Funniest read ever - cheatski - How insecure are they?

The Premiership - General Discussion

Postby dawson99 » Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:15 pm


This article summarises a 5-hour rant on the car ride home from Manchester on Saturday. It follows up on the excellent paper published on CFCnet after the Barca away leg last month. That paper correctly pointed out that in the last 14 years, the 14 teams to win the 14 Champion League finals have all been G14 clubs, as have been all the league champions of the 3 main countries in Europe , except on 6 measly occasions, over the same period.

This article goes further. It is an attempt to understand and explain why, for example:

Chelsea have never won the Champions’ League in four attempts after getting to the latter stages, and probably never will.
Chelsea have never won the FA cup final against Arsenal, Liverpool or Man Utd and probably never will, but have against Leeds , Middlesbrough and Aston Villa.
Liverpool , Real Madrid (and probably Arsenal) are allowed to enter the Champions League without fulfilling the basic requirement of finishing in the top four domestically, at the expense of teams like Zaragoza , Everton and Tottenham – but Chelsea never would
Why UEFA/FIFA registered referees are happy to see Chelsea get an advantage against teams like Tottenham and Everton, but perpetrate stinking free-kick decisions against Chelsea when they play teams like Arsenal (“Do you want to take a quick one, Thierry? Do you? DO YOU??”) and Liverpool (“What was I supposed to do?” – John Terry)
Arsenal were invited to join the G14 recently, but Chelsea never will.

The situation, my friends, is far, far more serious than people think. Even the most conspiracy-theory inclined among us have no idea how organised and sinister the plot against (the likes of) Chelsea – a club who would usurp the control of the establishment – truly is. Does the influence of the Mafia exist, or is it just a conspiracy theory to be dismissed? Is there an underground movement called Al Qaida which trains, finances and masterminds global terrorism? Is there an “Old Boys’ network” which uses its influence to position its people in jobs and their offspring at Oxbridge? Do Freemasons perform secret favours for each other? Are other minorities and women secretly blackballed by golf clubs?

Of course none of the above are idle theories. The answer to all of them is obviously “yes”. Ever since the stone age, residential cave accommodation and the best seats around the camp fire were matters of self-serving interest and control. Matters of life and death. Power and influence have always been exerted by the strong over the weak, the organised over the disorganised, the rich over the would-be rich and the successful over the aspirant, in order to maintain the status quo in their favour. It is as true now as it ever was. It is totally impossible for a lone Outsider to prevail against a tight-knit order, whose stealth, grip, reward systems and punishment regimes are as powerfully attuned to self-propagation itself as the unstoppable stream of molten lava which consumes all before it on the way down the mountain.

Let’s go back to 1992. The G14 formed itself and decided that if it played its cards right, it could become the Mafia, the Al Qaida, the Masonic Lodge, the Old Boys’ Network and the right-wing golf club of the football world, with a total monopoly on success, wealth and fun for ever and ever, amen. The 80-20 law applied here as it so often does with money. Those 14 clubs earned the bulk of the wealth available in Europe - ergo the world - and they have seen to it that they have continued to do so. One definition of terrorism is the domination of the majority by the minority.

In 1992, their financial power and football clout was so great that UEFA realised they were as nothing in their wake. UEFA? Who the hell were they? A band who acted as self-appointed fat-cat, nose-in-the-trough schemers, who independently set themselves up as lawmaker, judge, jury, appeal court and policemen over European football – the most wealthy and profitable Confederation in the world. A kangaroo court of nobodies, answerable to nobody, self-perpetuating, intent on grooming a production line of new jobsworths in their own image to take over seamlessly behind them.

The G14 correctly judged that UEFA, in fact, were nobodies – or no body to be precise. If the G14 so wished, it could have unilaterally terminated UEFA like an elephant sitting on a grape, by stopping their affiliation to it and ceasing to pay levies to it. They would have made it instantly redundant and irrelevant. A new body – let us call it “UEF-B” – could have been instituted in its place, run entirely by the G14 to carry out G14 wishes. Similar has happened elsewhere, such as boxing, darts and even world chess. Suffice to say that an extended “league of champions” was clearly the least of what G14 wanted, my friends, as we shall see. And indeed why not, when you can have anything you want...As we know, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The ultimatum facing UEFA in 1992 was probably massive and uncompromising. “You’re history unless your continued existence is a benefit to us”, the G14 must have pronounced. Because they could. Here is your choice:- Either, go back to your jobs as dentists and insurance salesmen; Or…. live out your entire lives on unjustified salaries, with massive expenses, luxury cars, extortionate houses, dream holidays, business trips to 7-star hotels, free private jets to all the best sporting occasions anywhere in the world, for you, your wife and your children, forever . Which would you prefer, mmmm? All you have to do is the following:

Increase the European Cup entries so that all the G14 can participate as often as possible, preferably every year.
Make sure that a G14 club wins it every year.
Make sure that if a top Outsider Club gets to the latter stages it faces impossible odds by being drawn against the favourites (inevitably a G14 club) using hot and cold balls or whatever. To facilitate this, never allow an outsider or a machine to make any draw…
To help the favourites win, appoint a referee who “understands” that his employers would appreciate that the favourites win. There are many ways he can make this occur. Nothing more need be said to him, although a natural antipathy towards the club or country is a very good start.
To ensure you get a referee who “understands”, appoint a match referee who is “ambitious” – not necessarily good.
Create a visible career structure for “ambitious” referees, spotting the keen ones, taking them aside, inviting them to attend UEFA badge qualification courses, appointing them to UEFA lists, recommending them for FIFA lists, inviting them to referee tournaments in the summer in all the best places – but dropping them like a hot potato if they unfortunately let an “outsider” club accidentally win against a G14 club, in an important match.
If a referee is more afraid of death than living in poverty then retire him early because he becomes a liability if he ceases to follow orders.
When “ambitious” referees go back to their domestic leagues, encourage them to “look after” the interests to the G14 clubs there by ensuring that they win the lion’s share of domestic honours. If this doesn’t happen, stop inviting them to summer jollies till the penny drops. Conversely, if it does, then continue. Ambitious referees are ambitious after all and will soon take the hint.
If a manager who has previously worked at a number of G14 clubs and therefore knows the true facts behind “The Cabal”, goes on to manage an Outsider club, then freeze him out until he gives up trying to win, by making sure his team doesn’t gain any UEFA honours while he is at the Outsider club. Once he leaves said Outsider club and goes to a big G14 club – reward him instantly by giving him a Champions League victory that year. The “we know that he knows” is a stand-off situation with dire consequences for both sides otherwise.
If the said manager threatens to “reveal all” unless he gets an unbiased referee for his next big UEFA cup match, then give him the one everyone trusts who is a loose cannon anyway because it’s his last year before retirement and he can’t be controlled. Then fix both later.
Do not be so stupid as to think that the wealth of one Outsider club can compensate for the ongoing influence of 18 historic G14 clubs who wield all the power for ever more.
Money cannot buy the Outsider club the ultimate prize of international recognition, as this only comes with being Champions of Europe or World Club Champions and you will never permit them to ever achieve that.
Punish Outsider clubs painfully for any misdemeanour or transgression whether real or apparent. Do not allow appeals to common law as part of your charter.
Reward G14 clubs by contentious decisions involving your rule interpretation. Let them off offences such as trashing away dressing rooms or making unfounded racial slurs against other clubs, as if they never occurred.
And so on…The cabal was born.
But if this cabal cannot be beaten, can it be joined? Perhaps, but only with massive difficulty and great sacrifice, with certain oppressive conditions attached. Take Arsenal as an example.

How did Arsenal do it? Several things had to come together over a period of time. First they were not particularly threatening as a club. Not overly wealthy with nouveau riches. Not having a highly contentious owner. Instead, they evolved quietly doing their mediocre best over a decade. However, during this period the other premiership clubs (apart from Man Utd) declined – especially Liverpool due to inbreeding, complacency and lack of foresight – elevating Arsenal to an unjustified position. When they started to challenge for and win domestic honours they came to the attention of football. (Note, interestingly during this period there became a dearth of English referees in UEFA and FIFA lists!)

