The police force - Advice needed

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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:40 am

Wilhelmsson wrote:Thanks for your comments, they are much appreciated. I’ll address Peewee’s post first, I understand that as a police officer, I might not be able to change society at all and indeed the police do not seem to have enough authority or sovereignty in the justice system, but if I can make even a fragment of difference to the society in which I and others live, then that will make me proud. I am just sick to the back of my teeth with my generation and the melt down of the basic morals and principles that our society clearly needs.

The police force does seem like a stern and tough test and the role of a police officer does seem challenging and I guess fulfilling. I have seen how people treat the police and do not co-operate with the police, but I won’t know how difficult it is until I experience it at first hand, so I am willing to experience it. If it becomes too emotional and physically challenging for me, then I shall stand down, but I would like to help my community for the better and I feel by joining the police force, I will be contributing to something good in society when their are people my age who are robbing cars, beating each other up and being a menace to the community in which they inhabit.

As for the Cardinal’s response, I guess I must be somewhat insane to want to join, but I am not alone in wanting to join, several of my friends have also stated their intention to join the force after they complete Uni. I guess only time will tell if they become police officers, but like me they feel quite vulnerable when walking through an ally way or walking home at night.

My decision to pursue an interest in joining the police force goes back to some four years ago when a police officer came into our school and gave my class a talk on the life of being an officer. The reason I want to become an officer is simply because I feel insecure with the area in which I live, it’s quite intimidating having to walk past a group of hooded youths who scan you whilst you walk past, even sometimes throwing things at you or passing a comment (That's not to say every hooded youth is like this, I know several who are friendly people). A person should not feel intimidated in the society in which they live, so there is my reasoning.

I might sound a tad naïve, but it is something I look to pursue in the not too distant future, once again thanks for your help,


good luck mate, go for it.

when i say you wont change society, you wont, but will change the lives of individuals that you deal with, hopefully for the better.

its a thankless job the majority of the time, and you will notice that your personality changes, when you are in work you have to be number one, you need to be authoritative and forceful, if you threaten someone with arrest if they dont stop what they are doing, if they carry on then you have to arrest them or you will not be taken seriously again by them.

the best bit of advice i will give you is to have 2 personalities, one in work, and one at home, because if you bring the attitude home with you people will think you are an idiot.

also when you are dealing with someone be professional, start off by being nice with them, they might be a nice person, if you start aggressive and they are nice you will look and feel stupid. if you start nice and they want to be moody then you can go down that avenue if you choose, remember you have the upper hand so there is no need for too much sarcasm or nastiness, do your job properly and make sure you back is covered at all times, make sure you evidence is right or it can come back and bite you on the @rse

Postby Kharhaz » Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:41 am

I remember being pulled over in me car by two women officers because I had the gall to indicate which way I was turning on my estate after a late night working in the cellar. There excuse was, I WAS SPEEDING, like :censored: I was my reply came, there reply, "Theres a strong smell of alcohol on you!" I said of course there is "IM A CELLARMAN". But nope, instantly in there eyes I was drink driving, did the test and the disappointment on there face when it showed a green light, ya had to be there ! I pointed out to them that the only reason I was pulled over was because they have nothing better to do !

I dont hate the police, but I dont like where there morals lie, the innocent are always in the limelight while the guilty are committing all crimes under the sun and not much is being done about it.

My advice? dont bother being an officer, unless of course your easily swayed.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:56 am

but at the same time if your car is stolen you will be straight on the telephone to them asking them to stop cars etc.

the fact is many arrests are made as a result of stop checks and they do not need any reason to stop you, they can stop you at any time whilst you are driving and ask you to produce your documents.

they can not however stop you to breathalise you unless you have committed another offence whilst driving, but they can breathalise you with no offences should they suspect you have been drinking after they have stopped you.

so wilhemson, look at kharhaz response, and realise that all policemen need to have a crystal ball so they know exactly what is happening and who is driving a car before they stop you, and saying 'dont you have anything better to do', well kharahaz they were doing their job, stopping cars etc, would you rather they go and have a coffee somewhere.

and lets not forget the yorkshire ripper was arrested as a result of a traffic stop

Postby Kharhaz » Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:12 am

I appreciate that they are indeed doing there job, but I was pulled over because I indicated that I was turning a corner in appreciation of the rules of driving. And therein lies my point, no crystal ball needed, just open your eyes, and see for yourself what is going on.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:30 am

did they tell you that they pulled you over for indicating?

