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Re: Bus driver who was sacked for being in BNP wins human ri

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:26 pm
by Greavesie
dawson99 ยป Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:57 pm wrote:What about the league of black lawyers, are they racially motivated? Since Clattenburg not being charged it MUST be a cover up!

what about buying meat. It used to be you bought meat, then you had the choice of halal, now its just halal.. what if i dont want halal?

what about terrorists not being deposrted as they might get treated badly.. Heres an idea... don't be a terrorist!

Racism is everywhere... I'm no BNP supporter, think they are a bunch of tw*ts truth be told, but change is needed as it seems now that the world is just upside down and people are just getting really angry.

and when did this forum turn so bitter with so much division?

no wonder people don't come on here any more!

The society of black lawyers are biased, it's in their name, I reckon I should apply to be part of them, do you think I could get in?  :D

The world is going crazy mate, everything is racist these days, its getting beyond a joke

Re: Bus driver who was sacked for being in BNP wins human ri

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:47 pm
by Kenny Kan
Thanks for the apology tubby. I also retract my statement about calling you a You've always seemed like a decent poster/guy. And now, I understand your views (as much as I understand Boxcarfs), since you've elaborated on them so well without trotting out the 'your racist' stuff.

The discussion is now civilized (which is all I ever wanted), with differing views but remains sensible none the less.

What Babu said hit home though, I don't know why I bother posting stuff like this on a footie forum, I'll try and refrain from getting my knickers in a twist re topics like this from now on. I sincerely hope, these kind of topics aren't the ones that have driven good members away from the  board like Dawson suggested.

Re: Bus driver who was sacked for being in BNP wins human ri

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:08 pm
by Kenny Kan
Since we're talking about political parties now, I'd add that if I lived in Britain still I wouldn't vote Nu-Labor, Conservative, Lib dem, BNP or anyone, even UKIP (although I agree with many of their stances on the EU) but there just an offshoot of Conservative in all probability. Luckily enough in Britain it isn't mandatory to vote, where as here in communist Australia YOU HAVE TO VOTE, otherwise you could be fined or in some cases imprisoned for not voting - this probably has something to do with the small population and getting as many people to vote. In Australia though, labor gets my vote and they are a million miles (IMO) ahead of Nu-labor in Britain - they are a proper labor party. The only party I would have voted for in Britain would have  been (and I don't think they exist anymore - not sure) The Referendum party who were around in 1997 (i think), a simple in/out party, I think Britain needs to take a stance one way or the other on the EU.

Personally, I'm not in favour of a Federalist (commie) Europe and in the last decade or so I think the masters (German's mainly) of this grand plan have whipped up and rushed through a failing experiment. For me, if you want to fedarilze all individual countries and devolution-ise sovereign identities and borders you should start by doing that on a social level. Instead, what the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels have done is try to fedarilise Europe on an economic scale first - and it will, as it has been seen get a lot of resentment from many peoples across Europe. The knock on effect to this is that many right wing (BNP included as Boxscarf notes) and even facist groups (like in Greece for e.g) have seen their popularity rise due to the back lash from bureaucrats of other countries telling them what to do. Greece are as much to blame themselves for their woes, for years they've never picked up the taxes of the rich in their countries and had companies like Goldman Sachs cook their books to make entry into the Eurozone viable.

It came after a night of rain, tear gas and clashes. But after four months of tortuous negotiations and a rancorous parliamentary debate, the Greek parliament finally announced late on Wednesday night that it had passed the most draconian package yet of austerity measures needed to keep Europe's weakest economy afloat.

Read on: ... 24850.1110

Just as well the Greeks voted to these austerity measure (tongue firmly in cheek), because Adolf Merkel & co would have made them vote like this if any other outcome had passed; a) make them vote again and get it right, or b) make them vote again and get it right. Just as they did with the Irish.

As for Nu-labor back home and their pro-EU lick jibe, well Boxscarf is right, their incompetence with an uncontrolled immigration policy, adds s.hit to an extensive unemployment stat, as well as lowering working standards and payments, never mind the social consequences (muslim gang raping and grooming of white girls, who get off scot free because 'they're not used to alcohol!') that come from having pockets of enclaves all over Britain. And people ask why such parties like the BNP start becoming more prominent (not that this is necessarily a good thing) in Britain but people don't (Indigenous Brits, not just whites I might add Black, Indian Indigenous folK too) don't know which way to turn anymore.

That said, I shouldn't worry really I live in isolated Australia - good job too.