What were you doing - The morning of 9/11

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Postby metalhead » Mon May 05, 2008 7:15 pm

Big Niall wrote:Relgion is a con used to get the superstitious to die for nothing but the gain of wealth by the powerful.

Thats not religion

Thats politics, humanity use religion as an excuse.
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Postby dawson99 » Mon May 05, 2008 7:21 pm

Big Niall wrote:I have a deep hatred of religion.

They all preach that only their believers will go to heaven "or whatever their one's reward is e.g. good reincarnation" and that people that dont' follow will go to hell - don't question!

The church for centuries made no attempt to spread literacy as illiterates are easier to rule, they persuaded the poor to give 10% of their tiny earnings to the church to help them go to heaven, the church then build huge buildings which looked down on the village as a constant reminder to the locals who was in power. They also basically sold forgiveness and entry to heaven.

It was a total shakedown.

Before Christianity, other religions had their own gods which rewarded soldiers who died in battle.

Relgion is a con used to get the superstitious to die for nothing but the gain of wealth by the powerful.

big difference between religion and faith tho. religion is what uses the masses for wars and death, faith is used and always has, before churches were built people believed, and there is nothing wrong with that.

having beliefs or following religion is a good thing in my opinion but as with everything in life the few spoil it for the many.

when i think of christianity i dont think of the church, i dnot go to church but i still have faith and beliefs so really i think to hate religion is one thing, but you cant hate that people believe.
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Postby Bad Bob » Mon May 05, 2008 7:27 pm

Strangely, I decided to turn CBC radio on that morning (strange because CBC radio is absolute rubbish) and so caught wind of events just after the first plane hit.  Ended up watching most of the day's coverage on a big screen at the local sports pub, as it turns out.  As fate would have it, we were scheduled to travel to NYC less than 2 weeks later and that was a surreal expetience.  Anyone who's ever been to the city knows what a buzz the places runs on and, so, to see the place so muted, so dazed, so choked with grief made quite an impression.  That and the National Guardsmen with machine guns standing at all the main intersections.
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Postby Big Niall » Tue May 06, 2008 11:12 am

dawson99 wrote:
Big Niall wrote:I have a deep hatred of religion.

They all preach that only their believers will go to heaven "or whatever their one's reward is e.g. good reincarnation" and that people that dont' follow will go to hell - don't question!

The church for centuries made no attempt to spread literacy as illiterates are easier to rule, they persuaded the poor to give 10% of their tiny earnings to the church to help them go to heaven, the church then build huge buildings which looked down on the village as a constant reminder to the locals who was in power. They also basically sold forgiveness and entry to heaven.

It was a total shakedown.

Before Christianity, other religions had their own gods which rewarded soldiers who died in battle.

Relgion is a con used to get the superstitious to die for nothing but the gain of wealth by the powerful.

big difference between religion and faith tho. religion is what uses the masses for wars and death, faith is used and always has, before churches were built people believed, and there is nothing wrong with that.

having beliefs or following religion is a good thing in my opinion but as with everything in life the few spoil it for the many.

when i think of christianity i dont think of the church, i dnot go to church but i still have faith and beliefs so really i think to hate religion is one thing, but you cant hate that people believe.

if somebody wants to pray to a god and it makes them feel better then fair enough.

However organised religion is mostly bad/divisive. It is the easiest way (with language and skin colour) of making one group of people different to another. Organised religion is all about control.

All organised religions have convinced its followers that other people are less than human e.g. have no souls, damned to hell etc.

I have no shame in saying that while the teachings of Jesus are positive, the old testament is the biggest load of bo11ox ever written, full of hate and spite and I challenge anybody to defend it (those that have actually bothered to read it!)
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Postby Judge » Tue May 06, 2008 12:41 pm

metalhead wrote:
Big Niall wrote:Relgion is a con used to get the superstitious to die for nothing but the gain of wealth by the powerful.

Thats not religion

Thats politics, humanity use religion as an excuse.

theres a fine line between politics and religion, whereas faith is totally seperate.

for thousands of years religion was politics, then there was a lull as the commoners tried to seperate that from religion by installing democratically elected governments, now the religion/politics thing is starting to emerge as one again.

if we look at recent conflicts, it is impossible to argue that religion isnt the fire behind war. In fact, its probably always been the case, just hidden very well.

the current war on terror is fuelled by fanatics bent on religious destruction.
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Postby Big Niall » Tue May 06, 2008 12:53 pm

Judge wrote:
metalhead wrote:
Big Niall wrote:Relgion is a con used to get the superstitious to die for nothing but the gain of wealth by the powerful.

