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Postby Kharhaz » Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:29 am

I finally have a job interview ! WHOOHOO !

Let me set the picture of how things have been.

For the last year and a half I have been on a New Deal Scheme, with a company called In-Training. Actually let me point this out, when you walk in to an In-Training place they have a nice big logo of In-Training with the slogan "Developing people for sustained employment", not very patronising is it? I'll get back to this later.

When I first arrived they told me I would be there for two years. So the sentences for being unemployed are getting longer, but thats not all, even if I found a job, I would still be with In-Training. If I found a job, signed off, and started a whole new chapter of my life, In-Training would be there to regularly check on me. They say its to ensure I have all the support I need to sustain employment. Again I will get back to this later.

Now, let me tell you what they really are about. Being unemployed is hard enough, and attending New Deal courses are tedious at best, especially in towns like where I live. Action for Employment, Working Links, Carter and Carter, In-Training. All different names, but they all hire the same, inept, useless, incompetent staff. I know many of the people there from other new deal schemes. And this goes a long way in explaining why many people are unemployed. If these places insist on hiring the same ineffective staff from other companies, what kind of chance does anyone else stand of finding work?

In-Training run a program where as each prisoner (client as they call us) has to go through a computer program, a series of questions on how confident you are in certain areas and your views on various things. From this program, they can decide what training program they can send you on. As it turns out, its bullsh!t. They are going to send you on every course they have available anyway, the program is to determine how thick you are. The answers you give simply determine how long they can keep you on each course, knowing if you will fail or not, then put you on it again, and again, and again, until you pass. Generally, keeping each individual busy while brushing that individual off.

Then you have people like me, who have been there, done that, and are simply looking for work. Now understand, New Deal is there to find people work, but they never do. ALWAYS the aim of the individual company is to keep the prisoners (sorry, clients) unemployed but busy.

I am now down to my last 6 months at In-Training. Now, anyone who has been on these programs before will know, when you are near finishing New Deal, whatever company is in charge of finding you work understand they have to make as much money out of you as possible. This was achieved by sending you out on placement for 6 months, working at a charity full time, for your dole money. This got money for New Deal, it changed the doleys status to "Employed" status, even though they werent, but for statistics its looks REALLY good for the government, and it got the prisoner a kind of parole.

However, they cannot do that now simply because, all the charity shops have closed down. Pubs are none existant, indeed many businesses have closed, simply down to lack of demand. Why pay £30 for something from a shop when you can get it for £10 online with free delivery? And to prove my point, only low budget businesses are doing well.

But I digress, my point is I am nearly done now with In-Training. I am down to my last 6 months. They cannot send me out on placement, as none exist. So they have tried a new approach. I said I would get back to you on:

"Developing people for sustained employment", now its not the case. I have to apply for any job I am physically capable of doing. It doesnt matter if I will enjoy that job or not, it doesnt matter if I will last in that job, I have to apply for it. Any job available, whether or not I have qualifications for it doesnt matter, if a Labourer job becomes available and I can operate a drill, I HAVE TO APPLY ! Generally speaking, unless im dead, I have no excuse for not going for any job available, whether or not I can do it, or have experience in it.

This you have to understand is simply to get you work and nobody, the Jobcentre, the New Deal Scheme, the government, none of these institutes give a damn if you find employment and then go bankrupt as you simply cannot afford to live. As long as you are off the dole, all is good.

To get back to this point:
When I first arrived they told me I would be there for two years. So the sentences for being unemployed are getting longer, but thats not all, even if I found a job, I would still be with In-Training. If I found a job, signed off, and started a whole new chapter of my life, In-Training would be there to regularly check on me. They say its to ensure I have all the support I need to sustain employment. Again I will get back to this later.

They dont check on you to ensure you get the support you need, they check on you so they can tell the jobcentre that they found you this work, they gave you the skills to find this work, and to ensure that they get the money they dont deserve. For example. A couple of weeks ago, when I was read the riot act as to how I have to take any job, I was asked what qualifications I have. I pointed out a maths and english test I did and how I didnt need the English exam as I passed it but my maths was poor, I then took an NVQ in Adult Numeracy and passed. My so called advisor then pointed out that, although I didnt need an English exam, I didnt have a certificate in it and so promptly put me on an english course with In-Training. I attended, and did the test to see what level I was at. Out of 50 questions, I got 49 right. Needless to say, I didnt need it. My tutor then asked why I was sent on that course, so I explained the exact conversation. Afterwards, no word of a lie here is what he said to me: "well, if you want a certificate in English you can take the test again, however you will have to get a few wrong answers in there so you can work with us towards a level 2".

Level 3 being the maximum, and my test score already being there, it wasnt necessary, but so In-Training can be shown to be improving people, it would help them make more money.

Anyway, all this BS aside. I have continued to look for work myself. I have no intention of telling In-Training if I find work, they have done nothing to help me find it. I finally have an interview with William Hill. I applied through online application and had to go through a test, if I succeeded in that I would be given another test, which I was. Apparently I was successful in that as well, and I now have a telephone interview on Monday.

I hope I get it, I hate being unemployed. Its lousy enough being reliant on a Giro each fortnight, but my biggest challenge is not getting the job, its keeping the people who will gain credit for me getting this job, not getting the credit. I will go all out to ensure these f*ckers dont claim any credit they dont deserve.
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Postby Kenny Kan » Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:48 am

What a load of bollox.

Is that how it's done in the UK now?

