Midway review of underperforming players

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby polygemus » Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:58 pm

I seldom start new topics, as there are already enough topics with similar content lying around and it should be sufficient to reply to threads most of the time. However the halfawy mark of the season is coming and I feel a need to point out some underperforming players. This is my opinion only and the words may be a bit offensive as I am deeply frustrated by Liverpool's performance thus far. This article only applies to underperforming players who have played at least 10 games.

Glaring shortcomings thus far from these guys:

1. Chris Kirkland
£6million fr Coventry (British transfer record for goalkeeper)
-Failed to establish a commading presence in the penalty area.
-Slow to react in deadball situations esp freekicks.
The injury prone Kirkland clearly lacks confidence and has let in some soft goals. Fans are now crying for Dudek.

2. Josemi Gonzales
£2million fr Malaga
-Gives the ball away frequently.
-Gives away unnecessary fouls
-Gets caught out of position.
-Gets outrunned frequently by attackers even though he's only 25.
-Clueless when venturing forward.
The spanish defender has asked for time to settle down prior to his arrival in England. 16 games is more than enough. If you don't show your potential after so long, then u never did have it in the first place.

3. Djimi Traore
£0.55million fr Laval
-Gives the ball away frequently.
-Dabbles on the ball
-Clueless when venturing forward.
The French leftback came to Liverpool in 1999. He was given the tag by some of being the most promising young defender France had at that time. Liverpool won his signature ahead of AC Milan, PSG and Lazio. He has improved. At other Premiership team he would be value for money. However he clearly does not belong in a team trying to get into CL every year.

4. Harry Kewell
£5million fr Leeds
-Runs into defenders instead of pass them nowadays.
-An increase in weight has also lead to a suspect in fitness levels.
The Australian was already in a tailspin during Leeds' relegation season. It is doubted that he will ever regain his true form.

5. Luis Garcia
£6million fr Barcelona
-Reluctant to track back to help with defense
-Reluctant to chase after loose ball
The Spaniard has a lot of flair, but none of the grit and determination of Carragher. Has yet to justify his hefty price tag. He may have scored 3 goals, but only vs lowly opposition.

My opinion only. And pls dun throw in Diao's name as this thread only applies for players with frequent appearances lol
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Postby LFC #1 » Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:20 pm

Garcia has been here 5 minutes, completely unfair.
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Postby The_Rock » Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:25 pm

1. Chris Kirkland
i think he cost 9 million. Should give him a chance as he was injured a lot for the last 3 years.

2. Josemi Gonzales
would make a great back-up right back. we are building a squad here.

3. Djimi Traore
- Traore's best position is centreback. If either hyppia or carra gets injured, he would make a decent cover. We should judge him when he plays centreback.

4. Harry Kewell
- When kewell is getting back his form you wanna di$$ him. please.....  he is the most technically gifted player we have. I have supported kewell a lot (i admit i am bias). And i still will.

5. Luis Garcia
- best position is striker. not right winger.

remember we are building a squad here. We can't have 20 world class players......
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Postby 7_Kewell » Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:57 pm

Kewell is slowly starting to show form.  Yes, Kirkland is looking average, but he is young and will start to command the area with expirence....remember this is his longest stint free from injury!  New faces to come in Jan...i suspect Dudek is going to leave as well. 

Second half of the season, with a new striker, we will start to moveup the table.
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Postby Pig Catcher » Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:58 pm

Chris Kirkland - Cost us 6MIL, has failed to do anything spectacular so far, and has looked shakey at times. Verdict still out.

Troare - In all honsety, I don't think he will ever make the grade at this club, he has improved, and is good enough to play in the Premership but not for a club that wants to play in the CL every season and eventually challange for the title. And also he is never a left back.

Harry Kewell - Has struggled for almost a year now. Injuries can only be an excuse for so long, but he does seem to be rediscovering some of his confiedence. Woulden't be surprised if we bought someone to compete for his postion. On the moment no one good enough in our squad to replace him in the team.

Luis Garcia - I think he was slightly overpriced but is a useful addition. His best position is free role of a main striker, hasn't got the defensiove qulaities to play in a Premership midfield.
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Postby polygemus » Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:14 pm

Traore's best position is centreback.  We should judge him when he plays centreback

In the 2002/03 season Houllier experimented him at centreback. He costs us a few points, we finish 5th behind Chelsea, missed the CL and lost £25million as a consequence.

Our stats last season:
16 W 12 D 10 L
60 points

Somebody out of Arsenal, Chelsea, Man Utd, Everton & us is not gonna make it for CL. Right now I have this uncomfortable feeling it's gonna be us.

