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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:17 pm
by kazza 1
Job:Toy demonstrator

Job:Nursery nurse

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:28 pm
That scouse girl better hadnt make a show of herself on telly i hate it when they show us up. Behave yourself

Mind you that Dale lads a bit of alright  :love:

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:36 pm
by kazza 1

Job:Model and mother

Job:Massage Therapist

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:39 pm
by kazza 1
Well there you go folks. Thats them all. These are the sad people who think have have what it takes to keep us entertained for the next 93 days.
I will try my best to keep everyone posted on whats going on each day (will prob be pasted from the official site).

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:42 pm
by Dundalk
Youd be better watching the CCTV of a mental home then watching that crowd.

But Ill probably watch anyway :D

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:48 pm
by andy_g
rachel and lisa


PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:51 pm
by Dundalk

Isnt he a dreamboat  :hearts  :hearts  :hearts

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:54 pm
by J*o*n*D*o*e
lets face it we all know who will be up for eviction next week :D

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:56 pm
by Woollyback
what a massive pile of steaming s*i*e

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:03 pm
by kazza 1

Secret task, anyone?

No sooner had the four brand spanking new housemates burst into the House, than Big Brother was summoning them to the Diary Room in an ominous voice. Scary!

Perched on the plush new silver Diary Room chair, the four said nervous hellos to Big Brother, before being told that they were going to be involved in a mission.

"Lisa and Mario, you are a couple," Big Brother informed the pair, just in case they didn't already know. He then dropped a bombshell and announced, "Your romance is about to end."

"What?" the pair shrieked. "Noooo!"

Big Brother then revealed his evil plan -- that Mario and Stephanie had to pretend to be a couple, and Lisa and Luke had to do their best to prevent any other housemates from finding out the truth.

If the four succeed in their task, they'll be exempt from nomination next week - but if they fail, they'll all be up for the chop!

Mario and Stephanie quickly agreed to get to know each other. "We auditioned together in Manchester," the pair decided, before agreeing to cut Mario's age down from 43 to 32, and bump up Stephanie's from 19 to 22. "We don't live together," Mario said firmly. "I live in Widnes. What do you do?"

"I'm still at school!" Stephanie giggled. "I've just done me A levels." "Say you're at college," advised Luke wisely. "We've been together 8 months," Mario improvised, as Lisa stood by, keeping an eye on her fella.

Wonder what they're going to do about sleeping arrangements?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:19 pm
Woollyback wrote:what a massive pile of steaming s*i*e

Amen my brotha from anotha motha!!!  :buttrock  :D

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:22 pm
by andy_g
kazza 1 wrote:Image

Secret task, anyone?

No sooner had the four brand spanking new housemates burst into the House, than Big Brother was summoning them to the Diary Room in an ominous voice. Scary!

Perched on the plush new silver Diary Room chair, the four said nervous hellos to Big Brother, before being told that they were going to be involved in a mission.

"Lisa and Mario, you are a couple," Big Brother informed the pair, just in case they didn't already know. He then dropped a bombshell and announced, "Your romance is about to end."

"What?" the pair shrieked. "Noooo!"

Big Brother then revealed his evil plan -- that Mario and Stephanie had to pretend to be a couple, and Lisa and Luke had to do their best to prevent any other housemates from finding out the truth.

If the four succeed in their task, they'll be exempt from nomination next week - but if they fail, they'll all be up for the chop!

Mario and Stephanie quickly agreed to get to know each other. "We auditioned together in Manchester," the pair decided, before agreeing to cut Mario's age down from 43 to 32, and bump up Stephanie's from 19 to 22. "We don't live together," Mario said firmly. "I live in Widnes. What do you do?"

"I'm still at school!" Stephanie giggled. "I've just done me A levels." "Say you're at college," advised Luke wisely. "We've been together 8 months," Mario improvised, as Lisa stood by, keeping an eye on her fella.

Wonder what they're going to do about sleeping arrangements?


PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:28 pm
Dundalk wrote:Image

Isnt he a dreamboat  :hearts  :hearts  :hearts

:laugh: i would defo without a doubt. :nod

I can dream in my old age still

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 4:05 am
by Emerald Red
What a bunch of attention seeking, desperate gimps.

Two things:


Who the f*ck's idea was it to let Rocky in the house? Was his ma not enough the last time?


So this mad looking creature claims he's 26? Aye, pull the other one, mate. Cracker.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:54 am
by Number 9
That Albino deserves a spot in the Minger Zone! :D

I was'nt planning on watching but if that wee blonde scouser runs around in her undies I may be tempted! :D

And Nanny Red you sound like one of them ol ladies outta Harry enfield, Oh young man,young man! :laugh: