This brazilian guy who was shot - What a joke

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Postby 66-1112520797 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:16 am

How do you know 100% what really happened were you there ???

Im not going to argue this point as i still stand by the people who are there to protect our land and people against ANY POSSIBLE TYRANTS.

Postby 76-1115222408 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:19 am

Wellthe independent commission would have been party to the CCTV footage, which most likely will NEVER be released, so I am going on what They have to say!!!

As i said take some time out to research this stuff and it will become apparent!!!

Postby 66-1120597113 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:21 am

People seem to place an unfair expectancy on the police in my veiw!They are human and therefore inevatabely make mistakes like us all! What happened was terrible and  wrong,yes!! But is it not possible  that Ian Blair himself was misinformed by officers trying to build a plausible story on the day iin question?All the eye witnesses on the news we see are not actors! They are people who are there,but we see 1 or 2  in fact id say about 100 were interveiwed and the 1 or 2 were hand picked were probably still in shock after witnessing a mans head being blown off!I can  forgive them for exagerating,they should have been in hospital not on tv ffs! The police are lying though,the way i see it though is if someone else suffers,looses they're job or goes 2 jail,its another victim of terrorism!As Lyndsey said a while back in different words,if there was no terrorist bombings the police would  not have been there!

Postby 112-1077774096 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 4:26 am

waffle waffle waffle blah blah blah

the simple fact is not one person on this forum was there, there fact is not person on this forum is in possession of 100% of the facts.

we can all speculate, we can all talk about propoganda (forgetting the fact that anyone can issue propoganda, even extremists or reporters who wish to discredit something official, thats their job FFS) and blame the police and the government.

the fact is the guy is dead, end of story, as i have said before he is a victim of terrorism. not a victim of the British Government who were allegedly engaged in some plot to not only kill innocent civillians but also affect the countries economy. thinkabout what you are saying before you make statements that are obviously not creditable. what some of you are saying on here is a disgrace and its an insult to the visicms of the bombings and their families.

next you will be telling us there was a muslim advising people to not travel on the tube that day. get hold of all the facts before you make a judgement rather than just jumping on some conspiracy theory.

the saddest thing here is the lack of a mention for the people blown to f*cking pieces a few weeks earlier while they were going about their normal business. they all seem to be forgotten with this cr@p about some guy who was shot as a result of the terrorism.

all you people are on here and forgetting about the real victims should hang your heads in shame. why are you people not talking about the bombers a few weeks earlier and what a disgrace that is rather than trying to find a scapegoat for one death.

some people on here are pathetic, i know what the response will be, 'look at this conspiracy website, its on there so it must be true'.

do you honestly think something of this magnitude could be engineered without something tangible leaking out.

we as liverpudlians know better than anyone else what negative statements and lies in the press can lead to. those people who died on the 7th July are just as innocent as the 96 who died at hilsborough and for you to suggest that they were knowingly allowed to die is an absolute disgrace
Last edited by 112-1077774096 on Sat Aug 20, 2005 4:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby 76-1115222408 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 4:53 am

peewee wrote:we as liverpudlians know better than anyone else what negative statements and lies in the press can lead to. those people who died on the 7th July are just as innocent as the 96 who died at hilsborough and for you to suggest that they were knowingly allowed to die is an absolute disgrace

Exactly Peewee, what is the 'Official' story that we were told about that?? Is that what WE all believe, of course it isnt, so you should use the same reasoning when considering this event too!!!

But it is tru though, those innocent people of 7/7, do seem to be forgotten, and that is wrong. However, this is what they want us to do, forget about them and concentrate on this instead and it is working (to an extent!).

I know yo are not over here at the moment and therefore not privy to the current news etc; that we see (unless you watch Sky or BBC World, which I expect you have access to anyway!, but I mean you know the local news etc; you know what I mean PW!!), and the 7/7 attacks are honestl hardly EVER mentioned anymore in the nes or press!!!

Of course, we have to move on and carry on with life, but there should be more info coming out as to EXACTLY wat happened and how etc; etc;...I am sure you can understand the need to WANT to know what REALLY happened, with the use of CONCRETE evidence!!!

As we said the other day, neither of us really believe anything unless we saw it ourselves, but at times that is impossibe, so we have to source our own ways to get the info, and the news over her at the mo (IMO), isnt keeping us well enough informed, whcih for me personally, leads to suspicion!!!

Postby 66-1112520797 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 5:16 am

I agree with what PeeWee said we should be thinking about those poor innocent people going about there everyday lives.

Not some crack@rse conspiracy theory .hmmm  Liverpoolanytime  ???

Postby 76-1115222408 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:02 am

Time will tell bamaga.

People said the EXACT same thing after the Brazilian guy was shot..............That I was just dealing with a 'conspiracy theory' as you put it.

When will people realise a 'conspiracy theory' is only this for a while:


THEORY - means a hypothesis, a supposition or an idea!!! But once you get some evidence it changes from becoming a 'theory' to a 'possibilty'.

I'll give you an example..............If there is a raffle, then it is a 'theory' that you can win the raffle or prize. As long as you dont buy a ticket it remains a 'theory' that you can win, but as soon as you buy a ticket, it is no longer a 'theory', but a 'possibilty'. Hence the more tickets you buy, the more 'possibilty' you have of winning the prize.

Therefore, if you have (even the most flimsy or circumstantial) piece of evidence, then it is  no longer a 'theory' but a possibilty....and the more evidence you get, the more 'probable' the 'Conspiracy' becomes.

