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PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:52 pm
by 48-1119859832
In terms of wealth I'd put you high up coz there's no denying it you have a lot of money, but in terms of stature Madrid make you look like Gravesend.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:22 pm
by jonnymac1979
nufclee wrote:I'm not narrow minded like the majority of you.

jonnymac1979 wrote:You really sound like an Evertonian mate.  One of my drinking buddies is a season ticket holder at St James', goes every week, home and away and he's from Liverpool same as me, but originally from the north-east.  He's a fantastic supporter of Newcastle so I know whereof I speak and he doesn't come across a fraction of what you have in your short time on this forum so far.  You're very bitter against Liverpool for some reason.

You've got a lot to get off your chest I'm sure but the “Team Gerrard” thing just wont wash on here.

You can't come on here and dismiss us as bitter and dismissive, when all we are doing is celebrating winning the biggest competition in the World, for the fifth time may I add, when all you have won since the Fairs Cup in 1969 is some woeful competition called the Texaco Cup if I'm not wrong.  We’re the Europoean Champions and we are respected throughout Europe for it.  Would Newcastle United celebrate winning the European Cup?  Yes they would.  Shut up then.

So your classification of us as "also underachievers" including yourselves in the same bracket as us is also to be disagreed with, seeing as we have won plenty of trophies since the turn of the millennium, the only one missing in fact is the league championship, which of course Newcastle have challenged for in that same time period haven't they?  Fourth in 2002 and third in 2003.  Again, looking at our admitted relevant failure in the league in the same time period, we still come off better than you if you want to be so petty about under achieving.

Neither can you come on here and throw accusations around about being bitter over the Owen transfer, when in your own heart of hearts you must also be able to see the day he will leave your club.  He left us, he will certainly leave you. 

Let me tell you he needed to leave Madrid.  He would have signed for Manchester United if it meant it didn't fuck his career up, which staying at Madrid most certainly would have done, and that is not even bringing Liverpool into the transfer equation.  You must realise he is only at Newcastle United for the money and his England place.  Harsh but true, and this comes from a supporter who would have Owen back here tomorrow, even if him coming back here last summer would have only been because of the same reasons that he had signed for Newcastle United. 

Owen only left Madrid, not because he wanted to come back to Newcastle United, Manchester United, or even Liverpool for that matter.  If he wanted to play for Liverpool, he shouldn’t have left in the first place.  Owen came back because he had failed relatively speaking, at Real Madrid.  When I say relatively speaking, he SUCCESSFULLY scored goals for them, but he wasn’t a first choice because of the ridiculous way they are organised and managed.  He was expendable in Spain and it came back to haunt him.  He is at Newcastle because he deserves to be at Newcastle.  Liverpool would have him if Benitez would matched the price Madrid accepted from Newcastle and left it up to the player to decide where to go to.  Benitez rightly chose not to of course.  If he had of been considered a success at Real Madrid, by the Madrid hierarchy, he would not be on Tyneside, never mind Lancashire, Merseyside, London or Milan.  He would still be in Madrid.

I would still have Owen back at Liverpool though, 100 times out of 100 when all is said and done.  Against Manchester City on Sunday, I sat about twenty yards away in the lower centenary and watched Steven Gerrard drill a ball across the penalty box just before half time and neither Crouch (who I rate) or Morientes (who I don’t) took the gamble to hit the space in the six yard box and even attempt to make a half-chance out of it.  Owen would have eaten the half-chance up.  Not saying he would have scored, but it is a chance he would have taken regardless.  Not wishing to sound at all wise in hindsight, or offering any advice on how to feel, but you might want to consider yourself lucky you have Michael Owen, he won’t stick around at Newcastle.

Sure, some Liverpool fans are bitter about him leaving.  They’re very much entitled to be, but we still won the European Cup without him and are still in the last 16 of this years competition with out of form strikers.  The money we received for him enabled us in some way to buy Alonso and Garcia a couple of weeks later.  We have moved on, but I personally would not say not say no to having a 26 year old Michael Owen playing for Liverpool.

As far as Newcastle United go, I have no more dislike or feelings about them as I have for any other mid table non-threatening team.  We've had some good games with you down the years and you played some good stuff ten years back when Keegan was in charge.  With respect to you, you're not playing in the same ball park as us at the moment and you offer no immediate challenge.  When you do start challenging us, then come back to me and we'll discuss how much I want you to lose every week and how much I can't stand your team.  So from a "Team Gerrard" perspective, I couldn't care less how "Team Shearer" do.  Even show me Manchester United and Chelsea's reults before yours.  You are no threat to us.  They immediately are, we still need to catch them.  At the moment, Newcastle can humour themselves all they want that they are as big a club as Liverpool and are level on performance and achivement with us.

Read this thread here started by JBG which I PM’d to you this afternoon.  It offers a good discussion point.

Thread by JBG

You dare call me narrow minded you no-mark.  I spent ten minutes typing that and spell checking it bar one word cause I thought you were after decent discussion.  Clearly I wasted my time because you didn't reply to my post did you?

Yet you come back with arguments unworthy of this forum and if I may quote Stu, you clearly know nothing about football.

You shithouse.  Like I said, I know a Geordie, Newcastle season ticket holder, he's got more class in his little toe than you've got in your entire body.

Glad you're banned.  Surprised Supersub got in there before me.  Clearly you're clueless.

Go and defend your Texaco Cup.

Small time team.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:22 pm
by 48-1119859832
I was getting worried there for a minute, I thought I was one of the only people who thought Newcy were a small club. :laugh: