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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 9:55 am
by 2520years
Who cares what Fergie says?  He has mellowed in recent seasons, but most of the time he says whatever he thinks his players need to hear.  It's a mistake to analyse what he says against a backdrop of truth.  He's basically a politician, so I wouldn't take much notice of what he says.  I certainly wouldn't let him wind me up...I'd leave him alone Dawson, he's not worth it.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:30 am
Phil Neville quoted as saying "Its not my old club who chelsea have to worry about Its Liverpool"

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:11 am
by AussieKopite
LFCNUTTER wrote:Phil Neville quoted as saying "Its not my old club who chelsea have to worry about Its Liverpool"

At least one Neville has some sense.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:40 pm
by tubby
Fergie is going thorugh a crisis right now which is turning into a snowball downhill. To be honest they havent been the saem team since Beckham left them. Hes just getting desperate now and trying to play mind games with other teams. Im sure deep down all our rival managers were absolutley gutted when we lifted the big one in may. I think Ferguson is jealous of the way Rafa has got the team playing like a team like he used have Utd playing but cant get them to do so any more.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 9:56 pm
Fergie is FINISHED imo. Why? I hear you cry, well after todays feckin' rant at the press it's clear that old fergie has come down with HOULLIER SYNDROME - the symptoms of which are :-

1. Believing that you are managing a title contender when in fact the wheels have come off and your teams season is on it's arse.
2. Having pulled off some stunning transfers in the past but now being reduced to signing second class shite.
3. Believing that the whole of the countries press are on a mission to get you the sack and then calling a press conference with said press and then proceeding to take only one question before going off on a rant telling the press that you know about their dastardly plan for you and refusing to take anymore questions before storming out of the press conference.

IMO this is definately goin' to be old rudolph's last xmas as a manager and come next summer barring a miracle of biblical proportions Fergie will be going the way of monsieur Houllier.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:28 am
by LiverpoolMadman
As for me, I don't care what he say ... but I do know that they are falling down .:D

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:07 am
by TheoRacle
Malcolm Glazer was recently conducting a meeting, with Alex Ferguson ,and asks..

"How close are we to a side that can win the European Cup?"

Ferguson replies.."About thirty five miles Boss..."