Second, over this period of time certain G14 clubs atrophied (as opposed to trophied) for various uncontrollable reasons, creating a shrinkage in the critical mass which is necessary to underpin the G14 cabal ethos. Supplementation was therefore sought.

Third, enter stage left, Arsenal’s svengali and arch manipulator who has made a career out of a having several of his legs in different camps while most of his fingers are in different pies. Because of favours, contacts, various conflicting vested-interest jobs and connections over many years the painful and onerous conditions of Arsenal’s potential membership were discovered and ultimately accepted. Mephistopheles duly signed his pact with the Devil. Arsenal kow-towed to the Nippon camp guards. Their abasement was required to be great because England is not particularly liked.

So, for the next 8–10 years (from mid-late 90’s till recently) Arsenal would be in purgatory. They would (a) not be permitted to win the CL trophy in spite of winning English domestic honours, according to rule 2 above, and (b) have to become (“inexplicably”) a selling club – not just selling any old players, but their best players – and not just to any old clubs – but to G14 clubs.

That’s why, dear friends, Mr Nicolas Anelka was “bizarrely” sold to Real Madrid in his prime. That’s why Marc Overmars and Emmanuel Petit were “unexpectedly” sold to Barcelona from a winning team. That’s why Patrick Vieira was “unbelievably” sold to Juventus from which they have not recovered. And that’s why Thierry Henry will of course be “surprisingly” sold to Barcelona this summer without fail, even though he is their only world class player. The price or quid pro quo for no blackball by the clubs in question. The prize will be that Arsenal will now be allowed to win the Champions League. It is their birthright, now that they are in the G14. Their turn has come. Their will be done. Just wait and see.


So, far from setting themselves up as challengers to G14 and refusing to join, as has been suggested by some, it is totally clear that if Chelsea do not break into this cabal they will be doomed to operate on the fringes of football for ever.

Bearing all this in mind, does anyone think that Chelsea are the sort of club who would be welcomed into such a cosy little arrangement – likely as they are to take a huge share of the cake out of the mouths of the sliver-spooned children with our unlimited wealth and uncompromising attitude? Hardly. Are Chelsea the sort of club which even feels the need to respect the status quo in order to get its share of available spoils? Of course not, they don’t need to. Are Chelsea going about joining in the right humble, supplicant way to the authorities? I think not. Do they show due deference to those incumbents already founder members of the cabal they seek to join? Er, just the opposite in fact. Are they likely to play the game of accepting their role quietly? Don’t be daft.

No. They fear Chelsea like Devil fears the splash of holy water. But Chelsea has as much chance of destroying them as God evil, unfortunately. How far are Chelsea away from the promised land? How far is infinity? They are not even facing in the right direction let alone travelling there. The only people that are welcomed by the corrupt are the corruptible. Chelsea are the incorruptible. Chelsea are doomed, therefore, to be the Outsider Club until much, much, much further notice.



If the above is correct, it follows that next year will be TSO’s last at Chelsea . After failing to win the CL for a third consecutive year the penny will drop that he is being severely dealt with for leaving a promising career as a G14 manager to join an upstart Outsider club. He will fear that his name is being tainted by the failure to win and will quickly move on to preserve his reputation. Naturally he will be snapped up by a top G14 club, and on returning to the fold will be rewarded instantly by a CL victory with his new club – probably Bayern Munich or AC Milan. It also follows that RA will eventually see the light and decide that all the above is not much fun after all, and in spite of being the 11 th richest man on earth, he will not be happy at being treated like a pariah. At that point he will justifiably take his pleasure and his wealth elsewhere.
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Postby LFC #1 » Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:34 pm

Unbelievable. Probably the biggest laod of bollox I've ever read in my life. Chlesea are the most fkn corrupt club in the game!! No wonder they are fast becoming the most-hated club in Europe. If Abramovich left and they went down the pan I would be very happy indeed.

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