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Postby redbeergoggles » Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:53 am

Igor Zidane wrote:Totally know what your going through mate , i went through it in about 2000 . I lost my job ,my lad was only three . I had to prioritise ,either the match every week (home or away ) or wife and kids . So i did what was the most sensible thing to do .

Bin the wife and kids and keep going the match .

Soz only messin  No i gave up my seezzie and decided to find a good secure job and feed my family and pay the bills .
Yer mates are yer mates and they'll understand , it happens to us all at some time . You have to put your family first and the redmen second i'm afraid mate . The passion is still there mate ,but instead of jumpin up and down on someones head and recking your shins on the seat infront you kick the telly in instead .

I still go to a few games a season and it keeps you sane and gives a release ,and i'm happy with it that way. I'm back on the waiting list for a dad and lad and i'll show him how to support the greatest team on the planet .

Yes i'm still a miserable  tw@t when we get beat and elated when we win . It's just that you realise that there are more important things in life . What they are i wouldn't know ,but that's what the missus keeps telling me .  :;):

Cheers Igor
As for the  wifes priorities (Ikea,Facebook,and 2 holidays a year ) Oh and having this alarming knack of picking the most expensive Item in the shop without even looking at the b@stard price  :D
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Postby redbeergoggles » Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:59 am

NANNY RED wrote:Talking about Souness though i adored him as a player. Best captain weve ever had imo. But when he was the manager i felt like a traitor, it was horrible to watch him slowly destoy the way we played football. I couldnt clap him when he came on the pitch to take his seat in the dug out . even when he took us to Wembley i couldnt remain loyal to him, ive never done that with any of our managers not even Ged when we were playing some dire football. But Souness actualy made me for the first time an only time since, feel i was questioning my loyaly.

Rolls Royce of a player Nan ,our Midfield Enforcer some of his tackles would make Julian Dicks shudder  :D
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Postby redbeergoggles » Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:18 am

stmichael wrote:
redbeergoggles wrote:Excellent post mate ,I particularly like the bit about Souness's reign ,I personally found that one a hardship and a season I was forced to endure purely for my devotion to Liverpool Football Club .
I still wake up in a cold sweat thinking we still have Torben Piechnik in our defence ..

Funnily enough, the first time I started going regularly was Souness' first full season in charge. The sight of Mark Walters, Paul Stewart and the likes should have been enough to put anybody off football for life. Fortunately, we managed to win the FA Cup that season. You have to say that the mid nineties was saved by the emergence of the likes of Rob Jones, Robbie Fowler, Steve Mcmanaman and the signing of Jamie Redknapp. :D

Good post as well by the way Ian. :cool:

We all talk about Souness being naive when recruiting defenders ,but Evans gave us Phil Babb and in the same month John Scales  :D
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Postby lakes10 » Sat May 02, 2009 11:47 am

wrong thread ooops lol
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Postby heimdall » Sat May 02, 2009 12:39 pm

Very interesting thread and makes me reflect on my relationship to football as well. I feel that it's almost like an addiction some times with the summer being some kind of weird detox, unless it's the world cup or something! The highs and the lows are sometimes in such contrast that most other things in life seem bland and boring in comparison.
For me it's the same thing with this forum, when I got booted out a few days ago I said to myself that's it, sod this forum I don't need it but the truth is I do, just like all of us do. I need to know what is going on at the club at every minute, here the opinions of other people and have a bloody good winge about things which are annoying me. It becomes another part of life, a very important one, but it is crucial that it doesn't take over, it is after all just a game.
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Postby bigmick » Sat May 02, 2009 10:44 pm

It's an interesting thing that as grown men and women we have interests which develop from passions into obsessions. Some people go fishing at every spare moment, camping out by some gravel pit somewhere in the middle of nowhere, freezing their nuts off in pursuit of an aged Carp or Pike. Others get bang into motorbikes or cars, spending every spare penny on new fittings for their gleaming charges, before travelling accross Europe to meet up with other people who do the same (who normally have beards for some unknown reason). Some get into climbing rocks, fixing their clampons onto any spare piece of granite they can get a finger hold in, before often falling off and breaking bones which none of us have heard of. Then there are the real strange ones, Nigels, Godfreys and Geoffreys who leap out of bed on a weekend before braving the elements to catch a glimpse of the 7.36 Inter-City 125 between Leicester and Portsmouth.