Thats not religion

Thats politics, humanity use religion as an excuse.

theres a fine line between politics and religion, whereas faith is totally seperate.

for thousands of years religion was politics, then there was a lull as the commoners tried to seperate that from religion by installing democratically elected governments, now the religion/politics thing is starting to emerge as one again.

if we look at recent conflicts, it is impossible to argue that religion isnt the fire behind war. In fact, its probably always been the case, just hidden very well.

the current war on terror is fuelled by fanatics bent on religious destruction.

the so called war on terror had Bush and Blair who both have deep religious committments use the extreme religion of some muslim fanatics to do an oil grab (9/11 attackers nearly all from Saudi - an ally!) A bit like Suez really. Expect tensions with Venezuela,Russia,Nigeria other oil countries to increase as demand outweighs supply of oil/gas.

You can go back to the Crusades (which the muslims were equally to blame) for the christian v muslim war over resources (pre oil there were other resources), vikings, romans all of them.

There has always been war and always will be (there's a finite amount of resources in the planet) - just like religion as what better way to motivate your army than to assure them that "god is on their side".
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Postby Judge » Tue May 06, 2008 2:42 pm

agreed niall.

however, the oil grab. Hussain made a mistake by lighting all of kuwaits oil terminals, thus burning off millions of gallons of oil. that was NOT our or the US' fault. So i say, that it is arguable that oil played a roll in a declaration of war, it wasnt the sole reason for it. Hussain needed to be removed, that is clear. And if it preserves oil reserves then that was a bonus for the world economy. Im sure you'll agree to that.

I do know you have anti-american thoughts niall, and thats your right, but i do feel the sole reason for intervention was to remove that despot and preserve Iraq's future for a valuable export in oil. It served world interest, and i think has kept oil prices rising alot slower than it would now, if hussain was still in place.

Mind you i aint happy at paying 117p per litre of diesel though
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Postby Emerald Red » Tue May 06, 2008 3:58 pm

7_Kewell wrote:
Big Niall wrote:I have a deep hatred of religion.

They all preach that only their believers will go to heaven "or whatever their one's reward is e.g. good reincarnation" and that people that dont' follow will go to hell - don't question!

The church for centuries made no attempt to spread literacy as illiterates are easier to rule, they persuaded the poor to give 10% of their tiny earnings to the church to help them go to heaven, the church then build huge buildings which looked down on the village as a constant reminder to the locals who was in power. They also basically sold forgiveness and entry to heaven.

It was a total shakedown.

Before Christianity, other religions had their own gods which rewarded soldiers who died in battle.

Relgion is a con used to get the superstitious to die for nothing but the gain of wealth by the powerful.

great post.

How is that a great post?

Religion helps people in their own way. Some people can be going through a bad time and their religion can get them trough it. It's a personal thing, and if you don't have a clue about it, then you shouldn't make stupid comments on it. People have the right to believe in what they want. It's also ironic that people who are supposedly atheist, will often start praying to God if or when they are about to die. Just what I read, or have been told.
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Postby Emerald Red » Tue May 06, 2008 4:01 pm

dawson99 wrote:
Big Niall wrote:I have a deep hatred of religion.

They all preach that only their believers will go to heaven "or whatever their one's reward is e.g. good reincarnation" and that people that dont' follow will go to hell - don't question!

The church for centuries made no attempt to spread literacy as illiterates are easier to rule, they persuaded the poor to give 10% of their tiny earnings to the church to help them go to heaven, the church then build huge buildings which looked down on the village as a constant reminder to the locals who was in power. They also basically sold forgiveness and entry to heaven.

It was a total shakedown.

Before Christianity, other religions had their own gods which rewarded soldiers who died in battle.

Relgion is a con used to get the superstitious to die for nothing but the gain of wealth by the powerful.

big difference between religion and faith tho. religion is what uses the masses for wars and death, faith is used and always has, before churches were built people believed, and there is nothing wrong with that.

having beliefs or following religion is a good thing in my opinion but as with everything in life the few spoil it for the many.

when i think of christianity i dont think of the church, i dnot go to church but i still have faith and beliefs so really i think to hate religion is one thing, but you cant hate that people believe.

That's a good post.
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Postby GOAT » Tue May 06, 2008 4:24 pm

Emerald Red wrote:Religion helps people in their own way. Some people can be going through a bad time and their religion can get them trough it.

Aye weak people who cant handle things themselves, wanting some crazy higher power to help them out lol
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Tue May 06, 2008 4:34 pm

I've got no problem with people having religion because it brings them comfort.

