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PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 1:37 am
by LFC2007
I cant decide on whether to go to the Maldives, Cancun, Cuba or Mauritius, cant decide cause I think I might get bored in the Maldives for 2 weeks and aaron might get bored there?

Anyone been to these places? What are they like?

The Maldives are unbelievable, the folk are very friendly, and you can circumnavigate most islands within half an hour, if that for some of the smaller islands.

The beaches are incredible, very quiet, the ocean is out of this world, and the food is pretty good too.

Scuba diving and snorkelling is top notch - it's best to take a trip by boat and station yourself next to an offshore sandbar beside an atoll reef, as the coral and sealife is generally more abundant in these areas in comparison to the fringing reefs which encompass the islands.

Love the place.

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 1:53 am
by ConnO'var
Woollyback wrote:no summer holiday for me this year, mrs woolly is pregnant so we won't be able to fly anywhere  :(

Congrats on the good news woolly!

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:05 am
by ConnO'var
LFC2007 wrote:
I cant decide on whether to go to the Maldives, Cancun, Cuba or Mauritius, cant decide cause I think I might get bored in the Maldives for 2 weeks and aaron might get bored there?

Anyone been to these places? What are they like?

The Maldives are unbelievable, the folk are very friendly, and you can circumnavigate most islands within half an hour, if that for some of the smaller islands.

The beaches are incredible, very quiet, the ocean is out of this world, and the food is pretty good too.

Scuba diving and snorkelling is top notch - it's best to take a trip by boat and station yourself next to an offshore sandbar beside an atoll reef, as the coral and sealife is generally more abundant in these areas in comparison to the fringing reefs which encompass the islands.

Love the place.

^^^ What he said, cigs...

The Maldives is absolutely brilliant if a little expensive.... especially if you like the ocean, beaches and stuff like that. How old is Aaron and is he comfortable in the water?

If he is, there're loads of stuff for him. I'd recommend these 2 resorts.

1. One and Only Kanuhura Resort
2. 4 Seasons Resort and Spa ..... too damn expensive for me though..... Only been there on a 2 day team building trip under company expense.... never be able to afford it otherwise.

I'd recommend it to anyone in a heartbeat... just be prepared for a hole to be burnt in your pocket if you choose some of the higher end resorts.


PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:46 am
by Kharhaz
Cleethorpes for us ! over a quid a time on the bus ! kids are looking forward to it, cant wait to tell em we are walking back ! Oh there faces will be a picture !

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 9:36 am
by daxy1
Kharhaz wrote:Cleethorpes for us ! over a quid a time on the bus ! kids are looking forward to it, cant wait to tell em we are walking back ! Oh there faces will be a picture !

lol  :D

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:23 pm
by supersub
Did WDW at Easter for 2 weeks; having a week at Villamartin end of August

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:38 pm
by taff
woof woof ! wrote:Got your holidays planned yet ?

I was hoping to visit China but for a variety of reasons (mainly financial) don't want to go during "Olympic" year. I'll carry on saving and just have to content myself this year with a break closer to home.

At the minute it's a toss up between two places I've never explored. The west coast of Ireland or the northern coast of Spain.

Anybody got any feedback on those area's ? or recommendations for other short haul destinations ?


Alright Woof

Been to both and both excellent in their own way.  The only down side now is the euro to the pound.

Are you planning flight or take a car/bike on a ferry as transport will be an issue.  If flight it may be easier in Spain if you travel around as they have a decent rail service and ab excellent bus service.  west Ireland is a bit like West Wales, lovely place but you can be reliant on a rural bus service.

Spain has Bilbao and then head towards Galicia or East to the Pyrennees and the Med coast.  Galicia is Celtic in tradition but also Spanish and has some lovely parts to it on the coast and inland.  There is a great national park around there as well but cant remember name and have losy my lonely planet to Spain with my notes from a few years ago.

West Ireland is rugged and brilliant for those weird Irish villages with the pub as post office, shop etc etc.  But not so many urbanised areas but depends what you are in to.  It would be a lot easier with a car and a guide book so you can go to Cork and work your way round just discovering places on the way, without transport then Northern Spain is an easier place to go.

But if you have ever read Around Ireland with a fridge,  then it would definitely be a hitchiking adventure in Ireland which could be an amazing holiday. :)

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:41 pm
by Sabre
Scuba diving and snorkelling is top notch - it's best to take a trip by boat and station yourself next to an offshore sandbar beside an atoll reef, as the coral and sealife is generally more abundant in these areas in comparison to the fringing reefs which encompass the islands.

I'm tempted to do the Skuba diving thing, but I think there's the need of some training before and the need of not going alone? Medical tests are needed to do this? if you know about it PM me.

My problem is that I have a girlfriend that I love a lot, I like to spend time with her, but when it comes to adventures (not big ones like mountain bike or skuba diving) she's afraid. I guess that sport must not be done alone.