CONSPIRACY (and this is direct from the dictionary!!) - means:
An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
A group of conspirators.
Law: An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a LEGAL purpose through illegal action.  
A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design.

Postby 76-1115222408 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:52 am

Just to show I DO, actually have a sense of humour, and this IS within context of this thread!!!

You know on the same note, I was watching Panaroma a few beeks back on violence and gun/knife usage, and they gave a glaswegian subtitles!!!!
Was extremly funny to me, considering my mum is from glasgow and I fully understand what they are saying!!!!

See you Jimmy!!!!!


Postby 66-1112520797 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:09 am

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:Time will tell bamaga.

People said the EXACT same thing after the Brazilian guy was shot..............That I was just dealing with a 'conspiracy theory' as you put it.

When will people realise a 'conspiracy theory' is only this for a while:


THEORY - means a hypothesis, a supposition or an idea!!! But once you get some evidence it changes from becoming a 'theory' to a 'possibilty'.

I'll give you an example..............If there is a raffle, then it is a 'theory' that you can win the raffle or prize. As long as you dont buy a ticket it remains a 'theory' that you can win, but as soon as you buy a ticket, it is no longer a 'theory', but a 'possibilty'. Hence the more tickets you buy, the more 'possibilty' you have of winning the prize.

Therefore, if you have (even the most flimsy or circumstantial) piece of evidence, then it is  no longer a 'theory' but a possibilty....and the more evidence you get, the more 'probable' the 'Conspiracy' becomes.

CONSPIRACY (and this is direct from the dictionary!!) - means:
An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
A group of conspirators.
Law: An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a LEGAL purpose through illegal action.  
A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design.

I have read this thread through and you seemed so very concerned with one innocent person dying.But because he was shot by police you seem to take offence by that,and crucify the police with your thoughts.

Look at the larger picture mate,hundreds ,thousands of peaple die through the act of terroism ,do you " do your research" into that as much as you have with this one innocent guy ?

Dont get me wrong of course it was a tragedy but harping on about what the police who have done wrong, compared to what those B@stards do is a bit off !

Postby 76-1115222408 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:26 am

The guy IS the topic though, so thats what I will address, if its a thread on the Illuminati or Skull and Bones society, I will also do the same, just as any other thread, be it music, women or whatever!!!......Just sticking with the subject matter in hand!!!!

Postby 66-1112520797 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:30 am

Good point  :D

Postby Ciggy » Sat Aug 20, 2005 8:31 am

LA you said about 9/11 farenheit that I had strong views about it, of course I do, but noway did george Bush arrange for  planes to fly into the WTC or the Pentagon and where ever else the other plane was heading. My argument on 9/11 is the war in iraq it has nothing to do with Bush and Musharaf knowing full well where Bin laden is, and NO I dont agree with the war in Iraq.
You have very strong views about our society and the police I will even go as far as to say Islamic preachers and many muslims in our counrty share your view as seen in recent polls.
Its pure and simple really if you dont like our great counrty why dont you leave?
You have a very warped outlook on things that us brits would not even consider for one minute.
A bus blew up, 3 tubes blew up, a week later 5 bombs failed to deternate, 19 f*cking lunatics flew planes into buildings killing thousands.
The bombing of USS Cole, the embassy bombings in Kenia, the bombings of english banks in Istanbul.
Thousands being killed in Iraq due to terrorists every f*ckin day. Israel suicide bombings on buses killing thousands for years.
I suppose all these bombings where all the work of Bush, Blair and Clinton wernt they? Well atleast in your eyes you think they where.
There is no-one anywhere in the world at any stage who is any bigger or any better than this football club.

Kenny Dalglish 1/2/2011

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Postby 76-1115222408 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 8:45 am

I was just about to go to bed Lynds FFS!!!  :D

Look, you say 'our' country, hold on there girl, it is 'my' country too, I was born here and have lived here ALL my life. So I dont know where you are coming from on that one TBH, but to be fair, the way things are going I think I will leave and look for pastures new, who knows, but in all honesty thats besides the point. :D
As for the '19 hijackers', please Lynds half or (nine I think to be exact, so roughly half!!) are STILL ALIVE...This IS A FACT!!!!!

I understand you though, it is hard to believe what I say, I even find it hard myself, but I ave to face reality (IMO), and look at history too, and its just what I see.
Dont think I am some type of fundamentalist (but I suppose by definition I probably am when it comes to things like this, but I mean I have no 'reason' or cause for my beliefs, just information, thats all!).
I LOVE THE UK, not ust England, THE UK, because my mum is Scottish, but the same way that people (in terms of footy) say they dont look through rose tinted glasses, I dont think/look through red/white/blue tinted glasses!!!

Of course, there are Terrorists in Israel etc; just like there were here in the IRA times, but tht has nothing to do with the argument!! Some there is  o point me even addressing those issues here!!

Postby 76-1115222408 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 8:51 am

Also explain to me this:

You say G.Bush did nto plan the attacks or whatever, but he said the following (roughly i am paraphrasing as i cant be bothered to get the exact words right now!):

'I just watched the TV AS the FIRST plane hit the towers', the thing is, there was NO tv coverage when the first tower was hit, so what the hell is he talking about?


Anyway I really, really, going to sleep now!!!


Postby 66-1120597113 » Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:47 pm

I like this thread!It can raise allsorts of everything!! :nod


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