My attitude towards my club.

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby 115-1073096938 » Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:26 am

The media hate us, other teams hate us and now our own "fans" and "supporters" hate us. Sad but very, very true.

I am unfortunately supporting the club with one of the worst sets of fans in the country amoungst Spurs, Villa, Millwall and United (all for different reasons). Its like a morgue at anfield apart from the odd w#nk#r slagging the team and players off, the minority of away fans are superb, thats it unfortunately.

The rest live in the past, slag the current players and management at every opportunity and love to see us lose so they can go on a head hunt and brag about how right they were. You never see them praise the manager when he gets it right, they never admit when they are wrong. I always thought this club was different. Our fans were special. The relationships between the club, fans, staff, players and manager were special. I always thought Liverpool fans knew best and spoke sense. Obviously i was wrong and disillusioned. Or maybe i was right untill about 2002/2003.

I will always love this club and i will always respect those that give there all and share the same love for the club. I will always have patience and loyalty when i can see good things happening and i will always stand up for my team whe they are being abused. I will never in this life show fickleness and impatience and i will always look at it objectively, something which many people are incapable.... no sorry... to ignorant to do. I am never and will never be a blind optimist and i have never believed in being a moron (knee-jerk reaction pessemist).

Its a sad state of affairs when someone loses the desire and passion to defend the club he loves "fans". But thats what it comes down to. Sometimes i feel like i am the only supporter in the world, one day maybe all the glory boys will come out of there shell. But the one thing i can always say and mean is i supported my club through thick and thin.



Postby greenred » Sun Jan 18, 2004 4:00 am

Stu, its too late to answer your pathetic post properly right now,Im too p#ssed.But if you really think that we have the worst supporters in the country then maybe you should start supporting another club.Every liverpool supporter is entitled to his or her opinion and I am delighted we still have the freedom to express it.Why does that depress you so much? You say " i will always respect those that give there all and share the same love for the club"  and yet that is the very reason why so many supporters loathe many of our present playing staff.They quite clearly dont love the club as much as us,if they did they would hand back theyre inflated wages every time they humiliated us in a match.Do you really see diouf sitting on the kop twenty years from now?or heskey or cheyrou or biscan or traore or any of the other foreign mercanaries?No, but we will. I genuinely believe that my opinion of liverpool is just as valid as Mr houllier ,I cried losing at wembley in 1977 when I was just a kid and I cried again 24 years later watching us beating alaves.I love the club and the city they play in ,I feel it in my bones ,and nobody will take away my right to express anger at the present mismanagement.

when the manager is gone
when the players have driven off in their ferraris
when our glory is just a distant memory
we will still be here
we are the supporters

we are liverpool.

remember that,WE are liverpool. not them.
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Postby Badmao1 » Sun Jan 18, 2004 10:42 am

I agree about Anfield being like a morgue, i live on the south coast and don't get to anfield too often but when i go i am always shocked at how quiet its become. I try to watch Liverpool play everytime the go to London, Southampton and Portsmouth and when i do the Liverpool fans are excellent, but the last time i went to Anfield it was for the Southampton game in December and the Southampton fans were dominant. It hurts when the away fans chant 'Your suppose to be at home', we didn't play well in fact only Gerrard seemed to care and it's time like these that the club needs us to be heard. Fans should be fans through the good and the bad, encourage the team when they need it, don't turn your back on them and never every be ashamed to let people know who you support.
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Postby columbia » Sun Jan 18, 2004 12:22 pm

I will always support the club no matter what happens. However as a supporter who dedicates time and money to the club, i see it as my right to express how I feel when things arent going the way i hoped.

I think were going backwards and have been for 18 months. I also believe that houllier should do the best thing for the club and step down. If this had been going on a couple of months or even 12 months then i would agree with you, but 18 months is rediculous. The more we keep going backwards the harder its going to be to get back to were we want to be. I cant see Houllier stepping down though and i cant see him being sacked so im just praying that we make fourth.
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Postby azriahmad » Sun Jan 18, 2004 12:34 pm

