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Newcastle - Roeder, owen and the rest

PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 12:20 am
by The Ace1983
Souness was a great player will hopefully be remembered for the time he spent in a red shirt, because he was a truly terrible manager. Roeder on the other hand has really turned the the Toons around and looks the right man for the job. Without Owen and without Shearer he's turned a potentially fatal situation for Newcastle's premiership status into an inter-toto side. Sounds small fry to us, but for a team that 15 games ago was under the disasterous guidance of Souness, it's an immeasurable success.

The question that now surrounds Roeder is whether or not he will be allowed to continue because he doesn't have a Fifa Pro license. Sam Allerdyce doesn't think he should be allowed to get the job, but that's probably because Sam's a pretty bitter guy when you examine him and, more relevantly, he probably wants the job for himself. So the FA have put the decisions in the league chairmens' hands. If 2/3rds of the chairmen in the Premiership say it's cool, then it is figurativly as the cucumber. So here's how I see that decision breaking down:

Arsenal: Dean won't like it.
Aston Villa: Senile old Doug will probably say it's ok, but only because he'll think it's a fan-letter.
Blackburn: Can't see any objection
Bolton: Can't see any objection (coz they want to keep Big Sam)
Charlton: Will feel privelaged just to be asked. No objections
Chelsea: Buck will do what he's told by Roman and Moureen, so who knows?
Everton: Like making a fuss to get noticed so they'll say no.
Fulham: Fayed won't care, too busy with Harrods.
Liverpool: Can't see Moores batting an eyelid
Man Utd: I doubt Glazer will know what anyone's talking about
Man City: Can't see any objection (coz they want to keep Pierce)
Middlesborough: No objections.
Portsmouth: Mandaric will be tight, just because he likes being tight.
Reading: Madejski will be fine with it (nice bloke)
Sheff Utd: Might get a bit fussy about it
Tottenham: Won't care
West Ham: Roeder's old club will be fine for sure
Wigan: Won't like it will that old, fundermental fuss-pot
?: Whoever comes up from the play-offs won't feel important enough to say no, unless it's that pr1ck Jordan from Palace.

So that makes...13 in favour by my reckoning which is just about right.

I hope he gets it. If a soldier can be promoted in the field, why can't a coach be promoted in on the pitch? Which is more important? Life and Death or football? I know, I know, What Bill Shankly said, I know. But in all seriousness, I can't understand any objection. If you can do the job, you should be allowed to do the job. Any man who can actually get a decent performance out of Titus Bramble deserves to be made head of the FA.

So poor old Michael Owen. He jumps the Liverpool ship when he realises that he's not as important as Stevie G and crys of to Golden Boll0x at Real where he has to watch Gerrard lift the European Cup, while he spends most of his time on the bench. He's then offered a life line by his old clb, but decides to go to Newcastle who will worship him, pay him more and where he can be a big fish in a small pond. When you think about it, he's gone back to where Houllier left him. Perpetually injured in a one man team, resigned to under-achieving. But whereas Liverpool moved on and up with Benitez, he's at a club that has to beg the league to let them have a manager they want. One of England's brightest stars, consigned to the inter-toto cup. Tragic...

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 9:02 pm
by Bad Bob
The Ace1983 wrote:So poor old Michael Owen. He jumps the Liverpool ship when he realises that he's not as important as Stevie G and crys of to Golden Boll0x at Real where he has to watch Gerrard lift the European Cup, while he spends most of his time on the bench. He's then offered a life line by his old clb, but decides to go to Newcastle who will worship him, pay him more and where he can be a big fish in a small pond. When you think about it, he's gone back to where Houllier left him. Perpetually injured in a one man team, resigned to under-achieving. But whereas Liverpool moved on and up with Benitez, he's at a club that has to beg the league to let them have a manager they want. One of England's brightest stars, consigned to the inter-toto cup. Tragic...

He's made his wee bed, now he has to lie in it, I'm afraid!

As for Roeder, I agree...let him coach.  Newcastle need a calm, unflappable gaffer after Souey.  Besides he'd ve qualified already were it not for his brain injury a few years back.  Let's hope they cut him some slack!

PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 12:46 am
by The Manhattan Project
Manhattan has no objection to Roeder as Newcastle manager.

Eventually the wheels will come off and he'll be sacked anyway.


Michael Owen's decision to leave Liverpool was the biggest mistake of his life. He could have stayed and won the European Cup. Instead, he'll be playing in the competition named after Dorothy's dog.

  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh: