Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Redbilly1960 » Thu May 24, 2007 11:40 am

Totally gutted about the result last night, But in the clear light of day if anyone had said back at the start of the season "Want a place in The Champions league final in May" we would have jumped at the chance. We got there, the so called cream of European football did'nt. So in the clear light of day I am proud of my Team, Manager, Fellow supporters and proud of my City.
Champions League Finals will come again as will The Premiership. You don't get to the Final twice in three years by luck. Rafa now has the financial backing to go and buy the quality players to take us to the next level, I believe next season with be OUR season and the Premiership will come to Anfield.

Forget all the talk about Hand balls, Ref blowing early, Poor subs, Players not performing etc etc lets not become bitter bast@rds like them the otherside of Stanley Park.

Congratulations to Milan

In Rafa we TRUST
In Gerrard we BELIEVE
In Carragher we FIGHT
In Liverpool we DREAM

"I was only in the game for the love of football-and I wanted to bring back happiness to the people of Liverpool"
                                                                Bill Shankly
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Postby The Ace1983 » Thu May 24, 2007 11:52 am

zarababe wrote:
The Ace1983 wrote:Gutted. It's the only way to put it. I'm gutted. But the thing is, the weird thing is, that I'm eerily... ok. Let's get the excuses out of the way. They cheated all of last season and they shouldn't have even been in the competition. That first goal did come off of Inzaghi's arm. And the ref did blow up way too early. But none of that matters. What should come next is the admition that we were just not good enough. But I can't say that. We were the better team. We certainly put in a better performance than the one we put in 2 years ago when Milan, over the whole game were the better side. Okay, those seven minutes will go down as the greatest comeback ever, and the never say die attitude was something that should be shown to soldiers, priests and everyone else who has to face up to harsh odds. But we were not the better side over 120 minutes, we were just the tougher side.

Tonight, over 90 minutes we passed well, we controlled the tempo, we attacked, we defended and even when things got difficult we kept going and I could see that spirit of the glorious 25th of May, 2005 was still there. But we lost. However unfairly, however much it hurts, we lost. And it sucks.

Often in these situations its difficult to catch a fleeting glimpse of a silver lining amongst an ocean of grey and ominous clouds, but that is not the case tonight. Forget the excuses, forget Milan and think about Liverpool FC. We are getting better. All those Man Utd fans who said that we'd get torn apart, have been proven wrong. All the Chelsea fans who said that we'd be an embaressment have been proven wrong. And all those Everton fans who have been giving us needle about how we were in for a thrashing have been proven wrong. Tonight, a lot of players stood up and fought and though they lost, they can walk out of that stadium with pride and I hope, when they get home, there are some cheering Liverpool fans outside John Lennon airport tomorrow, because they deserve some credit. We are not the defensive joke machine of the Houllier days. We are no longer a one man team. We are not restricted to one style of play anymore. And we must remember that we are a work in progress. That team was not the finished article, the grand finale that Rafa is planning and I am sure that in the summer we will witness a new chapter in the Rafalution that will bring quality, depth and the cutting edge that maybe tonight we were lacking.

None of this, none of these words can shout out or shut out the pain that we feel now. Kind words are no match for the thought of silverware lost. But keep these thoughts in your mind and remember that at the end of the storm there really will be a golden light. This is Liverpool Football Club, the only team in this country that could take to the stand in any courtroom in the land and under oath proclaim, without fear of purgery, that we are the greatest club in the history of English football and we do have the pictures to prove it. We have the trophies too.

A long time ago, a man named Emlyn Hughes, having just won "Ol' Big Ears" and having just been asked "what do you do next?", replied "we'll just have to win it again". And Liverpool did. I know because I've been watching ITV4's showing of our previous triumphs. Perhaps they thought we'd win it tonight. Crazy fools. But that's how football works. This summer, we'll remember it and the wound will sting. But in august, it all starts again. And you never know, do you? In 12 months time, we may all be jumping up and down with that trophy again. We might even have a league title too. You never know.

kaka was wearing a t-shirt tonight which read "I belong to Jesus" which means that he must be strong in his faith. And I guess, if you support any football team, you have to have a lot of faith too. You get ups and down indescriminately, but that's, in the words of Ol' Blue Eyes, Life. Ol' Big Ears would probably agree (if it weren't an inanimate object). Kaka may indeed belong to Jesus, and fair play to him, but that cup, that cup that all of those Milan players are drinking out of tonight, the one that Maldini will probably sleep with, that cup belongs to us.