Postby Kharhaz » Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:41 am

No they didnt, but if you live on an estate you'll understand thats its uncommon for a car to be driven around legally ! All the attention I paid was to my job so for the police to see someone doing something legal. All I did was drive home, and regardless of whats what I was pulled over because I was driving legally. I stank of beer, it comes with being a cellarman. They pulled me over for other reasons than what they gave. Like I said, I respect what they have to do but it seems more common to pull over drivers rather than actual crims, and that sucks. I wouldnt give being involved in police work a second look because the standards have lowered.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:50 am

so when you said you got stopped for indicating you just made that up?    :D

i understand what you are saying mate, but how are the police supposed to know if your are a crim until they pull you over? and i am sure that if the police kept of your estate and didnt stop cars you would complain about the crime there.

not all criminals drive around speeding with stolen contraband or drugs in their car, in fact they do the opposite, they tend to obey the RTA so as not to draw attention to themselves and risk being stopped. also remember its night time so the police can not see who is in the car.

a word of advice mate, if you have done nothing wrong don't worry about getting pulled over, just stop and be polite. as soon as people start with the whole 'have you got nothing better to do' nonsense then you are on a hiding to nothing, the police will probably find a fault on your vehicle and give you a fixed penalty, or at least ask you to produce your documents, all for the sake of being uncivil to someone doing their job.

i know some police are idiots who will have attitude to you but just don't rise to the bait, you wont win mate, just smile and be pleasant.

i also stopped a car once and the guy stank of ale, turns out a wine bottle had broken in the car and thats what the smell was, he explained it, i breathalised him and off he went on his way with no problems.

Postby Kharhaz » Wed Aug 29, 2007 1:19 pm

peewee wrote:so when you said you got stopped for indicating you just made that up?    :D

i understand what you are saying mate, but how are the police supposed to know if your are a crim until they pull you over? and i am sure that if the police kept of your estate and didnt stop cars you would complain about the crime there.

not all criminals drive around speeding with stolen contraband or drugs in their car, in fact they do the opposite, they tend to obey the RTA so as not to draw attention to themselves and risk being stopped. also remember its night time so the police can not see who is in the car.

a word of advice mate, if you have done nothing wrong don't worry about getting pulled over, just stop and be polite. as soon as people start with the whole 'have you got nothing better to do' nonsense then you are on a hiding to nothing, the police will probably find a fault on your vehicle and give you a fixed penalty, or at least ask you to produce your documents, all for the sake of being uncivil to someone doing their job.

i know some police are idiots who will have attitude to you but just don't rise to the bait, you wont win mate, just smile and be pleasant.

i also stopped a car once and the guy stank of ale, turns out a wine bottle had broken in the car and thats what the smell was, he explained it, i breathalised him and off he went on his way with no problems.

Well, I dont like the attitude of our police in our area  because for me, they are totally incompetent and treat the victims like criminals. Im from Grimsby, same place as Ian Huntley who murdered them little girls, this wouldnt have happened if we had a half decent police force capable of doing the simple basics, so I guess now you have more of an idea of why I dont respect them. Of course not all police forces around britain are as inept as ours but thats why my attitude is like it is.
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Postby Wilhelmsson » Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:21 pm

The way I see it, the police can never win in any given situation. If people within their communities worked with the police instead of against the police then it would aid both parties on tackling some of the problems that exist within our communities. I have been stopped by the police before, once for running across a main road which was located in and amongst a graffiti artist’s paradise. I had nothing to hide so I co-operated with the two officers and nothing came of it.

The police have to do their jobs and stopping people, and querying people seems part of the job in hand, therefore it’s best if people co-operated with the force against of reacting against it.

How are the police to blame for Ian Huntley murdering Jessica and Hollie? Hollie and Jessica would still be alive if the communities didn’t have such vile people within its midst. The police arrested him and got a conviction and though this won’t bring back those two little girls, it has taken a dangerous individual off of our streets.

Once again, thanks for the contributions to the topic, these are much appreciated and I shall be enquiring down at my local police station tomorrow afternoon.
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Postby CardinalRed » Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:08 pm

Kharhaz wrote:
peewee wrote:so when you said you got stopped for indicating you just made that up?    :D

i understand what you are saying mate, but how are the police supposed to know if your are a crim until they pull you over? and i am sure that if the police kept of your estate and didnt stop cars you would complain about the crime there.

not all criminals drive around speeding with stolen contraband or drugs in their car, in fact they do the opposite, they tend to obey the RTA so as not to draw attention to themselves and risk being stopped. also remember its night time so the police can not see who is in the car.

a word of advice mate, if you have done nothing wrong don't worry about getting pulled over, just stop and be polite. as soon as people start with the whole 'have you got nothing better to do' nonsense then you are on a hiding to nothing, the police will probably find a fault on your vehicle and give you a fixed penalty, or at least ask you to produce your documents, all for the sake of being uncivil to someone doing their job.

i know some police are idiots who will have attitude to you but just don't rise to the bait, you wont win mate, just smile and be pleasant.

i also stopped a car once and the guy stank of ale, turns out a wine bottle had broken in the car and thats what the smell was, he explained it, i breathalised him and off he went on his way with no problems.

