Almost 15 years ago a tragedy took place
And people came together regardless of sex, age or race.
For on a dark, doomed day in the middle of April
The heavens did open and the angels did call
And 96 people died in one go
Lives ended early and football hit a low
For no reason or cause these angels did die
But high in the heavens the angels do fly
You’ll never walk alone still echoes out
For those 96 reds in honour we shout
A constant vigil for these people kept
For many a year their friends still wept
And still years on the weeping is here
For as much as we try the feelings still clear.
For nothing was done and people still die
But high in the heavens the angels do fly
For all those affected the agony lives on
For each and every day the angels are gone
But on us they shine and show us the way
And give us the power for each and everyday
To honour them loud and give them a cheer
We wish that we didn’t we wish they were here
This poem if for the 96 that did die
But high in the heavens the angels do fly
But now here we are still giving our all
We got up, did rise after this fall
To give everything for each single red
Who died at this time for each heart that bled
And this tragedy did touch my heart
The suffering began and the hurting did start
I was hurt of that I cant lie
But high in the heavens the angels do fly
But now at this time the angels have flown
We will always shout