Water, a listening and acting media - Interesting to read

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Postby anfieldadorer » Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:03 am

The Hidden Messages in Water is a title of a book written by a japanese researcher namely Dr. Masaru Emoto who discovered that molecules of water are affected by thoughts, words and feelings. Dr. Emoto shares his realizations from his years of research and explains the profound implications on the healing of water, mankind and earth. He offers proof that water is alive and responsive to our every emotion.

Masaru Emoto was born in Yokohama in July 1943. He is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University's department of humanities and sciences with a focus on International Relations. In 1986 he established the IHM Corporation in Tokyo. In October of 1992 he received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water.

Interview with Dr. Masaru Emoto by Steve Hays

Perhaps you have heard of Dr. Emoto's work in the film What the Bleep Do We Know!? Or maybe you've seen one of books, The Messages of Water , The Messages of Water II , or his most recent book, The Hidden Messages in ­Water.

However you came to hear about him, the word is out. The message he reveals is getting out to a lot of people all over the world and it should. It's important.

A Small Beginning

When he first published his work he produced books for friends. People bought several and passed them along. He printed more and sent out more until he found himself invited to Switzerland to talk about his research. His work has been well received. Now he finds himself with a busy speaking schedule in Europe , this country and Japan .

The Mirror

Dr. Emoto has discovered that the world is talking back to us. It's telling and showing us how we affect it and affect ourselves. In essence, it's a mirror for us.

For those of us not sensitive enough to notice what influence we are having, it's there to see in water.

We've heard for years that our thoughts take shape and have the power to physically manifest. Has there ever been any demonstrable evidence of that? Most of us can share a personal experience of it, but this is a giant step beyond that. Dr. Emoto is physically demonstrating how our thoughts can have a physical result. Viewed from the opposite direction, it shows how our thoughts influence our bodies. So far Dr. Emoto's work looks as if it may be the physical demonstration of a body–mind link; a link between thought and manifestation in the physical universe.

The Photographs

More than ten years ago Dr. Emoto — an alternative doctor from Yokohama , Japan — began taking photographs of frozen ice crystals. By photographing and comparing different crystals he learned water was full of wisdom for us.

One of the first things he noticed was the difference between tap water and natural water. At this point Dr. Emoto has photographed water from springs, lakes and tap water from countries all over the world.

Natural water, he discovered, “displays a beautiful array of crystals.” They are often quite intricate and remind you of photographs of snowflake crystals that most of us have seen.

It was, in fact, snow that gave Dr. Emoto the idea of photographing water.

One day he saw the snow and he knew that the crystal structure of snow could be analyzed, so why couldn't regular water be analyzed as a crystal? That's how he came up with the idea.

In contrast to natural water, tap water is more chaotic. There may be a dark spot in the middle or a side of the crystal will be broken. The clarity is missing. This is also common with water treated with chlorine. It consistently produced chaotic images.

Not Static

He found that water could be “treated” or changed by our thoughts. He filled bottles with water and wrote different words on them. He was fascinated by the differences generated in the crystal when the water was shown different words, such as “gratitude” or “stupid.”

The most beautiful, intricate images came from words such as “angel,” “wisdom,” “you're cute,” “thank you,” “love,” and “gratitude.”

“Satan,” “you fool,” “stupid” and “kill” produced blurred, chaotic and dark images.

“The water crystals are the design and image of the vibrations provided,” he explains. “By and large, the positive vibration demonstrates well-formed water crystals and its crystallization rate tends to be higher than others commonly recognized as negative vibrations.”

A Blessing

At the Fujiwara Dam in central Japan , Dr. Emoto had a Shinto priest repeat an incantation. He photographed the water before and after the priest prayed over the water. After he performed an incantation for an hour, the priest and Dr. Emoto talked for fifteen minutes while his crew developed the photographs. They rushed over saying, “This is incredible! The water is getting clearer right in front of our eyes,” one said. The photographs showed a beautiful hexagonal shaped crystal enclosed by a halo-like pattern of light.

Different Languages

The same word in different languages produced similar but different crystals. They photographed differently, but the pattern was the same.

Even in the same language, the images were never exactly the same. The water seemed to “breathe” and changed colors. There is a flow to it.

Dr. Emoto explained, “It is said that the universe is constantly flowing. This very moment cannot be here the moment after. In this extent, the water crystals will not give identical results. But if the experimenting environment remains the same, it should give pretty much the same results as we expect; i.e., using typed fonts for word experiments. We would like to experiment further and find out far more.”


The key to understanding this can be explained from several perspectives. In the movie What the Bleep the main focus was on how quantum physics explained the universe.

“The science of quantum physics generally acknowledges that substance is nothing more than vibration,” states Dr. Emoto.

“In Japan , it is said that words of the soul reside in the spirit called kotodama or the spirit of words , and the act of speaking words has the power to change the world. We all know that words have an enormous influence on the way we think and feel, and that things generally go more smoothly when positive words are used. However, up until know we have never been able to physically see the effect of positive words.”


Given that Dr. Emoto is an alternative doctor, I wanted to know what he could tell us about staying healthy.

He said first to make sure that the water we drink is purified and healthy.

“The average human body is 70 percent water. We start out life being 99 percent water, as fetuses. When we are born, we are 90 percent water, and by the time we reach adulthood we are down to 70 percent. If we die of old age, we will probably be about 50 percent water. In other words, throughout our lives, we exist mostly as water.”

Because water has the ability to copy and memorize information, when we use treated water or homeopathic remedies the information is being carried by water to cancel out the information or symptoms of what is being treated.

Sickness, he told me, comes “when you don't have sufficient love and sufficient appreciation. This information does not come from outside. You yourself know if you are lacking in love and lacking in appreciation.

“Drink good water and breathe in love and appreciation,” he said.

“Based on the principles of vibration, the answer is very clear. All we need to do is emit the emotion that is opposite to the negative emotion. By combining two opposite waves, the negative emotion disappears.”

Here are some of his opposites:

hate and gratitude

anger and kindness

fear and courage

anxiety and peace of mind

pressure and presence of   mind

This is the way to free ourselves from negative emotion and thinking. The positive always eliminates the negative.


When I asked him if he studied music and it's affect, he responded in English with, “Good vibrations.”

He has photographed water after it was exposed to different kinds of music. The results are predictable.

Classical music produced beautiful forms of crystals. Even the Beatles' “Yesterday” and some modern jazz formed beautiful crystals.

An unusual crystal was formed after being exposed to Heartbreak Hotel, by Elvis Presley. “As if to mimic the song, it broke into two parts.”

A Universe of Water

“Understanding the fact that we are essentially water is the key to uncovering the mysteries of the universe,” said Dr. Emoto.

“Water has taught me the delicacy of the human soul, and the influence that ‘love' and ‘gratitude' can have on the world.”

“Water has a message for the world: The world is linked together by love and gratitude.

“The words gratitude and love form the fundamental principles of the laws of nature and the phenomenon of life.”

On the other hand, “words such as ‘You fool' do not exist in nature and are instead unnatural elements created by people. Words that revile, harm, and ridicule are the result of the culture created by humans.

“The message of water is love and gratitude.”

The Global and The Individual

In the end the message of water is one for the world. For a world in crisis and chaos, and an environment under attack, it's the perfect time for it.

“The defiling of our earth is the result of an unrelenting hunger for convenience and the fulfillment of greed, initiated by the industrial revolution. This has led to life­styles of mass consumption that seriously threaten the global environment.

“We have embarked on a new century, a time in history when we must make serious changes in the way that we think. Only the human can resonate with the rest of the world, and this is why it is so essential that we change our thinking, so we can live in harmony with nature and not go on destroying the earth. What vibration we give to the earth and what kind of planet we create depends on each one of us as individuals.

“How will you choose to live your life?

“If you fill your heart with love and gratitude, you will find yourself surrounded by so much that you can love and that you can feel grateful for, and you can even get closer to enjoying the life of health and happiness that you seek. But what will happen if you emit signals of hate, dissatisfaction and sadness? Then you will probably find yourself in a situation that makes you hateful, dissatisfied, and sad.

“The life you live and the world you live in are up to you.”

It is a water crystal of the Amazon.
The water of the Amazon protected in the jungle shined vigorously beautifully.

what would it make if we sing YNWA onto it?

Let us tell water our Love and Thanks

    * Put a glass of water on a table in your kitchen, dining room or private room. Tell the water "I love you" and "Thank you", gently. At the same time, briefly visualize that all the water on Earth is connected with each other. You can do this with your children, family members and friends. Your Love and Thanks will be sent out to all the water on Earth through the water in the glass.

    * How about imagining the following when you are touching the water coming from the faucet while doing the dishes, washing rice before cooking, or washing your clothes? The vibration of your Love and Thanks is overflowing from your heart through your chest, shoulders, and arms, and going through your palms that are touching the water into the water going out into a drain pipe. Your vibration will go through the flow of water very easily into the drain, into the nearby rivers and finally enter the ocean. The vapor from the ocean will build clouds and then the water will fall down as rains onto various parts of the world. In this way, the vibration of Love and Thanks that has originated from your heart will be transmitted to all over the world through the water network. This is a very easy way, and you can do this every day and every time you use water.

    * An easier way will be just to tell gently "I love you" and "Thank you" to the water that is flowing out into a drain pipe after it has finished its role. This will surely change the vibration of the water.

    * It is also very effective to put a "Thank you" sticker to the surface of the faucet. Every time you turn the faucet, it will remind you of the importance to express your gratitude to water.

    * Or, if you want to do it a little bigger, then you can have a gathering around a pond, a lake, a river or along seashore. Then make a circle, holding hands, and say the same thing as above or more. Remember that the power of prayer is proportionate to the square of the number of people. You can add to this ceremony your own prayers that express your Love and Thanks toward water or Planet Earth.

    * As the vibration of your Love and Thanks flows from your heart, you may feel your chest getting warmer and warmer. This will be the result of the Law of the Universe "What you give, you will receive".

