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American income tax - The myth

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 3:21 am
by hello_red
Well im currently watching a documentary on Income Tax in America, you know the tax that got Al Capone sent to jail and has been responsible for thousands of imprisonments. This documentary is pointing out the fact that Income Tax law in America does not exist and cannot hold up in court!

Now that is quite scary considering people have gone to jail and had there lives ruined over this tax! And apparently there is no law which means the courts or the IRS technically have no power to do anything, so basically they are abusing there power.

Heres a link to the documentary;

From Freedom To Fascism

Now your probably wondering why I have posted this on a Liverpool FC discusssion boared, well I feel its a very interesting fact that people should be made aware of especially our American friends that come on here.

Please respond with your thoughts on the documentary.