Top government figures implicated in paedo ring

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Postby Rush Job » Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:46 am

Aplogies for length of post,but this is important

"In the October 2009 print edition of the UK Column, we reported in our article “BBC Hides Truth of Girl’s Sexual Abuse Ordeal” the shocking ordeal of [a girl with Down's Syndrome], Hollie Greig, who was horribly abused by an Aberdeen paedophile ring, over a period of ten years. After investigating and planning a documentary, the BBC abruptly dropped the case, despite admitting that Hollie was a reliable and accurate witness. It is important to stress that both the police and qualified medical experts have described Hollie as a competent and entirely honest witness.

From the age of just six, Hollie was repeatedly sexually abused by her father, Denis Charles Mackie. Later, Mackie began sharing his daughter with a gang of paedophile “swingers” that has been operating in Aberdeen for many years. The identities of a further seven child victims are already known. There is no question that the gang are well-connected, efficiently organised and totally ruthless. Our frightening story is that they are protected by individuals of “high standing” within the Scottish establishment.

In 2000, after 14 years of terrified silence, Hollie eventually told her mother, Anne, about the abuses. Formal statements were made to Grampian Police, providing all the horrifying details and the names of the abusers. They included a senior Scottish Sheriff, a policeman, social workers, a nurse, a solicitor, an accountant, a fire officer, married couples and others. Some of the rapes were carried out at the homes of these individuals, including that of the Sheriff’s sister. Other children were sometimes involved, including children of the paedophiles themselves.

The latest chapters in this astonishing and horrifying story about Hollie, and the seven other abused children, have taken place over the past few weeks. The key issues are a continued refusal by Grampian police to fully investigate the overwhelming evidence for the paedophile rapes, and a wall of silence by the Scottish establishment.

Whilst there has been some general Scottish media coverage, notably in The Firm and the Aberdeen Press and Journal, the media has been largely silent on what must be one of Scotlands worst top level paedophile scandles. A key figure in the press silence is the Lord Advocate, in her former role as Procurator Fiscal in Aberdeen, when in 2000 she is alleged to have effectively buried the case. Was this to prevent her associate and most influential member of the paedophile ring, Sheriff X, from being investigated, along with the other named members of the fifteen-strong rape gang?

Elish Angiolini, the Scottish Lord Advocate, is in charge of all criminal prosecutions. She is alleged to have reacted immediately to public calls for a full police investigation, by pressurising against publication. Subsequently, and under considerable duress, The Firm published an apology. Shortly afterwards the Press and Journal ran a story accurately describing the case, mentioning a sheriff and police officer without identifying them. Angiolini was not discussed in the article.

Mrs Angiolini`s role in the case recently aroused further suspicion, when it was claimed that she had used a private law firm, Levy and McRae, to issue warnings against all major Scottish editors, threatening them with legal action if any mention was made of her involvement in the case. Suspicious and angry, many individuals directly working to obtain justice for Hollie, as well as a growing number of the general public, now consider that key establishment figures, many with direct responsibility for criminal investigations and justice, have made a concerted and continuous effort to conceal the facts from the people of Scotland. Despite the pressure, investigators and campaigners for Hollie continue to stress that they hold documentary proof of the Lord Advocate’s actions, as well as proof that she has repeatedly failed to tell the whole truth about her connections with the Hollie abuse case for whatever reason.

The senior partner in the Law Firm, Peter Watson, who is also head of litigation, is understood to have refused to comment as to whether the firm’s fees have been billed to Mrs Angiolini personally, or if they are being paid by the Scottish taxpayer.

Mrs Angiolini’s office decided in December 2009 that they would not pursue the case due to “insufficient evidence.” Corroborating evidence by private investigators and researchers indicates that other than Hollie, not one of the twenty-four named abusers and victims has even been questioned by Grampian Police.

This follows the pattern of 2000, when the crimes and perpetrators were first reported. At that time, the police later admitted that only one of the gang, Hollie`s father, had even been interviewed.

The UK Column is aware that investigators have just received from the Crown Office, after years of rebuttals, the Post Mortem report of Robert David Greig, brother of Hollie`s mother Anne. Robert died mysteriously in an alleged car fire in 1997. Despite extreme inconsistencies in witness statements and circumstances, no inquest took place and the cause of death was officially due to smoke inhalation.