Add visualization to our Love and Thanks

    * Let us visualize that the vibration of Love and Thanks is transmitting into water as golden/silver light. The whole water of the world is sparkling beautifully. Finally, the whole planet is shining so brilliantly. When filled with the highest vibration of light, everything is healed and harmonized. Let us visualize that the faces of all the people on Earth are filled with a smile.

Send Love and Thanks to water in some special areas

    * How about sending our Love and Thanks to the Jordan River, especially at this moment of time (see photo on the right). Along the river, many Israeli and Palestinian people are living. Our prayer of Love and Thanks will raise the vibration of water there. There is no border in the path of flowing water. People on both sides certainly drink the water originating from this river, and their bodies will be filled with the vibration of Love and Thanks that we have been sending. Then, those who have been involved in the war or terrorism will become aware of what they are doing, "Why don't we just abandon weapons and live a peaceful life here together?"

    * There may be some areas other than the Jordan River where wars and conflicts are still continuing such as the United States and Iraq, India and Pakistan, Afghanistan, nations in Africa and so on. Let us send our Love and Thanks to the water where people are suffering from pain and sorrow. It will change into healing water, and everything and everybody will be filled with a vibration of Love and Harmony.

    * Those who are participating in war and those who are suffering from war are both ourselves. For all the consciousnesses are connected into one. And it is said that water is a mirror to reflect our own consciousness.

    * Peace begins from the hearts of each and every one of us. Let us fill up our hearts with the vibration of Love and Thanks. Then visualize that the vibration is overflowing like an unlimited fountain, reaching every part of the globe and healing the whole world.

Effects of our consciousness on water

Our consciousness definitely influences upon water. Especially when we concentrate our consciousness with the same intention, it will have a tremendous power. It is like a laser beam that can reach the surface of the moon.

In the summer of 1999, hundreds of people gathered along the lakeshore of the Lake Biwa, located at the central part of Japan, and prayed for the peace and harmony of universe. After one month, a local newspaper reported that only that summer, there were no complaints from local residents about the foul odor resulting from extraordinary growth of a foreign alga, which they had been experiencing every summer for years.

Such is the power of human consciousness.

Consciousness of each of us changes the world

Consciousness of each of us creates our world, which means we can change the world. When the Earth is filled with the vibration of Love and Thanks, then you will experience a world filled with Love and Thanks.

link to book "the message from water" for children (pdf)
click here
Last edited by anfieldadorer on Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby babu » Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:39 am


                                   *    *    *    *    *
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Postby anti-hero » Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:03 am


I am beginning to think you are a crazy hippie.

Yes. You are a HIPPIE. :D
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Postby anfieldadorer » Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:11 am

anti-hero wrote:Annie.

I am beginning to think you are a crazy hippie.

Yes. You are a HIPPIE. :D

i expect to be remembered as a scientific person who thinks logically and rationally now you call me a hippie  :veryangry  :no

:p  :D
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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:26 am

In the summer of 1999, hundreds of people gathered along the lakeshore of the Lake Biwa, located at the central part of Japan, and prayed for the peace and harmony of universe. After one month, a local newspaper reported that only that summer, there were no complaints from local residents about the foul odor resulting from extraordinary growth of a foreign alga, which they had been experiencing every summer for years.

Surprisingly 100's of people urinating in a lake for a month would have a similar effect on algae growth.
I think i will stick to Hari Krishna
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Postby babu » Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:11 am



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Postby dawson99 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:17 am

AA really does love his water!!


sorry, cool thread AA, water rocks!
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Postby anfieldadorer » Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:00 am

dawson99 wrote:AA really does love his water!!


sorry, cool thread AA, water rocks!

yeah, i did it when i was going to view the water molecule structure from a closer perspective
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Postby woof woof ! » Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:28 pm

Anni's love affair with water has astonshing side effects .


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Postby anfieldadorer » Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:53 pm

woof woof ! wrote:Anni's love affair with water has astonshing side effects .



no, only getting too tired to open the mask once doing some research

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Postby Smeg » Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:34 am

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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:42 am

Some people, none of whom have so far posted in this thread, really need to be murdered.

Water is a f*cking element, you dumb b*stards. It is NOT a f*cking creature that can be changed by the power of suggestion. The only way you can change water is to alter the temperature.

Thick c*nts.

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Postby Woollyback » Fri Jul 21, 2006 10:39 am

sorry lando but water is NOT an element, consisting as it does of hydrogen and oxygen. ie. two different elements, making it therefore a COMPOUND

thick c*nt :D
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Postby anfieldadorer » Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:11 am

Woollyback wrote:sorry lando but water is NOT an element, consisting as it does of hydrogen and oxygen. ie. two different elements, making it therefore a COMPOUND

thick c*nt :D

glad to have another educated people here :cool:

:p  :D
Last edited by anfieldadorer on Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby anti-hero » Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:37 am

anfieldadorer wrote:
Woollyback wrote:sorry lando but water is NOT an element, consisting as it does of hydrogen and oxygen. ie. two different elements, making it therefore a COMPOUND

thick c*nt :D

glad to have another educated people here :cool:

You mean, "another educated PERSON."


You think cunt.  :D
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