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PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:57 pm
by luvliverpool
For me he has been one of Liverpools best players especially last season and in the CL final I think we would of lost that game if it wasnt for his (hoof it up the park style) in the dying stages of the final and sticking his foot in wherever there was a Milan player with the ball in the Liverpool half and possibly we might not even made it there if we did not have him at the back, Liverpool thru and thru and the fact that he is versatile makes it even b8r for Liverpool. But I pefer him at CB than RB or LB. I wouldnt swap him for any1 (maybe 4 world class defenders but that would be at a push - ok ive taken that a bit to far but you get the jist)

I just hope he stops Rud van Horseface and co scoring 2mor

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:02 pm
world class he performs well against the best teams in europe

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:05 pm
by drummerphil
top class but not world class for me........

i cant compare him with the likes of Hansen,Moore,Baresi.........thats world class...but he is definately one of the top 4 in this country at present.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:15 pm
by luvliverpool
*XABIALONSO* wrote:world class he performs well against the best teams in europe

I didnt say he wasnt world class I just says I would onyl swap him for another 4 defenders :)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:28 pm
by Red H
I think they way he's come on is a sign of how good a coach RB is, and of what a fantastic attitude he has (compared to lets say ... Ferdinand).  An interesting development will be to see how he plays with Agger

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 6:49 pm
by Igor Zidane
personally i put him at 3 because i can't see him in another jersey, i suppose the same could be said of terry.He is all blood and guts and turning into a very good leader.Is it me or is he getting into the box more for a fair few chances. He's not what you call a cultered defender ,but to be honest i wouldn't want anyone else in our defence.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:12 pm
by L-type
Personally I can't see him in another jersey, but thats not going to stop me from givin him top class.  As a defender he is better than Terry, though terry will always get more plaudits from other fans because he pops up and scores a fair return for a defender. 

But thats not the question is it?  I think Carragher is top class because he works so hard (which fits into #3)  but also plays a very smart game (#2)  IMO the reason he isn't world class is because I still have the image of him getting beat against Luton Town burning in my head. :angry:

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:27 pm
by columbia
number 3, reads the game verry well and has improved throughout the years through experience. Not top class though, you cant compare him to the greats. I wouldnt swap him for anyone though, you need someone like cara in your team.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:05 pm
by gato_busta
I put him in #3. I dont think he is world class although that is not a bad thing. a world class player is a player that can play in any team and give 100% all the time. in carra's case, any team would love to have someone like him but its his love for the club that gives him that extra edge in liverpool. in liverpool, he is as good if not better than any defender in the world but that is due to his full commitment and love for the club. world class defenders give all they have for any team they play on but carragher gives more than that for the red shirt.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:04 am
by seani.g
Wow, he is with out boubt top class. However to try and compare him now to the likes of Hansen Moore and  Baresi is impossible. Lets see what happens in 5 to 6 years.
He is a hero forever after Istanbul.
However why ihas he so few England caps? The reason is because Campbell, Ferdinand and Terry are in possession of the jersey and are as good as Carra. Hopefully Jamie will get better and better! :)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:50 am
by 115-1073096938
Very interesting to hear some peoples perception of world class and top class.

Personally i thought it was a player who had immense ability in alot of area's. Not an excellent player playing in a system that suits him down to the ground.

By alot of people's reckoning that makes Lampard world class/top class then i take it?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:56 am
by H_K_LFC
Carragher is world class for me...No other defender in the world right now can play the way he does for liverpool because they dont have the same passion..An absolute legend

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 2:34 am
by Sabre
Very interesting to hear some peoples perception of world class and top class.

Indeed, because for me those are foreign labels that didn't know very well what they mean! it's helping me a bit. In Spain we are quite much simpler to label players. 3 levels.

A package (literally paquete). cráp player

Decent player

And all the best are stars :D

As for categories there are not much more than that. SO this TOP/WORLD thing confused me a bit at first, because probably a top class player in England will be a World class aswell. Now I understand better.

In what we call a star, he doesn't have to be excellent in all areas. With that definition, excellent in many areas, we'd be talking about Gerrard. Gerrard is excellent because he reaches 90% (imho) in corners, passing, fitness, shooting, even finishing goals!. Perhaps he's not a 100% in dribbling like ronaldinho or maradona, but he's so complete (and that's so unusual) that he's amazing.

In what I understand for STAR I don't mean that. Zidane for instance is not and hasn't been more complete than Gerrard, he lacked always pressing like gerrard, and while his long shots were >90%, he wouldn't finnish as well as Gerrard a counterattack. But I wouldn't doubt a minute about considering him a great star, or what you'd call world class.

Anyway it's normal there are disagreements here. To categorize (say what level has each player) is always difficult. A player that performs like Maradona one game, but dissapears 4 games is a world class? regularity counts? I think it's difficult this issue and probably each person has his own idea about that.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 2:47 am
by 115-1073096938
World class players i can name off the top off my head...

No goalkeeper is currently world class.

World class defenders, Ferdinand, Cannavaro and Nesta.

Wingers, Joaquin.

Midfielders, Vieira, Gerrard.

Strikers, Shevchenko, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Rooney.

World class is a term thats grossly overused and badly misunderstood. Its a term for THE VERY best players in the world. These days in this country, good players in good systems are mistakenly portrayed as having world class ability. Carragher (by Liverpool fans) Terry and Lampard by Chelsea fans).

Also people judge on a players form, if a player consistently plays well like Carragher you get people saying he's world class. Where as anyone who understands the game knows his true level. He's playing in a system which brings the best out of him. At international level he's shown up for exactly what he is.

People who often don't have the ability to see players ability levels and judge them on form/how they perform and to be honest, thats what shows certain people up.

For example, only a fool would say Carragher is a better player than Ferdinand. However, Ferdinand's form has been shocking and he's playing in a side that gets practically nothing out of him, he does however :censored: on Carragher in MANY area's of the game.

He's quicker, more dominant in the air, his positioning and reading of the play (while being different, more along Hyypia's lines) is better, he's stronger and he's miles better on the ball. Carragher has heart over him and concentration, he's also better in a 50/50 but overall theres no contest. However the system Ferdinand plays in doesn't maximise his immense ability level.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 2:53 am
by Mikz
Nobody has surprised me more than Jamie Carragher,the most improved player Ive seen anywhere. Since his conversion to centre back, hes better then most in the premiership,and altho cumbersome at times, he has the knack of being in the right place with blocks and sliding tackles :bowdown 
I go for number 3 , he gives 100% for Lfc, and when i think back to when he was out injured, and the improvement when he came back,it shows how important he is to us.
Be interesting to check back on this thread in a few years time-he might be number 1 in everyones eyes.