Stu, it is not right that we never supported him, we cheered for him when he returned from the heart op, and most of the Liverpool fans I know never slag off the team or the manager openly without justifications.
Come on, not all of us are blind! Most of us never enjoyed the dour counter-attacking play as advocated by Houllier so much that Anfield is no longer a feared place for visiting teams.
Most of us are frustrated that Liverpool has regressed over the years, that Houllier has bought so many cr@p players for unbelievable sums of money and see these over paid players play without pride or passion for Liverpool, and that Houllier's rigid tactics has brought little headway in bringing the title back to Anfield.
I believe that as long as the views are not too personal and over the top, it is everyone's entitlement to say their peice, as we are all fans.
This does not mean that we support the club any less.
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Postby supersub » Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:05 pm

Stu your blinkered vision is now bordering on Houllier paranoia,matched only by Fergies view that everyone hates the mancs.The media do not hate Liverpool,far from it.In fact I would say there are more Liverpool supporters working in the sporting media than any other club.
       You pontificate about the fans being the worst,why?Probably because you can't except anyone else's view that doesn't adhere to yours.You claim not to be a blind optimist,yet you feel last season was progress."I always thought Liverpool fans knew best and spoke sense" is a quote from you and you are absolutely spot-on,because unlike your-self,we will not be hood-winked ,lied too or decieved.Liverpool fans know when we are being short-changed.
           I'm sure you do love the club,but don't mistake speaking out against what you feel is wrong for not loving your club."I will always be patient and loyal" says stu,well that is exactly what we have been for the last 14 years,patient and some of us 30+ years loyal.
          I implore you to be objective on your views than be subjective to the Houllier rants.
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Postby simic_ie » Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:29 pm

I cannot believe that you are questioning the loyalty of the Liverpool supporters. How can anyone accept the absolute mediocrity that the club is displaying these days. Charlton Athletic are 5 points clear of Liverpool. How can anyone accept that.
     Houllier can give all the excuses he likes about the fact that he has been missing so many first choice players this season and I accept that to a certain point. But when the players who come in, who granted can't be expected to be of as high a quality of the injured players, don't give 100% and sweat blood for the cause then this is unforgivable.

     When is the last time that Liverpool came back from being behind to win a match. There is no fight in some of these players.

     I'm sorry Stu but pease don't ever question the loyalty of anybody on this forum or any other Liverpool supporter for that reason for refusing to accept the absolute mediocrity of what we're being forced to put up with. Everybody is well within their right to question the ability of the board, the managment, and the playing staff for the predicament this club finds itself in right now, because at the end of the day thats where the problems lies. Anfield is sold out every week so its not a question of the fans not doing their bit and I'm sorry if its too quiet but if a the team cannot even muster a bit of fight against a poor Spurs team then God help us all.

     The managment has to be held responsible for not getting the team into the right frame of mind for these matches and the playing staff hae to be held responsible for not showing any bit of pride for the shirt they wear and capitulating against inferior sides so often.
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Postby supersub » Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:35 pm

here,here.....I lost faith in GH when he tried repeatedly to pull the wool over my eyes.Be honest with people and they in return will be honest with you.
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Postby bpm1976 » Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:44 pm

We are the best fans!  I will always ferking love Liverpool, I am as gutted as everyone else about the present state of our club, we are light years off man u/arsenal.  Anyone can see we need a change in management and a clearout in players, for me not enough players are giving 100 percent and some just are nt fit to wear the shirt of Liverpool, you know its bad if players like Paul Dickov would improve our present team and thats no joke.

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Postby ROBtheRED » Sun Jan 18, 2004 2:45 pm

supersub wrote:Stu your blinkered vision is now bordering on Houllier paranoia,matched only by Fergies view that everyone hates the mancs.The media do not hate Liverpool,far from it.In fact I would say there are more Liverpool supporters working in the sporting media than any other club.
       You pontificate about the fans being the worst,why?Probably because you can't except anyone else's view that doesn't adhere to yours.You claim not to be a blind optimist,yet you feel last season was progress."I always thought Liverpool fans knew best and spoke sense" is a quote from you and you are absolutely spot-on,because unlike your-self,we will not be hood-winked ,lied too or decieved.Liverpool fans know when we are being short-changed.
           I'm sure you do love the club,but don't mistake speaking out against what you feel is wrong for not loving your club."I will always be patient and loyal" says stu,well that is exactly what we have been for the last 14 years,patient and some of us 30+ years loyal.
          I implore you to be objective on your views than be subjective to the Houllier rants.

