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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 9:57 pm
by metalhead
Emerald Red wrote:
The Manhattan Project wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
The Manhattan Project wrote:The "moon landings were a conspiracy" theories are so absurdly elaborate and complicated, it would have been simpler to just build a rocket and go to the Moon.

Maybe that's the point. Maybe it was impossible to get there, and still is. The science, or scientific fact, contradicts them even being there.

No it doesn't.

Science backs up the moon landings on every single point.

The conspiracy theories relating to the moon landings are completely baseless and have been easily debunked time and time again.

Sure they have.

What about the Van Allen radiation belts? If they're real as dangerous as what scientists say, wouldn't it be impossible for a rocket with people in it to pass through them without serious consequences? I'm a bit hazy with what I learned in science class, but doesn't it require several inches of lead to block those rays? Those space suits hardly looked up to blocking out any radiation at all.

Why haven't we been back since?

Isnt what nano technology is used for then? to block those rays?

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:53 pm
by The Manhattan Project
Sure they have.

Yes they have.

Conspiracy theorists merely run through a repetitive list of supposed "problems". The explanations which debunk these conspiracies are simply ignored by those with a paranoid mindset.

What about the Van Allen radiation belts? If they're real as dangerous as what scientists say, wouldn't it be impossible for a rocket with people in it to pass through them without serious consequences? I'm a bit hazy with what I learned in science class, but doesn't it require several inches of lead to block those rays? Those space suits hardly looked up to blocking out any radiation at all.

Van Allen

Why haven't we been back since?

The most obvious answer is that the goal of the Apollo program had been completed and Kennedy's promise had been fulfilled. They had beaten the Soviets to the Moon and NASA's budget was slashed. NASA also needed the funds to go forward with Skylab.

Anyway, we are in fact going back to the Moon in the near future:


PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 11:16 pm
by 7_Kewell
Emerald Red wrote:
The Manhattan Project wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
The Manhattan Project wrote:The "moon landings were a  conspiracy" theories are so absurdly elaborate and complicated, it would have been simpler to just build a rocket and go to the Moon.

Maybe that's the point. Maybe it was impossible to get there, and still is. The science, or scientific fact, contradicts them even being there.

No it doesn't.

Science backs up the moon landings on every single point.

The conspiracy theories relating to the moon landings are completely baseless and have been easily debunked time and time again.

Sure they have.

What about the Van Allen radiation belts? If they're real as dangerous as what scientists say, wouldn't it be impossible for a rocket with people in it to pass through them without serious consequences? I'm a bit hazy with what I learned in science class, but doesn't it require several inches of lead to block those rays? Those space suits hardly looked up to blocking out any radiation at all.

Why haven't we been back since?

there are missions planned by Nasa and some other countries to return in the future. Why did they stop?  Because it was costing shed loads of cash and the US public were losing interest in it.  Also the need to spend the money elsewhere (Star Wars Program) probably put the last nail into it. 

I find conspiracy theories to be utter nonsense...the claims that the WTC was attacked by the US is a prime example.  Some nut in the US was claiming that all the passengers of the planes which crashed weren't dead!  He said they all landed and the people were being held somewhere against their will  ???

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:02 am
by Emerald Red
The Manhattan Project wrote:
Sure they have.

Yes they have.

Conspiracy theorists merely run through a repetitive list of supposed "problems". The explanations which debunk these conspiracies are simply ignored by those with a paranoid mindset.

What about the Van Allen radiation belts? If they're real as dangerous as what scientists say, wouldn't it be impossible for a rocket with people in it to pass through them without serious consequences? I'm a bit hazy with what I learned in science class, but doesn't it require several inches of lead to block those rays? Those space suits hardly looked up to blocking out any radiation at all.

Van Allen

Why haven't we been back since?

The most obvious answer is that the goal of the Apollo program had been completed and Kennedy's promise had been fulfilled. They had beaten the Soviets to the Moon and NASA's budget was slashed. NASA also needed the funds to go forward with Skylab.

Anyway, we are in fact going back to the Moon in the near future:


Well, that's that cleared up then.

