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PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:27 pm
by The_Rock
marklfc wrote:27 and watch wrestling, have a word with yourself

F@CK OFF DAPIONEER.........................


PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:34 pm
by jonnymac1979

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:35 pm
by Ciggy
Rock what does a new Nick mean?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:47 pm
by The_Rock
cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:Rock what does a new Nick mean?

nickname........  :p

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:59 am
by 112-1077774096
found this letter on fooyball365, at last a manc talking sense, well im not sure that he is actually a manc as he is also a doctor so he must be from devon or somewhere they can read and write.

ManYoo Thugs Make Us Look Stupid
The Manchester Education Committee is embarrassing.

Now bias stated here: I am a lifelong Red myself, ever since my Mum told me she was and that she was in love with Bestie! Personally I preferred his footballing skills but you know how it is...

Now, we are a PLC, this has certain rights and responsibilities, as well as advantages. One of the responsibilities is that we are essentially up for sale. Anyone with the cash can come in and offer, and the directors have a legal duty to examine the deal and to recommend it to shareholders if it is advantageous to them in their opinion.

That's right so-called Manchester Education Committee - if the deal reaches certain criteria, then as I understand it, the Directors are legally required to consider it and recommend it. The stock market has no room for sentiment, that's simply the law. So there's no point threatening the directors, since that will and can make no difference to whether or not they will recommend.

In fact, it may be illegal so you are just shooting yourselves in the foot. Furthermore, if Glazer gets a certain %, then all other shareholders are obliged to sell to him.

Now threatening Glazer and his family is slightly different, since it may have an effect. But even so it is just not on. Sure, I totally am against the takeover since I feel it has the potential to ruin us, but we accepted these risks when we became a PLC, and to cry about it now is just dumb.

Oh and while you are at it, why not threaten Magnier and McManus again? That will surely put them on our side, rather than making them think 'Screw this, more trouble than it's worth' and sell at the first decent offer. Currently the big shareholders are our only hope, so how about we try to keep them onside, yes?

Hey I've got a great idea for you guys, why not take advantage of one of the real benefits of a PLC and BUY SOME F***ING SHARES! If the millions of so-called United 'fans' stuck even a little bit of their money where their big f***ing mouths are and bought shares (either through Shareholders United or privately) then the club would truly be held in fans' hands and not either a board of 'directors' beholden to profiteers, or some mystery benefactor (e.g. Chelsea, Leeds) who can do as they please and leave us in the lurch if the money dries up.

In fact, that is what I intend to do today. If we can buy up a certain percentage, then NO-ONE will be able to take MUFC off us. Or at least we will see how firm you stand when the next billionaire comes in at a stupid price per share...

THAT is positive action, not making us all look like total tw*ts by threatening people. It's like bullies isn't it? When we all get past 16, physical violence becomes the refuge of the stupid and ignorant, but these people never grow out of it because they are too dumb to realise that violence is not the answer to most problems. If I out-argue you at the pub, what are you going to do, punch me in the face? Nice one, that's what all grown adults should do (that's sarcasm for you by the way in case you didn't work it out)! That said, it didn't make the broken nose any less painful...

Either way, I am proud to be a Red and will be forever, but the MEC just embarrasses me that I am associated with it in any way. Nothing they can do can have any effect on this, and it smacks of five-year-olds trying to control something they have no understanding of, the only way they know how, throwing a tantrum.

Read up, learn the rules, take advantage of them and put your money where your mouths are - that's the only way we can win this fight.

Two cents given, guess I should expect 'a warm welcome' from the MEC then.
Dr Nick Lee

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:42 pm
by 109-1105722616
MEC are a gang of n0bheads their arguement is stupid, it doesnt make sense, complaining that the club shouldnt be bought, should we just change the rules for manchester united, cos they are used to that normally happening

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:15 pm
by maximus
The Return of the Judge wrote:
maximus wrote:
marklfc wrote:
Starbridge42 wrote:
marklfc wrote:starbridge42 = manc scum


I dont know how u figure that  ???

Because I'd rather see us win by getting better rather than everyone else get worse makes me a manc scum? 

A manc scum?  In what sense?  Are you saying I'm a manc supporter?  Because if you are then you are out of your fuking skull!  For starters do you have the entire squads autograph on your jersey?  Well I do from when while on our rep tour for the U16 national team we played against a number of youth teams in England INCLUDING LIVERPOOL AND WE GOT TO HAVE A TRAINING SESSION WITH THE FIRST TEAMS OF THOSE CLUBS.  I HAVE THE ENTIRE LIVERPOOL FIRST TEAM SQUAD'S (minus players on loan and Cisse cos he wasnt there :glare:) AUTOGRAPH ON THE BACK OF MY JERSEY
If you're saying I am a manchesterturian then ur stupid as well because I'm from Australia, I've lived here my whole life and I have French ancestry rather than English anyway...

Considering how you seem to get into arguments with everyone I'd say you are just a trouble maker but your arguments themselves are so pi$$ poor you probably couldnt punch your way out of a wet paper bag.

ive got a signed ball from last season, the entire squad on it.  that will do for me.

Well do us all a favour and stick it up your a.r.s.e. That MAY stop you from typing the biggest load of bollox I have ever read in my life!!

you wanna read your own stuff max, before you make comments like that

:D  :D  :laugh:

You still her to55er, I thought you were told to ******. off??  ???

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:38 pm
by 109-1105722616

ooo maximus

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:44 pm
by maximus
marklfc wrote:Image

ooo maximus

Is that yours mark/Dapioneer? very fetching  :laugh:  :laugh:

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:53 pm
by laza
Putting aside all the attention seeking trolling

How the hell has this thread about frigging Manchester fornicating United remained in the LFC part of the forum for so long  :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:58 pm
by 109-1105722616
idiots like maximus keep carrying on

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:59 pm
by 109-1105722616
child like behavior

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:11 pm
by stmichael
just heard on the radio that malcolm glazer's proposed takeover of manure is looking likely to happen.

hahahahahahahahahahaha :D  :D  :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:13 pm
by 109-1105722616
stmichael wrote:just heard on the radio that malcolm glazer's proposed takeover of manure is looking likely to happen.

hahahahahahahahahahaha :D  :D  :D

is right, think ill be celebrating that tonight, come on glazier

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:20 pm
by 109-1105722616
found this article on yahoo sport(not great i know)

scum supporters make a tw*t out of themselves

banners saying no customers no profit, what use will that be, they MEC are targeting the wrong people with their campaign, they shouldnt even campaign becuase they are a PLC and they are permanently up for sale

i hope glazier ruins that club with massive debts