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Centre midfield - Getting a grip on the game

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:16 am
by Big Niall
I hate parroting other peoples thoughts but I'll do it as I agree. The analysis of the game last night showed that when our centre backs have the ball , our midfielders especiall machiano have their backs to the LFC player i.e. he does NOT want the ball, this leaves our defenders with no option but to thump it long.

When reina has the ball - our backs don't look for it and he thumps it long.

For all the money rafa has spent, we should have players who look for the ball, keep possession and create, not players who are scared of losing possession .

Even Risses throws tend to be long throws into the box instead of short ones to an LFC player.

This isn't just last nights game - it is the style RAfa has, what happened to the fast moving possession game Valentia played against LFC when he was their manager? :angry:

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:25 am
by Paul C
Simple, we can't break organised teams down and haven't for a long time!! :(

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:36 am
by Leonmc0708
When things are not going well, when back are against the walls, people are less likely to want to take the responsibility.

Players will hide.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:58 am
by neil
hide their 70grand a week then and see if they appear

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:03 am
by stoney
why we've got Alonso

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:25 am
by Sabre
Big Niall wrote:Even Risses throws tend to be long throws into the box instead of short ones to an LFC player.

Well a bit harsh on Mascherano who IMHO is a very good midfielder. Some of the things you describe happen in a team without confidence.

Anyway, in the Riise point I disagree totally, he's made long throws here as far as I can remember, and I think it's an asset for the team, basically he gives you a set pieces situation danger out from a throw in.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:27 am
by Big Niall
Since when are wimbledon in disguise, watch a game with beardo, Barnes and Aldridge and see how often we gave away possession by trying to get territory, its not rugby.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:50 am
by Leonmc0708
Big Niall wrote:Since when are wimbledon in disguise, watch a game with beardo, Barnes and Aldridge and see how often we gave away possession by trying to get territory, its not rugby.

The same side that lost to Wimbledon in the Cup Final ?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:37 pm
by Big Niall
I've blocked that match out of my memory :D

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:31 pm
by Owzat
I think the wide players in midfield are still a problem, neither great at ball retention or the best crossers so you end up wondering why Babel and Pennant start there. I'd put Benayoun on the right, Riise on the left and shop in January for a proper CB replacement for Sami and probably another £15m+ striker.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:38 pm
by puroresu
Problem with Yossi is he isnt really a winger and will always come inside.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:41 pm
by kunilson
yeah i think we definately need a winger in january along with a centre back.

back to the question, i think what was said on confidence is true, we're obviously low on it at the moment and im just glad we ain't losing in the premier league tbh.

but we do have the right players because when we are clicking we're a class act this season....every team has a bad patch or two....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:45 pm
by Owzat
puroresu wrote:Problem with Yossi is he isnt really a winger and will always come inside.

Most good wingers will cut inside, Pennant never scores and simply doesn't look class enough. I'd rather have Yossi cutting inside but ask him to mix it up than have Pennant in the side. Even Gerrard on the right and Yossi in the middle has to be better than any combo involving Pennant who should be offloaded asap

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:44 pm
by Pedro Maradona
problem is Mascherano is a defensive midfielder, (south american teams always have a reliance on a playmaker the number ten who effectively runs the game and a grafter, mascherano is a grafter, (IMO the best defensive midfielder in the world) Mascherano is protecting the back four especially with the lack of pace with our centre backs. I think he has the ability to be more offnsive minded but i think Rafa is saying no ur primary job is protect the centre backs this leaves a bit of a gap in the centre of the field where Steven Gerrard is meant to be Steven Gerrard is not a playmaker, a fabulous footballer whose best work is in the final third of the pitch, Alonso is more of a playmaker and was badly missed the last few games. I think Agger and Alonso are vital to this team and it has shown the last few games. Sissoko is a centre midfilder who is the ultimate grafter. so we lack the playmaker in the form of  Gary MacAllister or a Juan Roman gerrard off of a lone centre forward buy riquelme and have mascherano as your defensive midfielder.....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:52 pm
by VamosRafa
For our centre mids to perform, we need our wingers to be of some sort of threat.  Apart from a few clever touches and movement from Benayoun, i can't really remember any sort of genuine goal threat coming from the wings. Pennant has faded after a decent start to the season, Babel seems clueless at times, and you can't really expect much when a left back (Riise) and a striker (Kuyt) are forced to play on the wings. How the centre mids get a grip with such ineffectiveness around them?