P.S. In the northern coast don't go to Bilbao unless you want to see the Guggenheim museum. It's the Spanish Sheffield. I don't know how Sheffield is actually,  but I think it's ugly no? well, Bilbao is that. Asturias, especially the Lagos de Covadonda kind of places, Galicia, and within the Basque country San Sebastian are the better options.

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:56 pm
by taff
Ciggy wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:Cigg my lads mate has just come back from Cuba said it was one of the best holidays hed had. Worth a look luv

What part nan? I dont know where the best is? Varadero, Havanna or Holguin?

Varadero is a all inclusive holiday and a waste in Cuba to be honest, migt as well go to Jamaica where they are more experienced in this and cheaper.

The beauty of Cuba is the country itself. I recommend Havana and Trinida in the South on the carribean coast. An amazing UNESCO town with some great countryside.

Pinnar del Rio is a great place as well, loads of limestone caves and cigars :D

Depend on how old your boy is at the end of the day and what he likes doing.  Not being funny but centreparks for kids can be a great holiday.

Maldives is brilliant but in a couple type of way, beautiful sea, snorkelling and hot hot sex etc, but nothing for kids unless they like swimming and snorkelling for about ten hours a day.

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:04 pm
by taff
Sabre I like Bilabao, great old bit and like most European cities looks dodgy in the suburbs but the old centre is cool.  Guggenheim is oddly better on the outside than the inside.

I have a Paddy in scuba diving.  Relatively easy, you are recommended to do a medical but this is standard and no big deal.  The hardest thing with diving IMO is keeping your calm as it aint natural to breath underwater, I was lucky with this as I love the water but its still daunting when you start.  If you took your girlfriend to a place like the Maldives where the sea is amazing you could start her with some snorkelling to get used to it and keep the depths of diving as shallow as possible.  Good instructors and an easy environment makes it an ideal place to learn.

But remember that if she gets the bug then jumping in the Atlantic is a completely different proposition. :D   But respect the danger but dont let it rule you but it is important to have a bit of fear and respect as things can go wrong.  Bit like if you drove really fast everywhere then you are more likely to crash but if you use your head you should be fine

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:31 pm
by Leonmc0708
Ace Ventura wrote:Go to Cyprus on Sunday for me best mates wedding, i am best man so might not be all holidaying as i will have to help out quite a bit and that, but still cant wait.

Although his missus is making us wear full suits in that weather so should make for a very uncomfortable day for me  :D

Whats yer mates name lad ?

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:34 pm
by woof woof !
Cheers for the feedback on Ireland/Spain Taff. Haven't quite decided yet but if it's Ireland I'll take me motor, if Spain, we'll fly in and muck about with local transport. Northern Spain is favorite at the minute as I don't really want to spend half my holiday sitting behind the wheel.

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:53 pm
by Dundalk
Come on over to Ireland Woof, you will love it

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:18 am
by taff
woof woof ! wrote:Cheers for the feedback on Ireland/Spain Taff. Haven't quite decided yet but if it's Ireland I'll take me motor, if Spain, we'll fly in and muck about with local transport. Northern Spain is favorite at the minute as I don't really want to spend half my holiday sitting behind the wheel.

The driving thing is a bit of a dilemma.  If you do go to Ireland then I can recommend the Hamilton backpackers in Fishguard with the owner Steve, and I can phone him if you want.  He travelled a lot in South America and has picked up some of the superb customs of that area, he is an old hippy as well and looks like Howard Marks  :D  A nice stop on the way or coming back, west Wales has some excellent places to visit.

But Spain the ferry is a long way away so driving is less of an option but I found the transport pretty good to be honest, more buses than trains in the place your off to. In fact I was impressed with their buses compared to the drunken chav mobiles we have in this country. And the food in Spain is superb, but the more rural you go the less people speak English unless you are one of those rare people in Britain who bothered to learn a language  :D

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 9:07 am
by woof woof !
taff wrote:And the food in Spain is superb, but the more rural you go the less people speak English unless you are one of those rare people in Britain who bothered to learn a language  :D

:D . Ah, the joys of making your way around a country where no one speaks your language. Managed to pick up a smattering of a variety of languages during my travels, never really had a problem apart from in of all places France !.
Was hitchiking near Mulhouse when this old dear came toddling down the road, stopped and started chatting too me. I was understanding about one word in four and the conversation seemed to be going quite well with me pitching in with a lot of Quis', Nons' and the odd sage like nod of the head. It eventually started to dawn on the old dear that maybe I really didn't speak french that much and she said in a quizzical manner " vous parlez français un peu? " (you speak french a little bit). As she said this she put her forefinger on her cheek. I was convinced she'd asked me to give her a little kiss ! So I grabbed her by the shoulders and planted a smacker on her cheek  :laugh:  She legged it down the road leaving me thinking , What the f'uck was that all about, nutty old french bird " 15 minutes later I was arrested by the Gendarmes who were convinced  I was on drugs , apparently the old dear had grassed on me !  :D

(it all ended well, with even the cops having a laugh).