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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:40 am
by 112-1077774096
bellamy is not a bad player, in fact i would say he is a very good player, but as a club we seem to have a knack of runing forwards these days with our set up.

he will come good

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:58 am
by mikopool
CharmlessMan wrote:I never said he was guilty, I never said he innocent. Whether or not he did it no one will know except for him, either way I couldn't careless what he does in his private life. I support the player, not the man, that's the difference.

However what I said is true, footballers, celebrities, actors and musicians seem to be above the law in this country.

Duncan Furgeson did 3 months in Barlinnie for a mincy headbutt on John Mcstay.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:15 am
by account deleted by request
Jan Molby,Tony Adams ,George Best also did time (Maybe the law is biased against footballers! :D  )

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:29 am
by Lando_Griffin
While it is obvious that rich people can afford better legal representation (who in turn are more likely to find loopholes, etc), it is a bit silly to finger the Police.

They are at loggerheads with the CPS 9 times out of 10.

They bust a gut bringing scum to justice, only for some liberal bint who's sister has just had a baby to decide not to proceed with the case.


PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:44 am
by Bad Bob
In this situation, too, there's every chance that the only reason there was a case in the first place was because Bellamy is a footballer.  Couple of young ladies in the club see a football star and decide to embellish a verbal altercation into an assault charge to see what they can wring out of him.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:50 am
by account deleted by request
Bad Bob wrote:In this situation, too, there's every chance that the only reason there was a case in the first place was because Bellamy is a footballer.  Couple of young ladies in the club see a football star and decide to embellish a verbal altercation into an assault charge to see what they can wring out of him.

In the good ol' days they would just sleep with him and sell their story to the tabloids. All the funs going out of football now.  :D

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 4:31 am
by alxy
Geez.... main issue is not the law... but that Bellamy has been cleared of all charges. That's all that should matter in this forum

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:59 am
by The Manhattan Project
Bellamy is a free man.

Just like Nelson Mandela.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 11:13 am
by welsh wizzard
Well said Lando!! I said it before all this court stuff will have an effect on Bellamy on the pitch. Its not surprising his confidence is lacking wth all thats gone on. Any person going through anything like this it will affect you some way or another, especially the way today the courts handle things. Bellamy was innocent simple as that, he knows that but it would have still affected him.

I heard these were two slappersssssssss on a night out one just had a boob job and thought she was it!!  Bellamy supposedly said something to shoot her down and she didn't like it. Next she crys wolf!! surprise surprise.  Craig is a gobby lad but that doesn't make him a bad lad.

Anyway now he can get back to what he does best and score goals. He will come good, he is a quality player. With all this weight now off his shoulders watch him go.

Go on Bellamy lad go on a goals spree!!!!!!!     :bowdown

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 11:25 am
by taff
On the Welsh news last night, Bellamys solicitor has lodsged a complaint about how this case came to court in the first place as there was hardly any evidence at all with the prosecution.  The amount of people that have defended him, including ex Rugby players who were there makes everyone think that this was a set up by somebody.  Even one of the girls involved didnt want the case to proceed.

Something stinks here but I suppose its the price you pay if your notorious and he certainly has been.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:44 pm
by Anfield rapper
This should never have gone to court. What a waste of tax money. Those two stupid girls have stopped a professional football player from doing his job. Hopefully there will be some inquery into why this went as far as it did, and someone in the CPS will pay for it. Even one of the girls was saying she didn't think it was assault (before the trial), which kind of gets you thinking they made the whole thing up and started to get scared when it went as far as it did.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:04 pm
by 7_Kewell
stupid slags...they should make them pay the court costs.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:20 pm
by EddieC
CharmlessMan wrote:Pete Doherty is continuously caught with drugs, he gets a slap on the wrists by the judge and he’s released again, why is he not sent to prison for it?

I don't think this has anything to do with him being famous, just the fact that he's a junkie.

The legal system at the moment seems very inclined to avoid a custodial sentence for drug addicts if they're seeking treatment. Bloody stupid if you ask me, just bang em up & let them do their cold turkey. Indeed I know a couple of people who've deliberately got themselves sent down to get of the gear. We've even now got people pretending to be junkies & then getting off with a lighter sentence because of it. A change in the law is needed methinks.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 6:19 pm
by mramo
Im glad Bellamy can finally concentrate on football. Those 2 slappers should be fined and gangraped for wasting the court's valuable time & Bellamy's preparations to lead Liverpool in the league. At least Bellmay had nothing to lose, and those 2 slappers have probably lost a lot of money on legal fees! HA!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 8:09 pm
by 67-1161385641
mramo wrote:Im glad Bellamy can finally concentrate on football. Those 2 slappers should be fined and gangraped for wasting the court's valuable time & Bellamy's preparations to lead Liverpool in the league. At least Bellmay had nothing to lose, and those 2 slappers have probably lost a lot of money on legal fees! HA!

Do you suffer from mental health problems? Anyone who says "they should be gangraped" must have something seriously wrong with them.