Amityville - Fact or fiction

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Postby mistyred » Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:30 pm

metalhead wrote:
mistyred wrote:I watch Most Haunted among other things and i am a believer, and also can't believe that we are alone in the big vast mass that is called space' it just sounds ridiculous to think that we are so special that out of the trillions of stars and planets that there are not beings like
ourselfes or biengs thousands of light years ahead of us atleast.

Little green men i don't buy that's just wacky :laugh: compared to everything else iv'e just stated :D but basically it makes this f@cked up planet we live on seem more exciting if you believe in all the other stuff, Demons,Ghosts, and all the other stuff.

Rant over thats it :D  :p

A Demon talked to me once, I told him to F*ck off!   :D

I believe in them demons!

You a brave dude  :bowdown  Not me dude i see one of those
Motherpuckers i'm off no doubt  :laugh:
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Postby 66-1120597113 » Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:46 pm

I do believe in ghosts if not in a physical form as such i do believe that their are other forms of energy that are not produced by ourselves or anything natural!

I still believe that my last house had some sort of spirit or force and so does my girlfriend!
People may laugh but we always felt a presence in that house.

It was strange at times.There were times when suddenly the air seemed to chill and almost warm up again as suddenly as it got cold.A few times things fell off the worktop in the kitchen and landed on the floor while we were watching TV! I never actually seen anything but my girlfriend will swear to me to this day that she saw a black shadow make its way across the hall one night she got up to use the loo!

There was only one time i felt threatened or afraid..i was in bed a alone,we had just finished chatting on the phone,we were talking about 'our ghost' as we called it and were laughing.As people do we were making excuses for all the little silly things that happened before this stage!
Anyway we said goodnight and i put the light out to go to sleep....About five minutes later i heard like a dull cracking sound beside me.Got up and put the light on wondering what it was.I had brought up a pint glass of water and set it on the floor beside my bed...It had shattered into tiny squares the way a car windscreen would on its own....Nothing was near it,it never fell,it had nowhere to fall to anyway,the base was still sitting on the carpet with the glass scattered around it!
That was one long night,i lay awake shi.tting meself for hours.

A few other things happened after that but never anything sinister or evil...Towards the end we accepted there was something in the house with us but it never intended us any harm.When we talked about it we talked that we new it was there,not laughing or mocking the strange things that happened anymore but  that we accepted it !

The strange thing was once we accepted there was something there..NOTHING strange or unnatural ever happened again....maybe 'our ghost' just wanted recognition!! :alien: :D

Postby mistyred » Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:02 pm

BarryBelfast wrote:....maybe 'our ghost' just wanted recognition!! :alien: :D

:laugh:  :rasp
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Tue Nov 07, 2006 4:52 am

All a load of b*llocks, methinks.

If things like that were real, why is there absolutely NO concrete evidence, despite every Tom, Dick and Harry professing to have "seen" a ghost, or that their house was haunted?

Because, quite obviously, people see what they want to see, which isn't always the truth.

I am not saying that I don't believe in spirits. Having never had conclusive proof either way, how can I say they don't exist?

I just don't buy the Amityville story, or those similar. It's a film.

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Postby dawson99 » Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:08 am

Amytiville isnt about ghosts though, its about the paranoid delusions of one man (although i think more people were involved, it all happened to quick to be one man)

But i do believe in ghosts. Physical proof isnt the only kind, faith has a lot to do with it. If you believe something, then why not.

Liverpool are the greatest team in the wold, all fans think there club is the greatest, its based on faith

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Postby account deleted by request » Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:27 am

Amityville Horror a pure hoax!

Kaplan discovered that the "Amityville Horror" was pure invention. In 1979, attorney William Weber confessed to his part in the hoax during a paranormal radio show hosted by author Joel Martin. Weber admitted that he and George Lutz had concocted the story of the haunting over a few bottles of wine. Weber's motive was to get a new trial for DeFeo, using a "Devil made him do it" defense. According to Weber, Lutz merely wanted to get out from under a mortgage that he couldn't afford. His business was in trouble and he needed a scheme to bail him out. Weber later filed a $2 million lawsuit against the Lutz's, charging them with reneging on their book deal.

Kaplan found ample proof, outside of the glaring confession, that the story was a hoax. He gained access to the house on many occasions and found that the so-called "Red Room", where the book claimed occult ceremonies took place, was nothing more than a small pipe well that gave access to them if they needed to be repaired. No "demonic face" had ever appeared on the bricks inside of the fireplace. He also noted that the original front door of the house (blown off its hinges in the book) was still in place and intact. In fact, the extensive damage to doors and windows that was recounted in the book never happened at all. All of the old hardware - hinges, locks and doorknobs - was still in place and there were no disturbances to the paint or the varnish.

In addition, Kaplan found a writer for the local newspaper that had also been suspicious of the story. After some searching, the columnist discovered that the Lutz's had returned the day after "fleeing" from the house to hold a garage sale. He also charged that during their "28-day nightmare" that never once called the police for assistance, something that would have been commonly done under the circumstances. He also found that there had been no snowfall when the Lutz's claimed that they found "cloven hoof prints" in the snow.

He also learned that the role of the priest was completely exaggerated in the drama. In the book, the priest character named Father Mancuso is terrorized by a demon while trying to bless the new home. He is then stalked by the specter back to the rectory, where he is afflicted with boils, bleeding palms, a fever, and the smell of excrement. In real life, a priest did bless the house, and did have some concern about the possibility of a haunting. Both the real priest and rectory were unharmed by any such demon though.

More recently, author Ric Osuna has stated that George Lutz - now divorced from his wife and criticized by his former stepsons - informed him that "setting the record straight is not as important as making money off fictional sequels."

The list of things that did not happen in the house went on and on and to most researchers, like Kaplan and many others, the evidence for an "Amityville Hoax" was overwhelming.

Jim and Barbara Cromarty, who later moved into the house, also maintained that it was not haunted. Because of the problems they had experienced with the curiosity-seekers, they sued the hardcover and paperback publishers of the "Amityville Horror", as well as Jay Anson and George and Kathy Lutz. They stated that the entire case had been a put-on from the beginning and it had "blighted their lives". The suit was later settled with the new occupants for an undisclosed amount.
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Postby bunglemark2 » Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:35 am

Amityville ? That's where my missus' folks live....they're bleedin' mad, possessed.....every time i go to visit, a mound of slime appears on the kitchen table (the mother-in-law says it's sunday roast - me? I don't believe it.....). Next up is a weird cacophony of strange noises.....experts say it's "women nagging blokes, talking 'bout shopping...". Again, I think they're possessed.....So Amityville DOES exist. It's not a rumour. The truth IS out there....
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Postby account deleted by request » Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:39 am

bunglemark2 wrote:Amityville ? That's where my missus' folks live....they're bleedin' mad, possessed.....every time i go to visit, a mound of slime appears on the kitchen table (the mother-in-law says it's sunday roast - me? I don't believe it.....). Next up is a weird cacophony of strange noises.....experts say it's "women nagging blokes, talking 'bout shopping...". Again, I think they're possessed.....So Amityville DOES exist. It's not a rumour. The truth IS out there....

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