Apologies over hillsborough claims

Hillsborough remembrance and related information

Postby dawson99 » Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:23 pm

from bbc

Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt has apologised after suggesting that hooliganism played a part in the Hillsborough football disaster.

Ninety-six Liverpool fans were crushed to death on 15 April 1989 at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough stadium.

He praised the England fans at the 2010 World Cup saying the "terrible problems" of "Heysel and Hillsborough in the 1980s seem now to be behind us".

Investigations have found that violence played no part in the tragedy.

Mr Hunt was giving an interview following England's exit from the World Cup, where he applauded the behaviour of fans.

Apologising, he said: "I know that fan unrest played no part in the terrible events of April 1989 and I apologise to Liverpool fans and the families of those killed and injured in the Hillsborough disaster if my comments caused any offence."

Margaret Aspinall, chairwoman of the Hillsborough Family Support Group, said: "I am absolutely fed up of people saying things like that, for 21 years we have been fighting for justice, we have been fighting to get the message out that it was not down to drink, it was not down to hooliganism.

"He is the culture secretary - he is well informed he should know better. It's not like it happened two weeks ago, this was decades ago.

"He can apologise but it has still really upset me. I only found out because someone rang me on my mobile, I have not spoken to the rest of the Hillsborough families yet because I am only just about coping with my own anger.

"I will be writing to him on behalf of all the survivors of the disaster and asking to have a meeting with him."


Ok, he's sorry, but why don't people just think for 2 seconds before saying something stupid in the first place. Disgraceful behavious but we just aren't shocked anymore as these morons keep putting foot in mouth.
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Postby Kharhaz » Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:09 am

"He is the culture secretary"

This is the problem. As long as morons occupy positions of power, this country will continue to be knackered. But at least he has apologised.... :down:

It will be a while before justice will be served.
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Postby Owzat » Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:05 pm

Sadly it is typical of media misinformation and the morons who take it as literally as others take the bible.
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