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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:47 am
by greenred
Feck off :angry:  :D

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:11 am
by Lando_Griffin
Well I realise that Stu was only giving examples with his rating system, but I'd say the true numbers are as follows:

Gerrard - 5
Alonso - 5
Sissoko - 2
Kewell - 4 on current form.

Essien is a 3 at best, the dirty, cheating waste of spunk. :angry:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 6:08 am
by hobbes
As much as I agree to the fact that Liverpool is not a one man team... meaning we will still perform if Gerrard is not here.. but as it is now....he is a wonderful player.

He is the driving force. Literally its because of him Liverpool is playing fast one touch ball at crucial time.

Individually I would rate him far better than any other player.

I am saying this because I am a Liverpudlian and because he is that great and he is at Liverpool.

Its just like comparing our girlfriends or wifes with Miss Universe and saying Miss Universe is more beautiful than my wife is... Thats real :censored:..
Our girlfriend is always better and more beuatiful than any Miss Universe or Miss Universe to be because they are there for us. Miss Universe is not there for us...Miss Universe is not cooking for us She doesnt love us. Thats why our girlfriend and wifes are better looking and awesom than anyone else.   

Of course if you start comparing Gerrrad and Ronaldinho in midfield... than it might seem Ronaldinho as a better player. Nevertheless Gerrad is better as he is in Liverpool.

Stop killing each other in the same squad. Accept the fact he is a very good player and move on.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 7:34 am
by babu
hobbes ur misses must be hot, because if miss universe even looked at me, i'd drop kick my mrs out the door faster than you could say 'gerrard is great'.

other than that.. i don't understand what you point is.  ???   :O   :Oo:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 7:50 am
by hobbes
For the past months there has been this issue of Gerrard and Liverpool is a one man team. Some pundits have been using analogy... "If chelsea wants a player in from Liverpool.. it would only Gerrard. That is the only quality player we have."

Gerrard is the best in the team thats why he is the leader.. captain. He is capable of controlling the other lads. Now why by comparing him with Essien of Lampard or other midfielders and rating them is simply useless.

We have Gerrard the most outstanding player. Yet we try to rate him..... Whats the point. ???

We cant keep comparing our players with others. We have a set of players whom we should be proud of.. For example.. I might not like Kewell.... for some others wont like Traore... So what? Its our team. We have to live with it.
We are not to tryin to improve the squad...but just rating them... I find it foolish.

I am like Mourinho.. I would say... Liverpool players are always better than other teams...

That's all.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:03 pm
by stmichael
going back to an earlier point, whilst i agree that we wouldn't be where we are without steven gerrard, i don't feel that we'd be about 8th as some people have suggested.

this season we have seen gerrard at his best because he has been playing in a successful team who are winning and playing well. in other words he hasn't been carrying others and trying to do too much as he has in the past. he's also stayed injury free for as long a peiod as i can remember.

as i've already said, gerrard is currently the best midfielder in the world in my opinion. in the last 18 months he's played right back, right side of a four in midfield, left side of a four (for england), as a holding player (for england again) and also as a second striker. he's been the best player on the pitch in all these positions.

his body language is far better than it was last season and he knows now that he made the right decision to stay at this football club. we're going places again and he knows it. long may it continue.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:17 pm
by 115-1073096938
good thread.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:52 pm
by neil
bigmick wrote:any talk of Michael Essien, good player though he is being anywhere near the equal of Gerrard is miles off the mark.
Sometimes when you have something you don't realise how lucky you are. Many fans on here are in danger of falling into that bracket

This is quite true, I feel I ought to confess now, that I too had fell into this category. Steven Gerrard had become somewhat of a peripheral figure in my psychy(f.uck knows how to spell it) only doing everything asked of him extremely well, and more. However, last night I had another look at the Top 10 goals compilation that Djibrilliant put together last year, this guy is just fantastic, he is the best player in the world, bar none. If anyone suggests otherwise they should knob-off. We could never replace him and we would not be European Champions now without him, I am also fully aware he missed some crucial games in the latter stages, this just indicates how good the whole team is.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:12 am
by 66-1112520797
Ronnie Moran 19 January 2006 
  There's no bigger compliment that I can pay Steven Gerrard than to say that I just wished he'd turned up at Liverpool 20 years ago when I was with the first team because he's one player I would have loved to work with. 

