Tom hicks - The reality

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Postby Whelan » Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:03 pm

Hi everyone.

The recent takeover of Liverpool FC by two American businessmen initially left me with mixed feelings.  On the one hand I hated the idea of foreign business men moving in to franchise my club, yet on the other hand an 80,000 stadium and an increased transfer budget to rival that of Manchester United and Chelsea is unquestionably exciting.

But before you all get carried away with this recent news of new stadia and huge transfer funds being made available to Benitez I think you need to understand where this money is coming from.

On the surface the recent takeover deal sounds fantastic, new stadium, new players and a bright future for Liverpool FC.  However, I believe the reality is much different.  In selling the club to Tom Hicks; Liverpool FC has prostituted itself to one of the world’s wealthiest capitalist gangsters, a man with close links to the Texan Bush family going back more than 20 years.  You may ask what the hell any of this has to do with the future of Liverpool FC.  Let me inform you.

***  Hicks first appeared on the political scene when he donated $17,500 to Ann Richards, the then Governor of Texas.

After Richards was defeated in 1994 by George W. Bush, Hicks shifted his donations to Bush. Hicks gave $146,000 to Bush in both of his campaigns. Hicks Muse had long wanted to tap the $13-billion University of Texas endowment for its takeover deals. As George W. Bush assumed the Texas governor’s office in 1995, Hicks was confirmed as a University of Texas Regent and hired lobbyists to push a bill creating the UT Investment Management Co. (UTIMCO). With Hicks as its first chair, and Clear Channel Chair L. Lowry Mays and the Pioneers Tom Loeffler, A.W. Riter, and Tony Sanchez; UTIMCO contracted private investment firms to manage portions of the endowment. A scandal blew up when the media discovered that UTIMCO awarded many of these lucrative contracts to firms tied to Hicks and Bush.

In 1998, Hicks bought the Texas Rangers from a consortia headed by George W. Bush. Having made Bush a multi-millionaire, Hicks Muse Tate and Furst became Bush’s No. 4 career patron in 1999, according to the Center for Public Integrity. In 1999, Hicks and his brother merged their media interests into AMFM Inc., which was later acquired by Clear Channel Communications. Hicks became vice chair of Clear Channel, a major potential beneficiary of 2003 plans by Bush’s Federal Communication Commission to relax media ownership rules. In 2003, the Texas Rangers revealed that Hicks met privately with President Bush to pitch Rangers Ballpark land as a site for the President’s future presidential library.
Hicks is presently a member of the political action committee for the 2008 presidential election campaign for former Republican Mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani.  ***
The above is taken from wikipedia.  If you have any interest in Liverpool FC I suggest you Google Tom Hicks and research.
Tom Hicks is part of the American new world order currently destabilising our world.  Hick's has helped bankroll George W. Bush for years.  In doing so his message is clear.  The illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, the death of American, British and UN soldiers, the death of innocent Afghan and Iraqi civilians and the reduction of civil liberties is alright by him. 

We currently live in a world fuelled by the media.  The media does not reflect world opinion or even intelligent opinion, and that is why you will not have heard these opinions previously.  Hick's has links to the American media giant Clear Communications.  I suggest you Google Clear Communications scandal.  If you think Kelvin Mckenzie is scum then a simple google search on Hicks throws up some shocking information.

As Liverpool fans we support a club with history and standards, I’m horrified that a man with strong links to the worlds most dangerous terrorist has been allowed to own our club.  Unfortunately money talks, lets just say the eleventh hour U-turn in selling to Hicks/Gillett didn’t hurt Moores/Parry.

If you choose to ignore these issues because politics isn’t your strong point then I advise you to look again.  Have you ever, just for a moment, thought that the world just doesn’t add up?  Have you ever wondered why the people in power seem to make rather silly mistakes all the time?  Why are we ruled by people that speak differently to us, why don’t they ever give a straight answer?  Its not political spiel, but simply bullsh*t in a posh voice. 

I’m afraid the agenda is to dumb us down with a media barrage of football and celebrity nonsense, tax you dry and work you till your too tired to see straight.  In a world loosing its head and more concerned with TV soaps and football titles those in power have carte blanche to do exactly as they please.  Innocent people are killed every day by criminals running America and Britain - we now have one of the f*ckers in our back yard running our club.

Bill Shankly once said “Football is not just a matter of life and death: it's much more important than that” – I think in the cold light of day, in 2007, when the quote seems laced with more truth than sarcasm, I hope we can all agree that it is not.
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Postby Dundalk » Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:58 pm

One post and he was gone.......

Just like that :D
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:15 pm

Do you reckon he's Kaiser Soze?

Postby Dundalk » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:46 pm

The devils greatest trick was to convince everyone that he didnt exist

Are you the devil, Whelan??
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Postby dawson99 » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:55 pm

fricking preachers not needed in football. hes more maureen lipman than keyzer soze
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:14 am

I don't care who Hicks is politically aligned with.

As long he's rich and his businesses are operating legally, that's all that matters.
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Postby Dundalk » Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:25 am

The voice of reason
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Postby babu » Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:09 am

Haha this idiot has posted the same thing on bluekipper, except he changed the first line to Everton.

got absolutly slaughtered. :D


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Postby hunterz » Tue May 08, 2007 11:39 pm

He sounded like an idealistic person to me..who knows Chelsea's owner Roman killed how many people already,I only know he won last 2 seasons Premier league champions.. :veryangry
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