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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:43 pm
by kazza 1
Judge wrote:
kazza 1 wrote:I know what you mean Judge. But I have always been the sort of person who would give you my last pound if you needed it.

can i have that pound then  :D

:D @ Judge.

I feel for the baby too. The poor wee thing is gonna be a drug addict and it wont have a chance. But she has already one baby which is being brought up by her mum. The new baby will probably be given to her mum aswell. I cant understand why people like this can have kids, then rob other people who work hard for they have all because they think they have the right to do it.
But i am sick of being cr@pped on and they get away with it time and time again so they can do it to other people. The block of flats i live in has a few older women who live on their own. I cant begin to imagine how they feel.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:00 pm
by Igor Zidane
It's a vicious circle Kazza , i know from experience(my wife works in a homeless families hostel in LIverpool and 90% are smackheads). These scumbags churn out babies like there's no tomorrow. They either get them taken off them straight away as soon as there born or they are brought up by the smackheads and end up scum themselves. My wife told me once that there is no worse noise than a screaming baby going cold turkey when there brought home.   

Now the answer to solveing this problem in my view is to sterilise them and they wouldn't be able to bring anymore poor addicted babies into this world.

Some of the things my wife has told me would make you weep, so i won't mention them on here, but suffice to say i hate smackheads with an absolute passion.

Rant over.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:44 pm
by Lando_Griffin
When I was about 14 we were burgled by our next-door neighbours, the b*stards.
We didn't know it was them until they'd "moved back to Ireland" as they put it, but we also found out the feckers had held up the main Post Office around us and a Farm Foods with a sawn-off shotgun, so it's probably for the best they'd fecked off as my dad would have been straight around there, with me in tow with a tennis raquet, or something! :D

They took loads of stuff, including my Mega Drive, Game Gear, the video, etc, and a sh*t load of my Mum's jewellery (which was the most upsetting for her, as they were from my late Grandma.)

Thieves are ALL scum, with absolutely NO exceptions. The worms who burgle innocent peoples homes need shooting through the head.
Kazza - don't move. Stand your ground, and once it's died down a bit, pay the local wrong 'un £20 to knee-cap the slag. See if she can kick any doors down then, the scruffy, junkie slut.

All this, though, after you'd been kind enough to lend her £10. THIS is what is wrong with our country. "Bogger you, Jack, I'm alright". It is this mentality that makes me hate the country we live in at times. Be it utter wankoids like that prostitute, or simple things like self-centred twatbags going the wrong-way around a car park and taking the space you've patiently waited for.

"Take my space, will you, you tattooed, pierced piece of sh*t? Right! Here you are:" BANG! - Smack the f*ckers in the face, and then if they still don't shift their f*cking bag of W*nk car - start kicking their lights in. Then nab their keys off them while they nurse their wounds, get in their car and ram the f*cking thing into the nearest wall, allowing you to park your car in the space you intended before the knuckle-dragging chimp stole it.

That'll teach 'em! I bet Mr "OOmph, I'm a bit thick due to years of snorting brick-dust and taking Ecstasy" Gimp would never do it again, the f*cking tosspot.
B*stards  :angry:  :angry:  :angry: :D

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:48 pm
by Judge
kazza 1 wrote:
Judge wrote:
kazza 1 wrote:I know what you mean Judge. But I have always been the sort of person who would give you my last pound if you needed it.

can i have that pound then  :D

:D @ Judge.

its ok lauging, but wheres the fucking pound ??


PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:02 pm
by 112-1077774096
Lando for PM

my sentiments exactly mate


PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:42 pm
by Judge
peewee wrote:Lando for PM

my sentiments exactly mate




PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:41 pm
by Bad Bob
jonnymac1979 wrote:I used to live in a gaff where my neighbours were wrong'uns and I was always paranoid that they would try and break into my gaff when I was out etc...

When they finally left after not paying their rent for a while, they had damaged the locks on the door so the landlord couldn't even get in after they had gone.  So I helped him get in one day, we smashed the door in.  Wasn't there needles and cotton wool hidden around the gaff?  They were a noisy bunch of bastards as well.  The whole room and house would shake sometimes when you were trying to get some sleep.  In one of the rooms we found a weightlifting bar.  Just what they'd probably need to get the veins pumping before they dropped it on the floor which would cause my flat to shake.  I was nearly physically sick.  I nearly am now as I type this just thinking about it.

I don't care if I'm tarring these people with the wrong brush, they never ever did break into my flat but I was right not to trust them wasn't I?  Just dirty drug using scumbags.  If I'm in a simuilar situation again, I will trust my instincts again.  I had my old car broken into twice and the same window kept getting smashed on it.  It made me absolutely irate.  I'm not saying it was them, why would it be?  But I don't live there anymore now though.

I'm sorry to hear of your tale Kazza, just trust you instincts and suspicions next time and don't let yourself be conned by a smackhead because they would even steal off their parents.  They will certainly have no qualms about stealing from an innocent neighbour.  Just give them a wide berth.

That story brings back memories...lost over $1000 because I refused to live in a building with junkies in it.

Wife and I moved into a new place thinking it was a step up and the day we moved in, found out from the neighbours that the scum in the basement flat were dealing crack.  Sure enough, first night in the new place and all we see are dirtbags hanging round outside waiting for their 'appointment.'

Well, we f*cked off out of that place right quick--had a new place lined up within a week and had our stuff out a week later.  The trouble?  Fecking landlord took us to court for the rent we owed!  Our guy negotiated it down to $1000 but that was still a huge hit to the bank account.

Kazza, I feel for you.  Keep your chin up, don't do nothing rash and hopefully the courts will do their job.  If not, as Lando says, hire some local yobs to make their life miserable for a while.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:53 am
by kazza 1
Judge wrote:
kazza 1 wrote:
Judge wrote:
kazza 1 wrote:I know what you mean Judge. But I have always been the sort of person who would give you my last pound if you needed it.

can i have that pound then  :D

:D @ Judge.

its ok lauging, but wheres the fucking pound ??


Sorry Judge I dont have a pound, but I have a two pound coin. You can have that......


PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:00 am
by Judge
about bloody time you tight fuck

wuhahahahahahahaha :D  :D  :D :laugh:

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:06 am
by Paul C
THats bad news, sorry to hear about that Kazza, if I was you mate I'd make sure she gets everything that comes to her, get her put away, it doesn't matter than she's pregnant cos she doesn't deserve a child if she's still a smackhead while carrying a baby! also I'd look at moving :(

Good luck and keep your chin up :;):

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:13 am
by kazza 1
Why do I feel that things have just gone from bad to worse..... Billy and I had to be at the police station last night to make our statements, so while we where out we decided to vist my parents, then get a chinese. We got home jsut after 10 only to find that bright purple paint had been thrown all over her flat and that she had been put out of the estate. Now this girl and her family are gonna think it was me got the big boys involved, when it was'nt.
As anyone who lives in Northern Ireland will know, breaking into homes in any large estate is not tolerated. It written on enough walls. But we want to go through the proper channels. I dont know how many times she has done this and got awat with it. So I thought going to the police then taking her to court was showing her that she robbed the wrong people and it maybe teach her a lesson.
I really want to move now :(  :(

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:41 am
by Judge
joking apart kazza, thats is terrible :(

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:12 pm
by shanks72
Terrible news, Kazza, sorry to hear that.

Hope things work out for you and Billy ok and you get somewhere else to live.

I once went out with a lad who broke into our house. He used to ring me up to see if I'd gone to work and then insist on getting the bus with me.
Thought it was a bit funny at the time.  (He was a nurse at the local hospital!)
Then we were broken into and he took a gold chain of mine and some jewellery of my mum's. I felt very bad as he was my boyfriend.
Some of the things he took turned up at the hospital, and they put an add in the local paper which my cousin saw, so we got some stuff back and it proved it was him, really.
When I asked him about it he just shrugged anyway. Turned out he had some sort of personality disorder.

Anyway, the police said they couldn't do anything. He chucked his hospital job in and moved abroad. The further away the better!

This happened a few years ago, but it knocks your trust in people and makes you wary, but guess this is the way of the world, now.

Anyways, hope things work out for you both.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:27 pm
by Judge
kazza, you could stay at mine, but i'd need something special for the rent :;):

:D  :D  :p  :D

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:28 pm
by dawson99
shanks72 wrote:Terrible news, Kazza, sorry to hear that.

Hope things work out for you and Billy ok and you get somewhere else to live.

I once went out with a lad who broke into our house. He used to ring me up to see if I'd gone to work and then insist on getting the bus with me.
Thought it was a bit funny at the time.  (He was a nurse at the local hospital!)
Then we were broken into and he took a gold chain of mine and some jewellery of my mum's. I felt very bad as he was my boyfriend.
Some of the things he took turned up at the hospital, and they put an add in the local paper which my cousin saw, so we got some stuff back and it proved it was him, really.
When I asked him about it he just shrugged anyway. Turned out he had some sort of personality disorder.

Anyway, the police said they couldn't do anything. He chucked his hospital job in and moved abroad. The further away the better!

This happened a few years ago, but it knocks your trust in people and makes you wary, but guess this is the way of the world, now.

Anyways, hope things work out for you both.

shanks... sorry to hear that as well...

... so u went out with a nurse?  :wwww