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How bizarre - Ever happened?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:38 pm
by dawson99
So, on saturday i got a little drunk... ok. VERY drunk. Got to the pub at 4 to watch the second half of the footy and somehow 3 pubs later and a few miles away from home it was 2am and i couldnt find a cab (well i could, but it was along wait.)

Anyways, i walked home, not so bizarre so far i hear you say.. well i came to a fried chicken take away near my flat. Now in london these places around 3 in the morning are still open, and like all places they are not exactly filled with the most pleasent of people. I still had around £40 on me (backed kewell at 10s!!!) and was gonna go in when i was accosted by a yout ( a young man, who was wired on soemthing, asking me stuff)

He basically started trying to mug me, being cery aggressive and seeing that i could hardly stand (the 90 minute walk had sobered me up alittle, enough to remember)

Now luvkily i only had 40p in change in my pocket and i told him this but he kept saying he was gonna take everything and i kept saying i was skint. (i was kinda dressed up so he knew i wasnt likely to be totally skint, as most in my area are, sorry to say, degregates)

Then it happened. He pushed me inside the shop. then he brought me some chicken and chips. It was so bizarre, he said that i should take it easy then he just left.

Anyways, that was my bizarre anti-mugging story... any others?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:46 pm
by AussieKopite
You Brits are wierd. Can't even mug properly. :D

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:51 pm
by Gaunt
Sure that wasn't just a curry fueled dream?  :Oo:

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:56 pm
by andy_g
i was onced mugged on princes avenue in liverpool, about 18 years ago actually. they took my money, my nice lighter and my watch. the money was about 3 quid or so but the lighter and the watch were pretty important to me so i asked, or even demanded, that they give them back. so they did, we shook hands and went merrily on our seperate ways.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:22 pm
by Woollyback
i got held up at knifepoint at the cahspoint in a dodgy part of manchester many moons ago, he robbed about £40 off me but i asked him if i could have some money for a kebab and he gave me £2 :D

i was p!ssed at the time so wasn't too bothered but went out looking for him the next night with a baseball bat hidden in my coat. didn't find him, i was gonna administer some justice and leave him a quid to buy some straws to eat his meals through  :(

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:24 pm
by stmichael
i once got mugged walking home when i was out of my face at 2am in the morning.

the funny thing is, i was dressed as mr t having gone to a fancy dress party that night. i chased the guy and caught him and, giving him a bit of a beating in the process.

just imagine anyone who saw that. mr t running down the street and beating the cr@p out of some guy. :oh:  :D

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:41 pm
by dawson99
fancy dress parties rock, last one i went to as a premature ejaculation.. i just came in my pants :p

no, i was peter venkman in my last one with the back pack and everything, was walking down the road with xena, lando calrissian and eric from dungeons and dragons..we were soo cool lol
(and surprisingly no one mugged us lol)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:03 pm
by red37
dawson99 wrote:fancy dress parties rock, last one i went to as a premature ejaculation.. i just came in my pants :p

:bowdown   classic!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:10 pm
by neil
I remember 'taxing' some big daft pimp in Manchester a few years ago, cheeky fecker asked for some back for a kebab, jeeeez I ask ya.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:20 pm
by red37
stmichael wrote:i once got mugged walking home when i was out of my face at 2am in the morning.

the funny thing is, i was dressed as mr t having gone to a fancy dress party that night. i chased the guy and caught him and, giving him a bit of a beating in the process.

just imagine anyone who saw that. mr t running down the street and beating the cr@p out of some guy. :oh:  :D

yeah and you swiped me pension book and half ounce of pearl drops off me.....robbin' get!


PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:12 pm
by Woollyback
neil wrote:I remember 'taxing' some big daft pimp in Manchester a few years ago, cheeky fecker asked for some back for a kebab, jeeeez I ask ya.

:angry:  i want my £40 back :angry: if i buy you a kebab can i have interest on it as well?