Garcia has been here 5 min

Well he played about 12 matches. 12 x 90 min = 1080 min...
Lol sorry couldn't help having a go, I understand what u mean though.

remember we are building a squad here. We can't have 20 world class players......

Not even Real has 20 world class players rofl. We just need the guys mentioned above to perform to their potential (if there's any at all). Right now all I see is sub par performance....
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Postby lili » Mon Dec 13, 2004 12:46 pm

i think you just touched on the real issue here Polygemus. Do our players really have what it takes to win the title or anything. I dont like to bag the players and some have shown improvment but to be honest the players dont even seem to be close as in friendship they probably get along with each other but i cant see much togetherness on the pitch as we see with the current Everton side everytime a pass went astray or something didnt come of as it should have in the Everton game Gerrard was putting head down or abusing a team mate and didnt look happy at all which i think rubs of o the other players. But a team thats not together off the pitch will not play together on it.
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Postby 100-1102639321 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:38 pm

traore keeps falling over, kewell is rubbish, diao and pongolie are *******ng ******

think we need a mass clear out

Postby JBG » Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:49 pm

dapioneer wrote:traore keeps falling over, kewell is rubbish, diao and pongolie are *******ng ******

think we need a mass clear out

I thought you said you supported your local team?

You obviously don't support Liverpool given the slating you give the players on these forums.

Troare etc might not win us the Championship, but real supporters wouldn't use personal abuse against them like you do on this forum.

And you call Irish, Norwegian and Pakistani fans gloryhunters?

Pot calling the kettle black.
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Postby dawson99 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:59 pm

in my opinion kirkland has never really been that good. he always had this tigma about him even tho no noe ever really saw him play for us.

josemi is a weird one. hes a good player with a lot of passion but his head doesnt seem screwed on right, the guys trying just too hard and giving away needless balls. he does play a lot better when garcia is ahead of him tho so maybe we have some kind of communication problem.

i like traroe, but he is looking mroe and more like a good worthington cup player. he is good but against technically gifted players hes gettnig caught out non stop.

i keep saying kewel is injured and give him time and i will still say that. the last 2 or 3 games have possibly been his best for us for a long time but hes got to pull his finger out soon.

I still think its too early for garcia to be 'dissed' or praised. he needs to establish himself tho and i agree he needs to work more defensively for the team.

thats just what i think. our squad isnt that bad, proabably top 3 or 4 in the prem but that just isnt good enough. our starting 11 may be awesome but the fringe players are VERY fringe like if u ask me
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:19 pm

dapioneer wrote:traore keeps falling over, kewell is rubbish, diao and pongolie are *******ng ******

think we need a mass clear out

You're no fan of Liverpool.

If you are, I want proof, you're starting to get on my nerves with your negative comments. 

You've been here five minutes and have not had one positive thing to say.  I suggest you stop criticising the team if you want a little respect around here.

Your signature of I SUPPORT MY LOCAL TEAM does not convince me.  Neither does the colour Blue you choose to type your posts in. 

The winner for me though is that you have also commented that the banter between the now banned Blue_Santa and bazzaefc was harmless and acceptable, when anyone can see that what they wrote was despicable (by the way, LFC fans are all murderers) and I am ashamed to say that being from Liverpool, I am disgusted that I have to live in the same city as Evertonians such as these two idiots.

An opinion is one thing, which I can respect, but there is something suspicious about your posts I do not like.  You simply have nothing good to say about our club, but defend other clubs in the same sentence. 

If you don't want me to continue scrutinising your posts and giving you a hard time, I suggest the contents of your posts start listing the plus points of our club and players, and pronto.

We've already dealt with one Manc on here who posted just to take the pi$$ all of the time and he slipped up once by mentioning Hysel and hasn't been seen since.

I personally will be watching you like a hawk from now on.

Postby jonnymac1979 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:24 pm

I suggest you make a start and post a line or two in this thread.

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Postby dawson99 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:25 pm

well said johnny
but back to new signings, coz talking to idiots about how bad our team is (not u johnny!) is boring.
does josemi speak english? coz when hes with garcia he does seem better
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Postby laza » Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:26 pm


I think your find his local team is bed wetting attention seeking hysterical drama queen schoolgirl college which i would expect he has recently escaped from

the blue font says it all
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Postby Redtribe » Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:35 pm

Oh yes they are all rubbish!
Liverpool will never win the league and we all might as well go kill ourselves!!!

Oh is that a hint of sarcasm i hear!
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