Newkit fatbusters 2008 - Who's on a diet?

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Postby burjennio » Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:48 pm

LFC2007 Posted on Jan. 08 2008,19:39
Quote (Emerald Red @ Jan. 08 2008,19:22)
Quote (Big Niall @ Jan. 08 2008,17:11)
Swimming isn't good for losing weight either (partly because the water keeps your body cold - I think?)

Get liposuction?


And No.

Swimming is one of the best cardiovascular exercises for the body. You use all of your major muscle groups and there's no risk of getting stress injury as your body is supported. Most people think that it's useless, and you don't really have to expend more cals than you eat. Not necessarily anyway. Excising the heart boosts metabolism, so once that is boosted, you more or less burn weight off even when you're sleeping after a work out. It depends on how much muscle mass you have too. More muscle mass means working them burns a lot more fat, so it's a good idea to build some muscle to help burn the flab.

Lipsuction? F*ck no! Remember, low metabolic rate and your body will just start storing fat again.

A common misconception is that eating less means you'll get skinny. While in the long run this is true (at risk of health or death no less) after your body is starved, it will start attacking fat cells first, then muscle when there's no fat. However, starve your body with the intentions of still eating and it will have the reverse effect. Your body will start crashing and go into a mode where any food you intake it will store any fat for energy. If you trick your body into thinking it's starving, it will take measures to protect itself regardless if you want it to or not. There's some things we can't control, and our bodies is a certain extent.

Work out and eat clean, like LFC2007 said, your body will maintain itself to it's normal weight again.

You have a funny way of explaining it but you are correct in some of what you say, if explained in a slightly odd way (attacking fat cells ).

Just to repeat the physics equation though:
If you expend more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. If you consume more calories than you expend, you will gain weight. Cast iron FACT.

What Emerald said is 100% true. If you maintain a calorie deficit your bodty goes into "starvation mode" where it starts to function on less calories and converts muscle as well as fat into energy. Thats why to maintain good health whilst on a diet you must try to use muscle building exercises which maintain or expand your lean muscle mass, which in turn raises your metoblism, which keeps the amount of calories you burn at a higher level

There is a ton of information about this stuff on the internet and in most book stores or libraries - the best one I found for me is the rather shamelessly titles "Burn the Fat, feed the Muscle" by a guy called Tom Veneuto - it explains the science behind metoblism, energy consumption and conversion and why cardiovascular and endurance training are important in different ways for getting and staying healthy and in shape

For the couch potatoes that think exercise is for someone else, but think that a diet could do them good should look to any diet following the Glycemic Index or GI Diet. Again, its backs up its claims with proven science involving the metoblism and the breakdown of different types of food (proteims, carbs and fat), and doesnt contain any of the paradoxes and health risks of of the Atkins diet, but its definately not for anyone with a sweet tooth (like me sadly) - it was originally designed for Diabetics and only recently were its full health benefits for regular people fully explored - plus you really shouldn't ever go hungry following its advice

Dont listen to anyone who runs down going to the gym, there idiots who have deep emotional problems and dont like interacting with actual people. Gyms are the easiest way for regular people to get have access to a wide range of excercise and weight training equiptment, plus many hold a number of different classes from everything form circuit training to yoga and even boxerzise - get yer mates down, its a great (and cheap) alternative to going to the pub and also a chance to make new friends

The worst thing about finding a gym is getting past the initial fees that they like to shower on you, understandable since about 80% of the people who sign up for gyms never see it through and cancel they're debits by the end of January so try to find an offer that suits you and that is affordable every month. Get a friend to go along and you can usually get reduced rate packages - Local Council Gyms are about the most reasonably priced. Mines £25 a month- that includes gym, pool and most classes in that fee, and if you ever need help there is always a fitness instructor ready to lend a hand or give advice - they will also set you out a program to follow should you need it and take your BMI measurements correctly as it can be tricky

