Michael owen - He's still class

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Postby anfieldadorer » Mon Jun 21, 2004 9:12 am

Gerrard has jumped to the defence of his Anfield team-mate after Owen was substituted against both France and Switzerland (above)

He said: "I haven't spoken to Michael about his state of mind so I don't know whether he is feeling down.

"But everyone knows Michael. He is capable of bouncing back and knocking in a couple of goals.

"I hope that happens against Croatia because this is when Michael can be at his most dangerous.

"You know never to write him off. It wouldn't surprise me if he went out and knocked in a hat-trick on Monday."

Owen has 25 England goals after bursting on to the international scene during the 1998 World Cup in France. But he has found himself under scrutiny at these championships because of his lack of scoring form, while back home his Liverpool future is still uncertain with talks on a new contract on hold.


I think Owen is still class He only feels a bit confused what to do with his half-packed baggage. There is still temptation whether he should follow his team mate gerrard leaving or just stay. He only needs boost for his confidence to return.

It may be a danger for Owen's confidence if Eriksson keeps pulling him off in the second half. If Eriksson reckons Owen is the man for the England team, then he must take care of Owen, he should let him play for 90 minutes until he scores -which i believe it won't take many games to happen. What's the point in taking off Owen to "only" replaced by Darius Vassell? Unless Eriksson sees Vassell as the man for England -which to me is unlikely.
Last edited by anfieldadorer on Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby begintoend » Mon Jun 21, 2004 9:16 am

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Postby Fingaz007 » Tue Jun 22, 2004 7:20 pm

How can peopel get on his back STILL time and time again peopel talk about him So WHAT he had had a few bad games but HE will come good HE ALWAYS does :p
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Postby anfieldadorer » Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:24 am

Owen honest about loss of England form

By Glenn Moore in Lisbon
23 June 2004

Another game, another blank. Not that Michael Owen is worried about it. Much.

"It bothers me," the Liverpool striker admitted yesterday after his fourth goalless match in succession, his longest international drought in two years. "There is always something missing when the team wins but you haven't scored. If you don't feel like that you will never reach the top. Part of you is ecstatic but five per cent thinks 'ooh, you haven't scored'."

Such honesty is refreshing, especially after years of listening to Alan Shearer insist: "It's not about me, it's about the team. As long as we win I'm happy whoever scores." No one believed Shearer. Not that he or Owen are selfish players. It is just they are goalscorers whose contribution to the team is measured first and foremost by their goals. By themselves as well as the wider public. Goals feed their confidence and the indifferent first touch Owen is currently displaying, and his decision to chip the Croatian goalkeeper when clear on Monday, can be directly attributed to a lack of self-belief.

"I like the responsibility of scoring goals," added Owen. "In my position I've got to score or create goals." Fortunately for England he is doing the latter, especially for Wayne Rooney.

Owen and Rooney first played together for 10 minutes at the end of the victory in Liechtenstein in March last year. They then started the following match against Turkey but had spent three hours in tandem before finally producing a goal between them, in Macedonia in September. That began a run during which they have scored nine goals in just over eight hours on the pitch together, a decent return. Rooney has scored seven of these, Owen two.

"I feel the partnership is working very well," said Owen. "I've managed to create a lot of space for him. But he's such an intelligent player anyone can play with him.

"His emergence takes some pressure off me but I want to score goals as well. If we are both scoring it would be very good. I've scored in three tournaments before so I know I can do it. Just the sooner the better. It's not that I'm playing badly. I'm not giving balls away and missing big chances though I had a decent one against Croatia which I chipped over.

"I did start slowly against France but I'm feeling sharper and my all-round game is improving. The next step is to score a goal."

The one person who does not judge Owen by his goals is the one who picks the team. Sven Goran Eriksson said: "Michael is not a worry for me. He started slowly but has played better each game. He has set up goals in the last two games and he will score in this tournament."

Eriksson was rewarded on Monday after placing similar confidence in Paul Scholes rediscovering his scoring touch. Now it is Owen's turn. Failure to do so would result in his longest run without a goal since breaking into the England team six years ago. He was 18 then, and fearless. It is not just Rooney's goals that Owen envies.
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Postby begintoend » Wed Jun 23, 2004 8:28 am

Good post. It shows how important it is for him to score goals. Not run around.
He will like to score. Everyone wants him to score.

As adorer posted :
It is just they are goalscorers whose contribution to the team is measured first and foremost by their goals. By themselves as well as the wider public.
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Postby anfieldadorer » Wed Jun 23, 2004 1:37 pm

Owen still confident of making an impact

David Prior, Daily Post, Jun 23 2004

MICHAEL OWEN believes he is finally ready to make an impression on Euro 2004 - after admitting his concern at his lack of goals so far. The Liverpool striker has for once had to take a back seat while Wayne Rooney has topped the goalscoring charts with four goals in three matches. Owen himself is yet to find the target in what has been a fairly subdued tournament so far for the 24-year-old, with barely an opportunity to add to his 25-goal haul for England. But his general performances have gradually been improving and Owen knows if he and Rooney can hit form at the same time then England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson has a potent weapon with which to confront opponents.

Owen said: "I feel I am getting sharper with every game. I started off quite slow against France although I was not playing badly. There was a bit of an improvement against Switzerland and a bit of an improvement on Monday.

"Obviously the next step is to score a goal but I knocked in a cross for Wayne to score in the previous game with Switzerland and helped with a couple of the goals against Croatia.

"In my position you've got to do that. You've got to either create goals or score goals as a striker. I'd prefer to be scoring but hopefully that is to come."

He added: "It bothers me when I don't score. There is always something missing when you win a game and you haven't scored but if you don't feel that way then you will never reach the top.

"Half of me is overjoyed that we're through to the quarter-finals but five per cent of me is disappointed I haven't scored as well.

"I like to have the responsibility of scoring goals and I haven't done that yet. It's not like I been missing chances or anything like that.

"I had one decent chance against Croatia and chipped it over the bar but apart from that my all-round game is improving and the bigger the game the more I relish it.

"But I've not got anything to prove. I've scored in three big tournaments before. It's not as if I'm doubting myself but the sooner I score the better.

"There are hopefully three more games to come and I want to be on the scoresheet in every one of them."

There have been question marks raised as to whether Owen and Rooney can flourish as a pairing or whether they have too many similar traits.

But Owen insisted: "I think our partnership is working very well. It is great to see Wayne scoring all these goals. In a way it takes a certain pressure off.

"But, like I said, I want to score goals as well and if we can both click at the same time it will be very good for England.

"He is carrying us forward so far but I feel I've still got a big part to play in this tournament."

Owen added: "I've played with Wayne for months now, over a year since the first time, and he is such an intelligent player that anyone can play with him really.

"He likes to link play and drop off as well as scoring goals but I think his natural game is just to play off the striker.

"Wayne doesn't surprise me. He has got no fear and when he is confident like that anything can happen. After the first game I was quite low on confidence which is gradually coming back up now - but Wayne has been on a high from the start and when you're on a high you can do anything."
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