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PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:26 pm
by Roger Red Hat
Kenny Kan wrote:


thats horrendous, i'm shocked at watching that  :sniffle

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:39 am
by metalhead
Kenny Kan wrote:
metalhead wrote:
Kenny Kan wrote:


let it go Bam, no need to stir some more sh!t in here

Frankfurt Political Correctness MH, telling me to sweep it under the carpet and turn the other cheek. 'Can't stir s.hit', can't speak my mind, it has to be suppressed because apologists don't like it. pffft, feck off!

No nothing to do with apologists or frankfurt correctness or whatever, its about f*cking respect. FFS! 3000 people lost their lives in a horrific attack and all you do is trying  stir things up by posting a video of muslims celebrating during the anniversery. I know your extremist in your views and you watch FOX news who are hardly an unbiased news source known to show anti-muslim views, its not even clear in that video that the Palestinians, or if a matter of fact "muslim" Palestinians celebrating the death of 3000 innoncent lives, but you know what f*ck it Fox news always shows the truth. Bam ignore the fact that a few muslims died in 9/11 and ignore the fact that Fox news missed that a lot of Arabs lit candles and mourned for the lost ones, but why would some media show that part? Its boring and it sends the wrong message :laugh:

Keep going with your extremist view, you might end up or you're similar to that terrorist who went and butchered 300 people in Norway just to prove a point.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:24 am
by Kenny Kan
metalhead wrote:
Kenny Kan wrote:
metalhead wrote:
Kenny Kan wrote:


let it go Bam, no need to stir some more sh!t in here

Frankfurt Political Correctness MH, telling me to sweep it under the carpet and turn the other cheek. 'Can't stir s.hit', can't speak my mind, it has to be suppressed because apologists don't like it. pffft, feck off!

No nothing to do with apologists or frankfurt correctness or whatever, its about f*cking respect. FFS! 3000 people lost their lives in a horrific attack and all you do is trying  stir things up by posting a video of muslims celebrating during the anniversery. I know your extremist in your views and you watch FOX news who are hardly an unbiased news source known to show anti-muslim views, its not even clear in that video that the Palestinians, or if a matter of fact "muslim" Palestinians celebrating the death of 3000 innoncent lives, but you know what f*ck it Fox news always shows the truth. Bam ignore the fact that a few muslims died in 9/11 and ignore the fact that Fox news missed that a lot of Arabs lit candles and mourned for the lost ones, but why would some media show that part? Its boring and it sends the wrong message :laugh:

Keep going with your extremist view, you might end up or you're similar to that terrorist who went and butchered 300 people in Norway just to prove a point.

My extremist view, you cheeky little r.. .... It was the extremist views of your fellow religious counterparts, who killed 3000 innocent people. FACT, so don't you dare turn this around on me, it wasn't my views, it wasn't people who share my views that killed 3000 people in New York, it was the mindless, racial hating extremist Muslims from your neck of the woods.


Keep going with your extremist view, you might end up or you're similar to that terrorist who went and butchered 300 people in Norway just to prove a point.

You are one sick puppy.

Here you go another article, excuse this one.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:06 am
by Greavesie
Roger Red Hat wrote:
Kenny Kan wrote:


thats horrendous, i'm shocked at watching that  :sniffle

I think that video is from the day of the attacks, or soon after, not that it takes any of my anger away from them

this on the other hand is Muslims burning the American flag and saying the US are terrorists on the day of the anniversary, in London of all places - beautiful isn't it (sarcastic alert!!)

Its hard to put into words my feelings regarding this whole thing without being accused of something. It fills me with anger whenever I see footage of the towers collapsing, people celebrating the death of thousands, people wanting Sharia law over here and people showing a genuine refusal to adopt to our countries' ways while simultaneously preaching hate from within. I just don't understand what makes people do sh!t like this.

They're extremist, but me showing any dislike for it makes me racist, go figure...

I'm not racist by any stretch, kudos to the other Muslims who protested against the extremists who barely got a mention, I just fear multi-culturalism is an absolute fail.

Sorry to derail the thread but it's only going in that direction now  :D

EDL...dunno why but it sounds like something from Team America  :D

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:28 am
by Kenny Kan
It's not FOX sports but ......

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:33 am
by Greavesie
wow  :(  :(

'Islam will dominate the world'  :no

What an absolute bunch of bellends. Another great example of why I couldn't be a copper, the riots were another good example, I'd have definitely killed a rioter  :D

Kick them out the country??

