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PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 8:16 am
by VivaRafa
Once a player says " I want to go"...Please, go! With the money for his transfer Liverpool would have gotten several good players. That was Rafa's dream, no matter what he says about Steve. Rafa knows that Gerrard is the owner's and Parry's favourite "son", and whatever Gerrard says, it goes. He has complained many times about everything, and he sounded like a very inmature young man, with a huge ego. Is that the behavior of a team captain?...No way!!! I feel sorry for Rafa, because Steve could go either way, even undermining his manager. It has happened before in other clubs, where the captain and some of his "buddies" have openly talked bad about the new players, strategies, substitutions, etc.
         The owner and Parry don't realize that they have done is something quite detrimental to the club, putting a player ahead of Liverpool F.C. as a whole. They have acted so happy when Steve decided to stay, awarding him with a huge contract, and almost apologizing to him. The one I feel sorry for is Benitez. If Liverpool doesn't have a very good season, Gerrard will be the first one to blame everyone, including the manager, and he will say that he wants to go to another team to win titles. Of course, Parry and the owner will give him more money, and Rafa probably will be made the scapegoat...As much as I admire Gerrard as a footballer, being a world class player as far as I'm concerned, Liverpool needs Benitez more than it needs Gerrard. If Benitez has to go, I know of one team that will be very happy with it...the team plays in the same town where Rafa was born, and the uniform is all white.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 8:53 am
by Woollyback
gerrard will never undermine benitez, rafa has the brains and the balls to manipulate him any which way he pleases