If you need any more persuading you can read an endless amount of information on why you should exercise and eat right on the internet - all you need is willpower and self-belief, though me telling people this reminds of a story about pots and kettles   :(
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Postby Big Niall » Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:51 pm

i was joking about the lipo.
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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:33 pm

burjennio wrote:What Emerald said is 100% true. If you maintain a calorie deficit your bodty goes into "starvation mode" where it starts to function on less calories and converts muscle as well as fat into energy. Thats why to maintain good health whilst on a diet you must try to use muscle building exercises which maintain or expand your lean muscle mass, which in turn raises your metoblism, which keeps the amount of calories you burn at a higher level

There is a ton of information about this stuff on the internet and in most book stores or libraries - the best one I found for me is the rather shamelessly titles "Burn the Fat, feed the Muscle" by a guy called Tom Veneuto - it explains the science behind metoblism, energy consumption and conversion and why cardiovascular and endurance training are important in different ways for getting and staying healthy and in shape

For the couch potatoes that think exercise is for someone else, but think that a diet could do them good should look to any diet following the Glycemic Index or GI Diet. Again, its backs up its claims with proven science involving the metoblism and the breakdown of different types of food (proteims, carbs and fat), and doesnt contain any of the paradoxes and health risks of of the Atkins diet, but its definately not for anyone with a sweet tooth (like me sadly) - it was originally designed for Diabetics and only recently were its full health benefits for regular people fully explored - plus you really shouldn't ever go hungry following its advice

Dont listen to anyone who runs down going to the gym, there idiots who have deep emotional problems and dont like interacting with actual people. Gyms are the easiest way for regular people to get have access to a wide range of excercise and weight training equiptment, plus many hold a number of different classes from everything form circuit training to yoga and even boxerzise - get yer mates down, its a great (and cheap) alternative to going to the pub and also a chance to make new friends

The worst thing about finding a gym is getting past the initial fees that they like to shower on you, understandable since about 80% of the people who sign up for gyms never see it through and cancel they're debits by the end of January so try to find an offer that suits you and that is affordable every month. Get a friend to go along and you can usually get reduced rate packages - Local Council Gyms are about the most reasonably priced. Mines £25 a month- that includes gym, pool and most classes in that fee, and if you ever need help there is always a fitness instructor ready to lend a hand or give advice - they will also set you out a program to follow should you need it and take your BMI measurements correctly as it can be tricky

If you need any more persuading you can read an endless amount of information on why you should exercise and eat right on the internet - all you need is willpower and self-belief, though me telling people this reminds of a story about pots and kettles   :(

Absolutely to the first part, I'm not disagreeing with the content- but your body doesn't 'attack fat cells'. In that respect I thought he described it in a slightly unconventional manner.

As for the gym remarks - maybe you own a gym, part-own a gym or work in a gym. I don't know - but from my point of view, if you simply want to maintain a reasonable level of fitness, they are a waste of money. If you want to train seriously, or recover from injury - then a gym is probably the best place to start. For the ordinary bloke, who can't afford a gym membership, or who doesn't do the 'health freak' lifestyle, a game of five-a-side or a jog every so often will probably suffice. Assuming their diet is fairly balanced too.

If you have the will power, you do not need a gym - FACT.
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Postby burjennio » Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:26 pm

LFC2007 Posted on Jan. 09 2008,16:33
Quote (burjennio @ Jan. 09 2008,11:48)
What Emerald said is 100% true. If you maintain a calorie deficit your bodty goes into "starvation mode" where it starts to function on less calories and converts muscle as well as fat into energy. Thats why to maintain good health whilst on a diet you must try to use muscle building exercises which maintain or expand your lean muscle mass, which in turn raises your metoblism, which keeps the amount of calories you burn at a higher level

There is a ton of information about this stuff on the internet and in most book stores or libraries - the best one I found for me is the rather shamelessly titles "Burn the Fat, feed the Muscle" by a guy called Tom Veneuto - it explains the science behind metoblism, energy consumption and conversion and why cardiovascular and endurance training are important in different ways for getting and staying healthy and in shape

For the couch potatoes that think exercise is for someone else, but think that a diet could do them good should look to any diet following the Glycemic Index or GI Diet. Again, its backs up its claims with proven science involving the metoblism and the breakdown of different types of food (proteims, carbs and fat), and doesnt contain any of the paradoxes and health risks of of the Atkins diet, but its definately not for anyone with a sweet tooth (like me sadly) - it was originally designed for Diabetics and only recently were its full health benefits for regular people fully explored - plus you really shouldn't ever go hungry following its advice

Dont listen to anyone who runs down going to the gym, there idiots who have deep emotional problems and dont like interacting with actual people. Gyms are the easiest way for regular people to get have access to a wide range of excercise and weight training equiptment, plus many hold a number of different classes from everything form circuit training to yoga and even boxerzise - get yer mates down, its a great (and cheap) alternative to going to the pub and also a chance to make new friends

The worst thing about finding a gym is getting past the initial fees that they like to shower on you, understandable since about 80% of the people who sign up for gyms never see it through and cancel they're debits by the end of January so try to find an offer that suits you and that is affordable every month. Get a friend to go along and you can usually get reduced rate packages - Local Council Gyms are about the most reasonably priced. Mines £25 a month- that includes gym, pool and most classes in that fee, and if you ever need help there is always a fitness instructor ready to lend a hand or give advice - they will also set you out a program to follow should you need it and take your BMI measurements correctly as it can be tricky

If you need any more persuading you can read an endless amount of information on why you should exercise and eat right on the internet - all you need is willpower and self-belief, though me telling people this reminds of a story about pots and kettles   :(

Absolutely to the first part, I'm not disagreeing with the content- but your body doesn't 'attack fat cells'. In that respect I thought he described it in a slightly unconventional manner.

As for the gym remarks - maybe you own a gym, part-own a gym or work in a gym. I don't know - but from my point of view, if you simply want to maintain a reasonable level of fitness, they are a waste of money. If you want to train seriously, or recover from injury - then a gym is probably the best place to start. For the ordinary bloke, who can't afford a gym membership, or who doesn't do the 'health freak' lifestyle, a game of five-a-side or a jog every so often will probably suffice. Assuming their diet is fairly balanced too.

If you have the will power, you do not need a gym - FACT.

no you dont need a gym but if you live in the city or suffer from bad knees or joints they're the best way to train, and most arn't  overly priced, mines £25 a month, just find one that doesnt have a giant length contract or a dozen signing up charges and fees, they're not all run by crooks and the guys that work there are very helpful. People become overweight for various reasons and it takes willpower to get it off as well as keep it off thats true, but you'll not lose weight with willpower alone, you need planning, preparation and routine, alone with proper advice form the right sources, its amazing how naive people still are about exercise and diet. For example the amount of people that I know that think studying fat content of products is the key to weight loss, and wont listen to you when you tell them that calorie content is the only thing to study for weight loss staggers me. People just equate the word "fat" to "weight" and swear by the garbage info they were given 25 years ago about low fat  equals good health. we know now that many types of fat are good for you and its only the cholesterol increasing trans and saturated fats that are dangerous. Many low fat products, especially yogurts and dairy products are crammed full of sugar and subsequently full of calories
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Postby daxy1 » Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:30 pm

i cant be bothered goin the gym all the time anymore
im naturaly big im 6ft 5in and have allways lifted weights and stupidly strong it's allmost unreal
im not arsed about losing weight im ok with what i am if someone dont like it come tell me
good on you for havin a try!
my mate is super fit he goes running 8 miles everynight but he weighs around 10 1/2 stone and he's as weak as fook when we go the game and we score he gets ragged around everywere he's like a little rag doll i couldnt be doin with that
and my lovely wife told me the other day that she is obsessed with me and thats after 10 years so i cant be that bad :cool:

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Postby burjennio » Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:29 pm

daxy1 Posted on Jan. 10 2008,19:30i cant be bothered goin the gym all the time anymore
im naturaly big im 6ft 5in and have allways lifted weights and stupidly strong it's allmost unreal
im not arsed about losing weight im ok with what i am if someone dont like it come tell me
good on you for havin a try!
my mate is super fit he goes running 8 miles everynight but he weighs around 10 1/2 stone and he's as weak as fook when we go the game and we score he gets ragged around everywere he's like a little rag doll i couldnt be doin with that
and my lovely wife told me the other day that she is obsessed with me and thats after 10 years so i cant be that bad :cool:

thats the single most pointless post i've ever read, Maybe your ego needs to lose a stone
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Postby zarababe » Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:48 pm

