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Postby Kharhaz » Thu May 27, 2010 12:40 am

The rules are you can pick 5 things that absolutely grate you that you can get to pick for a fate worse than death. Of course people may argue but it doesnt matter, its off your chest. Also, seeing as its in general chat on a LFC forum, the yank owners, the manager and the players of Liverpool are not allowed. This is meant for your everyday gripes.

Here is mine:

1.) Morons. Why are morons taking over? It seems that everything we are having to put up with every day (human rights, accidents, crime, TV) we are having to pay for ! Its all linked, we let terrorists continue as they are in this country as its their human right, we all know what there intention is, but hell they are expressing themself, let them be.

Some moron can slip on a wet patch in someones kitchen and injure themself, and claim compensation, it doesnt matter that the kitchen they slipped in was the one they were planning to nick the microwave from in the house they were in the process of burgling, they damaged themself while commiting that crime, and as so were hard done by. And yet they have every right to put in a claim !

Its moronic from the fact that the human rights law protects the criminals, the morons who dont watch were they are walking can claim compensation for being just plain stupid and moronic for banning food adverts to kids and yet allowing adverts for claimdirect to encourage moronic people to be rewarded for just being morons.

I could enhance my views more by pointing out the moronic cack we see on TV with morons put in a house and told to do stuff while morons at home watch them and waste money with phone ins deciding who to vote in or out. By christ, this country needs a long hard look at itself.

2.) Politicians. I could refer to the above point but they are an exempt. They all but kill of the pubs with the smoking ban but in the houses of parliament these rules dont apply. Whereas we would be laughed at if we put in claims for a moat while working for our local chippy, these above the law can get away with it.

If I beat the cr@p out of my friends neighbour for putting his windows through, I will be jailed for GBH. These lot will be fine, they name it War. Its justified.

3.)Community Wardens. Really, whats the bloody point? The "wannabe" coppers. The best way to deal with these is to actually deal with these then you just know where im coming from.

4.) Davina McCall.

5.) Movies. When all else fails, with the technology we have today compared to 20 years ago, go back 20 years ago. 3D. Whenever I see "WATCH IN 3D" I think of Jaws. Less money spent back then of course but more enjoyable, now there is just no excuse ! This world is lacking in talent, it wont be long before we see a movie of a reality TV show...oh wait..

Your turn, what are your 5 gripes that you would like to see suffer?
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Postby Boocity » Thu May 27, 2010 9:20 am

Here's mine

1. Benefits culture - I know a people who have purposely left good jobs and taken lower paid part time work as they can milk the benefits system and make money cash in hand on the side and actively boast about it. It really p1sses me off.

2. EH&S - can't stand these little hitlers working for councils these days who get long standing events cancelled as someone may have a 1 in a thousand chance of grazing their knee or something or chopping down trees that have been around for years as an acorn may at some point in time fall off an hit someone.

3. H&G - No explanation needed.

4. Starbucks - Costs a fortune for a coffee that tastes like sh1t and who can really drink a gallon of it at a time, whats wrong with actually having a normal size at a reasonable price.

5. Climate Change - All these 'green taxes ' are just an excuse to wring more money out of people, does anyone think that the extra taxes on air tickets or the duty on fuel actually go to saving the planet, no just into government coffers. If they really want to save the planet, stop losing the rain forests the size of Wales every year because isn't it the trees and plants that take most of the CO2 out of the atmosphere.

Extra one. Human Rights - Why are the human rights of terrorists and criminals more important than the victims.
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Postby anti-hero » Thu May 27, 2010 6:25 pm

i have different priorities so my list is gonna look different. :D

1) the radio.

i seriously believe that the fcc or whoever controls the content on the radio wants to turn every listener into a sniveling, sexed up, teenie bopper, justin bieber loving retard. i fu.cking hate the radio with a passion, especially the stations that play the 'hits'. between and cack like, 'i can make your bedrock' and the endless stream of unoriginal rappers rapping about the same :censored: other guys rapped about 20 years ago, it just pains me to think about a generation growing up idolizing soulja boy, young money, katy perry and justin bieber. the world is well and truly going to end with this bunch of retards.

2) justin bieber.


my point exactly.