The Post Mortem stated that Robert has suffered considerable damage to his skull, two broken ribs and a broken sternum. Informal professional medical opinion so far is of the view that Robert had been severely beaten, had alcohol forced down his throat and then thrown into the burning vehicle.

Although this was not known at the time, Hollie, in 2001, told her mother that just prior to his unexplained death, Robert had caught Hollie`s father sexually abusing her.

The campaign for justice for Hollie, and other vulnerable victims of paedophiles in England and South Wales, not only goes on, but has intensified as outraged members of the public have flooded Aberdeen with leaflets naming all current members of the gang, including the head of a special school. All Aberdeen Councillors and MPs have also been alerted, but with little effect. There appears to be a conspiracy of establishment silence where the abuse of Hollie is concerned. Many people in Aberdeen are asking just who possesses the courage and decency to stand up against these staggering and shocking crimes against most vulnerable members of society? Certainly not their elected national and local representatives.

UK Column volunteers continue to be shocked by the quantity and quality of evidence reaching them on the subject of paedophile and sexual abuse against young and vulnerable children in care and otherwise. The common theme is that victims and their supporters are unable to get any real support from Members of Parliament, Local Councillors, the Judiciary, Police and other ‘officials’. Many describe the creation of a wall of silence, often accompanied by targetted intimidation against the victims.

Recently a policeman personally told the UK Column that police had themselves experienced their own paedopile investigations suddenly being dropped by senior police officers. He added “If you want to really get to the paedophiles you should look at Westminster”. The implications of this statement are frightening – a paedophile ring amongst our political leaders – the political elite which has control of education and Social Services? The general public needs to open its eyes and confront this evil – and fast."

If your on facebook go to the link and join the group, its not much to ask and I would like to think liverpool supporters would lend their hands to this.
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Postby Rush Job » Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:38 pm

Isnt appathy a beautiful thing.
This is being covered up at the very top, people who make our law, people who get richer off our taxes every day.
Their so untouchable it could be your kids next, maybe that would be enough for you to think maybe something should be done?
Two clicks and youve lent your support, in a small way but its something.
Very,very sad.
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Postby Number 9 » Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:42 pm

as if the forum was not sh,it o man i despair!Tell ya what rush job take your chat off here and get to fu,ck!
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Postby Rush Job » Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:56 pm

Number 9 wrote:as if the forum was not sh,it o man i despair!Tell ya what rush job take your chat off here and get to fu,ck!

Your right mate if we pretend it isnt happening it might go away,never thought of that.
Jesus are people so conditioned they dont care about leading government figures running peado rings?
Im sorry if this article affends you so much you feel the need to abuse me, maybe you should look into those feelings a little deaper.
Empathy is one of the things that makes us human, if your lacking it then....
If your not interested then ok move on but that post really shows you up.... I know shame on me for asking people to take two seconds for such an unjust course.
I lived in aberdeen for ten years I have friends who know these people, but your right I should just fk off eh  :no
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Postby Rush Job » Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:09 pm

I bet you didnt even read the article did barry?
I know I`m not a popular poster on here but its not about me, I promised I would put the link up for any interested, Ive done my bit.
I guess its just not your problem,fair enough but there was no need to react in such away, its no skin off my nose if thats the kind of person you are.
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Postby account deleted by request » Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:19 pm

I did try earlier mate, but I am not a member of Facebook (and have no intention of joining) so I couldn't. Certainly I had never heard of this case, but the implications are shocking if true.
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Postby neil » Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:38 pm

sounds like a croc o sh1t though
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Postby Rush Job » Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:58 pm

neil wrote:sounds like a croc o sh1t though

Its not mate look into it if you care to.
She was paid compenstion because a high ranking police officer turned up to the tribunal to state catagoricaly that her allegations were truthfull and sound.
Yet not one of the accused has been spoken to,its being blocked at the very top because it involves people at the top.
Reporters who have tried to get the story out have been arrested and charged with breach of the peace. Articles and videos concerning these crimes are being removed from the net. Her uncle was murdered shortly after witnessing some of the abuse, this whole case stinks to high heaven.
Also a few of the people "supposedly" involved moved to Portugal a few years back..... hmmm If this is your thing you dont just stop.
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Postby Rush Job » Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:01 pm

s@int wrote:I did try earlier mate, but I am not a member of Facebook (and have no intention of joining) so I couldn't. Certainly I had never heard of this case, but the implications are shocking if true.

