Oppo - Sheffield (h)

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Rafa D » Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:11 pm


         Sheff Utd

League Position   -   15th

Current Away Form   -  L L L L W W

Top Scorers   - Hulse 7 goals
                                   Nade 3 goals
                                   Jagielka 3 goals

Recent Encounters between teams
19-8-06 - Sheff Utd 1  - 1 Liverpool (Hulse)(Fowler PEN)

Interesting Facts
*Sheff Utd at home in the 93/94 was my first ever game and we lost 2-1.
*Sheffield is NOT really that interesting.

Club Honours


1899, 1902, 1915, 1925

And now thanks to the lads and lasses at www.unitedite.co.uk

Sheffield United are currently sitting 15th, 10 points off relegation, did you think your season would go as well as it had done? What are your hopes for the rest of the season?

REDANDWHITEWIZARD:I hoped to be in a likewise position but realistically I thought we'd struggle to stay up. Obviously the hopes for the rest of the season are to keep picking up points and making sure we pick up 3 more wins at home.

4ASBLADE:Pre season I was 100% confident we would stop up, nothings changed in that respect, as for the rest of the season it's the same as everyone else, finish as high as possible (more dosh) and push on from there.

HODGESLEFTPEG:If im honest i thought we were doomed, i though warnock bought poorly in the pre-season (which he probably did as only hulse has been any good). Since we switched to 4-4-2 we've looked good enough to stay up and on home form push for europe

Born_On_Shoreham_Street:I was hoping to finish 17th - anything better would have been a bonus. To be now looking up the table as much as down is very satisfying. Get the next few matches out of the way (difficult to see where we can manage more than about three points from them) and our 10 point cushion should see us scrape home with a couple of matches to go.

Who has been your best player(s) this season? Any suprises?

REDANDWHITEWIZARD:Rob Hulse, a lot of people (myself included) were a bit sceptical about his signing but from the very 1st minute I saw him to the last minute I've seen him, he's an absolute jem, he works really hard and gives his all in every game; he's proving himself as a proper prem striker. Just needs a bit more help from the midfield.

Suprises this season has to be KEEEEEEEEEF (Keith Gillespie) he's come back with avengance this season after looking like his career was over (very dissapointed with his transfer request though)
Then we have S. Quinn, young Irish lad, got a chance on the LW and he's been superb, one to watch for the future.
The other 2 massive suprises and probably the best are Chris Morgan and Chris Lucketti, both players were thought of as no way good enough for the prem, but when they get asked to play (as there not regular 1st teamers) they have been solid. prob expect Lucketti to start V your lot as he's playing to well to drop.

4ASBLADE:Pre-season friendlies is where I first saw Hulse and my immediate thoughts were "what a waste of money" I am man enough to admit to all & sundry how wrong I was. The surprise package for me has to be young S. Quinn

HODGESLEFTPEG:Jags, Geary (massive surprise!) and Hulsey

Born_On_Shoreham_Street:Best player is Jags for his versatility and just beats Hulse for that reason. Surprise? Geary, without a doubt!

Phil Jagielka was rumoured to be a transfer target for Rafa at the end of the season. No doubt, just paper talk but how good is he? We are hearing a lot of good things about him.

REDANDWHITEWIZARD:He's a very solid player, Warnock has played him all over the park this year, MF, DF and even GK!! We all think he is best6 suited to CB as he has good pace, he's good in the air and he doesn't mess about, a no nonsense defender who rarely looks overrought. It's hard to think about him playing for another team, and TBH I wouldn't like himto go to you as he needs to be playing every week, not in and out of the team as most Liverpool players are.

4ASBLADE:IMO once he has settled into his best position (right back) he will only get better and then we shall see him go to other bigger clubs and one day play for England.

HODGESLEFTPEG:He's class at centre back, good at right back, Ok in the premiership in centre mid.....amazing in the net at any standard

Born_On_Shoreham_Street:He will flourish in a team that has heart and skill - probably at centre or right back. His best is yet to come - can see him being with us whilever we remain in the Prem unless someone comes along with a silly money offer for him. Smashing lad and a true Blade.

Wally Downes recently tried it on with your boss, Warnock? Who would win in a fight? And what are your views on your manager?

REDANDWHITEWIZARD:TBh I think Willy Downes would've either exploded like a volcano or Christian Nade would've eaten him alive.

Personally (and this is where you'll find most Blades split) I think he's done a great job, after languishing in the championship he steadied the ship, with no money at all made us play-off contenders, then last year he was given a bit of money and he got us up, we didn't exactly spend a fortune but just enough to get the quality in the areas we needed.

He seemed a bit out of his depth at the beginning of the season but he hasn't half turned it around, everyone thought we were certanties to go down but we've proved we can more than handle ourselves in this league. I hope we stay up and he gets another 2 yr contract.

4ASBLADE:Wally Downes is a c**k but he would still leather Sir Neil

HODGESLEFTPEG:Love him as a man, still have my doubts about his tactical knowledge but in English football (and who am i to say) i think heart is more important than tactical know how.....Warnocks got loads of heart and makes his team play the same way.
Wally Downes was a shit player at the Lane and he's a shit coach!

Born_On_Shoreham_Street:Warnock would win if he kept on his toes until Wally tired - that would probably take about three minutes of Wally swinging windmill punches. Mind you, if Wally connected.................

Warnock? Love him! Tactically dodgy from time to time but he epitomises SUFC.

After yours and Sheffield's Wednesday exit from the Premier League, Sheffield was famous only for their steel and the Full Monty, how much does it mean to the clubs and the fans to be back among the big boys? Will it last?

REDANDWHITEWIZARD:For us it's absolutely fantastic, we were in that league (champs) longer than any other club and it was getting a bit stale, same old same old. BUt now we are back we are loving it, you'll find out what it means to our fans when you hear them non stop at your gaff on Saturday!!

Will it last, we are a club that is developing both on and off the field, we have major business acquisitions in China and Belgium and could possibly be doing a deal with Sao Paulo. We are a very stable club and with the right manager on board, and the right funds available for players we need, yes, we can definitley make our mark in this league.

4ASBLADE:You only have to be around B.D.T.B.L. on match day to see what it means to the bladesmen, 21,000+ season ticket holders ( a record for sheffield)
30,000 average gates (a record for sheffield)
Bragging rights belong to us and they will do for a long time to come.
As said before I think we will stop up but then we will have to start spending serious money on players if we want to push on.

HODGESLEFTPEG:Arctic Monkeys winning brit awards, Sean Bean in the running for an oscar?,
Love it back in the premiership especially as the pigs are struggling.


Great to be back! And be honest, you big 'uns didn't realise how much you'd missed us did you? 

Will it last? Yeahhh, maybe, hope so! I just don't ever want us to be a prawn sandwich club and I think McCabe is doing a wonderful job

Bellamy's been in the papers recently about a incident in Portugal with Riise. What do you make of it all?

REDANDWHITEWIZARD:Typical Bellamy really, TBH it just confirms again what a total sheep shagging p***k he is. Sorry, but don't like him at all. You should sack him.

4ASBLADE:As a player I have always liked Riise, committed, skilful & fearsome shot.
Bellamy is a good player but a complete sh*t with it.

HODGESLEFTPEG:Probably just a bit of handbags, the tabloids love to demanise modern footballers, as long as they can sort it out between them i dont give a toss....we all know Bellamy is a to**er anyway! good player though.

Born_On_Shoreham_Street:It seems that lots of things happen when English teams go to Portugal! I like Riise and would love him to play for us. Bellamy is OK - he's just a passionate little person, isn't he? Probably just hanbags - had it been anything more and particularly if as described in the rags, I've no doubt we'd have heard of some subsequent draconian action against the offending players.

Your views on the current Liverpool squad and its manager?

REDANDWHITEWIZARD:Very very good, think Benitez should try and have a settled side more often, yes I know it keeps players fresh and they love doing that abroad, but I think a settled side will make you win things. A few of his signings have been a bit iffy, but on the whole I think he's a good manager and a decent bloke.

You gotta make sure without question you never let Gerrard go or else your team will crumble. That's how good I rate him. Alonso also another very good player.

4ASBLADE:Quite surprised at the poor start you had to the season, Liverpool were my main contenders for the title this year. Consistancy seems to be a major shortfall at the moment, I don't really know enough on your squad depth to comment, defense seems to be a problem.
Don't think Rafa will be there much longer.

HODGESLEFTPEG:Far too much squad rotation, far too mant players that arent fit to wear your shirt....your Liverpool buy some fricking class instead of 2nd rate foreigners

Born_On_Shoreham_Street:Rafa seems OK, however, your squad seems disjointed at times amd misfires. Get some longer term consistency back and the glory years could return. I suppose it all depends on how long the money bubble lasts.

Your views on Liverpool fans, I know your supporters have had a few run-ins with us at the Arckles.... !

REDANDWHITEWIZARD:Hmmm...all I'll say is very passionate 

4ASBLADE:Never really spoke to Pool supporter and like you say the Arkle inncident gets mentioned a lot and my 10yr old at the time got his bonce split open by someone throwing a coin from the upper tier at Anfield so my view is not a very good one I'm afraid, Stanley Arms was where the Pool nutters should have gone.

HODGESLEFTPEG:Live in the past, and far to obsessed with the fact you've won 5 euro cups to Man Utd's 2. You didnt even win the league to get in to the champions league....the formats rubbish

Born_On_Shoreham_Street:I was in the Arkle that night with my mate, his wife and their three kids but we left 5 minutes before it kicked off, fortunately. Liverpool fans are OK in general. I didn't get any trouble when a mate and I were hitch-hiking back to Sheffield down the East Lancs Road on Good Friday 1968............. 

What do you think of our takeover by Gilett and Hicks?

REDANDWHITEWIZARD:Well, firstly I think it's a great move for your club, you had debts, you needed to move stadium and you knew you couldn't compete with Man U or Chelski, but now you can.

It is very annoying though to hear yanks talking about football or should I say Soccer, kinda makes you cringe. But they both seems like decent people, nothing like the Glaziers of Man U.

4ASBLADE:Money, Money, Money, and thats what it's all about these days, this is the reason why I don't think Rafa will be at Anfield for much longer. The yanks are going to be demanding huge success season after season.

HODGESLEFTPEG:I'd like it if they took over us......who cares about selling out.

Born_On_Shoreham_Street:I don't like any of these big money takeovers as I think they will lead to a franchise system taking all our traditions away. You, however, will be pleased as it will give you a chance to compete with the true power base in the area.......................New Brighton!  (Our last lift to Anfield on Good Friday 1968 - look it up - was from a New Brighton supporter!)

And finally can you predict the score for the newkit forum?

REDANDWHITEWIZARD:I'd love to say a win or draw for us, but with your home form being so good, I can only see a 2-1 loss for us.
I am wrong a lot of the time though!! 

4ASBLADE:2-0 to you lot unfortunately

HODGESLEFTPEG:2-2 ....think you'll beat Barca and have the euro hang over....

Hulse and Quinn

Born_On_Shoreham_Street:1-0 to Liverpool

Cheers Doddy!

By the way, word of advice...you used to be very funny but I think you should retire now!



Sound bunch of lads really.

Sorry no Barca questions but prepared it days ago.
Last edited by Rafa D on Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LFC #1 » Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:56 pm

Excuse my ignorance but what is the incident you speak of at the Arkles (I know where and what the Arkles is but what happened exactly?)

Oh and good post yet again Doddy, top work.
Last edited by LFC #1 on Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby JoeTerp » Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:15 pm

Mascherano debut possibly?
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Postby Forever_Red » Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:07 pm

This might be the time to see Mascherano hopefully. Like one of the Sheffield lads said I hope to god we don't have the Euro hangover. I'm gonna say 2-0 to the lads and another clean sheet! :D

Cheers Doddy, keep it up :)

One of them said that defence is our problem atm. Its more like puttin our chances away that's the problem!
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Postby RedBlood » Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:21 pm

i would love to see mascherano play and some of the comments by the sheff utd supporters were a bit dodgey like us having problems in defence ?  wdf
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Postby JoeTerp » Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:37 pm

Any chance we play some of the other younger players that we got in January or maybe El Zhar or Guthrie or Anderson, or better yet God?  The next two matches are the Scum and the home leg against Barca, so speaking relatively, Sheffield is the weakest opponent we are going to see in a while, and maybe we should rest some of our top guns.
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Postby redhayesy » Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:10 pm

top work again raffa mate! please keep your post"s going i know you might think -not many reply"s so why bother but for me it"s a great insight as to what our next opp think of not just their own team but what their reaction is towards us etc it"s great banter mate & great to get a veiw on their fans (i agree,sheff utd fans came across as sound lads in general,as for anyone thinking is will be an easy game so rest a few players FORGET IT! they are playing every game now like a cup final! this like every game is massive for me! as long as we play good football & create chances a 1-0 will do for me so it doesn"t spoil a truly unforgetable week for us come on red men keep it going!
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Postby Rafa D » Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:15 pm

redhayesy wrote:top work again raffa mate! please keep your post"s going i know you might think -not many reply"s so why bother but for me it"s a great insight as to what our next opp think of not just their own team but what their reaction is towards us etc it"s great banter mate & great to get a veiw on their fans (i agree,sheff utd fans came across as sound lads in general,as for anyone thinking is will be an easy game so rest a few players FORGET IT! they are playing every game now like a cup final! this like every game is massive for me! as long as we play good football & create chances a 1-0 will do for me so it doesn"t spoil a truly unforgetable week for us come on red men keep it going!

No worries mate I enjoy doing it. Its fun and only takes a couple of hours. I'll carry on mate, going to put polls up at the end of the year so we can vote for the funniest/worst/biggest benders etc and then go back and award them lol,
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Postby Reg » Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:19 pm

Nice post Rafa, no one swearing or cussing, just good footy discussion. Used to like that all the time when I were a lad!
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