The best diet is when you cut your calorie in take by half - average bloke requires 2500 cals - half it
                                                                               average gal requires 2000 cals - half it

You'll drop pounds and inches in no time :)

don't forget - 8 glasses of Water
fruit and veg too !
Last edited by zarababe on Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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Postby stmichael » Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:49 pm

i took up a diet once. i think it was called the "stella diet" or something like that.

i lost three and a half weeks.
Last edited by stmichael on Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby burjennio » Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:00 pm

stmichael Posted on Jan. 11 2008,14:49i took up a diet once. i think it was called the "stella diet" or something like that.

i lost three and a half weeks.

i did something similar where I applied to 1 of those "lose that unwanted extra weight in 4 weeks " internet ads and about a month later someone came to the door and shot my ex-wife dead
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Postby Kharhaz » Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:17 pm

Originally Titled "Fat Man's Prayer," by Victor Buono

Lord, my soul is ripped with riot
Incited by my wicked diet.

"We are what we eat," said a wise old man,
Lord, if that's true, I'm a garbage can.
To rise on Judgment Day, it's plain,
With my present weight, I'll need a crane.

So grant me strength that I may not fall,
Into the clutches of cholesterol.
May my flesh with carrot-curls be dated,
That my soul may be polyunsaturated

And show me the light that I may bear witness,
To the President's Council on Physical Fitness.
And at oleomargarine I'll never mutter,
For the road to Hell is paved with butter.

And cream is cursed; and cake is awful;
And Satan is hiding in every waffle.
Mephistopheles lurks in pepperoni,
The Devil himself in each slice of bologna.

Beelzebub is a chocolate drop,
And Lucifer is a lollipop.
Give me this day my daily slice,
Cut it thin and toast it twice.

I beg upon my dimpled knees,
Deliver me from jujube's.
And when my days of trial are done,
And my war with malted milk balls won,

Let me stand with Heavenly throng,
In a shining robe -- size 30 long.
I can do it Lord, if you'll show to me,
The virtues of lettuce and celery.

Teach me the evil of mayonnaise,
And of pasta a la Milanese.
And crisp-fried chicken from the South,
Lord, if you love me, shut my mouth!


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Postby GRAHAM01 » Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:50 am

looks like i`m the first to say how the first week went??

does that mean i have done well and others have fallen at the first week or just that i`m the only one that cares :D

well for what it's worth i've done ok

lost 4lb in the first week ( well i thought it was good anyway )

so come on then anyone else in to a size lower jeans yet

up with the fruit and veg
if you want some come get some!
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Postby PhiLFC » Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:22 am

GRAHAM01 wrote:looks like i`m the first to say how the first week went??

does that mean i have done well and others have fallen at the first week or just that i`m the only one that cares :D

well for what it's worth i've done ok

lost 4lb in the first week ( well i thought it was good anyway )

so come on then anyone else in to a size lower jeans yet

up with the fruit and veg

4lb... really that's great well done mate.

Anyway... just weighed meself and I've lost 1lb

I was 171lb

I am 170lb

I'm very happy with that, a 1lb or so a week is my target and hopefully I should able to maintain it for 3 months.

I've been out boozing a cuppla times and had a curry on Friday but most importantly I have been doing some jogging/walking (only 2 miles but I only really want to get up to 5 miles max).

Conclusions:-  Feeling good and looking forward to the next training session
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Postby GRAHAM01 » Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:34 am


going out for a run tonight so that will help, looking to do that a few times this week and drop a couple more pounds

well done for the 1lb, it has to start some where buddy
if you want some come get some!
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Postby burjennio » Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:28 pm

sorry im late, lost 2 pounds, another 58 to go  :sniffle
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Postby dawson99 » Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:48 pm

lost over  astone and half last week  :cool:
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