I only take issue with religious people when they do any of the following:

1- Try to mix their religion with government and law.
2- Try to use their religion to meddle with scientific advances.
3- Try to make their religious mythology on an equal par with scientific theories
4- Use their religion to justify government actions.
5- Try to impose their religion on those who do not share their beliefs.
6- Use their religion to justify acts of criminality and/or violence.
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Postby Big Niall » Tue May 06, 2008 4:39 pm

Judge wrote:agreed niall.

however, the oil grab. Hussain made a mistake by lighting all of kuwaits oil terminals, thus burning off millions of gallons of oil. that was NOT our or the US' fault. So i say, that it is arguable that oil played a roll in a declaration of war, it wasnt the sole reason for it. Hussain needed to be removed, that is clear. And if it preserves oil reserves then that was a bonus for the world economy. Im sure you'll agree to that.

I do know you have anti-american thoughts niall, and thats your right, but i do feel the sole reason for intervention was to remove that despot and preserve Iraq's future for a valuable export in oil. It served world interest, and i think has kept oil prices rising alot slower than it would now, if hussain was still in place.

Mind you i aint happy at paying 117p per litre of diesel though

I am anti US foreign policy but not anti american really - I thought Clinton administration was great. More this Bush guy I despise. I'm going there on holiday in a few weeks (I went last year too) and find yanks friendly.

Totally disagree about the invasion though. I think Iraq was better with a horrible f*cker in charge but controling the country than having a civil war in which between 100,000 and a million (depending who you read) have been killed, the invasion is great propaganda for Al Queda too.

impossible to believe war had nothing to do with it as Hussein was no worse than many of the dictators in Africa and had nothing to do with 9/11 (Bin Laden hated him and vice versa)

The bible belt of America, the real right wing, gun toting, bible preaching part have a lot in common with the radical muslims.
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Postby Big Niall » Tue May 06, 2008 4:39 pm

The Manhattan Project wrote:I've got no problem with people having religion because it brings them comfort.

I only take issue with religious people when they do any of the following:

1- Try to mix their religion with government and law.
2- Try to use their religion to meddle with scientific advances.
3- Try to make their religious mythology on an equal par with scientific theories
4- Use their religion to justify government actions.
5- Try to impose their religion on those who do not share their beliefs.
6- Use their religion to justify acts of criminality and/or violence.

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Postby taff » Tue May 06, 2008 4:49 pm

I was in work and my mate said to go on the web as a plane had gone into one of the twin towers, I assumed it was an accident and to be honest thought that it was bound to happen like in Amsterdam years earlier, amazed it hasnt happened in Hong Kong with their flightpath and tall buildings.  Anyway had a look at the BBC site then another plane then that horrible reality that this wasnt an accident. Tried to refresh the site but it was ridiculously slow so just got on with my day, then my mate who was glued to his PC and shouting out updates said the buildings had collapsed, I didnt believe him at first it sounded insane that the world trade centre had collapsed, but it was true and then the magnitude of it kinda struck everybody where I was working.

With the shock of it all I did have a wonderful feeling that America who had been reluctant to get involved in any world affairs would stand up and lead the world to a new era of tolerance and peace as they had the upper hand and the sympathy of practically everybody bar a few extremists of course.  But Bush and his gang obviously had other ideas.

A few weeks later I was in Tunisia on holiday and walking through a market when I noticed someone who looke like a young Osama Bin Laden staring at me, I stared back in that unique British guy abroad way and he came to talk to me.  He was an American from Chicago and was hoping I was American as he wanted to know if I had any Baseball gossip of all things.  We had a chat about baseball, well I know who Babe Ruth was and Sam Malone from Cheers  :D and he had been in Tunisia for a year studying but missed America and was looking forward to going back there, apart from the way he looked he was a typical Yank.  The sad thing was that I knew the world had changed, before 9/11 he wouldnt have registered with me, just another Muslim guy in a market, know things were different even if we want tolerance etc things had changed.  I didnt tell him as he was a nice guy but I did fear for his return to America the way he looked, whereas a month earlier he would just have been another guy on a plane.

On 9/11 I like the story that Stephen Fry said about the guy who's mother bought him a tie for his birthday and he didnt like the colour so he decided to return it and get to work an hour later than usual, it was 9/11 and he worked on the floor the first plane hit.  Its mad how life can come down to somebodys taste in ties.
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Postby Emerald Red » Tue May 06, 2008 4:51 pm

GOAT wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:Religion helps people in their own way. Some people can be going through a bad time and their religion can get them trough it.

Aye weak people who cant handle things themselves, wanting some crazy higher power to help them out lol

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