Having tried to rationalize loss, I still feel gutted and the wound still stings. And just for anyone who thought that because of what I said, tomorrow will be glorious, you should know that it's just going to get worse. I have to go into an office full of Chelsea fans who will give me a great amount of stick. For those of you in Liverpool, I can only imagine how much stick the blueshites are going to give you. I see we have some of them with us now, giving it the needle (though quite what they have to crow about I don't know. You can always tell a true football fan because they get pleasure when their team wins, not when another team loses). For the next week we'll all get some grief, I'm sure. But, to troll out a couple of whorey old cliches, sticks and stones, and he who laughs last. Saying that probably won't help, but remember it anyway.

All that is left to do is to congratulate Milan, afterall they did win it, and to congratulate our players. We are a better team, and we are getting better all of the time. We will just have to do it again and there is no reason for us not doing so. In major cup finals (not counting the league-mickey-mouse-cup) Rafa is 2 from 3 (to use the American vernacular) and that ain't bad. And his league positions read 5-3-3-? I put that question mark there because we don't know what will happen in the future. And that is where we have to now look. To the future. Next year, we'll just have to have another crack at number 6, and lets have a go at number 19 while we're at it. Here's to hoping, and keeping the faith.

Come On You Reds. YNWA.

Fabulous post Ace - tonight I feel the world of football has seen the master Benitez and the rise of Liverpool - I feel as  good as one can in defeat- because today the world including the Mancs, Chelsean and AC have seen in defeat an ominous sign o the times - Liverpool FC is a force to be reckoned with we are on the rise and with some 'class' signings we will be challenging for the big two competitions - we'll be back !

And for those who mock us just remind them - you have to be in it to win it

we won it five times

18 championships .. and so on

BE PROUD - TODAY OUR CLUB CAME OF AGE - tis the 2nd coming   :bowdown

Exactly. We can have pride and we are going forward. It still hurts this morning but thankfully I haven't had to go into work today, but that just means a stay of execution, because I'll get it all tomorrow. I suppose that's life.

Here's to a new generation and a continued Rafalution
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Postby premiership fan » Thu May 24, 2007 11:54 am

Congrats to Maldini, real football legend!
About the game
Macherano was excellent, Gerrard tried his best but still, that wasn't his best night
Pennant, what to say about him, he run,run,run and run but  he wasn't that effective, Oddo can to that also.

Rafa was "our best player" this season, we need to but some world clas players this summer, lets start with Macherano

Here are the clips if anyone wants to take a look at that night again, store it on their computer, and analyse the game..
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Postby Kaka1899 » Thu May 24, 2007 11:54 am

HArd Luck Guys you played your hearts out and your fans were amazing you are a true credit to your club :)

Justice has been done now guys we were average and you were out of this world it hurts does'nt it i can believe what you are going through

once again keep you chins up you are a true European giant now better than Chelski and Manu you are the future of the Prem.

Forza Milan

Liverpool played the game of there lives i feel for you.
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Postby sophe_lfc_4_lyf » Thu May 24, 2007 1:03 pm

Gutted from last night..
Played really good aswell..
Just have hope for next season to win something :)

YNWA.. Drummerphil_[*]
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Postby zarababe » Thu May 24, 2007 1:37 pm

The Ace1983 wrote:
zarababe wrote:
The Ace1983 wrote:Gutted. It's the only way to put it. I'm gutted. But the thing is, the weird thing is, that I'm eerily... ok. Let's get the excuses out of the way. They cheated all of last season and they shouldn't have even been in the competition. That first goal did come off of Inzaghi's arm. And the ref did blow up way too early. But none of that matters. What should come next is the admition that we were just not good enough. But I can't say that. We were the better team. We certainly put in a better performance than the one we put in 2 years ago when Milan, over the whole game were the better side. Okay, those seven minutes will go down as the greatest comeback ever, and the never say die attitude was something that should be shown to soldiers, priests and everyone else who has to face up to harsh odds. But we were not the better side over 120 minutes, we were just the tougher side.

Tonight, over 90 minutes we passed well, we controlled the tempo, we attacked, we defended and even when things got difficult we kept going and I could see that spirit of the glorious 25th of May, 2005 was still there. But we lost. However unfairly, however much it hurts, we lost. And it sucks.

