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PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:29 am
by made in UK
saint - anything debated or notified within the 'Mods Section' which could or could not be considered 'defammatory' is there on merit. A member or even dare i say a *cough* ex-member who is currently banned and not at all operating under any 'proxy server'  in order to disguise their true IP, regardless of whether they were keeping their nose clean - for now, would be discussed because they warranted it.  Not just for idle gossip....besides, should the day come when someone who had 'fallen foul of the rules' were chosen to be a mod.

Maybe that ex-cough member has reconciled with God :;): therefore his nose will stay clean- for a very long time.

My advise to you is..... Build a bridge and get over it, holding a grudge isn't healthy for your mental state.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:09 am
by red37
Never mind advising me - sunshine. However....

You are infact bamaga man who is a permanently banned member. This much is common addition, you were rumbled each and every time there was an attempt to breach that restriction. As you well know.

Thing is, and now you can listen to me - there is actually room for you here provided you DO keep your nose clean.

Never mind god or whoever....never mind any of that. There is scope for the Olive branch (if you like) to be extended from my hand to yours here. No more bulls.hit, no hiding, no posting on behalf of someone more pu$$y-footing about, no more barbed sarcasm or innuendo - you come back and you maintain a clean bill of health and all the water can flow freely under the bridge as far as im concerned.


Im not going to avoid you or your actions - im going to watch you like a hawk. Im going to converse with you, as an adult and as a fellow supporter. If need be, i will speak to you as a mod. But with no bias nor grievance based on the past.

At the end of the day, im getting too old and you are far too ugly to be carrying on in this way. It can stop right now. If you want that.

I cannot say any fairer than that. Despite your preconceptions and one or two grounded in nothing less than pure 'myth' - iam levelling with you here.

There will be nothing else spoken about this, save to say.

Welcome back. Now, what do YOU say...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:10 am
by made in UK
There is scope for the Olive branch (if you like) to be extended from my hand to yours here.

I appreciate that, sincerely.

im going to watch you like a hawk

I know, I wouldn't expect anything less. :laugh: (that isn't a sarcastic laugh but a genuine one full of happiness)

If need be, i will speak to you as a mod

Fair enough, this time I will speak to you as a human-being firstly and an LFC supporter secondly.

In my book Red its water under the bridge and your post is fair.

There is no more to be said on the matter.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:42 am
by bigmick
Nice. Fair play to Red, different class that.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:43 am
by bigmick
sorry, double post.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:35 am
by Ciggy
I hope my topic in the mods section has been deleted (According to Peewee I have one there) Ive turned over a new leaf, I am no longer a naughty girl :D

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:59 am
by dawson99
Ciggy wrote:I hope my topic in the mods section has been deleted (According to Peewee I have one there) Ive turned over a new leaf, I am no longer a naughty girl :D

Cigs, the main reason we luv ya is that you ARE a naughty gal  :p

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:12 am
by Ciggy
dawson99 wrote:Cigs, the main reason we luv ya is that you ARE a naughty gal  :p

Oh Matron  :;):

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:24 pm
by account deleted by request

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:56 am
by Judge
Merry christmas season :D

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:01 pm
by Judge

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:08 pm
by woof woof !

link to page where heimdall was positive in his criticism of liverpool

Dont see "hope" as positive criticism Judge.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:14 am
by Judge
well its better than some of the other stuff he posted :D