James bulger killers

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Postby Ciggy » Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:18 am

One is about to get married and his fiance doesnt know who he is John Venables.
How wrong is this this could be your daughter or one of your family members who is about to marry a child murderer.
I feckin hate this counrty at times.
Expose the pair of them for what they are child murderers that should still be behind bars.

Read the story again today what they done to James they should have been locked up for life for what they done to that child.


Anyone reckon this is Thompson?

Last edited by Ciggy on Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby red37 » Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:29 am

I can't read that again - i just cant. The poor little fella. Not that it will ever go away....but it brings a tear to the hardest of faces, and always will. Anger comes up just thinking of it.

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Postby The Manhattan Project » Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:34 am

The justice system in this country is absurd.

How on Earth two boys who knowingly abducted a child and murdered him, or tortured him and left to him to die can be released from prison is beyond Manhattan's comprehension.

Criminals better hope and pray that Manhattan does not become Prime Minister.
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Postby Kharhaz » Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:41 am

red37 wrote:I can't read that again - i just cant. The poor little fella. Not that it will ever go away....but it brings a tear to the hardest of faces, and always will. Anger comes up just thinking of it.

I agree, there are few people in this world I can say I hate but those little scumbags fall into that category, I hope I come across either one of them in the future because then I will show them what pain means, I still fall into deepest sadness whenever Jamie Bulgers name is mentioned. Only in this country could they get away with still living.
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Postby neil » Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:54 am

I was livin on Westminster Rd in Kirkdale at the time( less than 10 min walk from the Strand) I still cannot allow my thoughts to dwell on this, however my heart goes out to the child of Thompson and the fiancee(if she is unaware of who he is) of venables, god bless.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:28 am

to be honest i am quite split on this, what happened to bulger was horrific, my cousin was one of the police who went to the railway to deal with his body.

and then i look at thompson and venables, we are talking about 2 10 year old kids and i have to ask did they really know what they were doing.

yes i am sure they knew it was wrong but did they know the full scale of what they were doing? i just dont know.

there was a rumour amongst police at the time (i was in the police then but was in florida on holiday and his disappearance made the news there) that there was an adult involved, he got the kids to get bulger.

I suppose they are now 'cured' as such and people thinking they would kill again may be far off the mark (or maybe they are not), the sad thing is that we dont know.

now about his fiance, well thats a difficult one, she has fallen in love with someone and sees him for what he is now, probably if she knew the truth at the start she would have stayed away from him.

normally i am always in favour of the victim, always, I am also for the victim in this case, but i can also see a couple of 10 year old boys (who i also saw in their detention period in newton le willows) who f8cked up big style

i am surprised they are still in the UK to be honest

Postby redtrader74 » Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:53 am

I'm of Peewee's opinion. I was as horrified as anyone when i read transcripts of what occured, but i met a lawyer who was part of the team representing Venables / Thompson, although she wouldn't say particulars, once i got on about what i thought should be done to them, she led me to believe there was more to it than what was publicised, they weren't the monsters portrayed, although not angels.  They were 10 year olds who fcked up big time, and as we don't kill criminals in this country, it means we believe in rehabilitation, therefore we must believe that two 10 year olds can change, when we expect adults to, but its an uncomfortable scenario.
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Postby redtrader74 » Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:58 am

Kharhaz wrote:
red37 wrote:I can't read that again - i just cant. The poor little fella. Not that it will ever go away....but it brings a tear to the hardest of faces, and always will. Anger comes up just thinking of it.

I agree, there are few people in this world I can say I hate but those little scumbags fall into that category, I hope I come across either one of them in the future because then I will show them what pain means, I still fall into deepest sadness whenever Jamie Bulgers name is mentioned. Only in this country could they get away with still living.

Just a question, would you take the retribution you describe against them now, or as 10 year olds given the chance?
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:42 pm

Ciggy where'd you find that?  Hasn't the Mother Denise confronted one of them?

One of the worst things that has ever happened this.  Think I was about 13 or 14 when this happened, it was awful.  I remember the Echo from that day, the big CCTV picture on the front page has stayed with me.

Postby jonnymac1979 » Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:54 pm

I'm sitting in work and I've just nearly been physically sick during reading that.  Seriously, the contents of my stomach were close to appearing on the keyboard I'm typing this with.

Can't believe what that baby went through. 

So Peewee and redtrader, what transcripts do you speak of?  You've got some bottle reading that stuff. 

I couldn't be a police officer.  I used to know a policeman years ago who used to investigate child abuse.  A job like that must take it's toll on you.

Postby 112-1077774096 » Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:25 pm

mate i saw the video taken at the scene by scenes of crime and the photographs, i was also aware of all the injuries.

i think i have mentioned on here before that i also went to another child murder, the mothers boyfriend threw her baby boy against a wall, sat him on the electric ring on the cooker and also bit his penis off.

there are some sick people in the world, but this guy was an adult, i just cant help feeling thompson and venables really didnt know the full extent of what they were doing.

also the report that ciggy has posted is not totally correct, if you look at the whole site it looks like its written by someone bored and not very well educated, just look at the comment 'he through clothes around' instead of threw. (thats by the by) but jonny i could tell you thinks i have seen mate that would make your toes curl.

like i said i am always pro victim and i am in this case, but i also have to remember we are talking about two 10 years olds without any real education or understanding of the seriousness.

I cant speak about what they are like now as i have no idea, but i am sure the are closely monitored

Postby Dundalk » Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:30 pm

peewee wrote:i think i have mentioned on here before that i also went to another child murder, the mothers boyfriend threw her baby boy against a wall, sat him on the electric ring on the cooker and also bit his penis off.

WTF ??

Sick sick bastard

I cant believe that
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:38 pm

i can even remember the guys name and his face mate, even after 16 years

Postby RUSHIE#9 » Tue Jul 24, 2007 2:02 pm

I've always been disgusted like many with the seeming lack of punishment that these two have been given for such a sickening crime. A few years in a young offenders institute with trips out and treats is nowhere near enough for brutally murdering a toddler.The fact that they were released is a disgrace that the justice system should hang its head in shame for evermore.

The business of not letting this girl, who is planning to spend the rest of her life with a convicted murderer, know what she is getting into is wrong. The reason the bureaucrats won't tell her is because they want to guarantee Venables' new identity remains intact.  :no
Whats gonna happen if/when this girl falls pregnant with his child? Surely they can't be stupid enough to allow a convicted child killer to become a father without the wife/mother knowing no matter how closely they watch him. It's no different from allowing a convicted paedophile to be a child carer.

They may be reformed. The pair of them may have committed the murder without really knowing how serious an act it was. Rumours that there were other people/circumstances involved may be true. But the fact remains that they both comitted this atrocity and how can a 100% guarantee ever be given that they won't do it again? ???

This girl needs to know the truth and then be allowed to decide whether her love for him is enough to get past this.
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Postby LFC #1 » Tue Jul 24, 2007 2:44 pm

Just read that link Ciggy posted and it's probably the sickest crime I've ever read about. I rememeber when it happened and thought the kids should have been executed and tbh my opinion hasn't changed one bit. Two boys who seemed to be mentally stable at the time who are capable of such a thing should never be given a second chance IMO, never. They should rot in jail for life and I can't imagine how i'd feel if i was a member of James Bulger's family. TBH I'd probably shoot the kunt on his wedding day.
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