Often in these situations its difficult to catch a fleeting glimpse of a silver lining amongst an ocean of grey and ominous clouds, but that is not the case tonight. Forget the excuses, forget Milan and think about Liverpool FC. We are getting better. All those Man Utd fans who said that we'd get torn apart, have been proven wrong. All the Chelsea fans who said that we'd be an embaressment have been proven wrong. And all those Everton fans who have been giving us needle about how we were in for a thrashing have been proven wrong. Tonight, a lot of players stood up and fought and though they lost, they can walk out of that stadium with pride and I hope, when they get home, there are some cheering Liverpool fans outside John Lennon airport tomorrow, because they deserve some credit. We are not the defensive joke machine of the Houllier days. We are no longer a one man team. We are not restricted to one style of play anymore. And we must remember that we are a work in progress. That team was not the finished article, the grand finale that Rafa is planning and I am sure that in the summer we will witness a new chapter in the Rafalution that will bring quality, depth and the cutting edge that maybe tonight we were lacking.

None of this, none of these words can shout out or shut out the pain that we feel now. Kind words are no match for the thought of silverware lost. But keep these thoughts in your mind and remember that at the end of the storm there really will be a golden light. This is Liverpool Football Club, the only team in this country that could take to the stand in any courtroom in the land and under oath proclaim, without fear of purgery, that we are the greatest club in the history of English football and we do have the pictures to prove it. We have the trophies too.

A long time ago, a man named Emlyn Hughes, having just won "Ol' Big Ears" and having just been asked "what do you do next?", replied "we'll just have to win it again". And Liverpool did. I know because I've been watching ITV4's showing of our previous triumphs. Perhaps they thought we'd win it tonight. Crazy fools. But that's how football works. This summer, we'll remember it and the wound will sting. But in august, it all starts again. And you never know, do you? In 12 months time, we may all be jumping up and down with that trophy again. We might even have a league title too. You never know.

kaka was wearing a t-shirt tonight which read "I belong to Jesus" which means that he must be strong in his faith. And I guess, if you support any football team, you have to have a lot of faith too. You get ups and down indescriminately, but that's, in the words of Ol' Blue Eyes, Life. Ol' Big Ears would probably agree (if it weren't an inanimate object). Kaka may indeed belong to Jesus, and fair play to him, but that cup, that cup that all of those Milan players are drinking out of tonight, the one that Maldini will probably sleep with, that cup belongs to us.

Having tried to rationalize loss, I still feel gutted and the wound still stings. And just for anyone who thought that because of what I said, tomorrow will be glorious, you should know that it's just going to get worse. I have to go into an office full of Chelsea fans who will give me a great amount of stick. For those of you in Liverpool, I can only imagine how much stick the blueshites are going to give you. I see we have some of them with us now, giving it the needle (though quite what they have to crow about I don't know. You can always tell a true football fan because they get pleasure when their team wins, not when another team loses). For the next week we'll all get some grief, I'm sure. But, to troll out a couple of whorey old cliches, sticks and stones, and he who laughs last. Saying that probably won't help, but remember it anyway.

All that is left to do is to congratulate Milan, afterall they did win it, and to congratulate our players. We are a better team, and we are getting better all of the time. We will just have to do it again and there is no reason for us not doing so. In major cup finals (not counting the league-mickey-mouse-cup) Rafa is 2 from 3 (to use the American vernacular) and that ain't bad. And his league positions read 5-3-3-? I put that question mark there because we don't know what will happen in the future. And that is where we have to now look. To the future. Next year, we'll just have to have another crack at number 6, and lets have a go at number 19 while we're at it. Here's to hoping, and keeping the faith.

Come On You Reds. YNWA.

Fabulous post Ace - tonight I feel the world of football has seen the master Benitez and the rise of Liverpool - I feel as  good as one can in defeat- because today the world including the Mancs, Chelsean and AC have seen in defeat an ominous sign o the times - Liverpool FC is a force to be reckoned with we are on the rise and with some 'class' signings we will be challenging for the big two competitions - we'll be back !

And for those who mock us just remind them - you have to be in it to win it

we won it five times

18 championships .. and so on

BE PROUD - TODAY OUR CLUB CAME OF AGE - tis the 2nd coming   :bowdown

Exactly. We can have pride and we are going forward. It still hurts this morning but thankfully I haven't had to go into work today, but that just means a stay of execution, because I'll get it all tomorrow. I suppose that's life.