3) movie remakes.

nightmare on elm street, clash of the titans, and the karate kid. i mean, dont get me wrong. i love jackie chan, i love mr miyagi, but why would you fiddle with something that ended so perfectly?

oh and they're also redoing footloose. with zac efron as the lead.

oh and they're also redoing oldboy AND sympathy for lady vengeance. with NONE of the original korean actors involved. spielberg's directing.

4) douche bags on xbox live.

5) bill o'reilly.
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Postby dawson99 » Thu May 27, 2010 6:28 pm

sorry dude, you cant put movie remakes.. what about:

12 monkeys
The Departed
The Magnificent 7
A fistful of dollars
Oceans 11
Vanilla Sky
Reservoir Dogs (Im including, its just too damn similar)

Also, Oldboy aint being made, and if footloose is, whch it is, it aint Zac Efron.. so there lol

Some remakes are awesome
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Postby anti-hero » Thu May 27, 2010 6:30 pm

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Postby dawson99 » Thu May 27, 2010 6:40 pm

lol..ok, I'll give you that.. ok... my turn

1: Benefit cheats - Those fat unemployed, 6 kids in double prams tracksuit wearing fake tanned signet ringed tw@ts. There really does need to be an IQ test for reproducing.

2: Gary Neville - Never has one rat faced weselly gaunt looking mofo ever been hated so much. Absolutely nothing to like about the thing, except the song we sing about his family.

3: Idiot tv execs - Sex and the City went on for how many years? 90210 remade? But what happened to: Firefly, Flash Forward, Eli Stone, Jericho, Reaper.. all cancelled... eejits!!!

4: Little c.nts who throw stones at amblances and fire engines - you read about them, the little sh!ts, smoeone is lying down hurt, an ambulance is needed. Yet when it turns up they pelt it with stones. Lets run them over, and just leave them with no help... good riddance!!!

5: Reality TV - get it the f*ck off my tv

(so much more i wanted to add!!!)
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Postby Tricky Dicky » Fri May 28, 2010 5:03 am

1. Traffic Wardens
2. Know it alls
3. soft society
4. Catholic priests
5. Skiddy Undies

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Postby SeaofRed » Fri May 28, 2010 9:19 pm

Here's my top five.

1. The increasing price of cigarettes and alcohol. It seems that these working class comforts are being priced out of our reach by a greedy, dictatorial Government who is hell bent on ensuring our lives are made all that more unbearable. Thank god for Supermarkets and their cheap offers on alcohol. But if I want to venture down to my local pub it will cost me £3.05 for a pint of Guinness, yet I can get four cans for £4.99 in my local supermarket or 8 cans for £6.50 in my local offy.

2. Drugs being illegal, yet you can get them so easily, it's unreal. If I want an ounce of cocaine, I know several people who I can meet up with for collection and this type of behaviour causes havoc to local communities and I still can't believe that in 2010 that Cannabis is illegal. Make it legal like they do in Holland and have it Government controlled. Remove drugs off the streets and into pharmacies.

3. Women, Jesus H Christ. I meet a foxy lady in a night club, we get jiggy, jiggy on the dancefloor and when I wanna go back to hotel room, they don't want to, talk about being a total and utter tease. Or another scenario that oftens burns me is buying a woman drinks, they'll make flirty eyes at me and then let me buy them drink after drink and then they disappear. What's a man gotta do to get a bit of bonky, bonky action on his bedroom floor? Women sort it out will ya!

4. The music industry - it's utter garbage and very rarely produces anything awe inspiring, I mean I wanna go to a club where they play Reggae, SKa and 90's dance music, not this dubstep rubbish and whiney, nonsensical European dance rubbish. What ever happened to the Happy Mondays being played in clubs?

