Dentists - Love 'em or hate 'em

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Dentists - Love 'em or hate 'em

I really don't mind the dentist
Hmm, ok, I'll put up with them
I'm not really that keen
I hate them but I go reluctently
I don't go, therefore I have teeth like gravestones
Total votes : 24

Postby Roger Red Hat » Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:08 pm

I hate the fecking place, option 4 for me.

Just been today and had the first of 2 appointments to have a crown done on a back tooth.

1. got there, nervous as hell, sat in waiting room for 20 minutes - sobbing.
2. Got the call to go in, sat in the chair and waffled a right load of nervous :censored:. Dentist must think I'm a right jibbering tool.
3. Noticed the young female assistant had a loverly bum, thought to myself 'Id rattle it given a chance'.
4. Then he got to work. Injection, then took a mould of my bottom teeth.
5. Ground about 1-2mm of my tooth. This was really uncomfy.
6. took an impression of my top set of gnashers.
7. I left the room , shaking like a sh!teing greyhound.

Got to go back next week for crown fitting.

not happy.
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Postby account deleted by request » Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:57 pm

Option 4 for me, I fkn hate them even though I am lucky enough to have good genetics for teeth. My eldest daughter is 25 and never even had a filling , my son is 23 and only ever had 2., and while I have had quite a few fillings I have still got all my teeth which is something anyway.

I rarely need anything done apart from a scale and polish, but I still hate Dentists and always dread going. The thought of the smell and noise as they drill a tooth is enough to get me reaching for my toothbrush.
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Postby Bad Bob » Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:10 pm

Not keen myself (option 3) but who is really? :D  But, thanks to the regular flouride treatments I got as a kid, I've not had to endure the full range of the dentist's dark arts so a visit to the dentist is more unpleasant than panic-inducing.  Lee makes an important point, though, about dentist office totty.  There is always a fit hygienist or two on staff to get you wondering just how private the x-ray closet might be.  It never fails, though, that you get stuck with the one that looks like an East German swimmer circa 1980.  Once a meaty forearm's got you pinned into the chair and that torture tray of little hooks gets wheeled over, you're finished. :O
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Postby account deleted by request » Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:13 pm

Bad Bob wrote:Not keen myself (option 3) but who is really? :D  But, thanks to the regular flouride treatments I got as a kid, I've not had to endure the full range of the dentist's dark arts so a visit to the dentist is more unpleasant than panic-inducing.  Lee makes an important point, though, about dentist office totty.  There is always a fit hygienist or two on staff to get you wondering just how private the x-ray closet might be.  It never fails, though, that you get stuck with the one that looks like an East German swimmer circa 1980.  Once a meaty forearm's got you pinned into the chair and that torture tray of little hooks gets wheeled over, you're finished. :O

I couldn't raise a smile in the Dentists nevermind anything much heavier
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Postby Bad Bob » Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:29 pm

s@int wrote:
Bad Bob wrote:Not keen myself (option 3) but who is really? :D  But, thanks to the regular flouride treatments I got as a kid, I've not had to endure the full range of the dentist's dark arts so a visit to the dentist is more unpleasant than panic-inducing.  Lee makes an important point, though, about dentist office totty.  There is always a fit hygienist or two on staff to get you wondering just how private the x-ray closet might be.  It never fails, though, that you get stuck with the one that looks like an East German swimmer circa 1980.  Once a meaty forearm's got you pinned into the chair and that torture tray of little hooks gets wheeled over, you're finished. :O

I couldn't raise a smile in the Dentists nevermind anything much heavier


You just haven't been polished by the right hygienist...

Last edited by Bad Bob on Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Reg » Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:16 am

Why would anyone want to be a dentist? What a horrible job. Option 4.
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:53 am

I used to have a female dentist, she was built like Fatima Whitbread but she had huge knockers, could see them quite clearly trying to burst out of her smock.

now I have a bloke but the assistant is fit as fook - slurp.
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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:11 am

I bet she thinks you look really attractive too with instruments hanging out of your mouth, and then that sexy drool and lisp because you can no longer feel your lip.  :D
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Postby Judge » Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:35 am

s@int wrote:I bet she thinks you look really attractive too with instruments hanging out of your mouth, and then that sexy drool and lisp because you can no longer feel your lip.  :D

you talk like that without going to the dentist and leaves me thinking how did you get married ??  :D
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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:43 am

Judge wrote:
s@int wrote:I bet she thinks you look really attractive too with instruments hanging out of your mouth, and then that sexy drool and lisp because you can no longer feel your lip.  :D

you talk like that without going to the dentist and leaves me thinking how did you get married ??  :D

And you can tell that from the way I type?  :D

Sadly I talk with a broad Lancashire accent that makes the people on Coronation street sound posh.  :down:

Still I would rather have a Lancashire accent than a Yorkshire one, a least I don't sound like Freddie Truman crossed with Geoff Boycott   :cool:
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Postby Judge » Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:39 pm

i dont have an accent :p
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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:13 pm

How come you type with a broad Yorkshire accent then ? :D
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:24 pm

nowt wrong wit Yarkshire fowk tha'nos!

and Judge , when your mates tell you ya sound like a c.nt it doesn't mean you've not got an accent :laugh:
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:15 pm

PMSL :laugh:    Image
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Postby account deleted by request » Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:37 pm

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