picking Sturridge and Coutinho and FORGETTING EVERY OTHER PLAYER that we have brought in. Rodgers has to take accountability for that and for that alone he should be shown the door at the end of this season.

Others have been distracted by the recent nonsense with Sterling. Blaming him for wanting too much money and INSULTING him beyond just his performance on the field forgetting that he STILL IS ONE OF OUR F**KING OWN AND WEARS OUR SHIRT.  :no Guess what? We aren't living in the 70s and 80s any more, these kids don't play by the same rules we so strictly hold them to account to. They want everything and they want it NOW. I don't blame him for that, he obviously has grown up in the wrong environment and has a very long list of parasites feeding him the wrong advice. It's the clubs job to get his tiny little mind out of the f**king clouds and it's Rodgers job to you know..... "manage him", isn't that we he is being paid an extraordinary amount of money to do?  And my word has he and the club done a fantastic job this week with everything that has been going on  :laugh: I hate having to refer to other individuals but something like this would have never have happened under Mourinho or Whiskey nose's watch, Rodgers has a lot to learn when managing little clueless divas, and if some of you lot think that he will succeed at another richer club full of these egos I can't wait for your excuses when he fails miserably.

But those two things are just a side note to other war that is brewing on the horizon at our club. The long term damage has been done and the more years under FSG the longer we will sink further and further into mediocrity. We had the chance to sign Sanchez last season, that would have gone a LONG way to softening the blow that we felt when Suarez left. We had Barcelona by the ba.ll.s and somehow we let one of our direct rivals vying for a CL spot take him under our very noses. This epitomises this entire regime, one that says everything we want to hear but delivers NOTHING when it comes to holding them to account. Excuse after excuse has now become the mantra to explaining why we didn't do this or why we choose to do that. The worst thing out of all this is all the years it will take to reverse the damage of having brought in so many awful players and "young potentials" that is has created a direction-less and soul-less club that it makes my blood boil every time these inevitable results bring us back to earth. Mark my words, irrespective of whether Rodgers is at this club next season we will still have a regime crushing this club by continuing this madness of buying more young players and selling our better players at a premium.  :no

Now THAT'S a rant!!
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Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:30 pm

metalhead » Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:20 am wrote:
ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:16 am wrote:
metalhead » Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:56 am wrote:I don't see why fans blame the owners, I don't get it ???

How can anyone blame them? They are not the ones who squandered millions on poor signings, nor they are the ones choosing the tactics and choosing the players during match days.

Under FSG we are out of a financial mess, our revenues grew each year and we have recorded a profit since god knows when (2007 I think). In addition to all of this we are underway in expanding our stadium.

So how y'all can blame FSG?

Your right, in general FSG have done quite well, they even brought in Brendan who despite what the whiners say has done a good job. To go within an ace of winning the title took some doing especially when you consider we'd spent the previous five years finishing mid table.
In this day and age when a club goes from five years of mid table mediocrity to all of a sudden just missing out on the title the first thing that crosses your mind is oil money but we didn't even have that.
I think a lot of fans know though deep down that if the game over here wasn't awash w'ith money FSG wouldn't be here, the bottom line is that they saw us as a business opportunity or in other words they are here to make money.
Mind you they are not alone in that respect, everyone involved in the game these days bar the fans seems to be on a mission to make as much money as they can.

Didn't previous owners even wanted to make money too? owners even during the Shankly era? in the end it's sport business, owners will have to make money for themselves and for the club, it's how it works. It's naive to think otherwise.

The owners are not stupid too, they also know that the value comes from Liverpool supporters, without the supporters the club would not exist.

I think the difference is though back in the day owners and chairmen were in the game because they loved the game. Don't forget before Sky got involved there was hardly any money in the football, infact it was seen as a sure fire way to lose money, most grounds were decrepid and players wages were in the hundreds of pounds not hundreds of thousands.
Most clubs were run by local businessmen who had grown up on the same terraces that they now oversaw.
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Postby metalhead » Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:41 pm

I do agree mate, it has changed a lot, but local businessmen still had to make a living in the end too.

I agree the difference is that the owners were supporters too back then.
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