In my 49 years at Liverpool, I played alongside some fantastic players and helped coach some even better ones but I can honestly say that Steven Gerrard is already up there as one of the best players this club has ever had.
To claim a player is one of the best to ever represent a football club means he must be pretty special but when the club in question is Liverpool Football Club, it means the player is right up there with some of the greatest players ever to grace the game.
I've been around marvellous players like Roger Hunt, Kevin Keegan, Ian Callaghan, Emlyn Hughes, Graeme Souness, Kenny Dalglish, Ian Rush, John Barnes and Robbie Fowler and I think Gerrard is as good as any of them.
As a coach or manager, he's exactly the sort of player you want to see turn up for training every week because of his desire and will to win. He's so driven by winning that he does your job for you. He motivates everyone around him and in that way he reminds me of Kenny or Graeme. When new players come to the club, they see someone like Steven who has already won almost every medal in the game giving it 110% in training and immediately they think, 'This is the standard expected at the club'. That's what I mean when I say he helps the manager or the coaching staff do their jobs.
I was only ever caretaker manager at Liverpool but I think I can safely say that the likes of Shanks, Bob, Joe and Kenny would have had Steven in their team every single week unless of course he was injured. Even with the players they had at their disposal, they'd all have made room for him. It's easy to get carried away with what's hot at the moment but in Steven's case, I think he'd be deserving of a place in any Liverpool team in the club's history.
I've been watching him for years and even if I didn't realise it when I first saw him play at right-back, it didn't take me long to come to the conclusion that he's got everything you need to be a top class footballer. He has strength and massive amounts of energy but not only that; he's also got the footballing brain that Kenny Dalglish had.
I go to watch him play every home game and every time I am impressed by him. You see the way he makes these runs and sometimes people don't realise why he's doing them. I remember the recent 2-2 draw with Bolton and he won a penalty. There are not that many players about who would have made the type of run he did down the left wing to win that penalty. The speed and energy he showed to make that run was the sign of a true athlete at the top of their game but the way he cut across the defender in the box was very clever. He left the defender but with no option to bring him down and that's why I say he's got a really good footballing brain. He saw what was going to happen before the defender and that's not something you can simply teach a player.
The other thing he gives the team is versatility. He can play in any position and he could probably play in goal if he wanted too! You wonder where he gets the energy from sometimes but it's that never-give-up attitude and that infectious enthusiasm that rubs off on all around him. I think he'll stay the same way for the rest of his life because that's who he is. What you see out on the football pitch is what Rafa and his staff will see on the training pitch every day.
Liverpool are playing better than ever now under Rafael Benitez and he has built his team around not just Steven but also the players around him like Xabi Alonso, Jamie Carragher and Sami Hyypia. You can tell that they are now Rafa's players because they seem to think like their manager. They've all got their feet firmly on theground just like Rafa and they're all still willing to learn and improve.
Rafa had this great success at Valencia and wants to achieve the same success at Liverpool. He reminds me very much of Shanks - the way he goes about things at the club - and Steven obviously enjoys playing for him and likes the way the team are playing. The manager takes it one game at a time the way we used to do it under Shanks, Bob, Joe and Kenny because that is the 'Liverpool way'. He is playing the game the way it should be played and the rest will follow in terms of trophies. With Benitez as manager and Steven as his captain on the pitch, I couldn't be more optimistic than I am right now. 

Taken from Liverpool tv - latest news.

I think Ronnie Morans point of view pretty much sums up what most Liverpool fans think of Steven Gerrard.

I also noted that he thinks Benitez hasnt built a team just around Stevie , but around Sami, Cara and Alonso aswell.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:50 am
by 115-1073096938
And Crouchie.

Good read that. :)