Garcia possibly heading back to spain?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Ciggy » Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:38 am

Sabre could you translate this please.


Luis García ha hecho saber a sus compañeros de la Selección que le encantaría volver al Calderón

Según ha sabido MAT, Aguirre ya conoce su predisposición para reforzar y jugar en el Atleti

Carlos Aznar  / MADRID

15/11/06  03:00 h.¿Se imaginan el regreso de Luis García al Atlético de Madrid? Un jugador que ya militó en el club colchonero en la temporada 2002-03, que fue uno de los más destacados de aquella campaña y que podría desenvolverse en cualquiera de las dos bandas, plazas que más cojas se han quedado en el equipo madrileño tras la conocida y desafortunada lesión de sus habituales ocupantes: Maxi y Petrov.

Pues bien, la posibilidad de volver a ver al jugador catalán con la camiseta rojiblanca no es ni mucho menos descartable. El internacional no se encuentra demasiado a gusto en Inglaterra y, aunque futbolísticamente no le va mal, echa demasiado de menos España y ya ha comentado a sus allegados y a algunos compañeros durante las concentraciones de la Selección que le encantaría vestir de nuevo la camiseta rojiblanca. En principio, un deseo que el de Badalona había encaminado para la próxima temporada, pero que dadas las lesiones de los dos habituales ocupantes de las bandas podría adelantarse hasta cuando se abra el mercado de invierno, en el mes de enero del próximo año. Esta predisposición, según ha podido saber MAT, ha llegado ya a oídos del entrenador del Atlético, Javier Aguirre.

Cambio de aires

La operación obligaría a una negociación con el equipo en que entrena Rafa Benítez, dado que no existen cláusulas de rescisión en la Premier League. Unas conversaciones que serían más sencillas si el jugador transmite tanto a su entrenador como al club inglés el deseo de cambiar de aires. De ser así, el badalonés tiene claro cuál sería su destino: el Atleti. Un equipo al que conoce bien y que está viendo que ha formando una plantilla joven de enorme futuro, proyecto del que no le importaría nada volver a formar parte.

Luis García estuvo a las órdenes del 'Sabio de Hortaleza' en el ejercicio 2002-03 y llegó traspasado del Barcelona, pero con una opción de recompra del equipo culé. Su buena temporada no pasó desapercibida a los dirigentes blaugrana y Joan Laporta decidió abonar los 500 millones que estaban pactados como cantiad de recompra en el contrato de traspaso. Una decisión que no convenció demasiado al badalonés, consciente de la dificultad de hacerse un hueco en el pujante Barça. Percepción que se hizo realidad y Luis García tomó la decisión de emigrar tras la llamada de Rafa Benítez en su aventura londinense.

Luis completó una gran campaña con la rojiblanca. Disputó un total de 30 partidos (fue el cuarto hombre que más encuentros jugó a las órdenes del 'Sabio de Hortaleza') y anotó 9 goles. Una cantidad bastante aceptable que le convirtió, por cierto, en el segundo máximo realizador de aquel ejercicio, por detrás de Fernando Torres, que firmó su estreno en la máxima categoría del fútbol español con 13 dianas. Anotó tres tantos más que José Mari y cuatro más que Javi Moreno.

Luis Aragonés utilizó habitualmente en aquella campaña un esquema que concedía importancia a las bandas en ataque. Un 4-2-3-1 en el que el badalonés solía ocupar la zona izquierda del ataque, su posición más natural a pesar de ser ambisiestro. Una posición que no le vendría nada mal reforzar a Javier Aguirre de cara a una temporada que se presume muy disputada y muy abierta en los puestos que darán derecho a jugar en Europa en el 06-08.

Here is one translation.

Luis Garcia let’s his international team-mates know that he would love to return to the Vicnete calderon.. Aguirre already knows about his wish to reinforce and play for Atletico de Madrid

Can you imagine Luis Garcia returning to Atletico de Madrid? A player who has already played for the club in 2002/03 (they are known as the matresses ‘cos of the stripes on their shirts) and who was one of the players who stood out during that season, and who can play on either wing, positions that haven’t been filled since Maxi and Petrov were injured.

Well, the possibility of seeing the Catalan player wearing the red and white shirt should not be dismissed. Although on the playing side things haven’t gone too bad for him, the international isn’t too happy and has commented to his friends and teamates during the build up to the International fixture that he would love to wear the red and white shirt again. At first it was thought that the lad from Badalona could join in the summer, but due to the injuries to the two usual wingers, it is thought that a possible transfer could take place during this winters transfer period.

In order to complete the transfer, Atletico would need to negotiate with Rafa Benitez as buy out clauses don’t exist in England. These negotiations would be easier if the player were to communicate his desire to join Atletico to the English club. If this were to happen, the Badalones has made it clear that his destination would be Atletico, a team that he knows well and one which is putting together a young squad with a great future.

Luis Aragones was Luis Garcia’s manager in 2002/03 and he arrived from Barcelona (although they had first option of buying him back). His good season didn’t go unoticed and the Barcelona directors and Juan Laporta paid €500 million to buy him back. This decision did go down too well with Luis Garcia who was all too well aware of the difficulties relating to breaking into the Barça team, and when his reservations became reality he took the decision to emigrate to the Liverpool team after receiving the call from Rafa Benitez

Luis completed a great season with Atletico and played in a total of 30 games (the 4th highest number) and scored 9 goals, second only behind Fernando Torres who scored 13 in his debut season. He scored 3 more than José Marie and 4 more than Javi Moreno.

During that campaign Luis Aragones used a system that relied on wingers when attacking. A 4-2-3-1 which saw Garcia occupying a role on the left of the attack, his most natural position despite being ............. and a position which could do with reinforcing during this hotly disputed and quite open season in which Atletico aim to qualify for Europe.
Last edited by Ciggy on Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby woof woof ! » Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:55 am

Can't blame Garcia, the fella seems to have become a bit part player at LFC. Hope we can hang onto him , he's frustrating as hell but when on song he's a joy.One of the few players we have who can do the unexpected .(as his team mates will tell you :D  )

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Postby chiggz_likes_owen » Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:55 am

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Postby BOODIDDY » Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:48 am

garcia cant go because he is our only real locksmith.
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Postby Sabre » Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:14 am

As I told yesterday to Saint, I don't know wether he wants to come back to Spain or not, what I do know is that that paper has 6 subsections, one for Atletico Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Real Sociedad... in each subsection you have a separate tabloid, it's funny how in the same site in one subsection they talk badly about Bilbao and in the other section about Real Sociedad. Meaning, that this paper is a football tabloid. Their policy is to write shíte for the dumbest of readers, so it's not surprising to me that in the Atletico de Madrid section you could red LG is MAD to come back to Spain, and surprise surprise, Atletico.

Anyhoo, who cares? Liverpool FC has the last word on this, and the one who'll put the prize. No matter what the player thinks (and I don't know what he thinks because there isn't a single quote), LFC shouldn't give away a regular international player cheaply.
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Postby Ciggy » Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:21 am

Please dont take our Luis away................

He is our only real big game player Id say him and Gerrard are the only two that can change a game and do some damage.

I would go mad if he left, he excells in the CL games.
That goal against Juve is still in my mind like it happened yesterday.

He is gorgeus :D

No seriously he is the last player we could do with losing.
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Postby Sabre » Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:27 am

Can't you see a pattern here? Reina, LG, tomorrow will be Alonso.

Since Liverpool isn't in the first 3 places, the Spanish journos think that it's a good time to unsettle and speculate. On the contrary when we were second and won the CL, they were putting half the Spanish league here in Liverpool.

I wouldn't worry-. Liverpool FC has the last word. Perhaps, if they give us Torres so that he brings water to Carraguer and Alonso, plus 40M quid, we might talk about it.
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Postby 67-1161385641 » Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:22 am

What a load of :censored:, god the Spanish press is just as bad as the English and I thought we were the worst. If Luis was to leave then it would be down to us singing "he drinks sangria" because Luis doesn't drink, but as he doesn't mind and he knows he's 5ft 7 and he's football heaven, our Luis won't be taken away.

Postby puroresu » Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:56 am

Athletico do need wingers as Petrov and Maxi injured but I aint sure Garcia and Aguerro could play in the same side.  Aguierre has already said the very talented Aguerro doesnt start all the time as "he try's to be maradonna to much". Do Athletico need Garcia who isnt really a winger?  I dont think they need someone like Garcia to play more central when they have Aguerro.
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Postby jkop » Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:48 am

I would rather see Zenden go, keep our Garcia !
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Postby Big Niall » Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:00 pm

scores a lot of goals but gives the ball too much. If Garcia, Zenden, Kewell,Pennant all went, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it, as long as we got a good price
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Postby taff » Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:20 pm

Big Niall wrote:scores a lot of goals but gives the ball too much. If Garcia, Zenden, Kewell,Pennant all went, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it, as long as we got a good price

Its a sad day for the game when we cant have loose cannons liek Garcia
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Postby Ace Ventura » Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:07 pm

Big Niall wrote:scores a lot of goals but gives the ball too much. If Garcia, Zenden, Kewell,Pennant all went, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it, as long as we got a good price

And whats a good price ?

Players like Garcia, that score goals in big games from nothing mustn't come cheap.

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Postby Rafa D » Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:07 pm

Garcia was in the programme the other week looking for a new contract - "I want to stay here for life" . Either its his agent trying to rush Liverpool or media bullcrap, either way Little Luis aint going anywhere unless Rafa wants him to.

  As for Garcia being a bit part player, I don't think so. Aimar was Valencia's AM in Spain under Rafa and hardly started in the first half of seasons then would play regular during the 2nd half of the season. I think Rafa is doing something similar here.
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Postby dawson99 » Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:16 pm

possinbly heading back? soudnds like rumour mill material to me.
frm what ive read garcia loves it here, he knows what the fans think, and we think hes an oddball who can win a game
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