As for them going back in the near future, not in my life time.

I wonder - is the Moon owned by anyone? Do the US have rights to it seeing the claim to have gotten there first?

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 8:34 am
by NiftyNeil
I was always one for buying into the conspiracy theories. I always believed that Kennedy was shot by the CIA, that the moon landings were fake, Maralyn Monroe was murdered, Elvis is alive and working in a chippie in Brighton etc etc. But as time has gone by, surely not everyone could keep the secrets for that long. The ammount of people that were suspected to be in on the Kennedy assasination couldn't keep quiet for that long. Someone would of revealed all on their deathbeds, surely. Someone would of had an urge to reveal all before they popped their clogs.
As for the moon landings, the race was so great with Russia, if i was fake, Russia would of been tracking everything via satellite, they would of known. The British at Jodrell Bank would of been tracking it too, they would of known if it had been faked.
Conspiracy theories are pure fantasy made up by people who can't/won't accept the truth - see Mohamed al Fayed as an example.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:21 pm
by The Manhattan Project
Emerald Red wrote:
The Manhattan Project wrote:
Sure they have.

Yes they have.

Conspiracy theorists merely run through a repetitive list of supposed "problems". The explanations which debunk these conspiracies are simply ignored by those with a paranoid mindset.

What about the Van Allen radiation belts? If they're real as dangerous as what scientists say, wouldn't it be impossible for a rocket with people in it to pass through them without serious consequences? I'm a bit hazy with what I learned in science class, but doesn't it require several inches of lead to block those rays? Those space suits hardly looked up to blocking out any radiation at all.

Van Allen

Why haven't we been back since?

The most obvious answer is that the goal of the Apollo program had been completed and Kennedy's promise had been fulfilled. They had beaten the Soviets to the Moon and NASA's budget was slashed. NASA also needed the funds to go forward with Skylab.

Anyway, we are in fact going back to the Moon in the near future:


Well, that's that cleared up then.

As for them going back in the near future, not in my life time.

I wonder - is the Moon owned by anyone? Do the US have rights to it seeing the claim to have gotten there first?

1- Not in your lifetime? It's only twelve years. I'm sure you'll still be around, barring disaster.

2- The Outer Space Treaty prohibits all governments from claiming the Moon or any other moon or planet in the Solar System. Techically the Sun, the planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, and moons in the Solar System collectively belong to the Human race as a whole.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:26 pm
by account deleted by request
I am pretty sure Manhatten has been hired by NASA to help promote the idea that the moon landings actually happened. Its all part of the conspiracy :D

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:37 pm
by Sabre
2- The Outer Space Treaty prohibits all governments from claiming the Moon or any other moon or planet in the Solar System. Techically the Sun, the planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, and moons in the Solar System collectively belong to the Human race as a whole.

We own the sun?

He, it will be irony when one of our posessions gets big and burn the oceans and the whole planet :D

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:41 pm
by JoeTerp
Emerald Red wrote:
Sabre wrote:3.- Americans wouldn't be as dumb as to make that mistake and it could have been easy for them to add stars in a fake film.

You think?

The general population of America couldn't even tell you where Iraq is on a map, and think England is a place in London.  :p

I dare you to find Kentucky on a map

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:44 pm
by JoeTerp
they brought back moon rocks that are waaaay older than the rocks found on earth

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:45 pm
by Sabre
JoeTerp wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
Sabre wrote:3.- Americans wouldn't be as dumb as to make that mistake and it could have been easy for them to add stars in a fake film.

You think?

The general population of America couldn't even tell you where Iraq is on a map, and think England is a place in London.  :p

I dare you to find Kentucky on a map

I don't know well where Wisconsin and Wyoming and Ohio are. And for what is worth, when I studied where the countries were placed, a massive thing called USSR was easy to learn -- I'm not sure I'd know to place the new independent republics.

We Europeans, always boast about our culture, but the other day some Spanish youngsters were asked in the tv about our civil war, geography questions, and politic questions, and I really was embarrassed. We don't seem to import only McDonalds and Nike and Coke, we also import not reading, videogame education, and dumbness.

My point? we'd rather be more humble and not boast too much about American's supposed lack of culture.

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:46 pm
by Emerald Red
NiftyNeil wrote:I was always one for buying into the conspiracy theories. I always believed that Kennedy was shot by the CIA, that the moon landings were fake, Maralyn Monroe was murdered, Elvis is alive and working in a chippie in Brighton etc etc. But as time has gone by, surely not everyone could keep the secrets for that long. The ammount of people that were suspected to be in on the Kennedy assasination couldn't keep quiet for that long. Someone would of revealed all on their deathbeds, surely. Someone would of had an urge to reveal all before they popped their clogs.
As for the moon landings, the race was so great with Russia, if i was fake, Russia would of been tracking everything via satellite, they would of known. The British at Jodrell Bank would of been tracking it too, they would of known if it had been faked.
Conspiracy theories are pure fantasy made up by people who can't/won't accept the truth - see Mohamed al Fayed as an example.

So you reckon there's never been any lies told by governments world wide through history? They haven't killed people, or staged things for their own agenda then lied about it? That's a bit naive, isn't it? People lie all the time. And people also can take their lies to the grave with them. it's easy.

JFK was plugged by his own government. Let's not forget Robert as well. I don't care if people say that's a conspiracy and that it's bollox. It's my belief. The video evidence speaks for itself. If they say he was shot from the back, why is the back of his head flying off, and why did the so called assassin get stiffed himself?

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:49 pm
by Emerald Red
JoeTerp wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
Sabre wrote:3.- Americans wouldn't be as dumb as to make that mistake and it could have been easy for them to add stars in a fake film.

You think?

The general population of America couldn't even tell you where Iraq is on a map, and think England is a place in London.  :p

I dare you to find Kentucky on a map

I have a general idea, Joe. It's in the country that is the United States of America.  :D

Na, just off the top of my head, it's south east, down round Alabama or NC, Viriginia or there abouts. Am I right?

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:15 pm
by Bad Bob
Sabre wrote:
JoeTerp wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
Sabre wrote:3.- Americans wouldn't be as dumb as to make that mistake and it could have been easy for them to add stars in a fake film.

You think?

The general population of America couldn't even tell you where Iraq is on a map, and think England is a place in London.  :p

I dare you to find Kentucky on a map

I don't know well where Wisconsin and Wyoming and Ohio are. And for what is worth, when I studied where the countries were placed, a massive thing called USSR was easy to learn -- I'm not sure I'd know to place the new independent republics.

We Europeans, always boast about our culture, but the other day some Spanish youngsters were asked in the tv about our civil war, geography questions, and politic questions, and I really was embarrassed. We don't seem to import only McDonalds and Nike and Coke, we also import not reading, videogame education, and dumbness.

My point? we'd rather be more humble and not boast too much about American's supposed lack of culture.

Wisconsin...a fantastic state ideal for lovers of beer, cheese, bratwurst and fit farm girls! :nod

Wyoming...a beautiful but remote western landscape where pick-up trucks out-number people 2 to 1. :D uptight, lily-white, uber-Christian borescape full of sh!t-ugly McMansions surrounded by white picket fences.  Sadly home to several relatives of mine and thus a congregation site for many excruciating family functions.  :no

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:17 pm
by The Manhattan Project
The video evidence speaks for itself. If they say he was shot from the back, why is the back of his head flying off, and why did the so called assassin get stiffed himself?

Head Movement

As for Jack Ruby, he was well known as being a hothead and nutter who always carried a gun with him. He said he simply shot Oswald when the opportunity arose. If the US government supposedly assassinated their own president, they could have chosen any number of more reliable and capable professional hitmen to take out Oswald, rather than depending on Jack Ruby, the violent and volitile son of a Russian Army deserter.

JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, who, like Mark Chapman (who murdered John Lennon) was a small and insignficant man who wanted to be recognised for something. Killing a famous person immediately gives the murderer eternal fame because they will always be linked to the person they killed.