People who are obsessional about football probably think that they're "thing" is different to all of those, and in some ways it is (the main one being that they're are actually into something which is interesting). The thing which all of the above have in common however is that in many ways the hobby becomes an obsession and can take over peoples lives. I've never claimed to "feel" defeats like some of the die hard match going fans, or local lads who travel accross the globe, quite simply because I don't. Yes I'm gutted when we lose, yes I'm over the moon (Brian) when we win, but I don't feel it like RBG obviously does and it'd be silly to pretend otherwise. I actually think it's one of the reasons why some of us are a bit more analytical (with special emphasis on the first four letters probably) about performances and players, simply because if you are less involved ytou are more dispassionate almost by definition. It has caused many a rumble on here where we've say been awarded a penalty and someone has the temerity to post that they didn't think it was.

While in no way shape or form comparable to RBG"s level of devotion, like Heimdall I recently had cause to question my involvement here. My moment came because of the way arguemnts on here were having an effect on real life, and in particular on one occasion the way I was with one of my kids. I really lost me temper with me absolute best mate (me little lad who's 7) and wasn't proud of the way I shouted me head off at him. At that point I realised something had to give, and it was this place. I said when I came back I'd be keeping a close eye on me from now on, and I most definately will. I actually in the midst of it took some good advice off of Sabre to do with perspective, and so far so good but it's a work in progress.

And onto RBG's situation (which once again is obviously entirely different to mine with this silly forum). From what I gather from his posts his decision to "lay off" as a fan slightly is tinged with sadness. Not just because he is having a trial seperation from the club that he loves, but also with a trace of the bitterest regret and guilt that he thinks he has absconded on occasions from his responsibilities as a man and a father. I wouldn't be too harsh on yourself on that score TBH, in my experience the love which was recieved is actually bigger than the love we think we gave in most cases. Give a bit more as of now and it'll all come right I should think. Don't worry about the club, they'll be just fine, they understand and when you decide to pay a visit in future, I've no doubt you'll be welcomed back and enjoy the experience hugely.

Anyways, got a bit deep on myself there so we'll leave it at that   :) .
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Postby RobinHood6969 » Sun May 03, 2009 6:44 am

Well my story could be something different.. but the 1st club football i watched was liverpools and fell in love with the club starightaway.. It was pool vs leeds.. and in my place most of the fans follow it cause they just find it as a case to impress others.. but i cry when we lose and shout when there are mistakes and leave everything aside when we times my fiancee really loses patience with me cos when am out with her and we are playing im deeply into my mobiles browser  :p... and i get involved in fights with people here and they think that am crazy because am neither born and brought up in liverpool nor have ever been there.. so why this passion which i still dont know TBH  :D .. and every day after work whatever happens i go and play the game and have been fortunate to represent my corporate at inter corporates...  :D The game rocks above all LFC rocks...
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Postby loopyliverpool » Sun May 03, 2009 10:15 am

It takes a man to face up to his responsibilities no matter how heart wrenching they may be. RBG Ive read a fair few of your posts and can feel your unswerving passion and loyalty to The Mighty Reds with a touch of jealousy and a touch of incredulity! The jealousy comes cos Im no Scouser like yourself and therefore dont seem to get as affected by the team's performances as you do, you seem to live and breath the club which is fine as long as the perspective of 'its only a game' is considered.
Ive followed, supported LFC since I was knee high, back in the days of Paisley and Keegan. The first game I attended was at Villa Park in the late Seventies when we beat the Villans 1-3 and it was magical. Since then Ive only gone to the occassional live game (cos getting tickets is well difficult) and only recently went to Anfield for the first time courtesy of a Villa fan when we beat them 3-1 (funnily enough) and I was in the away supporters end enjoying the best day out of my entire life. My point is that I am what is best described as an 'armchair fan' (even though that armchair is generally the local pub which recently has transported itself to Dublin) and have enjoyed the highs and lows of supporting the greatest team in the world happily from that distance. If truth be told there is a great deal of hassle involved in getting to a game and the bottom line is can I be arsed in getting a ticket, getting to a game, arranging a driver or catching a train, driving myself (no chance), parking the car and doing it all again in reverse? No! Well sometimes yes and it is always the most enjoyable of days and well worth the trouble and expense. But generally Im happy to watch down the pub which I know makes me a lesser fan than those who travel the length and bredth of the country and sometimes Europe too and Im ok with that and I respect all those fans who do it and am as jealous as a caged cat in a cream factory when I see them at the game but don't envy them the long trip back home.
Thing is football is only a part of my life. It is still only a game. Family, girlfriend, job, other interests all have to have a place in my life alongside the football, nothing takes precedence bar family and girlfriend and that includes my beloved LFC.
Having said all ths Iam considering relocating to merseyside so I can get to a few more 'services'!
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Postby redbeergoggles » Mon May 04, 2009 5:23 pm

Thanks for all your words of encouragement...... ,yesterday  I felt  like a recovering alcoholic walking past his first pub ,but I managed to distance myself from the pull of Anfield ,still managed to watch the game on Setanta though .
I told the lads over a couple of Becks ,they looked at me like I had switched heads or decided to emigrate ,its still raw I guess, and for them they simply did not see the signs of my decline, so its come out of the blue .....
I do feel better being honest with them ,but I still think I have ostracized myself from them ,this week has been hard and thats why I have'nt  even posted on this forum ...
I also cant help feeling Im bleating about something what seems trivial when weighed up against real addictions like Drugs and Alcohol ,suppose I feel a tad embarrassed ...... but once again I thank you for your uplifting posts ..
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Postby NANNY RED » Mon May 04, 2009 5:44 pm

But supporting the reds is an addiction in itself, just get yourself ready for the sweats ,shakes an hallusinations of Rafa laughing, it wont be long now though youll only have to suffer for three more games , then your half way there :nod
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Postby redbeergoggles » Mon May 04, 2009 6:07 pm

NANNY RED wrote:But supporting the reds is an addiction in itself, just get yourself ready for the sweats ,shakes an hallusinations of Rafa laughing, it wont be long now though youll only have to suffer for three more games , then your half way there :nod

As long as its Benitez laughing I could cope, but Taggart laughing would send me right off the edge  :D  :upside:  :D
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Postby Sabre » Tue May 05, 2009 10:46 am

I see many posters here opening their hearts, and it's quite a humbling experience to read all this.

I have two clubs in my heart, Real Sociedad and Liverpool. I'm a supporter of the former (I understand supporter as going every game) and a fan of the latter, but I suffer with them both (well, Liverpool brings me more joy than suffering to be honest).

I have to say though, that as a supporter, I always considered myself as a good one. Comparing with other Spanish supporters, I don't stop supporting when the team is relegated or things are bad, I don't whistle the players, I support them.

But just as I say that, I have to say that it's very humbling to read RBG and others. Quite simply, you're better supporters than me. You, as Liverpool supporters, go beyond anything I've even known when it comes to loyalty. As I say I always considered myself a great supporter, but when I compare to you lads, I feel humbled. Just as I felt humbled when I saw the Hillsborough support and when I heard Aldo talking about you.

Any decent supporter of any decent club from any part of the world has a lot to learn and admire from the Scousers that support Liverpool F.C.
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Postby DrPepe » Tue May 05, 2009 10:54 am

nice post sabre :D

...will you still be a lfc fan/supporter when we have no spanish players?  :upside:
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Postby Sabre » Tue May 05, 2009 11:11 am

No, I'll simply support Everton, as they have another San Sebastian player.  ???

I used to be a Bolton fan aswell when Ivan Campo played.

Do I fúcking look like a Japanese that supports players rather than teams or what!?!?!? :D

Those questions are better answered with time. Time is the one who will answer for me.

If I ask you whether you'd be a Liverpool supporter if they weren't as succesful as they are, you probably would be offended, but Time is the one who answers those.  :;):
Last edited by Sabre on Tue May 05, 2009 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby DrPepe » Tue May 05, 2009 11:12 am

Sabre wrote:No, I'll simply support Everton, as they have another San Sebastian player.  ???

I used to be a Bolton fan aswell when Ivan Campo played.

Do I fúcking look like a Japanese that supports players rather than teams or what!?!?!? :D

Those questions are better answered with time. Time is the one who will answer for me.

If I ask you whether you'd be a Liverpool supporter if they weren't as succesful as they are, you probably would be offended, but Time is the one who answers those.  :;):

i don't know what you look like, Sabre! that makes no difference  :rasp

i think you have taken offence where none was intended , apologies for the misunderstanding  :blush:
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