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Slipping down the financial ladder - Arsenal bigger than 'pool

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 10:11 am
by Coley
I read in the paper today that LFC have slipped down the list of the worlds richest clubs.  We were 5th and now we are 8th.  Infact, Arsenal have jumped above us mainly due to increased Champions League revenue.  Arsenal's profits will go up as well when their new stadium is open.  We need to get our stadium built and get back in to the Champions League asap or we are going to end up a 2nd rate team financially as well as on the pitch (as we are at the moment).  Discuss.

P.S  Didn't mean that to sound like an essay topic!


PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 12:26 pm
by shilton_red
This is a very inaccurate suspicious list . Leeds are in it and they are skint .
In saying that we probably have dropped a bit due to inconsistancy on the field of play and purchasing alot of dead wood .

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 12:27 pm
by Starbridge42
I read that article, I wouldn't read too much into it.  What they didn't point out is that (I found this in another source) we have only slipped by £3m a year.  Arsenal have jumped we haven't really slipped.  I wouldn't be too worried.  In fact if you look at it that way, if we move into a new stadium and get back into the champions league we will have made an increase rather than a fall.  I'll say it again, I wouldn't be too worried.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 12:45 pm
by JBG
I'd say the list is reasonably accurate.

The reason that Leeds are in the list is because it is base on revenues, and not profits. People fortget how much money clubs take in from the Premiership.

We slipped because of the early elimination from the champions league but we are beginning to start to take in serious cash from merchandising.

I mean, Man UTD are about £40million a year ahead of us....a lot of money but not as great as I thought.

If we can increase our home gate to an average of 55,000, and qualify for the Champions League every year we wouldn't be that far behind UTD.

Arsenal's board reckons that Man UTD have peaked in financial terms and they hope to match UTD in revenues by 2010. If Arsenal can do that then there is no reason why we cant as well, as Liverpool have a far greater world wide brand name than Arsenal.

Go abroad anywhere on holidays and you'll see a lot of ManUre shirts. From my experience the next most worn shirt is the Liverpool red.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 12:56 pm
by stmichael
yeah the fact that man u are getteng 15,000 more fans through the turnstyles every week than their nearest rivals is a major concern. i'm all in favour of the new stadium on stanley park.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 1:37 pm
by Puddy Heskey
Im afraid to burst all ure bubbles boys but the highest jersey sales for the last number of years went to ure goin to see more green and white than all the reds put together.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 4:02 pm
by shilton_red
Yes , with that aweful Carling on the front . When are we going to get a new sponsor . Im fed up with that Carsberg sign . Any ideas for a sponsor . RENAULT !!!!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 4:19 pm
by Coley
Stella Artois.  It would have to be something French and expensive!!!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 4:21 pm
by Dom1
like ure avatar Coley :D  i had that one once upon a time!!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 4:29 pm
by Coley
Cheers Dom.  That's generally how i look when watching the reds!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 9:35 pm
by big al

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 6:45 am
by The Manhattan Project
I'd like to see ''Coca Cola'' on the shirt. Huge company, same corporate colours. it would look pretty good.


PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 11:04 am
by Coley
I heard Budweiser were going to make a bid to sponsor us.  Don't know how much truth there was in that, but it would look quite cool. :cool:

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:39 am
by JBG
As for Jersey sponsorship, I think its only a matter of time before we sign a mega bucks deal with someone big, a more global brand than Carlsberg.

I don't care who sponsors us as long as they give us plenty of money to invest in players.

(fond memories of Crown Paints.....) :D

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:54 am
by ckay
I think Bill Gate's should become a football fan. Microsoft would look good on our shirts!!!!