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:34 am
by Kenny Kan
Here's a bit from that article you posted Greavsie, and to be fair the world needs more people like this:

However, a small opposing group of Muslims - some of whom had travelled hundreds of miles to rebut the extremists - staged a counter-demonstration nearby, holding up placards reading "Muslims Against Extremism" and "If You Want Sharia, Move To Saudi".
Abdul Sallam, 41, who was waving a sign that read "Keep The Silence", travelled down to London from his home in Glasgow to show the strength of his feelings.
He said: "I'm a Muslim. What they're doing is bringing shame on all Muslims. This is not part of the teachings of Islam.
"Islam teaches you that when you see anything bad or evil, you should speak out against it.
"If the moderate Muslims all came out and spoke out, that would defeat them.
"I am proud to be British. I love my country. All these people are doing is breaking Britain apart."

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:24 am
by metalhead
All you do is having a dig on a faith that is practiced by a quarter of the world population Bam, so call me sick c*nt or r*t but I won't take back what I said because your indeed a bigot. I've been patient, but you keep going with your hatred towards the faith and its disrespectful!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:54 am
by Greavesie
I do have to sympathise with MH, his whole religion and faith is grossly misunderstood because of a minority of extremist (and racist) c0ckbags who too often make the headlines. It's the extremists who genuinely frighten me, and yes its fear, fear that more events like 7/7 could occur but a bit closer to home. It's a very sticky situation and one that's very difficult to speak about, I put that down to the PC world we live in.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:02 pm
by Kenny Kan
metalhead wrote:All you do is having a dig on a faith that is practiced by a quarter of the world population Bam, so call me sick c*nt or r*t but I won't take back what I said because your indeed a bigot. I've been patient, but you keep going with your hatred towards the faith and its disrespectful!

Public British forum. You may not understand this - but I have a democratic right to voice my opinion. I understand that most despot countries around you would cut my head off for my free-speech.

Bigot you say, if this equates to hating extreme Muslim's who killed 3000 innocent people at the twin towers and elsewhere round the world. And, show contempt for apologists or people like you who try to suppress such freedom of voice re injustices. Then so f.ucking be it I'm a bigot. And a happy one within myself knowing full well that incidents and sympathizers to such terror attacks on the twin towers are a blight on the human race.

Don't converse with me again Metalhead and I'll do the same.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:08 pm
by metalhead
You're no better than the those people on Fox news or others who spout hatred and sh!t about a faith.

You go on about keeping a lid, f*ck off your disrespecting people's faith by your extreme views, I didn't say you shouldn't voice your opinion, but there is something called ''tolerance'' and ''respect'' when you voice one, you sir are showing none

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:11 pm
by Boocity
You get extremist, racist, dangerous crackpots in every race, colour, creed and religion, its been going on for thousands of years and will continue to go on, its human nature and unfortunately we have to live with it.

Today's terrorists are tomorrow's freedom fighters and the day afters heads of state.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:16 pm
by Kenny Kan
metalhead wrote:You're no better than the those people on Fox news or others who spout hatred and sh!t about a faith.

You go on about keeping a lid, f*ck off your disrespecting people's faith by your extreme views, I didn't say you shouldn't voice your opinion, but there is something called ''tolerance'' and ''respect'' when you voice one, you sir are showing none

Listen here denialist, the animals we are talking about here use the 'faith' and 'biblical' readings to take on such barbaric acts.

I couldn't give a feck about faith, any faith for that matter. If I wanted to believe in fairies and unicorns I would have gone to church long ago.

I'm not talking about your poxy faith, I'm airing my contempt for the animals who do such things. It isn't my fault that your faith is tarnished by those animals, is it. See the videos, it's not me who's tarnishing your precious faith it's your own 'brothers'.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:45 pm
by Roger Red Hat
metalhead wrote:You're no better than the those people on Fox news or others who spout hatred and sh!t about a faith.

believe me there is no way I want to get into this discussion but it's not surprising that people have these views and spout sh!t about faith when a high percentage of terror attacks in the world are caused by people of this faith. It's a cu.nt of a faith that permits, carries out and celebrates terrorist acts of the like of 9/11. 

if thats what you would call a good faith then I'm lost for words.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:01 pm
by Santa
9/11/2001: just finished my day of work meetings after meetings...about 8pm in Beijing went back to my hotel for a quick shower and a busy fun night out. Got an intercom from my colleague to turn on CNN...we stayed on our bed for next 48 hours or one bothered to go back to work the next day. when I flew out from Beijing and landed in Hong Kong, never felt so relieved after a flight. watched a 9/11 doc yesterday, still couldn't believe it...guessed the main question is, did they really killed Osama?