Well done PeeWee....! Good investigative skills used to suss Kharhaz out there, proves you never lose it eh?
This fella obviously doesn't like the Cops and it doesn't look like his preconceptions are going to be changed.
There are numpties in every walk of life and the Police Force is no different, PeeWee has the right attitude, it costs nothing to be decent with people and then react from where they want to take a situation.
I'm afraid it looks like Kharhaz has already made his mind up but the two Officers who stopped him were doing what Bobbies do on every estate across the country every night of the week in an attempt to flush out villains.
18 years ago my Tutor said to me: "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice......"
There are Cops who should remember that, and there members of the Public who should remember that as well......

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Postby destro » Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:27 pm

Wilhelmsson wrote:How are the police to blame for Ian Huntley murdering Jessica and Hollie? Hollie and Jessica would still be alive if the communities didn’t have such vile people within its midst. The police arrested him and got a conviction and though this won’t bring back those two little girls, it has taken a dangerous individual off of our streets.

I don't want to turn this into a thread for that tw@t Huntley but, as far as I remember the Police destroyed information on Huntley from previous complaints/ allegations that identified Huntley as a "serial sex attacker".

He would Never of got a caretakers job at a school if this information was available.This might have saved Jessica and Holly, I'm not saying it would of stopped it from happening to some other child though.
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Postby Kharhaz » Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:49 pm

CardinalRed wrote:
Kharhaz wrote:
peewee wrote:so when you said you got stopped for indicating you just made that up?    :D

i understand what you are saying mate, but how are the police supposed to know if your are a crim until they pull you over? and i am sure that if the police kept of your estate and didnt stop cars you would complain about the crime there.

not all criminals drive around speeding with stolen contraband or drugs in their car, in fact they do the opposite, they tend to obey the RTA so as not to draw attention to themselves and risk being stopped. also remember its night time so the police can not see who is in the car.

a word of advice mate, if you have done nothing wrong don't worry about getting pulled over, just stop and be polite. as soon as people start with the whole 'have you got nothing better to do' nonsense then you are on a hiding to nothing, the police will probably find a fault on your vehicle and give you a fixed penalty, or at least ask you to produce your documents, all for the sake of being uncivil to someone doing their job.

i know some police are idiots who will have attitude to you but just don't rise to the bait, you wont win mate, just smile and be pleasant.

i also stopped a car once and the guy stank of ale, turns out a wine bottle had broken in the car and thats what the smell was, he explained it, i breathalised him and off he went on his way with no problems.

Well done PeeWee....! Good investigative skills used to suss Kharhaz out there, proves you never lose it eh?
This fella obviously doesn't like the Cops and it doesn't look like his preconceptions are going to be changed.
There are numpties in every walk of life and the Police Force is no different, PeeWee has the right attitude, it costs nothing to be decent with people and then react from where they want to take a situation.
I'm afraid it looks like Kharhaz has already made his mind up but the two Officers who stopped him were doing what Bobbies do on every estate across the country every night of the week in an attempt to flush out villains.
18 years ago my Tutor said to me: "It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice......"
There are Cops who should remember that, and there members of the Public who should remember that as well......


To suss me out? I was on my way home late at night so traffic was scarce and although there was no traffic I still indicated rather than drive straight round without indicating, but by doing so I was pulled over.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:28 am

no mate, you were not pulled over of indicating, this is the point i am trying to make, you were given a stop/check so the police could see who you were, its as simple as that

Postby redtrader74 » Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:54 am

Wilhelmsson if your serious about making a difference to Society you could always become a politician....local Councils are not that difficult to get into. You can even do that side by side with your job.
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Postby Effes » Thu Aug 30, 2007 4:31 am

Kharhaz wrote:I still indicated rather than drive straight round without indicating, but by doing so I was pulled over.

Why are you convinced that the indicating was the cause of you getting pulled over?
You keep harping on about getting stopped because you indicated, yet the officers made NO reference to this whatsoever.
You come across as someone with a chip on your shoulder.

On the subject of the Police - did the Slater Street incident ever get solved? (when the bizzies battered a load of LFC fans after a Man U game - about 1998 I think) ?
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