Obviously Jobcenter couldn't cope alone with the masses of unemployment so these little divisions were set-up (In-Training) to take the load (2 year prison sentences, as a the chance of landing a quick job these days is buckleys and they have to drag it out because there are more unemployed than vacant jobs - although Kharhaz some lazy dolites don't deserve to scrounge off the state forever claiming benefits off the tax payer but the genuine ones do, how you work the difference out though between hard-done-bys and lazy-@rses is another matter). And now, they want paying for their existence because they help you get a job and put you through all these programs.

Kharhaz, I take it once you get a job through this mob - In-Training go running to the government with a slip of paper saying this prisoner is now in a job and we want our money now? Is this correct.

What would In-Training say or do if you told them you'd got this job with the bookies mate, try and claim for that too.

Well, good luck with your job, I hope you get it.
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Postby Kharhaz » Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:04 am

Kenny Kan » Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:48 am wrote:What a load of bollox.

Is that how it's done in the UK now?

Obviously Jobcenter couldn't cope alone with the masses of unemployment so these little divisions were set-up (In-Training) to take the load (2 year prison sentences, as a the chance of landing a quick job these days is buckleys and they have to drag it out because there are more unemployed than vacant jobs - although Kharhaz some lazy dolites don't deserve to scrounge off the state forever claiming benefits off the tax payer but the genuine ones do, how you work the difference out though between hard-done-bys and lazy-@rses is another matter). And now, they want paying for their existence because they help you get a job and put you through all these programs.

Kharhaz, I take it once you get a job through this mob - In-Training go running to the government with a slip of paper saying this prisoner is now in a job and we want our money now? Is this correct.

What would In-Training say or do if you told them you'd got this job with the bookies mate, try and claim for that too.

Well, good luck with your job, I hope you get it.

Thanks mate, I really hope I get it as well. All I ever need is the interview, and I talk my way in !

But as far as what I have put is concerned, yeah, thats gospel. I havent spoken one word of a lie, everything I have written is fact. And it sucks.

My first aim is to get work. And if I do I wont claim for dole, but I wont tell them im working either. I will hold off as long as possible just to ensure In-Training gain no credit for me what so ever.

EDIT: Just noticed your questions. Yeah, generally, In-Training, because I am still unemployed and attending their facilities, they would claim all credit for any work I find. Despite them offering little to no help whatsoever, because I attend them in my spare time, they would gain credit for me finding work.
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:40 am

Good on you mate. The whole 'no need to work because I get more off the social' attitude stinks. Fortunately mates of mine in a similar situation to yours also chose to find work despite the fact they could have technically had more money in their pocket by not working.

The whole social welfare system in this country stinks. Hopefully the new initiatives to cut reliance on benefits will work, but who really has faith in any government nowadays - they all renege on promises.
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Postby babu » Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:52 pm

SouthCoastShankly » Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:40 am wrote:Good on you mate. The whole 'no need to work because I get more off the social' attitude stinks. Fortunately mates of mine in a similar situation to yours also chose to find work despite the fact they could have technically had more money in their pocket by not working.

The whole social welfare system in this country stinks. Hopefully the new initiatives to cut reliance on benefits will work, but who really has faith in any government nowadays - they all renege on promises.

Intentions at the top are always genuine. its the excution that sucks. What leader of any country wants to see continued mass unemployment?

Kharhaz i feel for you dude. Moving not an option?

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Postby Kenny Kan » Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:38 pm

Britain also has a severe case of underemployment leaving many living under the poverty line - but the stats look good they're classed as employed.  :Oo:
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Postby laza » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:02 pm

Best of luck of Khar, hopefully you can celebrate your new job with nice glass of red  :D
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Postby Kharhaz » Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:44 am

@ Babu: I wish I could move mate, hopefully if I get this job, I can work my way up then eventually move elsewhere giving me better options.

@ Laza: Vimto would get me more drunk !  :D
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Postby Kharhaz » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:58 am

Just to update. I had my telephone interview earlier tonight and after impressing them, especially with my homework on their company, was formally invited to a final interview at their Hull office.  :blush:

The tricky part is finding out how to get to hull the quickest way, and how not to get lost when im there !
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Postby Kenny Kan » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:26 am

A180 then up the A15. Easy. :D

On a separate note, I bet it gets f.ucking cold up there in winter being right on the North sea.
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Postby Kharhaz » Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:01 am

Kenny Kan » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:26 am wrote:A180 then up the A15. Easy. :D

On a separate note, I bet it gets f.ucking cold up there in winter being right on the North sea.

Its bloody freezing ! I still prefer the winter to summer though, at least we can heat up during the winter.
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Postby Boocity » Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:01 am

Kharhaz » Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:01 am wrote:
Kenny Kan » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:26 am wrote:A180 then up the A15. Easy. :D

On a separate note, I bet it gets f.ucking cold up there in winter being right on the North sea.

Its bloody freezing ! I still prefer the winter to summer though, at least we can heat up during the winter.

You would hate it out here then :D
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Postby Reg » Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:56 am

Khaz, did you get the job son?    :oh:
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Postby tonyeh » Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:30 pm

Jesus Khar, that sounds rubbish.

I thought it was bad over here, but that "prisoner" analogy has the hair on the back of my neck standing up.

Anyway, good luck with getting the job.

What's the position, just as a matter of interest?
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Postby Kharhaz » Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:05 am

Reg » Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:56 am wrote:Khaz, did you get the job son?    :oh:

No, but I dont feel bad about it. William Hill were very professional, I actually felt good about myself. After the hour long interview, rather than email or mail me, they called me and explained why I didnt get the job. Apparently it was down to me and someone else, and the other person got the job as they had more experience, they are keeping all my details on record though and should another position pop up, they will contact me so fingers crossed.
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