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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:10 pm
by blind
stmichael wrote:Florent Sinama-Pongolle

Strengths: Lovely control and blistering pace. Not a diver, he won several penalties and was also wrongly denied several more.

Weaknesses: Small and slight. His finishing hasn't matched his approach play.

Verdict: Has time on his side and remains a wonderful prospect; it is crazy that some people are judging him and Le Tallec so harshly. From my experience as a striker when stepping up to new levels, I can suggest he is probably coming to terms with the improved quality in goalkeepers he is facing after graduating from youth team football - seems to hit his shots too close to the keepers, which at a lower level of football will be enough to score hatfuls; to beat keepers like Niemi, Cudicini et al you need to find the corners or, fluke aside, you stand no chance. Hasn't had a run in the side to feel confident, nor will sporadic appearances have helped him fully come to terms with the pace and brutality of the Premiership. Despite all that, like Le Tallec he still featured more than expected, and both are huge talents we can hope to enjoy for years to come.

Anthony Le Tallec

Strengths: Vision in abundance and, rare for that kind of deep-lying striker, also exceptional in the air. Can score goals and create them. Not afraid to tackle either.

Weaknesses: Inexperience (of course), and still finding his feet in both first-team football, and football in this country.

Verdict: Excelled in the reserves playing off the main striker - the role we bought him for (but a role which GH never seemed to favour). He needs to come to terms with the pace of the game over here, but there have been some very encouraging signs, even if only in fleeting glimpes for the first team. No lesser man that Zidane said recently that Le Tallec will do well at a club like Liverpool. While it may still be a year or two too soon to see ALT excel, he could still be the surprise package of next season, depending on the formation Benitez opts for. Once it clicks into place, he will soar.

agree with you there

the thing that these two lads also have is a bond that they know what to expect from each other thay have played together since they where kids and know the types of runs they make and when they are likely to make one.

if they are looked after and played spareingly and helped to improve their strength then they will be two players we will all be thanking gh for.

As for the rest of you like John ****** bull if Gh was so bad and bought nothing but ****** explain to me this then .


they along with Danny murphy who in some other clubs would have been sent packing because of the attitude he had a few years ago Jamie c Steve g and michael owen are a good side you just need the hand full of other class players to turn it into a realy great team.

yes Houllier bought some duds so has every manager in the league.

I bet you where not calling him Le ***** when we won the treble where you.

T****r :p

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:11 pm
by taff
Houlliers legacy will be the improved admnistration of the club which I think he is pretty world class in to be honest just not the managing a team bit.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:41 pm
by Big Niall
I think most of us agree GH did his best but isn't up to managing at the highest level.

Lets just try to forget the last few years, we now have a top manager and I can't wait to see how it progresses.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:58 pm
by 115-1073096938
Naill, Houllier was and still is a damn good manager...

Just not as good as Wenger or Ferguson.

It did go stale under Houllier, i will admit. I think that was the main problem, he just seemed to lack the ability to pick the place up again.


In my opinion now, we have the best man for the job. I'd be suprised if he doesn't have AT LEAST the same sort of success Houllier had. Everything he said in that conference was positive and correct and was in EXACTLY what i wanted to hear.

He praised Houllier's work and said he wants to build on the good and get rid of the bad... he also said he likes hard work and a good attitude.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 5:27 pm
by taff
Houllier did some excellent work behind the scenes and modernised the club and made the whole set up more professional.  This is what other top clubs are doing and LFC are up there when it comes to this side of the game, however as much as I supported Houllier I do think that he is better employed behind the scenes than as a high profile manager.