5. Community Support officers - what is the point of these people? All they do is ride around on bikes and get paid to talk to people. What a total non-job.
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Postby metalhead » Fri May 28, 2010 9:32 pm

1. People who are so naive - oh god they just get on my nerves
2. Politicians - They talk talk talk talk and do nothing in their life but taking money from the people and putting it in their fat pockets
3. Mosquitos - I mean f*cking hell, really? whats the point of them living? buggers
4. Manchester United -  :no
5. Noobs - In general, always ruin your plans
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Postby metalhead » Fri May 28, 2010 9:32 pm

SeaofRed wrote:3. Women, Jesus H Christ. I meet a foxy lady in a night club, we get jiggy, jiggy on the dancefloor and when I wanna go back to hotel room, they don't want to, talk about being a total and utter tease. Or another scenario that oftens burns me is buying a woman drinks, they'll make flirty eyes at me and then let me buy them drink after drink and then they disappear. What's a man gotta do to get a bit of bonky, bonky action on his bedroom floor? Women sort it out will ya!

:D  :laugh: .. I know what you mean :(
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Sat May 29, 2010 6:42 pm

Ok ... .Although I have many gripes the following are my choices for Today

1, Sam Allardyce to say this obnoxious buffoon grates on me even more than Alex Ferguson is an understatement ,I think the term" to despise" was designed solely for this fat  disfigured @rselicker ,it is said his condition has now escalated to the point that  Ferguson is afraid of sitting down, as  he now lives in  constant fear of accidentally sitting on this slimy b@stards face , thus  resulting in a permanently rooted tongue up his already well abused  Scottish  rip ......

2, Cricket ,this game defines for me the moral behind the story of the Emperors New Clothes I simply cant fathom what some people find so engrossing about this tedious affair ,I suppose in that respect I am not to dissimilar to the Little Boy who outed the emperor ...... I also hate  the way its promoted and eulogized about by the condescending tw@ts who present SSN  (Like I am actually missing out on something) ???

3, The new Wagon Wheels how dare these charlatans masquerade as this classic biscuit ,this years shabby imitation is the biggest insult yet .....

4, Eastenders...... is no one allowed to be happy for at least the length of one episode ffs its only 30 b@stard minutes ,but these miserable tw@ts walk into  one disaster after another , surely the biggest  yardstick to how susceptible you are to brainwashing   

5,When you buy something expensive and some b@stard turns around and tells you he could of got it for you  a lot cheaper ..... tends to go something like this :  "Ah kidder if you had only give me a bell I know a fella who would have proper sorted you one at trade price    , never mind too late now La  " ,do they get some sort of kick out of doing this ? f*cking Tom Peppers ........................

and that concludes my 5 choices ,I would have also of liked to include Wasps but there you go :D
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Postby LFC2007 » Sat May 29, 2010 7:40 pm

RED BEERGOGGLES wrote:3, The new Wagon Wheels how dare these charlatans masquerade as this classic biscuit ,this years shabby imitation is the biggest insult yet .....

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Postby anti-hero » Sun May 30, 2010 3:32 am

girls who dont put out.

so i was nice for nothing?! :O   :veryangry  :down:
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Postby JC_81 » Sun May 30, 2010 9:48 am

1.  Eng-er-land fans.  Open my curtains in the morning and the tw@t across the road has an England flag draped out his window covering half his house.

2.  Premier Inns.  Stayed in one most of the week for a work thing and the tw@ts didn't have any irons - meaning I turned up for the first day with more wrinkles in my shirt than 'Arry Redknapp's pus.

3.  Work.  I can't be @ssed with it anymore.

4.  Transfer speculation.  It's annoying me already this year.

5.  The fat fu.cker off the 'go compare' adverts.  It's not on as much now but I'd still like to stamp all over his face.
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Postby andy_g » Sun May 30, 2010 10:11 am

1. people who drop litter when a bin is in plain sight.
         teenagers seem to be getting very bad at it these days, especially round here, and some grown ups aren't much better. i don't know if its meant to signify you are hard, anti-establishment, cool, or what but it písses me off immensely. sometimes i have to almost wade through other peoples' shít to get out of my house.

2. bad drivers.
      including; those that drive too slow, those that can't maintain a constant speed, those that don't indicate what they are going to do, those that swing out before turning a corner as if they were driving a bus and not a ford fiesta, especially those that tailgate :angry: , etc etc etc

3. dogs
    stupid dribbling, yappy, pathetic, over dependant, smelly, stupid, dirty, always crápping, stupid, ugly, stupid animals

4. men
   most of the time i am ashamed to be one. nuff said.

5. almost everything else

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