Thats alright mate, thanks for your time.
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Postby woof woof ! » Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:14 pm

It's a shocking story Rush Job, what I really can't get my head around is WHY there hasn't been more exposure of it in the general press.

I know your respons would probably cite "the powers that be" as screwing the lid down on the story, but I can't believe that EVERY major newspaper and media outlet in the uk would bow to such pressure.

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Postby Rush Job » Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:08 pm

woof woof ! wrote:It's a shocking story Rush Job, what I really can't get my head around is WHY there hasn't been more exposure of it in the general press.

I know your respons would probably cite "the powers that be" as screwing the lid down on the story, but I can't believe that EVERY major newspaper and media outlet in the uk would bow to such pressure.

When it come down to it mate the vast majority of our media is owned by the same people,so its pritty easy done if you have connections.
The local paper in the north east of scotland ran the story and the reporter was arrested and charged with breach of the peace,the Firm covered it too they also had the lawyers set on them and forced to print an appology for simply stating the facts of the case.
Videos about the case have been removed from the net, people talking about it have been emailed and threatend with legal action.
This isnt a new thing the family have been fighting against this for 10 years, look Im not one of these nut jobs who cry paedo because someones filming a school play,or harrass people out of their homes for nothing more that a half baked allegation but this case stinks to high heaven.
Like I say this goes to the very top, and thats were its being covered up, she got her compo yet the police havent spoken to a single person who`s been accused,I mean come on even the local police know this stinks many are on her side thats how she got the compo but there supperiors wont give the go ahead.
Something the article doesnt mention is these high level people are masons so there sworn to protect each other above all else, its all ritualistic if not satanic at the head of these secret societys, why do you think there secret.
And there is a connection here with the madeleine mccan case, her father is a scot and is said to be a mason and has connections with a number of the accused who moved to portugal a few years back to get out of any possible heat. These people dont just stop and they have no problem abusing their own children. We all know of the strange inconsistances in that case,still no body,still no culprit yet the police still think she was taken by a paedophile.
I know im joining dots but ffs the more I learn about this the worse it gets, and isnt joining dots what the police should be doing? Atleast talking to those accused.... No?
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Postby Rush Job » Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:14 pm

Please if you dont buy the story look into it. Theres a little more info here with a short vid with the reporter who was arrested.
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Postby Rush Job » Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:36 pm

I dont want it to seem like im getting on my high horse and I know people dont come here for this type of thing but neither should we hide from it, if after giving this 10minutes of your time you think its a complete fabrication then fair enough,I`ll not argue with you, your entitled to your opinion but if having a look over the story you can see "something" here is wrong then like it or not its your duty to do something even if its just mentioning it to someone else and spreading the word.
Ive got things Id rather be doing too, but I cant just turn my back on an injustice,as I said to someone earlier on a different matter, an injustice to one is an injustice to all because we all live within the same system.
The girl atleast deserves a proper investigation, surely?
Thanks for your time.
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Postby Rush Job » Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:03 pm

People handing out leaflets in aberdeen were threatened with arrest.
The bbc were all ready to do a special, but it was pulled at the last minute, mark daily of the bbc called robert green (reporter "trying" to cover the case) the day before it was due to go out to say it was pulled,when asked why his reply was he had been threatened, "im not even aloud to talk about it,not only can we not cover Hollys story (which the bbc were completey happy with) but we can not cover any story concerning paedophillia in scotland, if we do we`ll be sacked". Thats mark daily, cathy long (radio scotland) and Lyam mcdougall (panorama) all threatened with the sack.
Now whos big enough to threaten the bbc like that?
Come on people this fkin reeks, this is at the very top something HAS to be done.
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Postby neil » Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:58 pm

Rush Job wrote:Please if you dont buy the story look into it. Theres a little more info here with a short vid with the reporter who was arrested.

The story is being driven by David Ike?!
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