Here's to a new generation and a continued Rafalution

Have to say I feel like a bear with a sore head - my head hurts so does me heart - havn't lost a final for a while ay it is hard to take, esp when you play so well.

But Rafa's at it already the clear out has began - things are defo on the up - good-luck at work tomorrow  :)



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Postby Emerald Red » Thu May 24, 2007 1:59 pm

Kaka1899 wrote:HArd Luck Guys you played your hearts out and your fans were amazing you are a true credit to your club :)

Justice has been done now guys we were average and you were out of this world it hurts does'nt it i can believe what you are going through

once again keep you chins up you are a true European giant now better than Chelski and Manu you are the future of the Prem.

Forza Milan

Liverpool played the game of there lives i feel for you.

:buttrock  :buttrock

It's not so much the defeat that makes it so difficult. Sure it's hard, yes, but it's those f'ckin leechers, gouls, clowns, vultures, wa'nkstains...whatever...pick your word, that gets on my nerves when they come out of the woodwork to gloat at our failure. It's fact: it's only because they are jealous.
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Postby Lucky » Thu May 24, 2007 2:02 pm

Got this pic in a sports website.
Does this guy really have to do this? ???

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"We've got a great team spirit - It doesn't matter how many goals we go down, we'll keep fighting till the end." - Steven Gerrard
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Postby Soul » Thu May 24, 2007 2:22 pm

@Emerald Red - Kaka1899 was just trying to display fair play to us. He has won the CL and there is nothing wrong with that. He came and expressed that he felt for our defeat. That's a pretty noble act considering how it went by last time back in 2005.

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Postby Emerald Red » Thu May 24, 2007 2:30 pm

Soul wrote:@Emerald Red - Kaka1899 was just trying to display fair play to us. He has won the CL and there is nothing wrong with that. He came and expressed that he felt for our defeat. That's a pretty noble act considering how it went by last time back in 2005.


I know that. My comment wasn't directed at him. As you can see from these  :buttrock  :buttrock  :buttrock  I was showing my appreciation for his comment.
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Postby Soul » Thu May 24, 2007 2:37 pm

My bad then.  :)
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Postby NiftyNeil » Thu May 24, 2007 2:52 pm

I've been on one all day, I'm glad I'm not in work.
Last night, I wasn't too bad - maybe I was too drunk? Milan were the better team in 2005, and we were this year. It was there for the taking, and we didn't take it. Overall though, the two finals seem to have evened things out between us. It still hurts though.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 24, 2007 3:35 pm

mathewharding_faithful wrote:im a chelsea fan and i must say you fully deserved to win that game, perhaps you could say that milan had a game plan to play like that against you, alothugh i'm sure they didn't expect how many chances you had created, nor how little chances they had created. the difference was kaka, he did NEARLLY nothing all night as mascherano did a great marking job on him.. but he got the foul for the first goal and assited the second, did look dangerous when he was ever on the ball. but once again liverpool fully deserved to win, and im not trying to stir anything up with my next comments as i believe you may concede this, but with istanbul you got lucky, in the fa cup you got lucky.. isn't it ironic that the time you deserved to win a final in the last few years.. you didn't? maybe its balanced itself out?

overall i did want liverpool to win as they are an english side, i would have liked to have lost to the team that won the trophy also. unlucky the ref was a bit of a :censored: aswel, maybe next year when you have bought more players and will be competing on more fronts for possibly more trophies..
good luck.

Lucky in Istanbul?

Lucky is not the right word, players have to take it upon themselves to make things happen. Things dropped for us but above all else, we wanted it more than Milan, we never gave in.

Lucky in the FA cup?

It's not solely luck, it's character, belief, quality and one of the best Midfield players in the world.

Doesn't everyone need a bit of luck to win things anyway?
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Postby lou93 » Thu May 24, 2007 3:36 pm

Luck. Thats all we were lacking. 2 years ago we soaked it up and won. We just didn't have it last night. Although im still close to tears when i think about how we didn't win, i think Rafa will bring in solid signings and the team will come out even stronger. This fight isn't over yet.....
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Postby t-h-o-m » Thu May 24, 2007 3:43 pm

I'm a bit disappointed because of the loss last night because I think especially in the first half we were the better team...but on the other hand I'm so proud of this team...2 CL finals in three years is great...
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