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Diouf at it again! - Spitting row at birmingham

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:05 am
by liamac
Birmingham have confirmed that an alleged spitting incident involving Bolton striker El Hadji Diouf was reported to referee Uriah Rennie at half-time during the Premiership clash at St Andrews.
Supporters gave statements over the row which erupted after Diouf had given Bolton a 17th-minute lead in his side's 2-1 success.

A Birmingham spokesman said: "Our steward reported the incident to Uriah Rennie at half-time but he said it was a club matter.

"He said it was up to us whether we wanted to take it any further and we don't as things stand at the moment."

Diouf, when asked about the alleged incident, would only say: "I don't speak English, I only speak French."

Rennie said: "I am not allowed to speak. I had no view on it. I did not see anything and before I speak to anyone I need to get clarification from the Premier League."

I dont believe this @rse whole, in another thread i said that maybe we could take him back and maybe earn some money in a summer sale .........f.uck it ,sack the b@rstard now !!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:09 am
by lakes10
i cant say i am shocked by this , the bloke should be kicked out of the club and then we should boot him back home.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:20 am
by akumaface
Hm...maybe because its a spitting sickness he has that can't self control on when to spit....Poor him..:D

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:30 am
by A.B.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:26 am
by Red_Si
Most other clubs would have sacked him. Liverpool board has no bottle.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:39 pm
by Dalglish
The man's spits more than a camel :D

Get rid ? He is as good as gone anyway :)

let big Sam try and sort him out with his Psycologists if he thinks it will help but I suspect we won't see much more of him in the prem for much longer ???

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:07 pm
by andy_g
i can't believe this news. i was beginning to think there may be some light at the end of the tunnel for diouf - he's scored a couple of goals and got MOM from the gaurdian.

but spitting again? the guy is either an out and out cretin or a plain disgusting yob. considering this is the, what, 4th or 5th time being caught for the same offence a long term ban and BIG fine HAS to be enforced.

and compulsory pyschological treatment.

and he has to be tied to a post while every player and fan of football forms an orderly queue to hack up a fat greeny right into his stupid face.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:15 pm
by Santa
He spits when his head is pat, he spits when the opposition supporters are taunting him, he spits when a decision gone against him and now he spits when he scored.
I am sure it is a case of everyone overreacting :D

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:29 pm
by the great one
I don't want to say inset for its not true Rooney spitted toward Liverpool fans at Anfield 2 years ago no one made a big fuss over that but Diouf get more attention than David beckham these day. He spitted towards them and they said he spitted at them pathetic ??? they were booing him all game for wat ? and he scores and celebrate and spat on the ground yet it files 10 metres in the air at them. He said he let Bolton down and won't did it again yet cus for the highly intellgent Birmingham say he spat at them you lot belive them his a Liverpool player so we should be backing him not cursing him. His scored the same amount of goals at Bolton as here why cus his playing with confidence and in the posistion he enjoys but typical rafa he never get Diouf as chance . But fairplay to Diouf for not moaning to the press but one mistake he made was talking to the S*n about the time under Houiller he shouldn't of sayed nothink. You lot our the understanding type all ready saying his guilty before the right action was taken to know his not damn typical of you lot Well done Diouf keep it goin :)

That's his fault and nobody else's. Every crank football fan in the country will be looking to blame him for something now. The majority will, I suspect, continue to think he's a talented but arrogant idiot who isn't worth getting wound up by. He was great last night by all accounts, let's hope he keeps it up, he owes Sam and the Bolton boys.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:34 pm
by A.B.
Both Birmingham and Bolton have dismissed the rumours of Diouf spitting again.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:45 pm
by JBG
I watched the highlights of that game, and in fairness to Diouff, the abuse he took from the Birmingham crowd was absolutely shocking.

They should a clip of the alleged spitting incident this morning and its far from being conclusive, and I have a feeling there may have been an element of some scumbag Birmingham fans reporting him out of badness and spite after he scored.

If he did spit, then the guy needs help, as he obviously has difficulty in controlling himself.