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PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:40 pm
by Raj_Xedos
Leonmc0708 wrote:Mods, I know this is probably the wrong forum, but it will get the most views in here, and can be moved in a few days.

There have been many questions as to how why the boycott exsists, well if there ever was an idiots guidem this is it:


A surprising number of people seem unaware of the boycott of The Sun by supporters of Liverpool Football Club. Some don't seem to know it is boycotted, others don't know why. Some people rather disturbingly know why the boycott exists but still choose to buy it.

I dont think i have ever read the sun after knowing about the boycott but never understood why.......thanks for the insight.....

this forum is brill......

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 12:06 am
by Kev Huyton 2006
hasnt stevie given interviews to the news of the world recently?

RE his new biography?

they keep publishing extracts, without sevie putting up much of a protest!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 7:45 am
by Mannyk
For one who was unaware this post has made me sick. What normal person would even consider printing something like that.

I don't live in the UK but thanks for the insight


PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:19 am
by PhiLFC
Leonmc0708 wrote:There have been many questions as to how why the boycott exsists, well if there ever was an idiots guidem this is it:


My God that is one powerful picture... I hate that rag with all my heart... always have really... Tory rag... and to quote billy 5 times, "...It sickens me to even think of what those so called journalists were thinking when writing those lies..." hits the nail on the head.

You'll never walk alone...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:36 am
by Ciggy
My mum has a box in the wardrobe with all the papers the day after Hillsborough, I still look in that box from time to time, the papers are all yellow and old now.
But they are there for a reason a reminder, and when my son is old enough he can read it and now what lies they told.
And god spares him he can show his children, and never let the memory die.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:33 am
by drummerphil
My father in law to be,has the sun everyday and it really pĂ­sses me off,he came down here on tuesday to "baby sit " me whilst Karen had to go out for two hours.We ended up falling out for 1000th time over it.I've even told him i will buy him any other paper going but this,but he takes no fecking notice.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:56 pm
by PrestonLaaa
big al wrote:This rag is one of the most disgusting papers that exixts.  Long before they lied about Liverpool fans, they lied to their staff, they lied then sacked them and moved location leaving hundreds on the dole.  In the last month they printed lies about an accident in Co. Donegal.  A elderly man had taken his wife to visit the roadside scene of where her friend had been killed in an accident.  Sadly the woman also was killed while laying flowers. It seems almost funny if it was'nt so sad.  Anyway what does the sun print next day.  'Husband mows wife down at friends vigil'  Absolute lies.  You see heres the problem.  The s*n has very little by way of newspaper print staff, its all controlled by computer.  They run stories without ever being aware of the full facts. Why? because its owned by a greedy little snivelling toe rag who pretends to care about people.  He courts the Bush administration and using his FOX network, lies to the American people.  Lies about weapons of mass destruction, lies about liberals taking over America, pretends to be a right wing christian and at the same time floods his sky network with pay per veiw porn channels.  He beamed christian dogma into the peoples republic of china but soon pulled the plug on that when the chinese give him a franchise for all satellite coverage in China.  He doesent care about anything but money.  Ruppert Murdock doesent care about anything except power.  He is so arogant with it that he'snow saying that he might supprt the tories in the next election.  So whats Blairs response going to be to that.  More tax incentives, a peerage, or just the continuation of a licence to print lie after lie.  I hate this paper not only because it poured distress on liverpool football clubs saddest hours, not because it indirectly influenced the deaths of countless young soldiers, and innocent Iraq's, not because it lies to sell papers.  I hate it because it is the worst of all media.  An arrogant self serving hate mongering, racist, jingoistic pile of :censored:.  It flies in the face of all the freedoms that millions of young men gave their lives for, an lie in foreign graves.  Lies stop the truth being told and as a consequence they destroy freedom[U][B]

Great post that, never a truer word spoken, I wouldn't wipe me :censored: on the rag, or the times, or any of Murdock's :censored:, pisses me off that he runs (ruined) the Prem!  :down:

You could always boycott Sky!  :pirate  :pirate  :pirate

A few Liverpool fans who are from Preston no longer read that rag after I told them the truth and gave them a link to this thread, so nice one Leon.

Justice for the 96.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:43 pm
by Wolves
I am not a Liverpool supporter nor do i live in Liverpool..although i do follow you closely...I am actually a Wolves fan...and i for one agree totally with what has been posted with regard to any decent person Liverpool fan or not football fan or not buying this rag is a disgrace..What they have done is unforgivable..people have died and familys torn appart by this disaster..And they print headlines like that in a vile bid to increase sales at the expense of the people of Liverpool...I for one have never bought that paper since and never will again..And will actively encourage others to follow suit..An appology would never be any more than another cheap sales stunt....

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:01 pm
by adamnbarrett
Spread the word PrestonLaaaa and Wolves.

Justice For The 96


You'll Never WAlk Alone

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:42 pm
by Kev Huyton 2006
Yes its a good cause this topic, and I fully Support it.
But when you have Stevie G, Giving his Exclusive interviews to the NEws of the World, The Sun's "sister" paper, Re: His new Biography, then it hardly inspires confidence!

Is it time to move on?
???  ???

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:08 pm
by Crouchamania
Move on? I don't think so mate. The wounds are too deep to heal. I personally will never forgive the S*n and i know hundreds of people won't either. So what if Gerrard has given interviews to the NOTW that's his business. I will never forgive and forget.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:08 pm
by Ciggy
Kev Huyton 2006 wrote:Is it time to move on?
???  ???

I am seriously begining to have my doubts about you.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:10 pm
by Crouchamania
You and me both Ciggy.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:10 pm
by davo_LFC
Kev Huyton 2006 wrote:Is it time to move on?
???  ???


PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:13 pm
by adamnbarrett
Kev Huyton 2006 wrote:Yes its a good cause this topic, and I fully Support it.
But when you have Stevie G, Giving his Exclusive interviews to the NEws of the World, The Sun's "sister" paper, Re: His new Biography, then it hardly inspires confidence!

Is it time to move on?
???  ???

fuck off. Your comments about michael shields and now this!!!!!!!!!!

Any serious Liverpool supporter cannot say it is time to move on.

Never forgive, never forget