Totally agree Supersub! Liverpool certainly don't have the worst set of supporters in the land, okay the atmosphere at anfield can be luke-warm during some games but that is only to be expected when the lack of confidence transponds from the pitch to the terraces. The Arsenal game was a perfect example, we battered them first half but as soon as they got their equaliser the players and fans became disillusioned, the atmosphere in the second half became funeral-like and it was almost as if defeat was inevitable.  BUT the majority of the time the fans (the fans who either want GH out OR the optimists who think we are still progressing under him) are magnificent and i don't think theres any better atmosphere at any other ground, you only have to speak to away fans who marvel at our famous singing and chanting to understand that WE ARE SPECIAL! At the end of the day fans at any club who are passionate whether they are right or wrong, optimists or pessimists are entitled to their views, and LFC fans although i am biased are the most knowledgable about, they know the difference about what is acceptable and what isn't.
In a funny sort of way Stu i know where your coming from and your passion for the club is to be commended but you may be alienating youself from other true supporters who don't wear the rose-tinted specs. There is something wrong when we're 18pts off the top of the league when theres 4 months still to go and thats not the fault of the fans!
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Postby DAV » Sun Jan 18, 2004 6:12 pm

i love the club my up bringing was the club every penny i earnt use to go to the club.
The fact is ill praise the manager and the team is if i wanted us to be a 4th/5th/6th stroke club.
Most of our players are average at best, some are just worthless.
Its people like u stu who keep this club going.
I dont no how old u r but ive been going since we were great to what we are now.
i think its sorry state.
We will always win games but with our current squad and manager we will never compete.
It's not like we are skint because we have invested in unknowns young talent who might or might not turn out good. Instead of buying proven talent. Kewell is an exception to that.
my only worry is if i stick by the manager and is tatics and buys is that are talent wont stay at liverpool and who can blame them.
Houlier seems to bring out the worst in all is players.
he makes great players into good players
good players into average players
and average squad players into cr#p
and the cr#p we have well they still play cr#p.
To sum up i will back the team LIVERPOOL FC to the death.
Im a liverpool supporter
But the manager and the team no i wont.
Because i dont think they are competent enough to do the job.
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Postby sangy » Sun Jan 18, 2004 6:25 pm

L.F.C foreva thru the thick and the thin thats for sure.....

Okay now compared to all ur guys post my looks rather vague lmao neva mind

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Postby big al » Sun Jan 18, 2004 7:44 pm

Everybody else has said all the important stuff. So I won't even comment any further except to say that Houliers arogance seems to be a disease that even some of the fans are catching.  As for Anfield a morgue, silence speaks volumes Stu.
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Postby oldredeyes » Sun Jan 18, 2004 9:08 pm

Lets draw a line under this nonsense about the supporters.
There is nothing wrong with the views posted on this site by genuine supporters who feel the club is going down the pan fast.
I agree with all of the fans who have followed this thread who do not look at the team through rose coloured glasses or walk around with blinkers on.
Fans like me who have been going to Anfield since the 1950's have every right to compare this current load of garbage with the great teams we have seen in the past. How else can you compare todays side unless you put them up against the teams of the past? To accept what is happening at the club now is to accept mediocrity and no true Liverpool fan will ever accept that.
I was in Rome to see the first great European victory. I was at Wembley to see our first ever FA cup win against Leeds. I have seen all the highs and lows for nearly fifty years. So I know what a good Liverpool team looks like and I am entitled, having spent thousands and thousands of pounds over the years supporting the club to have my say - and everyone else posting on this site has the same right.
The club has a bad managent structure and a mediocre team..full stop.
Yesterday the starting back four would never have got a game in any of Liverpool's Sunday league teams. The midfield had no bite, passion or creativity and the two forwards suffered the usual chronic service (except for the occassional long ball). And true to form GH blames everyone else bar himself.
The clock is ticking for you GH!
And the stupid ranting by GH in the press over Martin O'Neil does nothing but bring shame and discredit to the club. I'm glad MON rang him up and gave him a rollicking!
I don't know what else to say about this situation.
It's so bloody sad.
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Postby supersub » Sun Jan 18, 2004 9:31 pm

Excellent post oldredeyes.It's sad that this current management has divided the clubs supporters like this...I think it is totally unprecedented.If GH would have been more honest in his assessment of each game ,rather than blame everybody else,he may not of lost the support the way he has.
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