Life changing decision - New path

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby redbeergoggles » Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:04 pm

I was at Anfield on Tuesday night for the Arsenal game, and I ran through the full gauntlet of emotions ,the game was memorable for the average armchair viewer ,but to me it sucked me dry ,  in one moment I would be overwhelmed by unbounded elation ,the next mentally exhausted by the return to reality .
I experienced to many highs and lows that night,  and it had a profound effect on my personality ,I walked away from that game drained and inconsolable ,and the effect my demeanor had on the people I love was profound ,but on this occasion my depression was apparent to me as well as my family and friends.
Football is just a game ,but its ran my life for so long now its hard to shake off ,but for the longevity of my relationships, I have decided with heavy heart to distance myself from attending Anfield in the future .
This decision was not made easily ,I have watched the Redmen since 77 ,so it was made with much deliberation, but the stability and happiness of my family has to take priority .
It is why I came to the conclusion no more travelling with the lads for a while ,but while my family have been informed of this decision ,I can't bring myself to tell the boys, such bravery eh !

So I  have a very good reason to be disgusted in myself today, because yesterday I turned down the opportunity to travel with the lads up to the KC Stadium .
I know it may not sound like a big deal to some ,but to me it clearly shows I lack the courage to tell the lads , and my subsequent  inability to tell the truth ,has led me to this eventual conclusion ,they simply would fail to see the importance of my revelation at this present time ,so I will lie until the truth dawns on them ,I know this may seem underhanded to some ,but it is my only course of action ,they will simply not be able to fathom the truth, such is their dependancy right now . 
Its not just my withdrawal from going to the matches ,its my rejection of my second family ,and the institution that travelling to games home and away instills in the bonds we have made .
These last few days have been pivotal ,and no less profound for  my respective future,and I seriously dont know if the allure of Anfield will entice me back ,but for now I am sticking to my guns and giving it a wide berth .
I would be interested to know other posters who have made the same decision, for more or less the same reasons .
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Postby Effes » Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:15 pm

I gave up my season ticket last Summer mate - it's happy days all the way.

I just go when my mates cant make it to the game.

It's not that bad - I packed it in for different and varying reasons.
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Postby redbeergoggles » Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:31 pm

Effes wrote:I gave up my season ticket last Summer mate - it's happy days all the way.

I just go when my mates cant make it to the game.

It's not that bad - I packed it in for different and varying reasons.

I genuinely feel lost mate ,I know it sounds trivial but  going the match was an escape from fullfilling the expectancy others see in me ,and for that I am ashamed ,and for the uncertainty I have surrounded my family with, because of my total unblinding faith in the belief that following the Reds home and away held the most importance in my life .
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:44 pm

If it was the right thing to do at the time mate, that's all you can do.
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Postby *_Ruthless_* » Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:06 pm

Never held a season ticket myself but try to get to as many games as I can ... I know exactly how u felt and im sure all the diehard fans felt the emotions over the last couple of days. The Chelsea game pulled out every emotion a guy could have and then came the Arsenal game which had u on your ups and then on your downs and it was mentally draining.

Boiling point was for me yesterday watching the terrible awarded penalty to Man Utd ... I cant remember the last time I flipped out as much as I did at that moment.

Football is a way of life, just dont let it take over it.
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:19 pm

Its not trival mate . its heart wrenching i was choked reading your first post but it was wonderful an all to read, I myself was in a similar situation , When i lived in Liverpool it was all hunky dory for for to attend both home and away, And great European trips. But when i came to live in London , it became hard to do this, I got married had kids , but still went the matches, My excuse to my husband was  i was killing two birds with one stone, Visititng me mum an dad an going the game, It was easy for me my mum loved having the kids while i went the match. I did stop going the aways for a while though , after Hillsborough ,But your passion wont go away , An when my kids got old enough i started going them again and all.

Now though because of my beautiful grandaughter i tend to only go to most aways in and around London . Well as far as Birmingham lol. I truley understand how you feel because you do develope an infinity if thats the correct word with fans who go the game and as you say it becomes a second family.

I was lucky in that sense because most of the people i went the match with were and are part of my family, Of course i still go to some matches at Anfield when i can make it , But ill tell you something from me , if its interferring with your family life, you have to put them first. Liverpool football club will always be there no matter what, youll still have them in your heart , You might find you get better enjoyment out of just going the game on occasions. And if the lads you go the games with are good mates they will understand why you have to do this,

There is lots lads i know feeling like you do at the mo , this season has been to stressful its great but stressful if you know what i mean, Put yourself an your family first and as i said Liverpool football club will always be there when ever you want to pay a visit an see the lads.

Its like the old saying the an old fella used to tell me

Liverpool is my religion and Anfield is my church,

You can pop into church anytime.
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Postby KennyisGod....still » Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:22 pm

How many homes up an down the country are inhabited by families that only have 1 member as a footie fan but the whole family hopin that his/her team does well in evry game? I know my daughter got to the annoyin age where she was goin to 'support man utd cuz daddy hates em' until her mom kinda put her strate. That was maybe 3-4 years ago, an now she basks in the comfort of her Torres shirt, an always wants info on the game. Son loves his too, gutted when he cant wear it....... Missus - difrent story....... She positively hates football, an sighs/moans when its on. I dont actually think I'm too bad, unless its the like of ure beatin us or gettin an important goal somewhere. I distinctly remember her warnin me I ad to watch the 07 CL final up the pub cuz she wernt puttin up with the 05 debacle again!! (Her words, not mine!!)

Work on a mondy mornin after your particular team has had a good/bad weekend is the same. That 'family' thing goes outta the window, especially when the pi$$ take starts. I work with mancs and villa fans mainly, not the best mix when ur in a bad mood.

I never had a season ticket, probly never will, but i know regardless i'd never stop lovin the team, as I'm sure redbeergoggles will testify the same. For some its a way of life, for others it happens - get over it. I had my boy christened in his first Liverpool kit, didnt please the clergy but who cares - as I told him "you got your religion, I got mine!" I wanted his room done out in the club wallpaper, curtains, bed stuff the worx, kinda like brainwash him but she wont let me. Maybe its a little sad the way we let this entity run - or try to run - our lives. Maybe its a way of givin ourselves somethin in reserve, like a mistress the missus cant divorce you for! I dunno the answer, not even sure I wanna find out, might be a bit scary.
Stu Averill, a wannabe Scouse/Scot. I remember the good times & have faith in them comin back

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Postby Greavesie » Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:16 pm

I think this thread has summed up exactly how I feel. Its been one of those years. This club is my religion, I love it to pieces but lately it seems to be interfering with aspects of my life. Time to take a step back and put it in perspective. I'm not an avid matchgoer but would love to get my hands on a season ticket.

The last few weeks have been great for this club, just the results of others means we go from great elation to the depths of dispair in a matter of days, or even hours. Yesterday I was at an all time low seeing the manner in which the Mancs won. It was like heartbreak for me, hurt bad. Not helped by some people attempting to wind me up here (as I mentioned in another thread).

Nanny you summed it up great, if it starts to interfere with relationships its time to take a step back. As you said, this club is my religion but unfortunately I don't live close to the church. Its in my heart and it always will be.

I use this place as a place to speak to other fans. I don't know many Liverpool fans that have the same passion as me but I know there's many on here
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Postby Number 9 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:29 pm

Bit of a drastic decision IMO mate!
Just tell your mates ya cant go to every game and they'll be cool.Then still go to matches a few times in the season if you feel like it! :)
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Postby Igor Zidane » Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:37 pm

Totally know what your going through mate , i went through it in about 2000 . I lost my job ,my lad was only three . I had to prioritise ,either the match every week (home or away ) or wife and kids . So i did what was the most sensible thing to do .

Bin the wife and kids and keep going the match .

Soz only messin  No i gave up my seezzie and decided to find a good secure job and feed my family and pay the bills .
Yer mates are yer mates and they'll understand , it happens to us all at some time . You have to put your family first and the redmen second i'm afraid mate . The passion is still there mate ,but instead of jumpin up and down on someones head and recking your shins on the seat infront you kick the telly in instead .

I still go to a few games a season and it keeps you sane and gives a release ,and i'm happy with it that way. I'm back on the waiting list for a dad and lad and i'll show him how to support the greatest team on the planet .

Yes i'm still a miserable  tw@t when we get beat and elated when we win . It's just that you realise that there are more important things in life . What they are i wouldn't know ,but that's what the missus keeps telling me .  :;):
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Postby Sabre » Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:04 pm

The supporters around here like Nanny and Igor can advice you, but I wanted to tell you thanks for sharing so personal feelings about going to Anfield.

I think though the YNWA works inside and outside Anfield, and your second family will understand if you tell them the truth.
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Postby lakes10 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:29 pm

what a outstanding thread.

I gave up my season ticket years ago due to work, yes i missed the going to the games and the smells, but what i found that i was in a better mood all week, if we lost a game that i was at i would find it hard to talk to anyone all week, now i get over it in a day(ok thats not always true). being a fan of our cllub means something very deep, something that you get at no other club, for an Essex man like me or a lad like i was then to be able to come and stand in the Kop and to be accepted was special and to be able to go for a drink after the game even more so., what i dont miss in the 4hour train trip after a loss.
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Postby fivecups » Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:18 pm

I feel for you RBG, I hope you sort out your feelings soon mate. As the guys have said your family's got to come first.

The whole family/ work/ Liverpool balance is a hard one to get right - especially this rollercoaster season. I work long hours and we had our first kid a few months ago so lifes pretty busy and at the minute I think I may be overindulging my Liverpool habit to the detriment of my other two priorities a bit. I'm telling myself it's just until the end of the season and then it'll settle down but we'll see. I do know that if it was causing real problems with my family then it would be time to step back a bit, hard as that would be.
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Postby redbeergoggles » Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:21 pm

Thanks for all your replies ,I wanted to be as honest as I could about my present predicament to all on this forum ,and its comforting to learn my obsession with watching the Reds is not as isolated as I first thought .
It seriously had a derogatory effect on my home life ,and its like I am finally able to step away from its domination and view my life and family from a fresh perspective .
I often wondered how people like alcoholics and drug addicts were so blinded ,they failed to see the hurt they were causing their families ,but I know now they are not the only addictions, and I too have been blinkered and  just as guilty of neglecting my family .
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:30 pm

Do you know what i love reading your posts, they are so gentle and meaninful an i always get choked up. :laugh: Stupid of me i know
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